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27 minutes ago, aeislaeigh said:


Love his legs... look at those powerful legs... those powerful legs used to leg lock/leg choke timmy while using him for his jiu jitsu practice....:w00t:

...am praying that he uses "those powerful legs" to more than "leg lock/leg choke" zhouzhou for "jiujitsu practice" ----imo he can use them to do sexier and more fan-gurl approved activities with zhouzhou^_~

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2 hours ago, samscheetah said:


金大威Abe : I had a selfie with this lovely Johnny, then I heard a lovely and warm voice from someone that I forgot my pants unzipped. So shy, but still, have a photo with Johnny. Ps: he's really a warm hearted person.


Johnny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................................

why is taking selfie with my yu yu??? hahahah

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About the red scarf. I know WZ/Timmy knitted it, but did he knit it because BLY knitted it in the story? I don't think I've read anything about where BLY got it in the translations/comparisons.

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Just now, megkf said:

About the red scarf. I know WZ/Timmy knitted it, but did he knit it because BLY knitted it in the story? I don't think I've read anything about where BLY got it in the translations/comparisons.

i remember while watching the BTS  he told CJD its just a prop. 

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8 hours ago, swong2330 said:

You are right.But then y does he say he is straight and likes hot and sexy women? Why can't he be vague or evasive? Why does he have to be so extreme with his answer?

It's a case of "me thinkest thou dost protest too much." Like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar - "It wasn't me. Honest."

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What did Johnny have in mind when he heard the terrible lies about Zhouzhou and Chai Jidan? Read on the newest chapter of The Colors of Life!

Bitter Ashen Day



Never in my wildest dream, I ever considered myself to be attracted to another man. Never in my life I thought I would love someone as much as I love him; so much that sometime, this love hurts me so.

I tried to control my breath. Simple breathing techniques could help me with anxiety and nervousness. I hoped, this technique could help me in easing this pain.

It failed.

Oh richard simmons it. Why now? After last night's sweet moment, I thought that our relationship would move beyond petty feelings. But just like that, life showed me its horrendous surprise.

I reached for my phone, wanted to call him. But what should I say to him? What could I say?

Should I say that I am hurting here? No. That would add to his pain.

Should I say that I understand and everything will be alright? Maybe. Could I say it? Not in my current condition.

I paced back and forth in my room. At this moment, all I wanted to do is punching the bastards publishing this slanderous article. How dare he (or she) wrote such blatant lies!? There was, and is, no romantic relations between Zhouzhou and Chai Jidan jie. I knew it for sure! And, for richard simmons's sake, even the pictures and videos they used in the article did not show any romantic gestures at all!

No. I was not upset because I was jealous.

I was upset because I felt useless.


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12 hours ago, guhai said:

Let me do you all a favor and bring this back, HAHAHA. @gayyoxx @nedaaa @mchansk07


@guhai blast, thank you very much for this :wub:! i've never been able to get a clear shot of this before! this one is super clear! gotta save this pic for my (dirty) collection :phew:!!

8 hours ago, kakelet said:

Final page of the Easy magazine interview is done ^^ This time featuring Johnny!
First page (interview with Zhouzhou and Johnny) can be found here
Second page (interview with Zhouzhou) can be found here

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[square brackets are the things that I added, regular brackets () were already in the interview]

Summary of the blurb prior to the interview: JY arrived at the studio before ZZ that day. JY politely greeted the staff members then went to the side to quietly play on his phone while waiting for ZZ. Although Gu Hai has a strong personality, the feeling that JY gave the staff members was that he's very easy-going. They also thought that JY's voice is the type that would make people's hearts start beating quickly, and that he would probably be good at hitting on girls. Because he worked as a model before, each movement and pose in front of the camera was very professional. The deepest impression of JY that the interviewer had was that JY is a narcissistic boy.

Q: In this show you played the role of GH who is from a military family. This character's personality is quite strong. In reality, are you also like this?
JY: I'm the type who doesn't get angry easily, but my personality is still pretty strong.

Q: GH sits in the last row of the classroom, when you were a student, where did you like to sit?
JY: When I was in school, I started off by sitting in the last row, later on I've sat right next to the podium, even later on there was no place for me in the classroom anymore. (laugh)

Q: In the show, you and BLY started off as disliking each other to having a crush on each other. In your opinion, what part of BLY attracted GH the most?
JY: At first GH was attracted to BLY's penmanship. Later, he noticed BLY's charisma. BLY is a very strong person.

Q: You're a jujitsu master, during the training process, what was the most difficult part?
JY: Training was always very hard, each move needed to be done thousands of times.

Q: As an athlete, what do you do to stay in shape?
JY: I try to train and work out for 3 hours everyday.

Q: You trained your body very well, in the drama there were scenes where you take off your clothes. Were you embarrassed during filming?
JY: It was okay because I was already a model beforehand, I often had to take off my clothes. So during the filming process, I wasn't particularly embarrassed.

Q: You have the standard model body, in terms of clothing and fashion, do you have your own style?
JY: During springtime, I really like wearing t-shirts with jeans, it feels very comfortable.

Q: Apparently you've been having trouble sleeping lately, have you found any methods to relieve your insomnia?
JY: I saw some methods that fans have recommended, but after trying them out I didn't really find them to be that helpful.

Q: You can also handle your alcohol well right? How much can you drink?
JY: I'm a good drinker, but I can't drink too much. If I get drunk, I might suddenly erupt in sadness.

Q: When you were on the show "Queen/我是大美人", you were ridiculed by Teacher He [he's one of the host of the show] for being "hard to talk to". When you're with friends, are you also this frank?
JY: Yes, Teacher He always ridiculed me for being hard to talk to. (laugh) When I talk to my friends, I'm also quite straightforward. I even reflected on this problem afterwards. I noticed when other people go on TV shows and the host tells a joke, they can keep the conversation going. But when Teacher He told me a joke, I just answered with one or two words, I can pretty much answer in less than five words.

Q: Do you really like foreign girls? Fans all say that you have a nice "mysterious smile", what do you think is your "secret weapon" for attracting girls? [I think "foreign" can be read as "Western" as well]
J: Yes, I really do like foreign girls, there are many foreign models who are my type, although I can't pronounce their names. I'm not sure what part of me attracts the ladies, but it seems like they all have a good impression of me.

Q: What was your reaction when your fans gave you the nickname "whale"? Are there any other nicknames that are more exaggerated than this one?
JY: My friends used to call me this too, so I think this nickname is quite familiar. I've also been called "Arowana/金龙鱼/Huang Long Yu". [it's another type of fish]

Q: You were born in the year of the monkey, so when you were younger, were you a naughty little kid?
JY: I was quite a naughty child. When I was in elementary school, I took clarinet lessons. Sometimes I would use going to these lessons as an excuse, slip out [of the house] to play, and when my mother found out, I would sometimes get hit. However, my mother never really hit me [that much], that all happened when I was really small.

Q: This year is the anniversary for your Chinese zodiac, did you buy yourself a present? [people sometimes/often(?) buy presents when it's their zodiac animal's year (aka every 12 years), and this year it's back to the year of the monkey]
JY: I haven't gotten myself a present just yet, but if someone gave me a gift, I will definitely be very happy. (laugh)

Q: As a Sagittarius, do you think you're quite fickle?
JY: Not really, I really don't think I'm a very fickle person.

Q: Your Weibo gives off an "artistic young person" feel, it seems like you're a boy who really knows how to take pictures and live life to the fullest.
JY: I quite like photography, I've always wanted to find a person I love and travel around the world with them.

Q: As a pure Northeastern Chinese fellow, are you the typical "male chauvinist"? [stereotype that all men from NE China are the man of the house (I think)]
JY: I think that deep within me, I am a bit of a male chauvinist, but because I've lived in Shanghai for so many years, I've probably already assimilated to a certain extent. [another stereotype that men from Shanghai are good husbands]

Q: Can you recommend some fun things to do and good food to eat in Dandong? [JY's hometown?] 
JY: In the winter, we always go skiing. In the summer, this city's climate is quite comfortable. The seafood is also really good, there's a lot of seafood here that you can't eat anywhere else.

Translating these interviews was a lot of fun! I'm looking forward to the onslaught of March/April magazines... ^^;

@kakelet thankyou very much!! i love this part the most! JY is love, even his narcism is perfect! :)

1 hour ago, samscheetah said:


金大威Abe : I had a selfie with this lovely Johnny, then I heard a lovely and warm voice from someone that I forgot my pants unzipped. So shy, but still, have a photo with Johnny. Ps: he's really a warm hearted person.


Johnny aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................................

forgot to zip the pant? i would gladly drop mine! muahahahaha....

1 hour ago, samscheetah said:


I'm sorry but, at first, I'm on the same side with Johnny and really against ZZ's statement to him " being a dork" but, so sorry, I feel like that statement somehow correct :phew:

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big boy with his new toy :D:D!! love his expression when he saw the camera turned around, after that he just kept playing it :lol:

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Anyone in Taiwan? If there's someone, could you please give us information about Addicted? Because I read that about in 2 months that dramas series will be finished airing in Taiwan so that ep 16 17 18 could be on air, so I just know the information how many ep that dramas have been aired til now.


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8 hours ago, gayyoxx said:

Okay, it's time for #YuZhouConspiracy again! This time's conspiracy is courtesy of maddeningrush from another forum.

We have quite a lot of people here who understand spoken Chinese, right? So, please help with this ;) 


I have been playing ZhouZhou's Dust on repeat XD and I think I have found something crazy.

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In the song's last stanza, 

at around time 3:33

Should I understand true love, it is only because of you
Wo Ming Bai Shi Jian De Zen Ai, Zhi Yin Ni Yi Ge Ren ZHun Zai

And I will bear both your pain and your joy
Shou Shang, Qing Huai Zhi Hou Wan Quan Dou You Wo Chen Dan

Though I am only dust, I shall hold dear that love
Wo Zhi Shi Yi Ke Chen Ai, Miao Xiao Que Shou Hu Wo De Ai

Then only maybe someday I can share with you my warmth
Huo Xu You Yi Tien Wo Nen Gei Ni Wen Nuan

ZhouZhou pronounced 爱(Ai) as 海(Hai) ?!?!?!?! As in 顾海?!?!?! He pronounced 爱(Ai) very clearly for other parts.

"Although I am only dust, I shall hold dear/protect my 海~"


What do you think? Personally, I also found that last part's Ai is rather heavily accented (I could heard it as "Hai"). But being totally illiterate in Chinese, I could not agree/disagree with this suspicion as much as I want to agree! XD

I know nothing of Chinese either, but there is a definite aspiration at the beginning of the syllable making it "hai." Trying to be logical, it could have just been a moment of laziness about pronunciation after a long day in the studio. Even perhaps a Freudian slip after saying "Gu Hai" for so long. But then, why didn't the producer catch it and make him go back and re-record that portion? 

I promised myself I wouldn't join the conspiracy. Oh well :phew:

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2 hours ago, Ha Gia an Pham said:



Addicted Series was bought by Taiwan broadcasters. Episodes 16, 17 and 18 will be on air in Taiwan shortly. These are the last parts of Addicted Series S1, which will continue to the end of Book 1 ( chapter 208 ) where GH and BLY are at Thanh Dao Island on theirs trip away from GH's father. Season 2 will feature Book 2. 

Here's the last scene of S1, in which GH and BLY are playing happily in theirs "honey moon" before the big storm coming. 



Anyone seen this? 


Ju is playing his material arts on Zhou.


Ju's legs are frozen because of the cold ( in the scene where GH caught the fish for BLY in the cold winter water ) and Zhou acted really nervous, trying to warm him up. He even tried to call the ambulance lol.


A BTS where Ju and Zhou tried to warm each other up. Notice Ju's hand when Zhou accidentally dropped him.


If you guys need translation, reply to this post. I will be happy to help. 

I want ep 16 17 18 as soon as possible hahaha,

please notif me at vijey.id@gmail.com when the new ep was already on the air with engsub *I hope* haha

Thx a lot for your information <3

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