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1 hour ago, bearology said:

XWZ Fanclub weibo update 

Isnt it a bit dangerous to play there ZZ!!!! And ZZ is too skinny!!!

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Awwhh... So cool, our Baobei Meow! He's skinny but still looking 'beautiful!' in the video.  Imagine bumping into Zhou in the street of London, lol... what would you do???! Me??? Remember I said 'bad manners' for those women who 'thrown' themselves at our two boys??lol... I would do the SAME hahaha... Just won't be able to control myself lol.... or I may 'faint' cos people/fans keep saying ZZhou's so much MORE beautiful than pictures in real life, so if I go 'nuts' seeing his pics already, can I really able to control myself from 'fainting' if seeing him 'live'???!!!!... Or I may just 'yell' '''SHOOOOOOTTTT.... SHOOOOOTTTT.... SHOOOOOTTTTTTT ZZZZZZHHHHHHHHOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!!''' Seriously, I'm NOT joking, people! LOL....

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On 12/09/2017 at 9:50 PM, Angrybird62 said:

Re-Posting this Clips because this is ZZ's IG Stories ( 2Clips in the link ) and will delete previous clips later.

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Pics at New York Fashion Week

Cr. dayDreamer_许魏洲

*This boy is just too much beautiful*


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ZZ started following this IG account

Screencap by ChibiMirumo

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JY- Thailand arrival 130917


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I'm TOTALLY 'sucked in' by his BEAUTY, this beautiful boy! How many times have I said it now???!!LOL... Sorry, just can't help it! Zhouuuuu....!!!

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On 11/09/2017 at 12:51 PM, bearology said:

QIY and XWZ Fanclub Weibo update

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This fancam, the car that picked ZZ up at the airport - Plate number has T...2626 - like Timmy 262626 haha








SO Cool the car number plate haha... Whether it's 'intentionally' arranged for such number plate car to pick up YuZhou/by ''coincidence'', either, it's the boys telling us 'we are an item' or the 'universe's ''proclaiming'' for them that 'This '26' pair is BACKUP by us!' (the universe).  Period.  Can't argue here!~

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On 11/09/2017 at 12:54 PM, clediver said:


JY: I am thicker

zz: I am harder

MC: I dont really wanna know about that, I didnt ask about that


//// In the car after shooting fishing scene
zz masaging JY s leg (seems like stroking his di**ck  with his movement)

JY: is it hard

ZZ: heh

JY: is it firm

ZZ: heh!!
JY: man should train them self to be harder

ZZ/ touching his legs: I am also hard



Oh seriously... is that what's that about with the 'eggplant and carrot' toys haha... I didn't know it was for 'THAT' meaning lol... I'm too ''innocent'' haha... Now, I know! Ohhhhhh...hahaha... So that's what's about! Our boys 'loves' talking ''innocently dirty'' LOL... they have so much fun being around each other, best buddy and so compatible in nature, they are really like the real 'Tom & Jerry' cartoon characters haha.. Both admitted they're like such characters in their earlier interview, they 'teased' each other alot but VERY 'stick together' when needing love and protection of each other.  SO AMAZING these two!

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6 minutes ago, lovehaiyin said:

SO Cool the car number plate haha... Whether it's 'intentionally' arranged for such number plate car to pick up YuZhou/by ''coincidence'', either, it's the boys telling us 'we are an item' or the 'universe's ''proclaiming'' for them that 'This '26' pair is BACKUP by us!' (the universe).  Period.  Can't argue here!~

their birthday date is the real big coincidence here 11+30+1992=26////10+20+1994=26

1 minute ago, lovehaiyin said:

Oh seriously... is that what's that about with the 'eggplant and carrot' toys haha... I didn't know it was for 'THAT' meaning lol... I'm too ''innocent'' haha... Now, I know! Ohhhhhh...hahaha... So that's what's about! Our boys 'loves' talking ''innocently dirty'' LOL... they have so much fun being around each other, best buddy and so compatible in nature, they are really like the real 'Tom & Jerry' cartoon characters haha.. Both admitted they're like such characters in their earlier interview, they 'teased' each other alot but VERY 'stick together' when needing love and protection of each other.  SO AMAZING these two!

I dont know either, just speculate

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On 12/09/2017 at 5:38 AM, bearology said:

From this 划船不用桨 account, a flight attendant in ZZ's flight to NY is her/his friend. His/her friend said ZZ looks thin and prettier in real life. He couldn't stop using facial masks during the entire flight LOL 

JY can publish this book in the future: when your boyfriend is a prince! Lihao can also publish one: how to raise a prince. Forgive ZZ, he needs to be pretty cause he will be JY's future brand ambassador! Shoes, accessories, skateboard, clothes, motorcycles, etc and etc :lol:


Continue JY....

Cr KiPun

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COACH weibo update

if you have any questions to ask ZZ, leave them in comment and we will ask ZZ for you

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Tencent weibo update - livestream interview? for Coach NY Fashion show tomorroww

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This fandom LOL

Cr 宇宙无敌村花酱

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By Sally

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Someone PLEASE message Sally and ''beg'' her to make a 'phone cover' with this GORGEOUS YuZhou Art!!! Oh my world, if not publishing a manga on our two boys, PLEASE SALLY, make a phone cover with this art and GIVE IT TO JYUUUUUUUUUU and ZZHOUUUUUUUU!!! They WILL LOVE IT!!!

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On 12/09/2017 at 5:38 AM, bearology said:

From this 划船不用桨 account, a flight attendant in ZZ's flight to NY is her/his friend. His/her friend said ZZ looks thin and prettier in real life. He couldn't stop using facial masks during the entire flight LOL 

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By Sally

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LOL... our so 'vain' beautiful Meow... that's one of your 'beauty secrets' isn't it, facial masks!lol... Our wifey Meow is 'only' 'thinking' of hubby Whale for maintaining himself beautiful~~ What else???lol.... Very cool Zhou, thankyou for the beauty tip - applying lots of masks on flight journey haha.... 

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On 11/09/2017 at 3:09 AM, crystalclear18 said:


...addicted is pretty unique.. 

'Addicted' is indeed ''unique''!... And no casts would ever substitute our boys.  NONE ELIGIBLE for these two characters except our YuZhou!  The ban is definitely NOT a pleasant thing for our boys, but it is really a 'blessing in disguise' as it MAKES IT EVEN MORE SPECIAL & UNIQUE for our two dearest! And also, it has CREATED something MORE MEANINGFUL & DEEPER BOND/BONDING in our boys, I believe.  Addicted two...?  Initially, that's what my heart/a lot of the CPfans craves and desires for following the first series, but now, for most of us, I believe... we have walked and still 'walking slowly' (meaning 'loving and supporting' in Chinese term) with our boys, I think we 'simply' want them to be WELL, GOOD & HAPPY thus without addicted sequel is FINE with me/us.  ...I just hope and pray that, one day, when our boys 'powerful' enough, they could MAKE THAT DECISION THEMSELVES about the unfinished Addicted...Yes/no, it's totally fine as long as they are good and well with each other, I'm happy  :)... Goodnite everyone in Soompi.  Thankyou all for your posts and updates! Much appreciated! ;))...xx

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5 hours ago, clediver said:

BLY surrounded by his soldiers in his wedding day


*Hearts* this so muchhh 


I'm pretty sure that ZZ also did a photoshoot with Cabbeen in early 2016. :):) I think it might have been the one they brought a little kitten in for. I think its not a big brand because its a chinese brand and probably relatively new.


ASK ME facetime interview with ZZ




So funny.. I think the older guy at the end is a passerby, it says at the beginning of the video that these are ppl just passing by the plaza thing but obviously the first two girls know ZZ, cause they are freaking out lol. It's funny cause ZZ is always so nice to male fans and he was so enthusiastic talking to this "big brother" lol. 


Super quick trans of some of the answers, pls excuse any mistakes (although this time i don't think there are many): :D=CANDY




Q: Do you miss chinese food?

ZZ: Yes i do miss it, because i still have chinese tastes, so i still rather like/prefer? chinese food.


Q: What is your favourite chinese dish?

ZZ: My favourite chinese dish.. Stir fried tomato and eggs (:D :D :D),  it still counts as a chinese dish. Just home cooked food, home cooked food. 

(Lol.. Maybe somebody cooking the tomato and eggs at home for him............. And the girl's expression is so funny too, like 'tomato and eggs? That's your favourite dish? What kind of lame chinese dish is that?')


Q: Are you getting used to New York?

ZZ: Yeah i'm getting used to New York, but there's a bit of jet lag. 


Q: Did you take any selfies in New York?

ZZ: No, no selfies. I don't do/don't know how to do selfies. 

Q: Can we take a selfie for you right now? You can take a pose right now.

ZZ: Would it look good like this? (Fan says yes) Change to another pose.


Q from older guy (OG): ZZ how are you?

ZZ: How are you big brother?

OG: Kid, you look really handsome.

ZZ: Thank you, thank you, big brother you look really handsome too.

OG: Which one of your facial features do you think is the most handsome?

ZZ: Ah, which of my facial features do you think is the most handsome?

OG: I think that you.. You look very handsome/have a very handsome look. And i also saw you singing (from the LED board in the plaza probably).

ZZ: Thank you, thank you. I think.. I think it should be my nose. Nose, nose, nose. (:D:D:D Familiar question and same answer as before, when JY was there for it)



And then it cuts off.. ;_: I want to see the rest of it.

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13 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:


And then it cuts off.. ;_: I want to see the rest of it.




15 minutes ago, lucassohappy said:

Hi im totally new to this page but i totally love this series!! only at episode 9 but already deeply in love with everything :')

Can anybody brief me on the teams? theres too much to catch up on haha




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