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11 minutes ago, bearology said:

Omo, is this coincidence or what???? 21:22

JY ah, what are you doing???? sada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gif

I'm fine, I'm okay sada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gif

Cr 諪諪-諪諪




Not coincidence!  coz JY has been on and off weibo a few mins before posting this  to make sure it's sent at the right time!   

In 2015, ZZ posted "today is MY DAD's bday" ....Today is Father's Day ! JY what do u mean by posting this similar pic at exactly the same 21:22 .....You mean Mr.Bai is also your dad?  ...too romantic 

btw.. i dont know how to attach photos here

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JY was online 4 times today, minutes before he updated his weibo. He posted the last time he's online at 21:22. I think our captain was waiting for the right time to post.

Talking about 5ML and their posting time...... 




@bjwinter2015 yes I was just telling my friends sada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gifsada_org.gif


Time to use this I think 


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On 6/11/2017 at 6:22 AM, David Andrey said:

I finished the webseries yesterday and when I look up to updates about that I get really upset.. the only question in my mind is "WHY?".. Seeing a lot of things that you guys posted about the actors made me really sad, seems like they really enjoying hanggin' out with each other in the beggining of last year... now they cant even look to each other? its so awfull. I was so glad yesterday for have found a BL drama with a beautiful and happy story and once again I got disappointed. :/ 

Hey, welcome to our YuZhoufam here haha.. Don't be sad! Our boys' have 'just' started their life together following ShangYin/Addicted and they are doing extremely well now, both in their careers, AND I believe they are 'super good' in their 'love life' too~~, Oh boy, you have so much to catch up with on our two dearests, just read up all the pages on this forum haha.. and you'll know!  ShangYin was 'their beginning' to a captivating life and love together.  The 'ban' is a 'blessing in disguise', don't worry! ;)).. Thank God for this Forum, for the YuZhou 'devotees' who updates us with awesome news and info of our boys and much more!  Basically, here is where our boys' life and love journal stores so you are SO in the right place to SAIL with us on this YuZhou ship lol.. Just enjoy and wish our boys the very very best! Good day and continue to enjoy the beautiful sunshine everyone!~~..xx

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7 hours ago, bjwinter2015 said:


Many famous artists started their own studios ..its becoming a trend in China now...but its more common when artists are successful and have enough resources...thats why I said its surprising JY and ZZ already had their own studios now.

Lol i think we just made the same point right now, its not really common if you only started recently as a star. Cause if you're not really known i don't think it helps much to have your own studio or company, especially since you probably have to spend money to set it up and maintain it. Sure there are lots of stars who are famous and have their own companies but it took them a while to get there. I think all you need to do is watch an awards ceremony and see the number of stars who still thank their companies. Although that brings me to my question..

Is there a difference between a studio and a company? Cause we know that ZZ and JY created their own companies but the names were in chinese. Everyone was making fun of ZZ's since it was Zhou Di (emperor zhou?) lol. i'm just wondering if its the same company and he went with a different name in english or if the studio is a different thing. According to google it is different lol, but not sure..

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11 hours ago, David Andrey said:

I'm so busy now and instead of read the news I was going on through older pages and I may found out what happened to JY's neck. 

(just kidding, but I love this gif ♥)

Haha, i tried to imagine teeth making those marks but it didn't really match. 

Did you watch the new (2017) korean BTS yet? Lol

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5 hours ago, David Andrey said:

@crystalclear18 LOL.. No, I haven't.. its english sub already? 

I don't think most of it is subbed, i might be wrong though maybe some parts were subbed. There's too many BTS to keep track of lol. But some things you definitely don't need subs for. :lol: If you like the part in the gif, there's definitely more BTS on similar scenes lol.

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JY have event/livestream today with NetEase. Starts at 10:30am BJ time





JY - Lucida Anniversary Party 180617

Cr 宋星宝

JY is so cute omo!!! This guy 宋星宝 is a stylist and Li Hao followed this guy in weibo




Lucida Anniversary Party - OMNI Entertainment News



JY - COSMO weibo update

#PINKPOWER# @Johnny黄景瑜 说粉丝送过多次《演员的自我修养》,“我也希望自己不断的去努力成为一个好演员。书我有非常认真的阅读,里面我最喜欢关于如何忠实的表演角色的描述‘当站在舞台上时在角色的生活条件下,与角色完全一样正确地、充满逻辑地、按照顺序地、像人那样思考、希望、追求、行动。演员只要达到这一境界,他就接近角色了’。”#活,该体验##ReadWithCOSMO#



ZZ - If I know clip

Full link here






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10 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:

Lol i think we just made the same point right now, its not really common if you only started recently as a star. Cause if you're not really known i don't think it helps much to have your own studio or company, especially since you probably have to spend money to set it up and maintain it. Sure there are lots of stars who are famous and have their own companies but it took them a while to get there. I think all you need to do is watch an awards ceremony and see the number of stars who still thank their companies. Although that brings me to my question..

Is there a difference between a studio and a company? Cause we know that ZZ and JY created their own companies but the names were in chinese. Everyone was making fun of ZZ's since it was Zhou Di (emperor zhou?) lol. i'm just wondering if its the same company and he went with a different name in english or if the studio is a different thing. According to google it is different lol, but not sure..


it's a bit complicated and I am not an expert..as far as I know, there are a few types of contracts : whole package contracts and " half-contract"which means the big company only deals with a part of the work.  One artist can sign different parts of work to different companies so on awards ceremony they might have a few companies to thank lol... 

Regarding the difference between studios and companies.. under the commercial registration rules of China, the difference might be in capital, numbers of shareholders etc. But recent years, the difference is not so big coz the thredshold of registering a company is reduced.

ZZ‘s company is 洲帝 ZHOU DI..means Emperor Zhou ...Imao....It's said that the legal representative has been changed to another person.

JY's company is 奉景隆行 FENG JING LONG XING..sounds a bit  “royal” too...in ancient China,emperor's edicts always start with "奉天承运“meaning ”It's the God's willness and the emperor's command that..."    奉景隆行 sounds similar....

ZZ's studio weibo account was " 粥刊画报“  meaning Zhou's magazine...JY's studio is Huang Jingyu Studio..but today ZZ' studio 's name changed to "Xu Weizhou Studio"...and the profile pic and banner matched with JY's studio....Okay okay..even your studios are a couple now....Dont know how to attach pics here...someone get a screenshot of these two studios' weibo pls..




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JY's studio weibo update

#黄景瑜# boss@Johnny黄景瑜 今天以明星合伙人身份出席上海电影节网易官方论坛与著名导演蔡岳勋先生、华策影业总经理张大勇先生、伯乐营销CEO张文伯先生、啊哈娱乐创始人兼CEO邹沙沙女士、网易传媒副总编辑杨彬彬先生、网易传媒娱乐事业中心副总经理韩黎女士等一起共话破译华语电影新机遇 ,期待未来更多合作。感谢@网易新闻客户端 @网易娱乐频道 [心]

Google translate

# Huang Jingyu # boss @ Johnny Huang Jingyu today as a star partner to attend the Shanghai Film Festival Netease official forum and well-known director Mr. Cai Yuexun, China policy, general manager of Mr. Zhang Dayong, Bole marketing CEO Mr. Zhang Wenbo, ah Kazakhstan entertainment founder and CEO Zou Sha Sha Ms. Yang Binbin, Vice Editor-in-Chief of Netease Media, Ms. Han Li, Deputy General Manager of Netease Media and Entertainment Center, together with a total of new opportunities to break Chinese film and look forward to more cooperation in the future. Thanks @ NetEase news client @ Netease Entertainment Channel [心]




Cr 网易娱乐频道













JY - Lucida Anniversary Party 180617

Cr 远距离的拥抱



ZZ - VogueFilm event 160617

Cr 百度娱乐人物

ZZ thinks he's not tall enough :lol:






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