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38 minutes ago, kmmyzz said:

I know this would come... I told my close friends about this but... (warning: negative post ahead)

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I was right, ZZ was once again used for his popularity. His segment in the CCTV3 was completely edited out. I knew it this would come, some C-fans were suspicious, I was too. Now that ZZ doesn't appear in the show where everyone else did, you know it's not a good sign. 

Also instead of clarifying,

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CCTV15 said ZZ will appear tomorrow to sing 10 Years. Like out of nowhere. And no clarification on the missing ZZ from today's episode. It was obvious they edited him out. They singled him out. They left them out. I am so pissed, I should've known I should not let my hopes high with China programs. 




I'm so pissed with cctv. Are they asking us to wait for another 10 years. That's total bxxxshit!

Congratulation to cctv, you just success in making many fans boycott your future show.


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* I was typing this while livestreaming Avenue of stars, ugh,  wasted my time livestreaming.(and they also wasted ZZ's time if  they are really not airing his part anymore.)

New interview of ZZ (明星特别任务)

Trans of the part around 3.08

Q:Is there any song that makes your heart break when you listen to it?

ZZ: Xian Shi/献世. When i see the lyrics and listen to the melody, it will reminds me of certain things in the past.*I think at this point, the reporter asked him further about this* It's just things when in a relationship/dating! You want me to say/spill something *laugh*

Caption wrote: *Full ot taolu* *Silly laugh*


ZZ previously mentioned about this song in YY's interview too.

At around 22.30-22.52,

Interviewer: Are there any songs that you must select/sing at KTV?
ZZ:XXX ya (sorry,can't hear)
JY: XXX (sorry,can't hear x2)
ZZ: Right,right. Xian shi,Xian shi.
JY: Xian shi *nods*
ZZ: Chen Xiao Chun's "xian shi".
JY: I think what I said last time was..now I've changed it, it has been changed to wo shi zhen de ai ni la/我是真的爱你 (I really love you)
ZZ: Wo shi zhen de ai ni la (repeating song title)
JY: I think I've mentioned it before.
Dashu: Whose song is this?
JY & ZZ: Li ZongSheng.

*JY nodding here when he repeats "Xian Shi" after ZZ saying the song title might be him acknowledging ZZ's answer or that it's the same for him too.Idk~

*There is no "la" in original title of the song Jy mentioned, just JY adding a modal particle.

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26 minutes ago, charlie10 said:


Btw, ZZ added two new followings to his weibo today. One within the last hour or so (i.e. when I last checked). Without him appearing on the tracker app... So, obviously it's not registering all his online time. Either it's just not working or he (and JY) has found a way around being tracked. (He is online right now, though.)

I was wondering about this too because when jy followed his own studio weibo, he wasn't online too!

anyway for the cctv show, let's wait for next week.... It could be just that his segment wasn't broadcast this week....

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14 hours ago, aeislaeigh said:

Johnny's & Timmy's account of daily activities since the Thai FM (041716)
Day 60 (061616)

Source:  jy_zz_loverboy

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60 days since TFM...exactly 2 months and "they" did this to us again (oh wait, how many times in these 2 months have they done this to our boys, to us?) ZZ, this humble and kind-hearted boy, what has he done to deserve this? I don't know who to blame, I just hope ZZ won't take this personally, get stressed and sick again. Take care my dearest ZZ! Your upcoming tours are way more important then these shows! I promise you one day when you become one of the top Chinese Stars, these shows will have to queue to invite you back! For now, we will Walk Slowly with you until that day come!


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Same here not too happy with all the cancellation of Timmy's schedules...if they are trying to lure more viewers by using his name then it is really low of the stations. But Timmy is a rocker...so he will not let this get to him (I hope...) he will persevere and move on and shine... When the time comes.


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Would like to drop this from @kmmyzz. Tho' we are all still cursing and sad of ZZ. And sad and cursing of what might happen to JY's Hunan TV project as well. Sparft seems to want to kill their career on national TV until people just forget about them.



@liesl continuing the 50 shades of blue, the beginning focused lots with crotch. Uhm


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Some more pics from Addicted photobook!! [lxh求关注]

credits : watermark









Boy, I can't wait to get my hand on it! :wub: But I need to wait around two weeks until the book is being shipped. Tsk. Anyone from Europe also ordered this photobook? How long do you have to wait for it?

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12 hours ago, xix19xix said:

! Wow, @gashupingo! You actually have a youtube channel for them!!! Never knew!

Maybe because I always put video inside spoiler so maybe you've missed it. XD


3 hours ago, bearology said:

ZZ's lifestream tomorrow is cancelled. I wonder why...I though he just recorded a short clip for it yesterday 

There's another livestream by inmix. The taobao one where #XWZ become shopkeeper for one day# It seems the time is changed to 9-10pm tmr Beijing time.
There's a short video clip that goes with this:
Livestream info page(click on the QR code to go to livestream page)
Direct link to Livestream(not sure if need app to view this or not, it seems no need app?): http://b.mashort.cn/h.Z14Nyf

Description from the livestream info page: 
9pm: livestream started
9:05: ZZ will wear some shopkeeper uniform
9:10: Got mysterious guest coming
9:20: Quick Q&A
9:50: On site Signing

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@tea4two thank you for the info (screencap it!). Reincarnation, star-crossed and destined are like my fave words ever and adding (tho not specified) lovers after them becomes my weakness!


If Zhou really got cut, cctv better prepare for the consequences.

What are things that can only be bought in Milan?

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37 minutes ago, liesl said:

Some pics from Addicted photobook!! [lxh求关注]

credits : watermark

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Boy, I can't wait to get my hand on it! :wub: But I need to wait around two weeks until the book is being shipped. Tsk. Anyone from Europe also ordered this photobook? How long do you have to wait for it?

Woaaaa... It's so good.. I love guys in white shirt... totally into them... Ah, and I just had a dream about them being together in an event IIRC... LOL

11 minutes ago, lielee said:

What are things that can only be bought in Milan?

We have to make a list for the things that could be bought only in Milan... and then look closely to a certain someone...;)

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12 hours ago, tea4two said:

D&G invited JY to Milan.  Look forward to their live show below on the 18th:



I want to clarify, as I saw someone posted this on the YuZhou forum, I"m not 100% sure, but I think the above is for live photos and commentaries for the runway show.  However, I think D&G will also be broadcasting live for their runway, so look forward to it at the official site, no worries, we got options if one doesn't work:



7 hours ago, sohocomo said:

Painful but pleasurable - isn't that what ZZ says? It's not just about being a practice doll.

@tea4two Do you have the original post saved? I would love to have a look at it if you don't mind. :)


Nope, all gone.  I did not expect thread to be deleted so did not save any of it.  July is forecasted to be a very good month for ZZ, we will see the light.  

The gifs of JY from @bearology is from the following video....walking advertisement for D&G.....


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@tea4two read about that July will be a good month for ZZ, somehow feels so happy because my birthday month /so unrelated

but I saw many fans consoled him and mentioning in July, we will see the light so I somehow anticipate for July to come asap too..

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