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EDIT: i posted translation of Sina's entertainment summarized interview with Zhouzhou. I think when i saw it, there wasn't any videos attached in the article? (or did I missed it), so yeah, just watch the subs instead, since the text version is summarized. I removed the trans of text version already.

[Eng Subs] 161106 Sina entertainment with Xu Weizhou 许魏洲

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@gesseki lol yes you're right. I do think that was for ZZ though since I've seen a case like that by him. But again not sure. Might have to go back and look for it.

@ksuyen it looks like the same ring to me. 

@ryokise thank you! @bearology thanks you for d link. 

The mention of having his own sea. Ah, to be free from the ban, the judgement, haters. JY mentioned that he wants to be free in his own way also. Fans wanted to know about the sea and skateboard. Great fans. 

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credit to baby ryokise

Sina ent: You mentioned previously that your birthday wish is to have your own sea? Did this wish come true?

XWZ: At that time, I casually said it, actually regardless of sea or garden, the thing I wish to have is freedom, to be able to travel, looking at scenery, having a space that belongs to me ~~~   aheeemmmmmmm:wub: Our kitty cat, is it a sea that you want to own or the big animal that swims in it? hohohoho! :rolleyes::heart::w00t:


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ahh thank you all for the updates on JY's fanmeet! Its nice to see a big jump in the pages of this forum lol!

JY throwback (you def will like this ;))


Credit to whoever posted this in youtube ... I don't understand the title though

however I'm not too fond of how they just treat him like a piece of meat:angry:. Look how far he have come now 


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Before today ends, let's do a last throw back to these sweet moments. By the way, tomorrow 7 Nov is JY's birthday in lunar calendar (whats why his IG account name used to have 1107) :D 



Cr ZZMLucky





FMV from Hako fanarts and YZ Simple Love :tears:. Link here




Cr [沐颜晚鲸鲸]



JY - Nanjing to ShangHai 061116


Cr [阿毛在学习]




JY - Nanjing FanMeeting 051116


Cr [黄景瑜全国粉丝后援会官博]




JY was looking at this phone and guess what is OP's phone cover


Cr 回眸一笑鲸鱼洲



YZ manip


Cr HeroinFunny_VietnamFan



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18 hours ago, gesseki said:

@baw74 - I totally agree with you..my time zone is ahead of yours by 3 hrs and that's what happened to me too this morning..I felt like I missed a whole week because of the sugar treats! Lol .....don't you think our soompI family translators and detectives are just way too awesome? for us international fans, you guys are our link to our boys! more power to you!

@yzcraze62 - its not because of the checkered shirt, it's because he is already married to a kitty cat saying " Mia Mia mia" lol!

Happy anniversary to this family forum! the people who started this forum have been with our boys from the beginning, thank you for welcoming us here! more nuclear sugar bombs for all of us! this group rocks!



@gesseki U r rite ! He is a married man ! Hahaha!:grin:

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Guest skeletonworks


Happy 1st Anniversary YUZHOU!!!!!


Recap/My thoughts on Jingyu's successful fanmeeting in Nanjing:

  • 1st VCR - Muscles, biting lips, whale swimming waaaaaahhhhh he knows what can make fans screamed!!!!! Then the GALAXY countdown before he appeared on stage!!! Galaxy/Universe = Yuzhou LOL. I'm delulu-ing here.
  • He sounds good singing both songs and he even rapped in Rainbow LOL. So cute! But really... You think... Out of millions or billions of the Chinese songs out there, he had to choose 2 songs and both are from JAY CHOU????? REALLY JINGYU???? People might think that Jay Chou is the only good singer in China you know... when in fact you chose it because of a certain meow right???!! AND REALLY JINGYU??? Zhouzhou sang "Simple Love" in his last concert in Shanghai, why can't you pick other song huh???? And Rainbow??? Come on.... PLZZZZ. Are you a secret PR agent for Jay Chou or something? Will wait for Jay Chou to mention Yuzhou in the future since one's (ZZ's) most favourite singer is Jay Chou and another one (JY) likes to sing Jay Chou's songs a lot.
  • POqalUi.png
  • Why not just replaced that deer with a flying unicorn huh?
  • 2nd VCR - shopping for presents for fans. Some of the subs are not accurate according to ryo (but of course it's the thoughts that counts!). I say someone pls message Zheng ge or Jingyu's Studio and recommend gashu or ryo to sub the VCR pls! Just give them VIP tickets to your next fanmeeting!
  • 3rd VCR - the "Huang Jingyu 3 Words" is composed by fan right? Cuz I've heard of it before. And at the end I saw the credit, made by only fans. No wonder la. Hahaha. Jingyu ah... You should also let your cp fans made one for you.
  • The hand touching game... gahhh.. so excited can touch Jingyu!!! One Korean fan also got lucky and picked right! The only fanboy when he's about to touch the hands, all the fans are screaming "jiayou" lol. But no "jiayou" for other female fans before him rofl. All the fans for this game received a skincare product called "Kiehl's". @ryokise said that Jingyu chose this product because he used it when he was in Baotou and his skin got dry a lot, but after using it, he think that it's nice. So he picked this for the fans. He's so thoughtful and it's not exactly cheap either the Kiehl's product. I've used Kiehl's before and it's gentle and nice to the skin.
  • The letter he wrote to fans... Ahhhhh... So much emotions have been poured into this. I really feel it's up to your own interpretation. You can see it from an only fan point of view or CPF POV. The last part about "coming back even if it's slightly late" could be for those fans that have left him. I know one that have left him like "Promise Johnny" and there's more that I probably don't know of. And there's this sentence about "never prove to anyone that I love him/her" then follows by "never say I love you guys", to me it seems like two separate statements. First one for ZZ, 2nd one for his fans. I feel that the "I love him/her" part is soooooooo weird. Then mentioned again "I love you guys".... There's no need to repeat, is there?? These are then followed by "love that has to be proven is not pure enough". Which to me means that he loves ZZ and his fans and think that there's no need to prove it. I believe he's doing what he's best at doing: being cryptic and confusing fans and being taolu.
  • Everything about him is so simple. His outfit is simple and not too flashy. His makeup is just nice and natural. He even looked like Guhai hahaha. Simply love everything about him last night. He's the most handsome guy on earth last night :wub:
  • Last but not least, gaaaaahhhhh please come to KL!!! Please!!!!!! You can speak Chinese freely in Malaysia. No need to use translator!!! Please!!! Malaysia is a beautiful country. It doesn't have to be a big fanmeeting with 2000 fans. Smaller fanmeeting, you can become closer to the fans!!! Please Jingyu!! Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!!!! 
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"Sometimes we come into a persons life not to make them love us, but to make them feel they're so much worth living for."


Relax yourself to me, lay all your burdens to me.

Let me be the pleasant breeze that embraces you,

Let me be the one who stays with you.

As this feelings fall gentle like the autumn leaves,

The sooner we will show what our heart believes. 


Beginning of a Gentle Love


A year that marks your love to forever! 

Happy 1st Anniversary JY and ZZ!  [心]


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With all of the wonderful sugars/candies/sweets this weekend, and today being the anniversary of the day JY  & ZZ met, my need for extra delulu kicked in. I did a quick tarot spread before I left to work last night, kind of rushed honestly.

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but if today really is the first day they met:

11/06 reduces to 2/6

(oh, and 2015 = 8  so then 8 + 8 = 16 = 7, which is one of the 'Mystical Numbers of the Universe' that ancients believed held the power of creation...just saying)



Quick 5 card spread like I did before. I was specifically thinking about YuZhou and JY's letter/confession.

Question: Knight of Swords - quick action, communication, a truth seeker, someone who is opinionated, can also mean someone who is facing conflict and trying to find the best way to resolve it

Did I mention I was thinking about JY's letter and what he wanted to communicate with it while I was doing this? And the Knight of Swords comes up to signify the question. The suit of swords in general represents communication. So here's the Knight - a strong, brave, sometimes hasty though ready for action type guy. If you don't see JY in that...well that's you. I do see him like that in some ways.

Situation so far: Devil (reversed) - temptations resisted, overcoming obstacles, overthrowing evil, letting go of earthly desires for spiritual gains

For me, the devil isn't some mystical, mythical creature, but human nature. Greed, lust, evil, ignorance - that sort of thing. In tarot, when The Devil is reversed it signifies letting go or getting rid of those things. In the general situation of YuZhou, I believe this card in this position signifies the small steps JY & ZZ have been taking in regards to not only their careers, but even more so their relationship - choosing their battles wisely might be a good way to put it. Letting the mental/emotional side of things mean more than the worldly/physical. 

Subject's influence: The Sun - success, joy, happiness, victory, blossoming relationships, acceptance, gaining what one wants

If they're happy, everybody's happy! A positive attitude can move mountains, or at least feel like it does.

(Interesting side note - when The Sun and The Devil show up in a spread together it often signifies a significant ambition. The fact that they sit one after another really says that whatever JY & ZZ want, they will work for until they get it - no ifs, ands, or buts.)

Outside influences: Page of Swords (reversed) - lies and gossip, someone who says inappropriate things, stalking, spying, someone who puts their desires ahead of what is right

I won't say much about this one. I have the right to my opinion - it's pretty direct and nasty - as to what I believe this card is about. Not to cause any negativity in the thread, that's all I will say.

Final result (or what's to come): 4 of Pentacles (reversed) - protecting oneself, preparing for the future, carefully sharing good things in small measures  

The 4 of Pentacles is pictured as a man sitting in a chair holding a pentacle (coin), both of his feet on pentacles, and one on his head. It can be seen as hoarding wealth and being miserly, or having enough that one is able to be generous (it all depends on the other cards in the spread.) Being reversed, and taking into account that Page of Swords (reversed) right before it, instead of viewing it in the negative 'hoarding' way, I believe it means being cautious and protective. Taking care of what is yours, making sure you have enough, and giving away what you can spare without ruining yourself. 



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I posted translation of 161106 Sina's entertainment (新浪娱乐) interview with Zhouzhou, but it was the translation of their summarized text version in the article, I think when i saw it, there wasn't any videos attached in the article? (or did I missed it),so yeah, just watch the subs instead, since the text version is summarized.xiaoku_org.gif

Link to source > http://ent.sina.com.cn/s/m/2016-11-06/doc-ifxxnety7489777.shtml

[Eng Subs] 161106 Sina entertainment with Xu Weizhou 许魏洲

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Happy anniversary.

I checked the calendar to be sure and it was on April 15th on Friday (off day) that I binged watch Addicted almost exactly after midnight and after I finished around 9am (bathroom breaks, rolling around, twitting to my friend of how the uke isn't all that and how the seme is so seme, etc), with tired eyes and body, I silently cursing at the abrupt ending.

Then later at night, while twitting with that friend about how I miss them so much (literally only 12 hours had passed), she sent me YuZhou's Happy Camp pic (Nick and Judy) and I melted (while spazzing and screaming my lungs out silently).

And fast forward to yesterday, I wasn't there in the beginning but the 2 days before Bangkok fan meet was really a blessing. I had smile plastered on my face remembering the series back then and I still do now. Many things happened during this 1 year and more to come and I will try my best to stay here.

Happy anniversary, family. :heart:

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15 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

in fact the gift doesn't even remotely looks like it's a gift for a girl (yes we all know not all girls like girly stuff) could be alluding to it's not really for a girl.


Isn't this case is what ZZ using for his iPhone 7+ right now? NVM, although it is also black but looks like it's missing a pattern or maybe it's the light? Also, I found it's strange they have to *beep* the sentence: I am buying this as a gift for ***. If it was a 'gf', 'friend', 'my mom', isn't it better not to beep it since they later talking about 'girl style case'? Make you wonder, isn't it?




4 hours ago, xix19xix said:

I find myself not as "high" this time. Instead, I feel peace knowing that they are still going strong. Who knows what the future brings? But they are still happy together. Still excited what he will do at the Seoul fan meet. Will he sing "If Hai has Yin"?


I feel the same. The sugar is gone and the rush has disappeared, but what remains is a calm conviction. B) ZZ has been super busy lately and looks strained these day, I just wished someone could help taking care of him. They said that TLC is a very powerful medicine, and we all know who is a very caring whale. Thanks @ryokise for the sub link. The questions are mostly cookie-cutter, safe questions. So that he is preparing for filming soon, I hope he could go for holiday before filming, just to enjoy his freedom for a bit. Maybe swimming in an ocean with a whale.

Happy lunar bday, JY! It's 1107 already! Can't wait to see you in Korea FM stream!



This is a longer version of Netease Dada BTS. Started at 2:40. The conversation below is real (the one inside the bracket is my delulu talking). BTW they ended up scrapping the whole thing in the official video. Too 18+? :phew:


ZZ: I’ll be inside (ZZ want to be seme)

JY: Ah? You go first you go first! (JY started to be panicking)

ZZ: No no no, I want to be inside (ZZ sounded like he really want to be inside JY)

JY: I am scare of pain (JY is really panic now)

ZZ:  Oh, you scared of pain (laughing but let JY to be seme this time around)

JY: Let me adjust my butt…


At 4:37 (JY is Uke now)

JY: Is it tight?

ZZ (panting): Is it hard?

CW (the sensible one): Pervert 

(Me - Is this how the conversation happening in their bedroom???)



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Guest skeletonworks

5MilesLove update weibo!!!!!!!



"It's okay even if it's a little late" (similar to what Jingyu wrote) 

Tagged Jingyu & Zhouzhou kekekeke.


And the best thing is the Star app notified that he tagged Jingyu. I swear these developers are CPF! 5MilesLove is not even a verified account! Such privilege!

But the funny thing is it only notified that they tagged Jingyu not Zhouzhou even though Zhouzhou is also tagged in their post. (oh the ban joke again..)



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5 hours ago, skeletonworks said:

I believe he's doing what he's best at doing: being cryptic and confusing fans and being taolu.

JY so wins at being cryptic and mysterious and keeping everyone on their toes with his words and actions and photos and smiles and tears and showing a world of emotion on that pretty face of his.

Add to that his charm and his nice, warm (if untrained) voice and you have a very successful FM indeed. He doesn't have to do much, there's so much power in just his prescence. He's special, our Johnny.

Even more special is the way he expresses his love for, well yes, who? He used phrases just enough vague to make them open for interpretation. But as far as I'm concerned, he left a lot LESS room than I would have expected. His letter very much mirrored ZZ's letter at his Shanghai concert. And delulu aside, I do think they both also do really want to express gratitude to their fans. They just want to sneak in some other messages in there too... 

And yeah, those songs. His choice really doesn't leave room for interpretation. What's the explanation given from those who choose to ignore/hate ZZ (or JY)? They just happen to chose the same song to sing. Completely randomly. An old song at that. In my head, this song is 'their song'. The one that signifies THEM, their relationship, what they strive for. 

No need to comment on Rainbow... :) 

There's info that JY is going to BJ tomorrow evening - and back again to Shanghai on the 9th. I like to think there's only one reason for this short trip: he wants, no NEEDS to see his bf. 

Also the star app notified 5ML on JY's account... And they made a lovely post too.  Don't exactly know what it means: 晚一点也没关系 (see @skeletonworks post above for translation! Didn't see it first...)




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It's good that he is going to see his bf. Someone need to get ZZ eat more :wub:

My thoughts on 5mileslove...


My delulu theory...

At this moment we don't know who is 5mileslove, but we suspect he is someone close to JY or/and ZZ.

The whole Star App notification thing and his message being repeating of the last words of JY letter - these two facts - make me think that 5mileslove is indeed closer to JY or even JY himself (perhaps his alter ego). Take this with a lot of salt though because this is only my own opinion. I have a very deep impression that so far all the acts from 5mileslove leaning towards "courting ZZ". Maybe some of you see this too. From the flowers for his first concert to ZZ birthday's event. This makes sense if we read JY's letter stating that "he" does not need to prove his love to anyone - thus an alter ego was created (plus the ban reason).

If this was true, it explains a few things. The privilege that Star App given and JY photo with the flower from 5mileslove just to name two.

Then this word: "It's okay even it's a little late." I believe it has a deeper meaning here. Someone mentioned beforethat something happened in the past during Madame Figaro photoshoot, because since then the interaction between two of them became more intimate. What if during that period JY made a confession to ZZ, but ZZ didn't give a definite answer? What if ZZ just gave answer recently? Thus, "It's okay even it's a little late."

If this was true, it ties up with 5mileslove action of "courting ZZ" so far.

Again, this is only my opinion :phew::sweatingbullets:


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1 hour ago, ksuyen said:

I have a very deep impression that so far all the acts from 5mileslove leaning towards "courting ZZ".


I love this theory! So romantic and I think it fits JY very well.

He is a deep person who thinks about everything with feelings (ok that doesn't make sense but I think you all know what i mean). 

Tbh, I don't want to know who 5mileslove is, as long as they keep showering both boys with love!

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