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My heart feels heavy when i read this news. If there will just be sth like red carpet walking then interview, i think my heart can take it. But if they are going to sit on 2 different tables and avoid eye contact/interaction for the whole event......Imagine how hard/uncomfortable it is for them to avoid maybe the only one person they know in the room. My heart is already screaming from the inside. The chance for them to sit next to each other happily like the French Award night? Its like hoping for JY to appear at ZZ's concert :tears:

JY only appears once in the clip while the other twice, hm its feel sth like that award night when we were only informed that JY would be attending the award last minute. Enough ranting, im sure they know whats best for them. And if this is what they have to do as part of their job, ill support them. They have dropped/showed enough hints for us to believe in YZ. So if they both really going to attend the event, ill just cover my heart to prepare for the worst, support them and wait for the rain of YZ manips from this desperate CP's fandom :sweatingbullets: Again, these boys always surprise us right, see the amount of hints/candies we got from ZZ's concert. We wont know what to expect til that day anyway, keep calm and support YZ :rolleyes:


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1 hour ago, izziehudson said:

1) Apparently if JY Youku All Stars video reaches 5mil views, they will release the full version of the interview (about one hour long)!

Translation of the video, credit to 如果没有遇见瑜, 爱上鲸鱼的野马 etc as in pics

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2) No news about the photobook yet! I asked JY C-fans about it, they said they will tell me once they hear any updates about it :) and of course, I will prepare the guide to buy it!

edit : p.s. Guang Liang's 第一次 playing in the background at about 26:00+ #feels

and btw fun fact @yjhx86yesterday ZZ fans were using this hashtag #我们的小王子许魏洲# "Our Little Prince Xu Wei Zhou" --  I believe it's probably because the little girl who took pic with ZZ from DAMIANI event called him Prince 哥哥~


:crazy: YZ attending same event... KYAAAAAAA!!! anyway hello new members!

(reading the translation while smiling, gritting my teeth, teary, mixed emotion) Why should he be a perfect man... and why he should be in China... and why can't i meet him... :bawling: oh, well.. stop with my ranting...

Apparently I'm in doubt with the news that they will attend the same event. Like it's just too beautiful to be true and I'm afraid that it might turn out to be a disappointment for me... However, after seeing the clip seems like my hope is soaring high... I'm excited and anxious at the same time... I miss them to be together in the same event again... I don't know if I can bear when they are truly to be there but with no interaction... but as desperate as I am, I want them to be there even though only exchanging some nods and sweet smiles to each other... Help me! I'm desperate! :tears: 

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2 minutes ago, xix19xix said:

Relating to the video posted by @SueLyinn on ZZ and JY possibly appearing at the same event on 18th Jun, here are some replies to the weibo post.... Brought a tear to my eye... It's crazy but deeply touching at the same time...


OMG! My heart :tears: its nice to know that there are lots of fans supporting both of them, not just some only crazy fans. If theres a livestream and our YZ appear together, its going to crash even before the event starts!

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@izziehudson Thank you for posting transcript/translation from JY's Youku All Star. This is gold! Even just by reading the text, I can imagine JY's expression when saying the text! 

Now, please excuse me, I am going to enter fanboy-gushing mode:


I found the interview/show is very interesting. JY was being honest, like usual, in telling his past and taking compliment when it's due but also not being arrogant (he refused several titles he thinks too big for him). 

I think JY is very comfortable in reality show. In this show he was very charming and communicative, telling part of himself in ways which audience will find it interesting (I lol-ed reading his experience being surrounded by his admirer's brother and friends. Someone does that to him now and I bet the outcome will be different! XD). During Shanghai FM, JY had been charming and funny too but he's getting better at doing this.

He was goofy, outspoken, charming, relaxed, warm, charming (wait, how many time have I used "charming"? Oh right, I am in fanboy-gushing mode. No word quota ;)) in this Youku All Star. He could charm (!) his audience for half an hour (one hour in full version?). Doing that by himself, that's not an easy task!

If he keeps on growing like this, I can see him having his own reality show! That would be awesome! Or maybe he will be the next host of Happy Camp? But then, he needs to learn how to dance first. :phew:

I was surprised reading how fans were chasing after his car. That would be stupid and dangerous move. I am glad that JY called out that kind of behaviour clearly. Hopefully his fans listen to him. Also his request for privacy... Hmmm, yeah, I absolutely understand that.

I am happy that JY included his experience while filming ShangYin and told us how it had helped his growth, both in personal and in professional level. Reading this part, I understand that ShangYin is an important part in JY's history and will always be. Nothing can change that. However, he did not say "ShangYin"? Or the translators left it out? If he did not say "ShangYin", well that makes me sad. JY clearly wanted to talk about it -and he did talk about it in great length- but he could not mention it. *sigh* *cursing at the ban and sparft again*

Back to JY's performance: I am happy and hoping that he will have the opportunity to show his qualities as reality show guest and host: his great humour, charm, wit, etc. His handsome look and great body help, for sure, but I hope he will continue to shine as a host because of his personality. No more gratuitous fans services, please, JY.  

@xix19xix Ah these kind of supports are heartwarming. I'd be happy to support them too!


But TBH, I am expecting some only-fanatics will come and make a big deal of this, starting another fans war, forcing the organiser to somehow cancel their join attendance.

@SueLyinn Thanks! How about ZZ? What is the caption under his name? Is he a spokeperson of a particular brand as well?

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20 minutes ago, xix19xix said:

Relating to the video posted by @SueLyinn on ZZ and JY possibly appearing at the same event on 18th Jun, here are some replies to the weibo post.... Brought a tear to my eye... It's crazy but deeply touching at the same time... 

Translation and picture in spoiler.

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Omg! What are you trying to say!!! If you can let them be together for 1 second, I will flash my credit card at your T-mall shop until it explodes

If you can make it happen, my shopping cart will only have items from your shop. :) I am serious. 

Li-Flag: If you have the ability to let them appear together, I swear that from now on I will only buy things from T-mall.

If you are able to let them be seen together, I swear that from now on my clothes, my hubby clothes, my daughter and son's, and my future grandchildren's clothes will only be bought from you!!!!

If you can let them be seen together, I will do anything!!!


Wow... this is actually my 200th post. Lol. I am beyond hope :P 

Oh my... can't contain my excitement... I'll be truly happy if they can seat next to each other... There are so many people who aim for it... and there will be exo too(Korean group) so i think this event will be a rather big one...  My shipper heart is too helpless... 
and damn... I just remember the event will be held just before i got my exam... Please make it true or I will do my exam with puffy eyes and face lol

Happy 200 post @xix19xix here is a heart for you... :heart:

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@gayyoxx Nope. He didn't mentioned "上瘾” if I recall correctly. He merely mentioned some of you (i.e. viewers/members of the audience) came to know of him via some series, and he looks forward to showcasing better work to everyone in the future. He didn't come across as wanting to brood about the topic and seems ready to move on actually. 

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I dont want to crush our hope for chance of YZ being together again in public, but this article showed me that even big brand like Lancome cave in to Beijing pressure

What the Lancôme-Denise Ho controversy tells us

off course I hope it's different case for YZ

YZ are not democracy activist nor lgbt activist, they're just two young boys brought by fate to star in low budget bl series. What comes after that is not their fault to take.

so I just crossed fingers and toes and send prayers for the best of YZ

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I'm sorry for spamming.. but this really makes me go high... 

Such small action that give me delulu about how close they are... I have no class, so it's my free time... and bear with my ranting and whining... :sweatingbullets:

 is this what we called as fate...??




I wanna cry.... 



WHat are you looking at..??? He's mine! Kyaaaa~ 



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23 minutes ago, ariafoxx said:

I dont want to crush our hope for chance of YZ being together again in public, but this article showed me that even big brand like Lancome cave in to Beijing pressure

What the Lancôme-Denise Ho controversy tells us

off course I hope it's different case for YZ

so I just crossed fingers and toes and send prayers for the best of YZ

I guess I'm a pretty rational person. If the current climate is not favourable, I would rather both just steer clear of each other in public events for the time being to avoid controversies which would set back their career. I have no wish to see HJY working as at Taobao model again when he can do so much more!  He is very raw, but has so much untapped potential.  Hope he becomes a credible actor soon!! 

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@gayyoxx On whether ZZ is the spokesperson of a particular brand, on the clip, it says Yue Sai which is under the L'oreal group (Luxury Division).
@xix19xix Well, I'm so happy that there are so many YuZhou supporters out there and the extent they would go to just to be able to see JY and ZZ together and I think everyone here would really love to see both of them together in public too. Btw, Happy 200th post =)
Counting down the days....eight days more to see if things would materialise as all CP fans hope.....really love the mood in this forum here....I know there's a lot of anticipation and apprehension here but I guess we can't really do much except to just wait for official updates.

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16 minutes ago, SueLyinn said:

 Well, I'm so happy that there are so many YuZhou supporters out there and the extent they would go to just to be able to see JY and ZZ together and I think everyone here would really love to see both of them together in public too.
Counting down the days....eight days more to see if things would materialise as all CP fans hope.....really love the mood in this forum here....I know there's a lot of anticipation and apprehension here but I guess we can't really do much except to just wait for official updates.

@SueLyinn if what you said is true, i am hoping there will be a hero there, like Da Shu did in Thai FM, to push both JY ZZ standing or sitting or chatting together so our dreams to see actual photo YuZhou together come truee :w00t:.....#delulu imagination

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"Jingyu" in Ep 4 of 是!尚先生

at around 36.57




a80d7200gw1f4q5krv6bpj203a05fmx0.jpg                 a80d7200gw1f4q5jtsis8j201p02cdfm.jpg

It's from this set of photos



and do you guys remember the female lead in this drama? Previously fans were busy spotting Zhouzhou in her photo at Ok anniversary party LOL


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1 hour ago, KKmegan said:

@gayyoxx Nope. He didn't mentioned "上瘾” if I recall correctly. He merely mentioned some of you (i.e. viewers/members of the audience) came to know of him via some series, and he looks forward to showcasing better work to everyone in the future. He didn't come across as wanting to brood about the topic and seems ready to move on actually. 

Yes, he has to move on. There is no future for him otherwise. Moving on and keeping the memory as something he holds dear is the best option for him. I admire his courage to include that "some series" and his experience filming "that series" in the show, when so many people, including some of his fans, prefer to pretend that that episode of his life has never happened.

I think JY and ZZ are doing the right thing: moving on. Not dwelling in the past, not forgetting their past.

1 hour ago, ariafoxx said:

I dont want to crush our hope for chance of YZ being together again in public, but this article showed me that even big brand like Lancome cave in to Beijing pressure

What the Lancôme-Denise Ho controversy tells us

off course I hope it's different case for YZ

YZ are not democracy activist nor lgbt activist, they're just two young boys brought by fate to star in low budget bl series. What comes after that is not their fault to take.

so I just crossed fingers and toes and send prayers for the best of YZ



In the end of the day, it's all about pressures (from Chinese government and part of the society) against something they deem as dangerous. When someone has been identified with that dangerous element, he/she is branded (permanently?) and discriminated. Other parties (Lancome in Denise Ho's case or HC/RFT2 in YZ's case) are then pressured to join the branding and discrimination process. It's all depend on the accused individual then, whether they cave in or not to the pressure.

Sending my hope for YZ as well; I hope that they have the strength to be happy, to choose wisely and to find solace in each other!

5 minutes ago, kmmyzz said:

Gonna make a comparison of these pictures, one from @aeislaeigh's update and one from ZZ's previous weibo update  doge_thumb.gifmm_thumb.gif

It is a "coincidence". doge_thumb.gifmm_thumb.gif


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