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@aeislaeigh  @BLFANS

Johnny looks so dapper and suave in his tux and bow tie.

Did you guys notice his shoes? It's very funky and er...kinda SHINY / attention-grabbing too :)

The other two guys just wore normal black shoes but Johnny's had some special pattern / design on it....I can't really make out what it is unless someone can zoom in on his shoes.

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Normally in an event, the one who comes later is the important one.

Vietnamese have a saying like, knowing to move forward - knowing to take a step back.

Ideally, a step back is for a more glorious move.

It's said something like a frog has a wide mouth and small ears cuz it sounds more than listen, a rabbit has big long ears and small mouth cuz it listens more.

ZZ, be very strong and courageous!

*maternal instincts mode on*

Edit: About JY's recent photoshoot

*delulu mode on*

JY: you, stay home and take a rest *take away ZZ's phone and laptop*, I'll go out and make money for us.

Oh, that's why ZZ isn't online these days, cuz JY took his devices away, awww how adorbs of JY, for wifey not to be bothered by the media.

Edited by ximichem
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4 minutes ago, sohocomo said:

Very, very true. But the story is done in such a way to lead to personal interpretation/introspection - which is actually one of the things I love most about it. 


True! There were moments in the story and web series that he has those elements like the handcuffs to the blindfolds that were very clear. Then there is the jealousy and demanding nature of GH towards LY  that reflects it.

4 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

I think ZZ does need to take some time off from the hate in weibo. He might use this break for rest, recording new songs or gather his confidence again. Having friends with bubbly personality, once they got hurt enough and the bubble pops, it needs time and care to get back to how they were used to be before the unfortunate events. If he go out on public and somehow he is shown to have significant (negative) changes oh himself, that would just make the enemies win, imho.

This is an important stage on ZZ's development, not only as an actor/singer but as a human being. He might have existential crisis atm, asking "why do I do this?", "is it worth it?", "what am I trying to achieve?", "is this the future that I want?" etc and that's good because he was essentially swept away by waves of uncontrollable events. It is time for him to talk with himself and decide what he wants (especially because if the conspiracy is true, he will face attacks again in the future for nobody knows how long).

Atm, I guess ZZ's manager's presence on weibo is more essential than ZZ's. She (he?) needs to ensure ZZ's presence by posting info about ZZ without attracting the sharks seeking blood. Hopefully, the management understands that.

To be honest, I was thinking the boys had been too active on socmed LOL. It is better for them to have their managers posting pics/schedules/whatever and occassionally they drop one or two things then do not access that again.

I agree with you. ZZ needs this time alone but hopefully that he is not alone in this times. It can be a very dangerous time for him seeing his personality. People who display such happiness and carefree tend to take things harder. It has been brutal and harsh for ZZ as the attacks were direct and to the heart, his very passion and dreams were attacked without a care in the world. I also agree that the boys need to be away from the social media for now.

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I was curious, though. From http://pop.weibo.com/#data_trend, IRYE is still at #3 (it was #4 when I went to bed) and Moonlight is #7. While it is not as spectacular as Walk Slowly which topped the chart, I'd say for a new comer hit with many attacks, this is still good position. So, does the plagiarism accusation really affect the future of ZZ's album? Antis and haters will always hate and they are not going to buy his album in the first place, anyway. The attacks might take some undecided people not buying his album but with loyal fans supporting him, like shown in the chart, I guess his album will still be a success?

Also, can someone here confirm if international fans without weibo account stream ZZ's song from the above link, will our streaming give points for the songs' position on the chart? If yes, we can gather i-fans through estreline and yzonlykt's IGs, asking i-fans to stream ZZ's songs.

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41 minutes ago, htuvecila said:

The 3rd live event is at Shenzhen, which means 2 out of 3 have been cancelled for now.

One good thing is JY won't be affected due to the ban rumor or anything. Everything from the start till now only aimed for ZZ. Bad rumors against him started as early as Shangyin is aired, with high frequency. I saw comments on weibo saying they haven't watched Shangyin but among the two JY has better image, they don't know who ZZ is but keep reading all scandals about him make them totally lose interest in him. 

it baffles me that zz's image would be so bad, considering the person i actually SEE is so bright and personable. everyone who have met and worked with him only have pleasant things to say. even when he makes a mistake he immediately apologizes (considering some real heavy handed plagiarists love sweeping things under the rug). i think he stays in his lane and just does his best, but its so unfortunate that he is judged by people who have never even laid eyes on him or heard him say one word.

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@skeletonworks yeap @tea4twoalready explained it ^^

To lighten the mood , Youku have Addicted videos again,under the disguise "Remarried brothers'"

Note: These are not uploaded through official sources, but I guess the videos got removed previously because of the ban and now they are back with the name "remarried brothers" and compiled format of a part 1 and 2 movie.

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4 minutes ago, shuwei said:

it baffles me that zz's image would be so bad, considering the person i actually SEE is so bright and personable. everyone who have met and worked with him only have pleasant things to say. even when he makes a mistake he immediately apologizes (considering some real heavy handed plagiarists love sweeping things under the rug). i think he stays in his lane and just does his best, but its so unfortunate that he is judged by people who have never even laid eyes on him or heard him say one word.

I guess it is people's perception of him from his love to music that ranged from metal to death metal and back to something softer. There is also no doubr people see tattoos as something that reflects a bad boy image or troubled child. It is all this that leads people to be harsh on him when he is just a boy next door that loves music, art, dance and acting so much. 

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I love how ZZ is bringing out EVERYBODY'S maternal instinct.  :lol:

But, seriously, I'm worried too. Mainly because this move of laying low really seems to be outside of ZZ's character. With all of the past 'attacks' he seemed to take a devil-may-care, in-your-face kind of approach. I have to wonder if this laying low is more a move by his management than ZZ himself, which then makes me worry that he will become discontent with his decision to join a company, which could then lead to him rebelling against the management, which could then lead to ...(yeah, my maternal instinct too.)

I almost wish he was spamming weibo and making himself visible, just to show the haters that he won't be intimidated by them. Unfortunately, those who want to stop his rise may see this as a precedent for later in his career as well. 


OK! No more of those thoughts!  Positive thinking, positive vibes! Joy, Happiness, Love!!

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36 minutes ago, ximichem said:

Edit: About JY's recent photoshoot

*delulu mode on*

JY: you, stay home and take a rest *take away ZZ's phone and laptop*, I'll go out and make money for us.

Oh, that's why ZZ isn't online these days, cuz JY took his devices away, awww how adorbs of JY, for wifey not to be bothered by the media.

Awesome!!!  :wub:

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36 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

I think ZZ does need to take some time off from the hate in weibo. He might use this break for rest, recording new songs or gather his confidence again. Having friends with bubbly personality, once they got hurt enough and the bubble pops, it needs time and care to get back to how they were used to be before the unfortunate events. If he go out on public and somehow he is shown to have significant (negative) changes oh himself, that would just make the enemies win, imho.

This is an important stage on ZZ's development, not only as an actor/singer but as a human being. He might have existential crisis atm, asking "why do I do this?", "is it worth it?", "what am I trying to achieve?", "is this the future that I want?" etc and that's good because he was essentially swept away by waves of uncontrollable events. It is time for him to talk with himself and decide what he wants (especially because if the conspiracy is true, he will face attacks again in the future for nobody knows how long).

I'm going to put a positive spin on this and say that it's big part of his learning process. When he comes back after his short break i'm sure he'll be his normal self. The only thing that will be different is that he's going to be tougher, stronger and better prepared to handle any future negative feedback.

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@gayyoxx Having a top chart song accused of plagiarism isn't necessary a good thing. As long as that song stay on the chart, people keep talking about the accusation, it will never die down this way. 

You guys should concentrate more on supporting his other song, Moonlight (not related to Addicted series and hasn't been accused of anything).

About XWZ MIA, maybe he's trying to fix the situation so that his album can be released on schedule.

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I have always been amazed on how you guys get a grasp of their recent activities. I wish I have all the time and money and richard simmons language barrier I can fulfill the job of being a fangirl and a passenger of this cruise ship as well. I am just having fun here with my delulu and them feels oh really this is not good. :angry:

lol for richard simmons totally I can relate. >_<


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3 minutes ago, Kim Soo-Lee said:

I'm going to put a positive spin on this and say that it's big part of his learning process. When he comes back after his short break i'm sure he'll be his normal self. The only thing that will be different is that he's going to be tougher, stronger and better prepared to handle any future negative feedback.


What won't kill you will only make you stronger :) He can take a leaf from Fan Bing Bing who became more and more influential in spite of all the bad press and naysayers to be the number 1 star in China for many years.

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5 minutes ago, akira1221oor said:

@gayyoxx Having a top chart song accused of plagiarism isn't necessary a good thing. As long as that song stay on the chart, people keep talking about the accusation, it will never die down this way. 

You guys should concentrate more on supporting his other song, Moonlight (not related to Addicted series and hasn't been accused of anything).

About XWZ MIA, maybe he's trying to fix the situation so that his album can be released on schedule.

That's right. He should pull it and put it away for the moment. That song and "plagiarism" are always going to be linked. At least for now. He can spend some time on reworking or redoing the lyrics and present it to the public. Maybe at the end of this year or early next year.  

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On 2016-04-05 at 4:31 AM, htuvecila said:

3. BL is not a theme that anyone would like to be too attached to if they still want to hit big in cbiz. It can make you famous but as soon as you are famous, better run away from it to save yourself. I don't think I need further explaination for this. Its not only the government but it's the common mindset of majority audiences in China. Most of them still don't accept BL.

I always wonder, they didn't join a BL-series thinking it would become this enormous thing, right? Surely, they must have just thought it would be a good opportunity to act, to get their names out there, to get some fans. Considering the genre, I'm guessing they couldn't even imagine it would turn into all this. 

If that's true, then the question is, is this what they want? Is it a desirable outcome for them? (To become the talk of the town, I mean.) It makes sense to make the most of their current popularity, but I can't help but wonder if it's what they want in the long run?

JY & ZZ may have completely different ideas, of course. JY has this cool, suave, slightly bad-boy, aura about him, which makes him popular in any case. Not to mention his profiency as a model. ZZ is more the boy-next-door type, it seems. And I'm not at all sure how much he (or JY) wants mega-fame. There's something slightly nerdy about ZZ (and I mean that in the very best of ways, I LOVE nerds like him), which sometimes make me think he might prefer to stay more low-key. But I've no idea, of course!

They're both so young, it's difficult to know what you want at any age, but at theirs, it's even harder. I just hope they remember to think for themselves what it is they really, really want. And who they listen to. I imagine there are so many people telling them all sorts, these days: go there, do that, you should do this, you're like this, if you don't do this then..., if you do this you won't be able to do that... etc, etc. It's absolutely crucial you have good people around you, keeping you sane, I think.  

So I hope ZZ doesn't take too much to heart, but just keeps doing what he feels is right. Actually, the fact that he dances, knittes, cooks, etc, makes me think he's a guy who's extremely comfortable with himself. And that kind of security is worth more than anything. So I think he'll be fine, no matter what is going on right now. 

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42 minutes ago, Cynnamin said:

I guess it is people's perception of him from his love to music that ranged from metal to death metal and back to something softer. There is also no doubr people see tattoos as something that reflects a bad boy image or troubled child. It is all this that leads people to be harsh on him when he is just a boy next door that loves music, art, dance and acting so much. 

yeah these people must have never seen an artsy type in their life lol. i mean he was even into latin music, and now that favorite cantonese song of his these days idek what genre that is... 

zz has literally tried everything and anything related to art (including his various cat drawings lol). he decided to work on bl, which is genre that's pretty out there too. how can someone like this be stereotype as anything...

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7 minutes ago, charlie10 said:

If that's true, then the question is, is this what they want? Is it a desirable outcome for them? (To become the talk of the town, I mean.) It makes sense to make the most of their current popularity, but I can't help but wonder if it's what they want in the long run?

JY & ZZ may have completely different ideas, of course. JY has this cool, suave, slightly bad-boy, aura about him, which makes him popular in any case. Not to mention his profiency as a model. ZZ is more the boy-next-door type, it seems. And I'm not at all sure how much he (or JY) wants mega-fame. There's something slightly nerdy about ZZ (and I mean that in the very best of ways, I LOVE nerds like him), which sometimes make me think he might prefer to stay more low-key. But I've no idea, of course!


I think they both want this -- ZZ more than JY though. Paraphrasing from my memory --> I remember an interview of JY saying that he is glad to and could accept the sudden gain in fame. At the same time, he could also accept that all this may disappear one day. At this stage, I think JY can still afford to "lose" because of his "come what may" attitude.

In another interview, I remember ZZ saying that he would "love to be even more popular than now" when asked what is his wish for the future with regards to his career. ZZ wants to be in the entertainment industry, we all know this from his background and past interviews. Setbacks like these would affect him more emotionally simply because he wants it so much. 

I feel sorry for both of them actually -- so many things happening in such a short time. Yet, they are blessed with so many fans (and across the world too). But that's what makes life exciting for celebrities no? 

Having said all that, I'm also feeling a bit sorry for myself. This fandom has overtaken my life. I'm way too emotionally invested in strangers. I'm not strong willed enough to get off this roller coaster but I think I need a 12-step program to distance myself a little. Any recommendations? :P


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13 minutes ago, charlie10 said:

They're both so young, it's difficult to know what you want at any age, but at theirs, it's even harder. I just hope they remember to think for themselves what it is they really, really want. And who they listen to. I imagine there are so many people telling them all sorts, these days: go there, do that, you should do this, you're like this, if you don't do this then..., if you do this you won't be able to do that... etc, etc. It's absolutely crucial you have good people around you, keeping you sane, I think.  

Emphasis mine.

Yes! I agree on this! That is why I am saying, in a way, this event is "good" because it allowed ZZ to take a step back and think about what he really wants. After that, he will be a stronger man.

I always admire JY-ZZ's resilience. These past months are not easy for them. It's like kind of having years of experiences compressed into mere months and shoved down their throats. For them to be able to endure that, and in a very graceful manner in my eyes, shows how strong their personalities are. So, yeah, I think ZZ will be alright especially with JY by his side, holding his hand and giving him strength. :D 


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2 hours ago, _Nao_ said:

Zhouzhou's schedule has suffered from so much cancellation at the beginning of this month

2/4: live singing on a show [Cancelled]

5/4: Lofficiel photoshoot, live through app [Cancelled]

8/4: Fight from Beijing to Shenzhen

9/4: Attend a music award show in Shenzhen

Then Thailand fanmeeting on 17/4 (Flight to Thai in 15/4, back to China in midnight 17- morning 18/4)

With this type of schedule and them being cancelled, I am afraid that the any plans for S2 will not push through until next year. both of them are so busy. If there is really a proposal for the S2 then they have to wait a bit longerrrrrrrrr to the 2 of them to be available. Hmm, I wonder if the rumor of changing the main cast/s are true though.

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29 minutes ago, charlie10 said:

I always wonder, they didn't join a BL-series thinking it would become this enormous thing, right? Surely, they must have just thought it would be a good opportunity to act, to get their names out there, to get some fans. Considering the genre, I'm guessing they couldn't even imagine it would turn into all this. 

If that's true, then the question is, is this what they want? Is it a desirable outcome for them? (To become the talk of the town, I mean.) It makes sense to make the most of their current popularity, but I can't help but wonder if it's what they want in the long run?

JY & ZZ may have completely different ideas, of course. JY has this cool, suave, slightly bad-boy, aura about him, which makes him popular in any case. Not to mention his profiency as a model. ZZ is more the boy-next-door type, it seems. And I'm not at all sure how much he (or JY) wants mega-fame. There's something slightly nerdy about ZZ (and I mean that in the very best of ways, I LOVE nerds like him), which sometimes make me think he might prefer to stay more low-key. But I've no idea, of course!

i totally agree that zz seems nerdy lol. he's unfashionable, wears glasses, plays all kinds of rp games, KNITS etc. everyone makes him out to be this super ambitious type just bc he's into music, is in acting school, is comfortable with crowds etc but sometimes i feel like he's just as "floaty" as jy. releasing music is definitely his dream tho (which is why he took this chance to dig up irye this old richard simmons song lol), but idk about mega stardom. just like how jy likes modeling and fashion, even if their interests are different, they both got things they are passionate about and are just trying to make a living off it. i think that's why they chose acting, bl, and addicted in the first place

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