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[drama 2005] Secret Lovers 비밀남녀

Guest mily2

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Secret Lovers Episode #12

Part One

KJW: Please choose one out of all these.

Girls: They’re really pretty! You’re really giving us?

KJW: Yes. Let me have a look. It’s really pretty. Ms. Cui try these on. I think these look better on you.

Girls: They’re really pretty.

KJM: Oh my god. What are all these?

KJW: You all like these presents don’t you? When it’s Christmas, I’ll give you girls more of such gifts.

(KJM charges into KJW’s room)

KJW: Er.. this..

KJM: Don’t pretend to be busy. I came here because I felt it.

KJW: Hello?

KJM: Brother, do you really want to behave like this?

KJW: Can you help me look for the leader of the organizing committee? Ah Yes! I’m KJW.

(KJM snatches phone from KJW)

KJM: I’m sorry, he’ll call you back in a moment.

KJW: What are you trying to do?

KJM: Brother, what are You trying to do?

KJW: What about?

KJM: You doing this, is not good for either her or yourself. Brother you really think you and her will have a happy ending ay? To be frank, I think you don’t even have that much confidence, do you? Brother, I don’t have anymore solutions. Please don’t blame me.

KJW: Hey, hey!


KJM: Oh my god. This village needs to be re-constructed completely. Seo Dai Goo. Sounds like the name of SYJ’s father. I think I got the place right. What’s this? They don’t even have a doorbell? Sorry to disturb you… Oh my god.. This house is really poor… And what’re these? Isn’t this an urinal? Are they collecting some form of antiques? A bathing tub? Where did they buy all these things?

SYJ’s Dad: I got a fright. Who are you? What are you trying to do, coming into a stranger’s home?

KJM: SYJ’s not at home? I’m looking for SYJ.

SYJ’s Dad; You’re YJ’s friend? YJ’s not at home.

KJM: You’re SYJ’s father right?

SYJ’s Dad: Yes.

KJM: Please keep tabs on your daughter.

SYJ’s Dad: What? Keep what tabs?

KJM: SYJ is now trying to climb an tree that is not within her reach. SYJ recently is going out with someone whom is not compatible with her.

SYJ’s Dad: Even if it is so, who the hell are you anyway? What’s your relation to that boy?

KJM: With regards to that, it’ll be better if I didn’t tell you.

SYJ’s Dad: Who do you think you are coming here and wearing a wig. Why are you meddling with other people’s business? Why?

KJM: It’s not a wig! Look! It’s genuine hair. My hair!

SYJ’s Dad; Whether or not it’s a wig or your real hair, get out of this place before I pluck your head out. Get out!

KJM: Oh my god. Look at this old man! So rude!

SYJ’s Dad: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Did you come here to drink our milk? Why is your voice like that?

KJM: I come here in peace to offer warning.

SYJ’s Dad: You all are so free to meddle into two people who are falling in love? It’s good that you’ve come. Good. Welcome! I’ll give you some colour since you’re here!

KJM: Oh my god. Oh my god. Is he crazy?

SYJ’s Dad: Are you coming back? Not coming?

KJM: Oh my god.. Oh my god..

SYJ’s Dad: Still want to run?

KJM: You guys help me! Please help me!

SYJ’s Dad: You stay there! Stay there!

Neighbours: It’s enough! It’s enough!

SYJ’s Dad: Let go of me! You’re still taking photos? You all still not letting go of me?

Neighbours: Uncle! Uncle!


SYM: Sis, how does this look?

Salesgirl: Wait a sec. No No. Try this instead. It’s better.

SYM: Red?

Salesgirl: Wear it in front of the mirror and take a look.

SYM: Buzz off.

SYG: This kid is really…

Voice: I think it would be better if I came here first.

SYJ: Yes. We think so too. Then I’ll see you tomorrow then.

SYG: Who called?

SYJ: It’s the secretary uncle. He said the flight is scheduled at 3pm tomorrow.

SYM: We can finally see Mother!

SYJ: Why do I feel so nervous and so unsure?

SYG: Me too! I’m so nervous I can die.

SYM: I’m happy instead! From tomorrow onwards we can just be like anyone else and not getting jealous of other people’s lives.

SYJ: How are you both going to tell Dad? I’m telling him I’ll be staying over at Doctor Jong’s place.

SYG: I’ll say that my friend’s grandmother has just passed away.

SYM: Me.. I’ll say that I’m spending the night at the library. Brother, let’s try this!

SYJ: I feel weird…

Salesgirl: Hey hey. Pick one! You’re finally meeting again after 15 years. Wear something nice.

SYJ: I still don’t know what’s going to happen next. I don’t want to wish for too much.

Salesgirl: Having a mother who owns a hotel, you can enjoy life in the future!

SYJ: If I can see my mother once again, it will be enough for me. Regardless of whether she’s sick or poor. As long as Mother’s back, I’ll still be very happy.

Salesgirl: If possible, having a rich mother is indeed way better. But, your mum is really that type of person who’s a successful entrepreneur?

SYJ: Mother’s a brave lady. I’m always told that I take after my mother.

Salesgirl: You’ll be of equal status with guy in future. Your background is different now. And I think he will behave differently as well.


CDK’s Bro: SYG, your attitude today is not very good.

SYG: I don’t know whether I’ll still be in this line in future.

CDK: You’ve settled the loan for beating up your friend?

SYG: That little 2 million won? It’s laughable.

CDK’s Bro: Did you hurt him in any way?

CDK: Towards that kind of boy, in what way can I hurt him?

SYG: You will know all the details in the few days to come. There’s something happening tomorrow at home and I’m unable to come out. If I happen to come out driving a sports car, please do not be shocked.

CDK’s Bro: YG, you’re not feeling well? You can knock off first.

SYG: I’m not coming for work tomorrow. Even that is ok with you?

CDK: What’s the matter? You look so proud.

SYG: Our long lost mother managed to contact us.


SYJ: Wait a minute. Where did I place my purse? Oh over here. Towel, toothbrush are all here. Am I finished with the packing? Why am I so nervous? (SYJ cell phone rings) What’s up at this hour?

CDK: YJ. Congratulations!

SYJ: What?

CDK: I heard you’ve met your mother! I heard that your mother owns a hug hotel at Jeju Island!

SYJ: Who told you that? YG?

CDK: Yes!

SYJ: I can’t stand that boy!

CDK: That’s good. If you’re the daughter of a hotel entrepreneur, you can get hold of KJW.

SYJ: I still don’t know anything yet. Don’t say those kind of things.

CDK: If KJW knows about this, his attitude will change. You’ll see. Congrats! Congrats! Fighting! Wait a minute, SYJ becomes the daughter of a hotel entrepreneur. When she told me she wanted to start a relationship with me, I should have agreed? No… no… If it’s like this? I would have to fight with KJW to vie for her love? I still want … Jong A-Mi.

SYJ: IF KJW likes me for what I become in future, will it be a happy affair? Or a sad one?

SYJ’s Dad: SYJ, what are you doing?

SYJ: Yes?

SYJ’s Dad: Am I interrupting you in your writing?

SYJ: Of course not.

SYJ’s Dad: When you weren’t around during the day, a lady wearing a wig and had a shrieking voice, saying you’re climbing an impossible tree and asking me to keep tabs on you. Do you know who is it?

SYJ nods her head.

SYJ’s Dad: And I took all the trash at our place and threw at her and destroyed her image.

SYJ: Did you really do that?

SYJ’s Dad: No…. my precious daughter.. Why do I have to listen to all those? Why? She’s already doing this to you now. What’s going to happen if you’re really going further with the boy in this relationship? Don’t you have the slightest inkling? You can’t see what’s going to happen? Please wake up will you?

SYJ: Yes… Dad? I’m staying over at Doctor A-Mi’s place tomorrow. I need to do some stuff. She says it’s better if I was with her. So…

SYJ’s Dad: YG also said that he’s not coming back tomorrow. Alright then.


KJM: I’m here because I’ve got some explosive news to show to let the Father and Mother know. Brother is not meeting up with Doctor Jong A-Mi but with another woman!

KJW’s Mum: What?

KJW’s Dad: What?

KJM: Have a look. This girl lives in this kind of rundown place and was even a substitute driver. And most recently, she sells earrings on the streets.

KJW’s Dad: Who’s this man?

KJM: He’s the girl’s father. A complete gangster!

KJW’s Mum: You’re telling me JW is meeting with the girl from this kind of family background?

(KJM nods)

KJW’s Dad: This child is really… Get him down right now!

KJM: I’ll get him.

KJW’s Mum: What’s going on?

KJM: You think it’s laughable just by looking at it right, Brother?

KJW’s Mum: What JM said is true? Youre not meeting up with Jong A-Mi and with another woman instead?

KJW’s Dad: Why aren’t you answering?!

KJW: Yes, we’re dating.

KJW’s Dad: You… You bastard!!! That means, you’re dating Jong A-Mi and that girl from that family background. To think that you actually did that.

KJM: Brother, you saw for yourself, Lawyer Song’s family. Married the wrong girl and now their family is in a complete mess.

KJW’s Mum: She didn’t even graduated from university and living a poor life right?

KJW: Yes.

KJW’s Dad: Then you like that girl? Why aren’t you answering? Do you like her?

KJW: Yes. I like.

KJW’s Dad: If it’s like this, are you prepared to be the son-in-law of that family? You have confidence in getting married? Why aren’t you answering?

KJW: I don’t have any confidence.

KJW’s Dad: You definitely have no confidence in marrying that girl.ay?

KJW: Yes.

KJW’s Mum: That does it. End it with that girl quickly.

KJM: I don’t know whether he’s saying he’s not seeing her in front of Father and Mother.

KJW’s Dad: Say that again. I want to hear it from you. Not wanting to get married with that girl. Are you listening to what I say?

KJW: That’s right. I really don’t want to marry this girl. I like her but I have no confidence in marrying her and no confidence in becoming their son-in-law. So, Father and Mother you both can relax.

KJW’s Dad: Fine. A man shouldn’t say two different things with his mouth.


SYG: Please help me cut a neat style.

SYM: I want something that’s pretty and grand.

SYJ: You do a neat hairstyle too.

SYM: I don’t want to. I want to do a beautiful hairstyle and get lots of pocket money from Mother.

(On the plane to Jeju Island)

SYJ: Ay…

SYM: Brother, mine! Mine too! I’m going in first!

SYJ / SYM: It’s great isn’t it? Great!

SYJ: Over here. Tie your seatbelt over here.

SYG: This is the first time you’re on a plane right?

SYM: What about you Brother?

SYG: Don’t ask me that.

SYM: What about Sis then?

SYJ: Of course it’s my first time. So nervous!

SYM: It’s starting! It’s starting!

SYG: It’s a piece of cake!

SYJ: What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? It’s taking off!!!


Employee: Assistant Director! Are we cancelling the African art exhibition? Shall we give the Jeju side a call?

KJW: Alright. Please do.

Employee: Ok.

(KJW makes a phone call)

Voice message: I’m sorry but the phone is currently not in use…

KJW: YJ, it’s me. You’ve switched off your phone? Are you unwell? I’m curious that’s why I made the call. You’re not feeling unwell right? I’ll call you another time.

KJM: Brother! The posters for the art exhibition are out! Please don’t pretend to be disappointed! I thought you made yourself very clear in front of Father and mother last night. No confidence in marrying that girl.

KJW: Yes, I did say that. No confidence.

KJM: Admitting that, feeling embarrassed and not happy about it. But you don’t need to be like that Brother. Everyone behaves like that!

(KJW makes a phone call)

KJW: AM? I’m KJW. Are you free for a movie tonight?

JAM: Oh dear. What am I supposed to do? KJW asking me out for a movie, but I have to perform a surgery, which will take pretty long.

KJW: Well, I ain’t got a choice. I’ll ask you again next time.

JAM: I’m sorry, JW. I’ll call you once I’ve performed the surgery. Goodbye. Even if he asks me out, I still got to reject him once. There’s a need for me to do it.

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Guest ebrigid

Hi Yeohweping,

Please please please add me to your PM list for the subs...I've followed this wonderful drama this far, but I couldn't have done it without the help of the amazing subbers and timers who've devoted so much time and effort to aid non-Korean people like me...

So please add me to your PM list. Thanks a lot!

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Guest yeohweping

There're only places for about 25 people only as it's the maxium no. of times, ysi will allow people to dl :o But let me first warn the people who want it and is not from our project group or people close to us, that the list of people on my list, will be the first ones to be suspected as the leecher if the subs ever appear on any selling web.. :( Well, I'm saying sorry first if you aren't :o And if you are the leecher, bad luck :angry: I'm putting up the first security wall :angry:

And those people getting it, please don't post it anywhere else :o We have some 'worm' catching to do :o

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There're only places for about 25 people only as it's the maxium no. of times, ysi will allow people to dl :o But let me first warn the people who want it and is not from our project group or people close to us, that the list of people on my list, will be the first ones to be suspected as the leecher if the subs ever appear on any selling web.. :( Well, I'm saying sorry first if you aren't :o And if you are the leecher, bad luck :angry: I'm putting up the first security wall :angry:

And those people getting it, please don't post it anywhere else :o We have some 'worm' catching to do :o

to be honest i doubt the person selling cares if he has the final good copies of the subs. and we'd never know, cuz no of us would buy it.

i think the only way to ensure your work is not taken, is not not softsub or hardsub. but just transcribe and ppl can read the "script" while watching the video. thats what i've been doing.

I doubt the seller would bother timing things himself to sell it.

thanks for everyones hard work. the series has been enjoyable so far.


ahh.. i just read that you're refering to the initial release of subs, and not just the final release.

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Yeohweping- poor dear.. Check your pm.. We tracked down the domain registration of that stupid site. The person registered for that site is located in New York ( thanks to Onoturle for the correction :)) We have all their contact info.. but in terms of legal measures.. there is not much that we can do :(

Also, before this thread get flooded with requests to be added to the "safe" list.. I will discuss the issue more with Yeohweping & the team later, so PLEASE PLEASE do not pm us / post requests at the thread yet.

I know we are all disappointed & digusted at this site/person/group. .. but as Yeohweping & @shley stated, we will continue with the subbing process because after all, the team takes time to do this out of kindness with hope that people will enjoy this serie. Anyone who take advantage of the situation ( buying/selling these) is just shameless/un-appreciative.

I do agree with gerry that it's sad that genuine fans might have to bear the consequences of such people's actions. Keeping that in mind, I will seek Yeohweping & Yehri & @shley permission to leave the translations posted on the first post because I think that's important for fans who will join the thread in the future.


Over with the sad issues.. I'm glad @shely cheer us up with her wonderful translations!!! ( Hugging @shley tightly)... I will also post up the YSI link for episode 16 in abit. :P:)

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Guest onoturtle

Florida? funny, all indications i get say New York. check the person's email on the site. and a "whois" look at the domain name tells me it is registered to Robert "Unknown" living in Rochester, NY. apparently this person has a yahoo account too. but who knows how reliable this information is!

but anyway, i guess it doesn't matter :P

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We tracked down the domain registration of that stupid site. The person registered for that site is located in Florida. We have all their contact info.. but in terms of legal measures.. there is not much that we can do :(

Florida? funny, all indications i get say New York. check the person's email on the site. and a "whois" look at the domain name tells me it is registered to Robert "Unknown" living in Rochester, NY. apparently this person has a yahoo account too. but who knows how reliable this information is!

but anyway, i guess it doesn't matter :P

i am so amazed with you people!!! :o you can be an fbi or sth! being able to do all that! poor person didn't know that there are very intelligent people in this thread!!!


thanks to the subbing team for not being easily dissuaded by this incident! AJA AJA HWAITING!!! we are all relying on you......... :D

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Florida? funny, all indications i get say New York. check the person's email on the site. and a "whois" look at the domain name tells me it is registered to Robert "Unknown" living in Rochester, NY. apparently this person has a yahoo account too. but who knows how reliable this information is!

but anyway, i guess it doesn't matter :P

oops.. you are right.. our mistake.. We were tracking two sites and got the info mixed up.. ( horrors).. hehe.. luckily I didn't bombard the wrong site with junk emails yet.. hahaha.. :) Yeah.. that Robert is indeed from NY.. wonder what else we can do to him.. :angry:<_<

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I do agree with gerry that it's sad that genuine fans might have to bear the consequences of such people's actions. Keeping that in mind, I will seek Yeohweping & Yehri & @shley permission to leave the translations posted on the first post because I think that's important for fans who will join the thread in the future.


Over with the sad issues.. I'm glad @shely cheer us up with her wonderful translations!!! ( Hugging @shley tightly)... I will also post up the YSI link for episode 16 in abit. :P:)

I've no problems with leaving the subs at the first post. So long as that leech is not taking any advatanges over us, I'm fine ~ Heeheehee ~*


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i'm sorry this happened guys! :( ...but could i be added to the "safe" list :) ...Argh, but still that's totally wrong. i love this drama so much so far...... but i'd never go out and buy others hardwork for anothers profit :angry: thats totally wrong... hope they get rightfully [by law..] punished for what they're doing/did...

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hopefully that leech can wake up and smell the coffee ~* or the lava that's been erupting here ~* :P

To leech: We're gonna get ya ~* *making monkey faces at the leech*

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i do not like han ji hye's new hair. :o ANYONE CAN HELP TO POST photos of HJH in short hair??

KTH <3

Completed my ep15&16 :D. Albert... I think her hair looks great... BUT the only problem is... instead of looking like a 26, she looks like a 16 year old teenager :lol:

BTW, I read about the bad news :angry: .Must be difficult for all the subbers to digest this fact. I would suggest that you do hardsubbing. And in the beginning write a title "If You Have To BUY This Video, The Subtitles Had Been Stolen From Soompi." B) Else I don't mind to read just the summary or translations.

Anyway thank you for the continued translations. :)

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i've been watching this drama too ... but i'm wayyy behind though, aish.

thank you so much to the subbers and translators who have been working so hard so we could understand and enjoy the drama.

if you guys are making a PM list, could you add me please? thank you. :)

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Wow.. some people will always try to make a fast buck. I am currently watching the series and rely on the hard work of the subbers to understand what is going on in the series. Keep it up and whoever is leeching and selling this... bad mojo on you!

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Yeohweping, you have one hell of a combative territorial personality.... I just love it :D

In fact I would like to see a drama where someone attempts to take the lover from someone with your personality type! That will be a interesting watch!

Please accept my acknowledgement of your strength as a positive remark! (However, I must admit some of your remarks make me giggle! fighting!!!!!) :P

Mily2, I bet you can negotiate yourself out of or into any situation you desire. Again, my hat (with a smile on my face) off to you! Fighting!!!!!! :D

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Yeohweping, you have one hell of a combative territorial personality.... I just love it :D

In fact I would like to see a drama where someone attempts to take the lover from someone with your personality type! That will be a interesting watch!

Please accept my acknowledgement of your strength as a positive remark! (However, I must admit some of your remarks make me giggle! fighting!!!!!) :P

Mily2, I bet you can negotiate yourself out of or into any situation you desire. Again, my hat (with a smile on my face) off to you! Fighting!!!!!! :D

thanks for the kind remarks, my dear. Once again.. just so people won't get confuse or worry. Everything is going to be the same. WE WILL CONTINUE to release the subs just like before. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ON ANY SAFE LIST AT ALL!!! Yeohweping is going to go back and edit all the subs ( correct all the spelling mistakes, update with better word choices, etc.. you get the idea).. after the serie is over so that there can be a "PERFECT" version of the sub. She is going to dedicate that perfect version of the sub to the people who've been helping with the process/involve in the thread as a way to personally say thank you for taking this joying journey with us. I hope that explains the situation alot better.


I'm happy to announce that we should be able to release the sub for episode 6 and 7 this weekend. Through this incident, I've learned that the majority of soompiers are kind and supportive, as the subbing team has received ALOT of support and encouragement since that terrible site was discovered. Many people have offer to lend us a helping hand, and I'm very happy to announce that our newest timer, VICTORY will be timing episode 11 for us. Everyone Fighting!!!

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