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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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I liked that TK joined DS for their family dinner. See? Anybody who pops up here in our thread, and says that TK is a selfish bas.tard, is clueless.  He’s not. He knows he needs to take care of himself. He said he couldn’t join dinner not because he wanted to inconvenience them, or to create a fuss for anybody, but because he WAS tired and he needed to rest first. He understood his limitations.

But as soon as he was able, he went.  

And look at that. He immediately offered to take the pot from DS. And when DS asked, “What’s up with you?” he KNEW he was about to get a scolding but he didn’t take offense. He asked, “Why, what did I do wrong?” then smiled. 

This is one of those “charms” of nice guys like TK and SW that the director was talking about. #director #truth

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8 minutes ago, tiendoank said:

Who want bad, cold guy last time?/?


This is the epitome of cold guy. Chilling.



Like a boss. 


"I'm sorry, but...can you leave?" 

OOOHHHH. I wish we can also say this to intruders in our thread. @bebe1989 knows who I'm referring to, right, bebe? Again, anybody who pops up here and says that TK is a child, is talking through her hat; she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. 

No child can command people to get out of his sight and expect his order to be obeyed instantly. A child will have a tantrum... like kicking a flowerpot on his front porch. 

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Since we've already passed these episodes and I either A. Wasn't paying attention or B. Didn't jot down the answer when I had it:

Who are the narrators for episodes 4, 6, and 8? Does anybody remember/Is anyone currently re-watching the earlier episodes?

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5 minutes ago, dahae2006 said:



Thanks for sharing! 

But wait a second? Was that the only scene from Reply 1988 to be included in the teaser? The soon-to-kiss scene? Lol. I would have thought they’d include an excerpt deserving of the Best Actor award. Seriously now. 

Okay, okay. I’ll just go and console myself.. and one of those books that DS likes. ;)


Couldn't find the "Dangerous Roommate" so I'll SETTLE for the Consolation Prize. pwahahaha. ;)



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I like how DS timidly press on that bell the first time at the hotel (43:23), but when she was pounding on it the following day (49:03) when she was demanding better room service for TK.  

Yes, I guess it IS true. She'd make a better manager than TK’s own dad. I don’t think the taciturn dad would have been so exacting with his demands as DS was. Plus, he wouldn’t have gotten the same results as DS. According to the companion, this kind of incident happened often. He called them "discrimination."  But look at them... they all were complaining from the sidelines but didn't actually go up to the concierge and demanded changes. It was DS who did.  


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@tiendoank Are you a mindreader?! I love you! :wub::wub::wub:

I was just lamenting to myself that I didn't have any gifs of that jealousy scene even though it's been mentioned a bunch in here and taeksroom!


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Here @packmule3. I found the post in the main thread about the books DS was reading. Page 319

According to blue_angel_1004 [not linked because I don't know if they're a SunTaek] the "Dangerous Roommates" book goes by a different title in English; Man About the House. It was published after 1988 though.



The other book she reads is this one:




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6 minutes ago, phikyl said:

@tiendoank Are you a mindreader?! I love you! :wub::wub::wub:

I was just lamenting to myself that I didn't have any gifs of that jealousy scene even though it's been mentioned a bunch in here and taeksroom!




Yes! These were jealousy scenes alright, but most viewers didn’t see it because they didn’t put themselves in TK’s shoes and see the scene between the concierge and DS. Lol.  
They were expecting “lingering glances,” “furrowed forehead,” “pained looks” and “knitted brows” like with the JH’s scenes. Lol. They didn’t read between the lines. 

Thanks for the gifs, @tiendoank!  I saved them, too. 

@tiendoank, I still feel that the director/scriptwriter owes us a scene in the room that year 1989. 


It's annoying that we weren't told what happened back in his room...even if it meant just dinner. hahahaha.

And what's up with him always inviting her to his room? Just because he was accustomed to her presence in his room back home, didn't mean she could be staying in his room at a hotel. hahaha.

And then for him to joke about closing the door, because ~you never know~ he could be a different guy after taking the sleeping pills?  :w00t:  LIke dude, didn't you hear what DS said during your birthday? She said she couldn't' sleep in their "Taek's Room" because it would ruin her chances of marriage now that she was all grown up. She had a reputation to take care of now. lol. 


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16 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


@tiendoank, I still feel that the director/scriptwriter owes us a scene in the room that year 1989. 

It's annoying that we weren't told what happened back in his room...even if it meant just dinner. hahahaha.

And what's up with him always inviting her to his room? Just because he was accustomed to her presence in his room back home, didn't mean she could be staying in his room at a hotel. hahaha.


Hmmm... maybe the Director did that for our own sanity sake. Hehhehhehehhehhehe....

Ooooh......I'd love to hear Mr. Camel's take on the colored part.

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13 minutes ago, tiendoank said:


Hmmm... maybe the Director did that for our own sanity sake. Hehhehhehehhehhehe....

Ooooh......I'd love to hear Mr. Camel's take on the colored part.


Calling @CamelKnight! What's your take on Episode 19, Taek's invitation to go up to his room? They were already mature adults then. 

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Ok, so what I'm getting at with all these questions about the narrator of each episode is this:

It's my belief that Reply 1988 is the finished product of all the interviews done about Taek's life/career. Though we don't get to see most of the adults actually talking, the narrator of the episode indicates which part of the interview came from which person. Obviously most of the interview would come from Deok Sun as she's Taek's wife but there are also parts narrated by Bora, Sun Woo and JH. These are the 3 people that are closest to TK other than DS. 

Bora and Sun Woo are related to him through marriage [2 marriages actually] and it's my belief that TK considers JH his best friend other than SW. This is why we see narrations from each of these characters. I think we don't see any narration from TK because he isn't comfortable with interviews but we still get hints that he gave one, even if we barely see footage of him alone like we do with DS. It's similar to how TK's dad took the interview for TK's sake before but part of his interview wasn't shown to anyone other than TK. TK wanted to spend more time with DS [indicated by the "I like interviews" lie during episode 18] so he participated in the interview because she was there. 

I noticed that DR doesn't have any narration time, unless I missed it. Nor does he have any scenes that really show his life, alone. JH on the other hand got the Forrest Gump chase scene completely from his perspective.

If this is indeed the finished product of the interviews taken, the interviewer [and therefore us] is privvy to a lot of information that they shouldn't be if only TK/DS were interviewed. For instance, how would they know that SW went to pick up BR at the bus stop or that TK's dad lent SW's mom money to pay off the house debt?


Edit: Fixed a mistake about not seeing any solo TK interview footage. 

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9 minutes ago, tiendoank said:


Maybe he fell asleep while watching Ep 9... after calling us slackers. :D


Despite his hair loss (hahaha. Take that, @CamelKnight), he's still a baby. There's a distinct possibility that he can't keep up with us women. kekeke. 


Also, the glances DS was directing at TK when they were in the elevator going to his first round (50:26) –

if people found JH’s lingering glance earlier in this episode cute and romantic, then this scene is cute and romantic, too. She couldn’t look at him openly, and asked him sassily “what’s with him?” like she did a couple of nights ago, when she walked back with him to her house for dinner. The cat got her tongue.

And she was really aware now of the distance between him, the baduk god, and her, the 989th ranked girl in school. I thought it was nice touch and a neat foreshadowing that we had DS' family discuss at the beginning of the show, the class ranks of DS and NE. The class ranking provided context to SunTaek's relationship. 

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2 hours ago, phikyl said:

But we have boards like Soompi now to connect with others who have the same interests as us. We no longer have to rely on finding someone nearby to connect with about a topic because guaranteed, there's an online community who will spaz about whatever-it-is with you.

I think it's more common to have Netflix now though. I'm the odd one out with my drama watching because I don't keep up on shows like Jessica Jones, Orange is the New Black and those other really popular Netflix originals...


That's true. But I do have to listen to a morning talk show on my way to work to keep abreast of the pop-events HERE where I live. Lol. For example, I only recently found out about Johnny Depp's maital problems. 


That whole baduk etiquette! 

Even if they win, they have to be humble. And if they lose. they have to be polite.  Exactly like how the Director was when he won the Baeksang awards!  

When the director said that he thought that he failed or messed up, those JH/BS shippers twisted his words to fit their DISTORTED view of R88. They thought that he was apologizing for the end game. However, most of us SunTaekers had discussed this before in PM and we knew this wasn’t what he meant. We knew that there was NO WAY he’d apologize for the Taek endgame at the Baeksang awards.  I hope those JH shippers realize that by now.

The director was being HUMBLE. Baduk etiquette. 

He was simply saying that he recognized that if this venture failed or if people didn't understand nor appreciate the message of R88, it would be "his" fault, "his" failing as a director to communicate. He knew beforehand that it WAS going to be difficult to bridge the generational gap. He was much older than the young viewers and they might not get the essence of the story. 

Nevertheless, he thought it was imperative, important, and critical to talk about nostalgic time, the past era when people were closely bonded to one another like the neighbors at Ssangmundong. It was imperative because, at the time he, the writer and the rest of the production team were wrestling with the ideas of R88, the Sewol ferry disaster and other big societal issues had been in everybody's mind. He most likely wanted to "rally" people around the good memories of the past and to remind them not to lose hope.   

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3 hours ago, packmule3 said:


Who you calling slacker, you insolent young pup camel?

I've been sitting here all this time with my....

  Reveal hidden contents


Old people don't need sleep is what you're actually saying :D 

3 hours ago, packmule3 said:


See that?? 

So typical male! He thinks he can outdo as hard-working women.  I've been up for hours, too, and reading the news AND writing reports. tsk.tsk. Are the other ladies joining us? @dahae2006, join us! Let's stir up some hornet's nests today with this episode. lol. 


2 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Sigh. When we saw all the kids in the neighborhood listening to Starry Night...

Those were the days when there wasn't a lot of selections on TV and radio. Everybody was watching or listening to the SAME thing and could connect with each other the following day by discussing last night's news or broadcast. Nowadays, there are so many options, public radio, 1000 channels, and netflix, and even dramafever and viki for those international shows, that it's really hard to maintain that "shared" feeling. 

Gosh. You are *really* old aren't you? :P 

2 hours ago, packmule3 said:

I don't get this.  How can they eat braised short ribs for breakfast? And curry for breakfast??!!  What kind of stomachs do they have?

I like that she asked TK first if he could go to the "Jem" concert. And make that pout when he couldn't. lol. She didn't even consider JH. She said "So you guys want me to go alone with JW? Let’s go next time then.”
The way she phrased it! Lol She didn’t even consider going out with him. Never mind.

But I liked it that JH actually protested and, for a change, verbally expressed his desire to go with her, instead of keeping quiet or sulking in silence.  


It's called training. I could, and still can, eat anything at any given time. Even just after I ate lol :D 

I do agree with you here though. JH finally grew a pair and told DS what it was. Sure, it didn't help him much. Just look at her reaction when their picture was taken. Also, his idiotic reaction when she was pounding his arm. Dude... use that show of affection (yes, it is affection, though not love. She showed him she was close enough to him to be doing that, eventhough she has no romantic feelings for him). Instead, the idiot once more screws up...

30 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


Calling @CamelKnight! What's your take on Episode 19, Taek's invitation to go up to his room? They were already mature adults then. 

Can't remember EP19 to be honest. It's been a while and it's going to take another 10 weeks at the rate we're going to get there lol :D 

I'm going with cheeky for now. 


May I just say that once again DS dad is annoying the sh... out of me. Once more he's being an alcoholic, even coming up with some lame excuses to go drinking with TK's dad. Sure, it led to the savior of TK's dad, but to boast about how alcohol just saved a man's life is just poor taste, bad manners and completely ignorant behaviour. But what else would you expect from some dimwitted fool who's being fooled by anyone with a sob story. Ugh.

This episode does however show the true feelings DS has for both JH and TK. The difference in her attitude and posture between the two pictures taken (at the concert and the Baduk game) is so completely different. Also her reaction at the concert when the dude says he'll take their picture too. It's just reluctance, while with TK she's actually shy. Game, set and match to TK. Go home JH. You're done.

Oh yeah, SunWoo and Bo Ra. Nice. He's going places. Not home for the time being, but places... lol :D 

I loved how DS was able to make her self heard by the Chinese staff by using sing language, her hands and feet and lots of other gestures. She's capable, if it's for something she cares for. It's the main reason why she's not doing well at school. She just doesn't care.

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13 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

He knew beforehand that it WAS going to be difficult to bridge the generational gap. He was much older than the young viewers and they might not get the essence of the story.

 A lot of this has to do with whether the viewer is open and willing enough to be shown the different aspects of life during that generation too. I'm going to reveal just how much of a baby I really am and say that I wasn't even born in 1988 but I still understood quite a bit of what the director was getting at. Granted, I am old enough to have experienced some of that neighborhood camaraderie so it didn't all go completely over my head. For the most part though, all of these generational things were new to me. The difference is that I was willing to put my sense of the world aside and view the picture as a whole through the eyes of someone else who lived it. It seems a lot of the other viewers weren't willing to do the same. 

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Hey, @CamelKnight!

Do you know that line from Peter Pan, how every time you say that fairies don’t exist, a fairy somewhere in the world falls down and die?

Well...it’s kinda like that whenever you call me old. (No. I don’t die, silly.) I sprout a single white hair on my head. It’s a good thing I’m blonde, though, so it isn’t that visible. BTW, I just discovered Signal. Have you seen that? It's good. 


As for Bora/SW scenes here in this episode. I liked how SW ordered fried eggs for Bora without having to ask her. 

Girls really do appreciate these small acts of thoughtfulness and consideration.  I personally don’t like the EVENTS that are shown in Kdramas. You know, when the guys go through all this fuss to propose or to celebrate White Day, 100th day, Christmas Day, and so on.  

I think these “events” hype up the emotion and they pressure the guy unnecessarily to show their affection. I’d rather have everyday courtesy and kindness, than one big showy “event” with all the flowers and balloons. And honestly, prior to kdramas, I never even heard of "events" used in that sense. An event for me simply meant a meeting or an occasion on my calendar, but it didn't mean a "public declaration of love."  Really, @CamelKnightif I were a Korean guy, I'd be such a failure because I'm not much of an event-planner.

Anyway, in this case, too, the Director got it right. Nice guys do win the girl’s heart. 

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