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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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49 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

blue eye shadow was a trend here in the US. kekeke. If you have blue eyes, the blue eye shadow will highlight it. Also, girls back in the 80s weren't into the "natural" look that's fashionable right now. ;) Remember Cyndi Lauper? And Madonna?  

That's true but DS doesn't have blue eyes, which is why the blue made zero sense to me for highlighting eye color. I was thinking of Madonna when I had the bold colors statement going through my head though. Lol. 

Is natural what's "in" now? I don't really follow makeup trends, just do whatever suits my mood that day...I should be the one who knows though right? Since I'm the baby here and all. :P

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On 4/25/2016 at 7:36 AM, packmule3 said:


@CamelKnight! I'm glad you can join us for the Rewatch of R88. Next time, just click on @phikyl's name. She’s here often, but I’ve been AWOL last week due to work. 

But I’m going to start picking your brain now, if you don’t mind. :D

This scene from Episode 15… Have you watched this episode already? What do you think?


To be honest, Hyeri’s acting here in this particular moment bugged me a bit. But I gave her a pass because this was after all her first drama, and she’s a young actress. But behind-the-scene, we’ve discussed her facial expression. Personally I thought her eyes should have registered some kind of awareness or recognition that SHE, Deoksun, was the girl Taek Choi was referring to here. At this point, DS must have had an inkling that TK was attached to her. Because – 

One: He gave HER his precious trophy from his first ever win at this prestigious baduk competition. 
Two: Seconds earlier, he admitted to her that he never answered any of his fanmail from female admirers. 
Three: The ONLY girl he ever spent time with, or took with him to China, or rested his shoulder on, was HER. 
Four: And after all that, when a guy solemnly stares at the girl – as in, looks her straight in the eyes, unflinching, unblinking -- and tells her that he’s going to confess his feelings soon [or propose to a mythical “somebody”], THEN he’s got to be talking about her.  What do you think, @CamelKnight?

Seriously. If YOU were going to have a heart-to-heart dialogue with a specific girl, you wouldn't just bring up ANOTHER girl into the conversation, would you? That would be soooo insensitive, and we know that this character Taec Choi isn't portrayed like that.  Plus, wouldn’t YOU be face-palming in frustration, camelknight, if the girl was still confused about your feelings after all you’ve done for her? At what point do you think it should have been obvious to DS that TK liked her? 

For me, it was the trophy. For me, Deoksun should have known by then. lol. But her character was clueless about this boy-girl dynamics. 

Speaking from experience, once a guy offered me his medal or trophy or letterman jacket [which was a big thing when I was in high school eons ago], and I accepted it, then I was acknowledging that we were dating.  But I’m from a different generation and culture, so feel free to ignore me. :) 


@packmule, DS must be the one of the "densest" (pardon the word) persons alive BUT only insofar as interpreting gestures of appreciation and admiration. SW made this comment when he talked to Taek. The lingering belief and prevailing mindset that she is a person who "doesn't deserved to be loved" must be so deeply ingrained in her whole being that unless a person literally spills the words "I love you," "I like you," or kisses her the way Taek did in Episode 19, she will miss the "Love Cues". Judging from her expression, I could only say that she was perturbed by Taek's words and did not think that he was referring to her. Her face showed, if I am not mistaken, a fear of losing her dearest Taek to another woman. 

JH had the same issue with her right? After the McDonald date. Or the umbrella offering on a rainy night. Duk Seon was pretty consistent all throughout the drama in displaying her cluelessness when it comes to interpreting gestures of romantic love.

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@deeand Post your thoughts about each episode whenever you can! You know @packmule3 and I will respond whenever we see it. :)

We started over specifically to get others who may not be able to make the normal re-watches involved in the conversation. The more people join in, even late, the better!

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4 hours ago, packmule3 said:

But with Bora, her parents seem to allow her "cruelties" because she was the considered the genius in the family.  

that happen to my family,even she was the only one who celebrate her sweet seventeen,because she's smart and popular. My sister have a similar withBora character and when she watch R88 she admit it LOL... She is so bossy that why we fought a lot but she just unbeatable LOL... but now we are inseparable. even last year I was moving to the same block with her :lol:

I think that's why reply feel so real for me.

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I remember I read about the connection of kim sajang and doeksoen. and after I rewatch I can feel the similiarity...

even from ep.1


kim sajang is the most brightest in the house but also become the minority.


and Doeksoen is the brightest in her family and always trying the best but she feel outcast.


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22 minutes ago, deeand said:

that happen to my family,even she was the only one who celebrate her sweet seventeen,because she's smart and popular. My sister have a similar withBora character and when she watch R88 she admit it LOL... She is so bossy that why we fought a lot but she just unbeatable LOL... but now we are inseparable. even last year I was moving to the same block with her :lol:

I think that's why reply feel so real for me.


After this shippers contest, I want to make a poll of our own -- how many of us SunTaekers feel like Deoksun who's been ignored by their parents and siblings, and how many of us feel like Bora who had to put up with the foolishness of her younger sister. 

It'll be also interesting to see how birth order affects one's ambitions, personal drive and motivation and leadership later in life.  

Yes, Bora was bossy pants but it was partly too because her parents allowed her bullying antics to go on and didn't tell her to stop it --- unlike SW's mom who confronted SW right away when she suspected him of misbehaving and getting involved with bad kids. 

Both Bora and SW were smart kids, but SW was expected to be a role model, big brother, class president and perfect son. On the other hand, Bora was given a free pass. DS was right in her early observation that Bora "ruled" that family.  

But as Bora grew older, she changed for the better, too. So it worked out in the end, too. 

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@deeand Do you think the younger DS resembles any of the other adults on the block too?

I was really enjoying pulling together all the parallels between DS/TK's relationship and the relationships of all the adults on the block. Might pull together more when I'm not writing novels for the others shows that have their hooks in me. Lol!

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2 hours ago, Grace1003 said:


@packmule, DS must be the one of the "densest" (pardon the word) persons alive BUT only insofar as interpreting gestures of appreciation and admiration. SW made this comment when he talked to Taek. The lingering belief and prevailing mindset that she is a person who "doesn't deserved to be loved" must be so deeply ingrained in her whole being that unless a person literally spills the words "I love you," "I like you," or kisses her the way Taek did in Episode 19, she will miss the "Love Cues". Judging from her expression, I could only say that she was perturbed by Taek's words and did not think that he was referring to her. Her face showed, if I am not mistaken, a fear of losing her dearest Taek to another woman. 

JH had the same issue with her right? After the McDonald date. Or the umbrella offering on a rainy night. Duk Seon was pretty consistent all throughout the drama in displaying her cluelessness when it comes to interpreting gestures of romantic love.


Maybe we should give DS (and clueless girls like her) pointers on how to recognize "Loooove Cues."  lol. 

Rule 4. He breaks his own baduk etiquette just for her. 


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viki not subbed for episode 0? actually there's a lot we can discussed about it. here is some of the screencap :

and you know what scene they choose at earlier episode? 

this one LOL... Reply88 is no kidding when they said. R88 is won't be a husband hunt game.


ok, the rest screen cap is put under spoiler :


even from episode 0 the scene they choose to introduce JH are this one below :


should I describe above scene LOL... from episode 0 , Choi taek score : 1, JH : 0.





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26 minutes ago, phikyl said:

@deeand Do you think the younger DS resembles any of the other adults on the block too?

I was really enjoying pulling together all the parallels between DS/TK's relationship and the relationships of all the adults on the block. Might pull together more when I'm not writing novels for the others shows that have their hooks in me. Lol!

ahh you said it.. parallels... I remember there's many parallels between character in reply. my brain can't remember it right now but maybe will remember when the scene out.

are you writing marriage contract novels too? love to read it if you write about it.

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41 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


After this shippers contest, I want to make a poll of our own -- how many of us SunTaekers feel like Deoksun who's been ignored by their parents and siblings, and how many of us feel like Bora who had to put up with the foolishness of her younger sister. 

It'll be also interesting to see how birth order affects one's ambitions, personal drive and motivation and leadership later in life.  

Yes, Bora was bossy pants but it was partly too because her parents allowed her bullying antics to go on and didn't tell her to stop it --- unlike SW's mom who confronted SW right away when she suspected him of misbehaving and getting involved with bad kids. 

Both Bora and SW were smart kids, but SW was expected to be a role model, big brother, class president and perfect son. On the other hand, Bora was given a free pass. DS was right in her early observation that Bora "ruled" that family.  

But as Bora grew older, she changed for the better, too. So it worked out in the end, too. 

my parents also allowed her bullying me, coz she is the eldest and the smartest, but same as Bora when she get married her character softened and we get a long very well like a twin... really. I think a said that blood thicker than water is true. how pain or hurt at first at the end family is family. just let time resolves everything.

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2 minutes ago, deeand said:

are you writing marriage contract novels too? love to read it if you write about it.

I haven't watched that show, melodramas aren't usually my cup of tea, but since it's been a melodrama kind of week I might pick it up. We'll have to see whether I post novels about it. Current shows I'm obsessing over [other than this one] are the Taiwanese shows Refresh Man and Love at 17. My posts in those threads are pretty much all novels...


Yeah, there were a lot of parallels between the kids on the block and the adults. It would probably take a lifetime to compile them all. :P 

There's so many adults in this installment of the series and each of the kids has a mixture of at least two adult personalities. It's fascinating and very lifelike. 

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7 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

It REALLY was spot on. As the middle child you're always lacking attention and you're Always the guilty party when things happen. After a while, you're actually Always the culprit since it's one of the only ways to gain attention. I know the feeling. Both my older brother and younger sister did better at school, mainly because of attention. But before I get into my childhood drama's, let's turn back :P


I agree, @camelknight.  What the parents did was unfair … regardless of the birth order. Of course in the story, it all boiled down to her being a middle child. DS was ignored or overlooked because she was the middle child.  But I’ve seen cases when it was the oldest child who was put upon because he was expected to take care of the younger children, or to support the rest of the family financially, or to put his own goals in life on hold until the younger ones are in stable situations. And I’ve also seen cases when it was the youngest child, especially in large families, who was ignored. My good friend still rants that she never has childhood pictures to share while her other siblings had albums! By the sixth, seventh child, the parents were so over and done with parenting that the last child practically had to raise himself – kinda like DR in this drama.   

I think DS’ mother should have realized that she was favoring the other two children. She was so oblivious. If I were the mother and I had that same problem, 2 chicken legs/2 eggs and 3 children, or 2 birthdays to celebrate, then I would have made the children take turns. For instance, whoever didn’t get an egg for breakfast, would surely get a chicken leg for dinner. Or if we celebrated on Bora’s birthday this year, then we’d celebrate on DS’ birthday next year. There really was no excuse for any child to feel neglected and unloved, when situations could have been easily solved by a little foresight and equity of treatment. 

In a way, it was good that DS had that temper tantrum because it made the parents realize the unfairness. Had she bottled it all inside, she'd develop bigger issues later on. 

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10 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

 But I’ve seen cases when it was the oldest child who was put upon because he was expected to take care of the younger children, or to support the rest of the family financially, or to put his own goals in life on hold until the younger ones are in stable situations. And I’ve also seen cases when it was the youngest child, especially in large families, who was ignored. My good friend still rants that she never has childhood pictures to share while her other siblings had albums! By the sixth, seventh child, the parents were so over and done with parenting that the last child practically had to raise himself – kinda like DR in this drama.

yes you're right that so many happening with a large number of family. especially if the family economy isn't at the top. let say middle.

the oldest son or daughter usually have a lot benefit at the first but they also hold the biggest responsible.

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1 minute ago, packmule3 said:

Really, @deeand, they replayed this scene? 


I love that angle and I love our @gerimisore's artwork so I'll include her work here again with a reminder to our lurkers to vote SunTaek four times today. We need your votes please. 



really .. you haven't watched it? i have the file downloaded from somewhere will posted the link if I found it.

above scene is played before the narator introduced each character, and you know what scene they choose to introduced JH.

even from episode 0 the scene they choose to introduce JH are this one below :


should I describe above scene LOL... from episode 0 , Choi taek score : 1, JH : 0.


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