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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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1 minute ago, packmule3 said:

And here's a pineapple field

What?!!? THATS HOW PINEAPPLES GROW?!?! I did not see that coming. :lol:


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4 minutes ago, phikyl said:

What?!!? THATS HOW PINEAPPLES GROW?!?! I did not see that coming. :lol:



And here's a pina colada for you. Made from pineapples, but of course you knew that, right?  I was trying to look for a pic with Deoksun's little cocktail umbrella. :D


Piña Colada Cocktail:


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Here you go @packmule3



One Pina Colada with cocktail umbrella, as ordered. Unfortunately, this is just one of many alcoholic beverages I'll never be able to try. What kind of person acquires a pineapple allergy?! Me! :angry:


It's been so long since I've watched this first episode. I love that Taek has the picture of them as kids sitting next to the TV in his room.

And we open with DR's gastrointestinal problems. Lol!


Edited to add: @CamelKnight, join in whenever you see these pings! Even if you're a little late.


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You know what strikes me though, @phikyl?  

It's that the images during that minute of introduction all had significant parts in the story.  Like the phone booth, the boy group singing "To that Person", that cylindrical thing that caused carbon monoxide poisoning... lol. 

That's why I refused to believe that the director and scriptwriter did a last-minute script change. 

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6 hours ago, packmule3 said:


@CamelKnight! I'm glad you can join us for the Rewatch of R88. Next time, just click on @phikyl's name. She’s here often, but I’ve been AWOL last week due to work. 

But I’m going to start picking your brain now, if you don’t mind. :D

This scene from Episode 15… Have you watched this episode already? What do you think?


To be honest, Hyeri’s acting here in this particular moment bugged me a bit. But I gave her a pass because this was after all her first drama, and she’s a young actress. But behind-the-scene, we’ve discussed her facial expression. Personally I thought her eyes should have registered some kind of awareness or recognition that SHE, Deoksun, was the girl Taek Choi was referring to here. At this point, DS must have had an inkling that TK was attached to her. Because – 

One: He gave HER his precious trophy from his first ever win at this prestigious baduk competition. 
Two: Seconds earlier, he admitted to her that he never answered any of his fanmail from female admirers. 
Three: The ONLY girl he ever spent time with, or took with him to China, or rested his shoulder on, was HER. 
Four: And after all that, when a guy solemnly stares at the girl – as in, looks her straight in the eyes, unflinching, unblinking -- and tells her that he’s going to confess his feelings soon [or propose to a mythical “somebody”], THEN he’s got to be talking about her.  What do you think, @CamelKnight?

Seriously. If YOU were going to have a heart-to-heart dialogue with a specific girl, you wouldn't just bring up ANOTHER girl into the conversation, would you? That would be soooo insensitive, and we know that this character Taec Choi isn't portrayed like that.  Plus, wouldn’t YOU be face-palming in frustration, camelknight, if the girl was still confused about your feelings after all you’ve done for her? At what point do you think it should have been obvious to DS that TK liked her? 

For me, it was the trophy. For me, Deoksun should have known by then. lol. But her character was clueless about this boy-girl dynamics. 

Speaking from experience, once a guy offered me his medal or trophy or letterman jacket [which was a big thing when I was in high school eons ago], and I accepted it, then I was acknowledging that we were dating.  But I’m from a different generation and culture, so feel free to ignore me. :) 

I remembered I have a tablet I can use for writing! :D

I actually thought this scene, and Hyeri, was spot on. DS is thick. I mean, I've seen bridges who weren't as thick as DS! She's oblivious to the fact that any guy could like her, after being turned down by Sun Woo. And let's be honest, TK is being a bit shy himself too (most likely the understatement of the year).
I must admit I've had this kind of experience myself. I was trying to make it clear to a girl I liked her, without being direct. She totally missed all the clues and hints I dropped. In the end I figured she was too dimwitted to even last me a month so I cut things short, but I was amazed at the sheer stupidity of the girl and her complete ignorance of what I was trying to tell her. Then again, ofcourse I was also wimping out by not being direct.
I guess it's that girls expect men to be direct. We, normally, don't tend to beat around the bush so when we do, the girl just simply doesn't comprehend and misses the point.

The trophy held no significant meaning to DS. She thought it was an ugly vase untill her dongseng told her it wasn't and she saw proof of it. Perhaps at that time things started to click but I must admit it';s been a while since I've watched Reply 1988 so I'm a bit hazy on details.

About your jacket experience... yeah that was... how can I put this friendly... ancient history. Only jocks still do that kind of stuff, I think. It's a new world outthere. Girls want iPhones instead of jackets. It's also really something from the US. In the Netherlands we... oh boy... what did we do again? We didn't really have those kinds of rituals. Women were simply dragged onto the back of our bike and towards the nearest cafe/bar.

And now I'm off to part 2 of my EP1 before I forget things again. Age... what can I say :P

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@packmule3 Whoa, I didn't notice that! I recognized some of the movie posters shown as being featured in the movie though. [Top Gun, the movie TK&DS see for their first date that I can't remember the name of]

Also just noticed where DS's saying that JH is a "dog" during the neighborhood introductions came from. His own mother calls him a dog when she's talking to the gas company! I didn't understand that part the first time I watched it because JH's family doesn't have a dog, but it just clicked in my head now. :sweatingbullets:

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6 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

About your jacket experience... yeah that was... how can I put this friendly... ancient history. Only jocks still do that kind of stuff, I think. It's a new world outthere. Girls want iPhones instead of jackets. It's also really something from the US. In the Netherlands we... oh boy... what did we do again? We didn't really have those kinds of rituals. Women were simply dragged onto the back of our bike and towards the nearest cafe/bar.

Glad you could join us!

Ahem... As the youngest one [most likely] currently in this discussion, even jocks don't do that anymore. Lol! 

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I was wondering about that dog too! Never noticed any mutt going around lol

This does take me back. Since I was born in 1979, I know all too well what the '80's were like. A lot of this is so spot on in comparison to my youth. Apart from the Korean language. They didn't speak that a lot when I was young...

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Hey, glad you're here, @CamelKnight!!  We're just doing rewatch of Episode of 1 today.  The Episode 14 question was just a teaser. :D

What do you think of the way Deoksun introduced her friends? If you already didn't know the ending, who would you say was the most likely candidate for husband?  

I wanted it to be SW, to be honest. Because she said he was the most "human" so obviously in R88 world, that eliminated him.  But ohhhgeddd, I didn't want JH.  I have this aversion for bickering guys/gals after Reply 1994. 

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DS’s makeup in this first episode is really pretty. I don’t understand why some people think that her Geisha make-up would be her dressing up for Sun Woo.


@packmule3 I talked one of my male friends into watching this with me not long after it had finished airing and he said after episode 1 that he thought TK would be the husband. [Even now he hasn’t seen past episode 4] When I asked him why, he said it was because of the intro. The way TK was introduced seemed more detailed to him than the other boys and DS’s tone of voice when she calls TK an idiot is the same tone she uses when she talks about her bangs being “so wavy you could surf them”

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4 minutes ago, phikyl said:

Glad you could join us!

Ahem... As the youngest one [most likely] currently in this discussion, even jocks don't do that anymore. Lol! 


I'm ignoring you two babies. To paraphrase Reagan, I will not make my age an issue of this Rewatch. I am not going to exploit your youth and inexperience for the purpose of embarrassing you two. kekeke

friends ross not listening i cant hear you la la la la la

6 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

I was wondering about that dog too! Never noticed any mutt going around lol

This does take me back. Since I was born in 1979, I know all too well what the '80's were like. A lot of this is so spot on in comparison to my youth. Apart from the Korean language. They didn't speak that a lot when I was young...


JH's mom would mention later that they were the only ones in that neighborhood with a dog. I thought the dog was going to be symbolic of something but nope, it remained just an ordinary dog.  It wasn't even an indoor/house dog. Must be a guard dog. 

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@packmule3 obviously I hoped for SW. I kinda liked him for a while. He is indeed the most normal one. and I had high hopes for him. JH is a weak richard simmons. Letting some kid steal his sneakers... psshhhh... Also, the bickering, yeah, not into that at all but it's t often te bickering ppl who fall in love/are in love but are afraid to show it.

Unfortunately, I had already read the outcome of the series due to this and other threads about Reply 1988.

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I really feel bad for DS during this birthday discussion. It must be hard being a middle child. I’m the oldest so I wouldn’t know but I read a study somewhere that said that parents are more likely to identify with the kids who rank the same in birth order as themselves. So I have to wonder if DS’s mother was the firstborn and her father the maknae of their respective families. DS has it lucky that her parents aren’t on her case about grades all the time but I wonder if maybe she wouldn’t prefer them to be. Even if they’re yelling about her bad grades, at least they’re paying attention right?

4 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

I'm ignoring you two babies. To paraphrase Reagan, I will not make my age an issue of this Rewatch. I am not going to exploit your youth and inexperience for the purpose of embarrassing you two. kekeke

Haha! I'm the real baby here. Exploit away! Learning by experience is overrated anyways!


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4 minutes ago, phikyl said:

DS’s makeup in this first episode is really pretty. I don’t understand why some people think that her Geisha make-up would be her dressing up for Sun Woo.


@packmule3 I talked one of my male friends into watching this with me not long after it had finished airing and he said after episode 1 that he thought TK would be the husband. [Even now he hasn’t seen past episode 4] When I asked him why, he said it was because of the intro. The way TK was introduced seemed more detailed to him than the other boys and DS’s tone of voice when she calls TK an idiot is the same tone she uses when she talks about her bangs being “so wavy you could surf them”


I know somebody here mentioned [Was it Tammy?] the period after his name. He was the only one with the period. Meaning he "passed."


I thought the way the adult DS said "“But what does that matter, when here he’s just a supreme moron?” [translation from dramabeans] had that tinge of exasperation mixed with amusement. You say things like this only when you're very familiar to somebody.  Like when I talk about my husband molly-coddling me or when @camelknight talks about his wife not wanting to watch kdramas.

It's like you're amused but eye-rolling at the same time. 

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I have to ask something because I know zilch about makeup trends in the late 80's early 90's. Is the blue eyeshadow the trend for that time? I know bold colors are sometimes used to stand out but I couldn't understand why she would pick that shade of blue when one of the other eye shadow colors would have brought out her eyes more. 

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I'm a middle child myself and that birthday scene is so correct. That one really hit the feels. I know what it's like to sacrifice yourself for the good of others and not getting the attention you need. I'm not trying to get some attention here, but this just really felt like something recognisable to me. As has been the case for a great deal of this series. I really could identify myself with DS, temper tantrums and all.

BTW, how can you guys watch and type at the same time? I really need to stop the series before I can type again. Considering this tablet is far from quick, I'm watching on tv and internet on the tablet (and even that is difficult for this little thing). I guess this once again proves men are incapable of doing two things at the same time.

*and breath out*

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9 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

@packmule3 obviously I hoped for SW. I kinda liked him for a while. He is indeed the most normal one. and I had high hopes for him. JH is a weak richard simmons. Letting some kid steal his sneakers... psshhhh... Also, the bickering, yeah, not into that at all but it's t often te bickering ppl who fall in love/are in love but are afraid to show it.

Unfortunately, I had already read the outcome of the series due to this and other threads about Reply 1988.


I liked him, too. Did you see how he comforted his mom after his mom went on an accusatory rant? That touched me. Because in that instant, he was acting more like the adult/mature one there.  And when he was teaching his younger sister to bow during the father's memorial service? That touched me, too, 

As for JH? He was planning to take down those bullies but I wonder why he stopped? Was it because there were two of them, and only one of him [DR didn't count]? Or was it because he could only attack them from behind and once those bullies figured out he was sneaking up on them, he lost his advantage? 

Reply 1994 had a lot of bickering between the "one true couple" in the first episode, too, and I hated it. They appeared like siblings at the start, so I couldn't shake off this feeling of incest as the story progressed. I finally decided to give it a pass after a few episodes. 

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9 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

BTW, how can you guys watch and type at the same time?

When I'm on my desktop I have dual monitors [would be 3 if my graphics card supported it. Side effect of gaming. :vicx:] so the video player goes on one screen while Soompi goes on the other but right now on my laptop I just split the screen. Half is the Soompi window and half is the video player. :)

I do pause the episode to type though so that I don't miss something. 

9 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

I really could identify myself with DS, temper tantrums and all.

See, I couldn't really identify with her at all. I can empathize with her situation but I grew up with my parents always breathing down my neck about grades and everything else. I had to be the perfect child. My younger sister on the other hand was spoiled rotten, like No-Eul. I identified more with Sun Woo, right down to my initial career choice being what my parents wanted, which is maybe why I didn't catch on to the way DS was feeling the first time around. I just thought she was throwing a temper tantrum over nothing.  

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