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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Ha! DR has DS's feelings figured out! 

Poor TK. All that work and DS still doesn't realize that you love her more than you love Baduk. Don't worry, she's still yours!


Title of the episode is “Don’t Worry, Dear” Narrator: JB [you could probably say SW is too because he spends most of the episode speaking to his dad]


DS’s dad tells DS’s mom that she doesn’t have to worry about money anymore

TK’s dad tells SW’s mom not to worry when JJ got hurt.

BR comforts SW, helping him not to worry about TK’s dad taking his dad’s place

DS comforts the class president so she doesn’t worry about being an outcast

The specter of SW’s dad tells SW not to worry about him, that he wants SW’s mom to be happy

DR tells DS not to worry about people not liking her; to like someone for herself.


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DS panicked when she heard Taek confesed that he likes a girl and would be confessing soon. 

3 minutes ago, phikyl said:

Ha! DR has DS's feelings figured out! 

Poor TK. All that work and DS still doesn't realize that you love her more than you love Baduk. Don't worry, she's still yours!


Title of the episode is “Don’t Worry, Dear” Narrator: JB [you could probably say SW is too because he spends most of the episode speaking to his dad]




DS’s dad tells DS’s mom that she doesn’t have to worry about money anymore


TK’s dad tells SW’s mom not to worry when JJ got hurt.


BR comforts SW, helping him not to worry about TK’s dad taking his dad’s place


DS comforts the class president so she doesn’t worry about being an outcast


The specter of SW’s dad tells SW not to worry about him, that he wants SW’s mom to be happy


DR tells DS not to worry about people not liking her; to like someone for herself.




And I would say "Deoksun don't worry, Taek is in love with you too!"

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She really did. The look on her face was like she was going to be sick. This is right after she had the talk with DR and decided to like someone for herself too. Maybe that conversation with TK is the reason she starts focusing just on her studies after this episode?

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6 minutes ago, phikyl said:

She really did. The look on her face was like she was going to be sick. This is right after she had the talk with DR and decided to like someone for herself too. Maybe that conversation with TK is the reason she starts focusing just on her studies after this episode?

Oh yeah you're right. Maybe she was thinking "For real? Why are you telling me this now when I just realized that I have loved you for the longest time? Please don't confess!" hehehehehe...


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46 minutes ago, phikyl said:

In the first episodes it was DR that helped TK with his food but now it's DS.

sorry to cut your post..

agree with you, i think after ep 6 (when taek's feeling was showed up to viewers), there is no scane when dr helped taek with his food, shirt, etc.. he still care (chopstik scane at jh birthday party) but the executor was DS XD.. and before ep 6 (please correct me if i am wrong) there is no scane where ds helped taek. somehow dr duty is replaced by ds XD.

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@hyuki4ever No need to apologize, chop my posts however you want! Lol.

I think it's even later than episode 6 but I could be wrong about that. It's been a while since I've watched the earlier episodes [when did we start this re-watch again?] but the first time I recall DS helping TK instead of DR is right before the China trip. 

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3 hours ago, cooleet said:

I think so too... no worries... just came home too...

Is banana really that expensive in Korea? Why is it so special to them? I can't understand this concern since I'm from the Philippines and bananas are very common here.

I remember reading the discussion about bananas in the MT somewhere. It used to be very expensive in those days that when they are back home from abroad they used to bring banana as gifts.The same with spam that Jung Bong ate. That's why banana milk become popular as they can't get the real thing.

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On 4/23/2016 at 10:07 PM, Grace1003 said:

@coleet, @phikyl

I am currently in Park Bogum's thread because of the fanmeet. This may be my only post.

I prepared a gif but it's in the other laptop of the ending of this episode where DS and Taek were together in the room. DS  bragged knowing ALL about Taek, how he's only interested in baduk. Much to her consternation, Taek says she doesn't know him and that there is someone he likes! Ouch!!!!!! DS's facial expression was very telling...she didn't tease her ( which a friend would do) but looked anxious,bothered, and jealous?. Anything but happy. Will post the gif tomorrow.


As promised, here is the gif for all the SunTaek shippers to enjoy Duk Seon's expression when Taek told her that he likes someone, not only baduk.



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15 hours ago, CamelKnight said:

Placeholder so I can find this thread tomorrow after I started my rewatch of Reply 1988 :)


@CamelKnight! I'm glad you can join us for the Rewatch of R88. Next time, just click on @phikyl's name. She’s here often, but I’ve been AWOL last week due to work. 

But I’m going to start picking your brain now, if you don’t mind. :D

This scene from Episode 15… Have you watched this episode already? What do you think?


To be honest, Hyeri’s acting here in this particular moment bugged me a bit. But I gave her a pass because this was after all her first drama, and she’s a young actress. But behind-the-scene, we’ve discussed her facial expression. Personally I thought her eyes should have registered some kind of awareness or recognition that SHE, Deoksun, was the girl Taek Choi was referring to here. At this point, DS must have had an inkling that TK was attached to her. Because – 

One: He gave HER his precious trophy from his first ever win at this prestigious baduk competition. 
Two: Seconds earlier, he admitted to her that he never answered any of his fanmail from female admirers. 
Three: The ONLY girl he ever spent time with, or took with him to China, or rested his shoulder on, was HER. 
Four: And after all that, when a guy solemnly stares at the girl – as in, looks her straight in the eyes, unflinching, unblinking -- and tells her that he’s going to confess his feelings soon [or propose to a mythical “somebody”], THEN he’s got to be talking about her.  What do you think, @CamelKnight?

Seriously. If YOU were going to have a heart-to-heart dialogue with a specific girl, you wouldn't just bring up ANOTHER girl into the conversation, would you? That would be soooo insensitive, and we know that this character Taec Choi isn't portrayed like that.  Plus, wouldn’t YOU be face-palming in frustration, camelknight, if the girl was still confused about your feelings after all you’ve done for her? At what point do you think it should have been obvious to DS that TK liked her? 

For me, it was the trophy. For me, Deoksun should have known by then. lol. But her character was clueless about this boy-girl dynamics. 

Speaking from experience, once a guy offered me his medal or trophy or letterman jacket [which was a big thing when I was in high school eons ago], and I accepted it, then I was acknowledging that we were dating.  But I’m from a different generation and culture, so feel free to ignore me. :) 

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@packmule3 She does look confused if you compare her expression above I think blank face was right choice here because firstly  it's too early to end husband game, secondly for some reason Deok Sun doesn't get her hopes up when it comes to Taek, they are this close since forever that's why she doesn't know how to interpret these things hence she remained as confused ^^ 

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Hey everyone!

@packmule3, @CamelKnight and I are starting a second re-watch from the beginning for anyone who can't join the initial one due to time zones or just wants to hang out and talk more about our favorite show!

It's short notice this time but we'll be starting Episode 1 today at 5am KST, 4pm EST, 1pm Pacific. This way we can post our thoughts about the earlier episodes since our thread was shut down the first time.

Come join us, we won't bite!


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On 4/23/2016 at 0:59 PM, sara2908 said:

I remember reading the discussion about bananas in the MT somewhere. It used to be very expensive in those days that when they are back home from abroad they used to bring banana as gifts.The same with spam that Jung Bong ate. That's why banana milk become popular as they can't get the real thing.


Yes, @cooleet is very fortunate she lives in a tropical country. I think I saw real banana trees [outside of museums’ greenhouses] with those stalks of bananas still hanging on them, when I was in my 20s. Same with pineapples. I always thought those grew on trees like apples. >.< 

I remember mentioning the bananas in the MT in regard to a timeloop.  It was posted for me by @nearsea. Thanks, nearsea!

I said that, in Episode 14 when TK brought the banana to DS’ house and NE joined them, there was a parallel scene in Episode 8 when the grown-up NE dropped by in 2015 to get ginseng from the grown-up DS.  Ginseng is expensive, and old people value it because of its anti-aging properties. NE was already old in 2015. Back in 1988, bananas were expensive, too, because they were an “exotic” fruit not readily found in SK and had to be imported. They were reserved for the younger kids, like Jinjoo and NoEul, because they are nutritious. So the ginseng and banana were a contrast to each other.  And what connected Episode 14 and Episode 8 was the conversation about their age of NoEul.

In 1989, TK brought a banana to DS’ house and NE joined them. DS and NE had a conversation about his OLD appearance. 
DS: How is it possible that you're getting older than our dad?
NE: It's okay. A face like mine becomes younger later on.
TK said nothing but he smiled at DS as she wiped her brother’s dry skin. 
In 2016, NE visits DS and TK, this subject of aging is brought up again.  
DS: How is that you look younger by the day? [addressing NE]
TK: [defending NE] He finally looks his age, that's all. It took me ten years to speak informally to this punk.

See the timeloop? I had told some people BTS that this moment in Episode 14 should have been a clue as to who the husband was. Of all the boys in that neighborhood, TK was the only one who knew the joke about NE looking too old for his age because he overheard it. He was there when DS made a joke about it.  So he was the only one who could have defended NE and reassured him that "it was okay" to finally look his age. Lol.

JH never had this conversation with NE. Plus, JH was never close to NE. He threatened to kick him, remember, when NE didn’t want to do his delivery request.  

On the other hand, NE always hero-worshipped TK. Moreover, TK didn’t treat NE in a hyung-donsaeng manner. They weren’t in contact with each other that much for him to talk down to NE or to speak to him informally when they were young. 

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9 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

Same with pineapples. I always thought those grew on trees like apples

They don't?!?! I've never seen a pineapple outside of a store. Lol!

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