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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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42 minutes ago, nearsea said:

BTW read this on twitter..that 'netizen is saying to make tk's confession much more cooler than JH's..they have to pull off something bigger,'wonder what that could be ..hmm.

Omg! This made me think of what exactly is in that locked drawer of his??? 

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2 hours ago, nicola_nikka said:

if taek really does end up being the husband are we going to see that he actually went to watch forrest gump w/ dukseon. are we gonna see how he purposely made every dukseon future bf fail? idk lol i can totally see him going w/ the baduk club and seating next to dukseon and her date lol

If we get to see our Taekkie purposely get in the way of DS boyfriends,  I would be so giddy!  I knew he was jealous when they were in China and watching DS and her new friend from afar. It would be great if someone has a gif  of this. *waves pizza slices*  DOES ANYONE HAVE A GIF FOR THIS? 

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23 minutes ago, mariichii said:

Omg! This made me think of what exactly is in that locked drawer of his??? 

Lol yeah..I expect to get something bigger,better..lot of icecreams and fishbreads..The fact that episode 17 happened and that run came out of nowhere..I keep reminding myself I'd take what I get..but again lots of missing puzzles still waiting to be explored.

On a different note,'if' we get the confirmation next week that tk is officially in run,then have to say RJY is a pretty solid actor to have been able to feign the act of the lead role pretty well.I was sold by his overpowering acting and the way he was always dominant in most of the scenes.But the writer/director hid it so good.And who could tell from the first ep..that the quiet,meek TK would be the one to  man up end of the day and carry ds after being driven away by a mad ahjussi lol.It was all an act..to keep it a secret from the audience.That's why we got the word secret from so many different people from time to time..[Only one I can remember at this moment was when DR's father hid the newspaper and when asked by DS,replied it's a secret].But anyway have to give RJY credit for his natural acting.Loved that scene where he's kicking no eul away so he keeps his mouth shut and does not ask him any question lol.It was quite evident from his acting that there is no way he took ten years to get informal with this guy.

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1 hour ago, mangachickava said:



I hope you all saw the mature DS, which is more of the true DS acting herself and not what others ( romance novels, friends) think she should do. and what does DS act like?

well she lies... a lot...is actually very subtle in showing her true feelings.  (I think people on this thread remember all the scenes that would highlight the points above...but if needed i can list them.)

In some ways JH and DS ways of showing they like someone is more similar than different,

JH hides behind his jokey/i dont care attitude, and DS hides behind her "confident"/ Im doing great/strong and loud girl attitude. That is why they had so much missed opportunities between them because they need their "opposite" ( now something that the yin yang sign highlights beautifully, is that they need someone that is their opposite but a better world is FLIPPED version of themselves, so that their exterior and interior selves mirror each other) that is why I always said JH needed a girl who when likes someone take NO sh*ts and goes after the guy( doesnt need a friend or the guy to show interest its all own her own terms, who when he jokes, just tells him to get over himself and to say what HE REALLY MEANS, someone who when they are in love show it by saying it over and over to their person they are after.Someone who is so obvious that JH hesitant personality can open up. * kay slightly off topic but I just see this girl coming on a motorcycle , in all black leather looking epic as richard simmons and just stealing JHs little soft heart*

DS is NOT that person...when she really likes someone she says NO ( piggyback)...she isnt clear at all with her true intentions. SO this is why TK being an empathetic person works soooooo well for their relationship. HE has mastered the craft of observation, of understanding the TRUE intentions of the moves of his opponent so that he would be ready to match them. He is confident in that he loves DS, his eyes will always be on her (the middle child that felt ignored). TK can 'read" DS and that SCARES her. 

Seeing ep 18 I actually better understood why DS never confessed to TK in 1989. She kept trying to look cool in front of him, dating someone that she knew his manager would mention to him ( doesn't that sound like bora??) 

you see when TK told DS that she knows nothing about him...that hit a sore spot...and both DS and TK know that what he said was not true. DS knows A LOT about TK, but he just attacked one aspect of herself. the one aspect that she could be confident in.

DS would rather have TK in her life then not. 

She would rather be a "fool" in front of him then for him to reject her.

JH acts like he doesnt care when he actually CARES A lot. DS acts confident when she is actually really insecure and afraid of being vulnerable. 

Interesting analysis of subtle differences in how DS-JH relate vs. DS-TK. I noticed that during their 'bed scenes', which could represent the characters at their most vulnerable states, DS and JH positions were in mirror symmetry whereas DS and TK were in radial symmetry. This could serve to highlight how DS and JH were essentially the same in how they expressed and wanted to receive love--perhaps too similar to ultimately be compatible as a long-term couple, though it gives them the ability to understand each other well. On the other hand, DS and TK were complementary a la yin yang balance. What one lacked, the other could make up for easily and naturally. They bring out each other's strengths and compensate for each other's weaknesses.

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4 minutes ago, .crestfallen. said:

Interesting analysis of subtle differences in how DS-JH relate vs. DS-TK. I noticed that during their 'bed scenes', which could represent the characters at their most vulnerable states, DS and JH positions were in mirror symmetry whereas DS and TK were in radial symmetry. This could serve to highlight the fact that DS and JH were actually very similar people in how they expressed and wanted to receive love--perhaps too similar to ultimately be compatible as a long-term couple, though it gives them the ability to understand each other well. On the other hand, DS and TK were complementary a la yin yang balance. What one lacked, the other could make up easily and naturally. They bring out each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses.



LOVE your points ( especially what i bolded) 

also your point "perhaps too similar to ultimately be compatible as a long-term couple, though it gives them the ability to understand each other well."

made me think of two things

1. The confession scene, JH notes DS looking at the door and smiles knowingly, he also notes it again at the end of the confession. He knows exactly what that look means because it is what he does as well. Hence, the ring is left on the table. Jh was able to confirm that she is in love with TK and could finally move on and not feed into his hope. It is interesting because neither SW or DR are shown to seeing DS do her shy ways of watching for TK. 

2. If they were the same gender ( not have romantic pressure of society) they could be friends that understood that they both struggle in the same way ( DS friends SUCK at that/ are not similar to her in crushing...and JH well he had no one to confide too...not even brother) 

4 minutes ago, nicola_nikka said:

can someone answer this question for me? did they go to the 1989 concert together? as in the whole group?


Yes, the scene where DS is wearing the pink jacket in ep 17

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20 hours ago, chocolatepizza said:

Tbh I'm rather disappointed that people overlook Taek's actions in showing his concern and love for DS.

Yes, he may not have the swoon-worthy actions such as the wall scene, bus scene and umbrella scene. These are the kind of scenes we are used to seeing n k-dramas. These scenes translates these actions to determine JH as the husband confidently because they are "hey, that's what most male leads do so they will end up with the girl" kind of scenes. 

Whereas we have Taek who also shows his feelings to DS in a different and fresh manner. People overlook them because they are not seen in k-dramas because firstly, Taek doesn't have the typical male lead personality like other dramas. He appears quiet, anti-social and has a sibling-type of relationship with the female lead. People forget that not every guy is like JH. There are girls who prefer guys like Taek and wants to take care of them (but that doesn't make Taek less of a man to a girl's POV).

Taek's scenes that show that he's a potential candidate:

1. Taek admitted he forgot about the manito issue and apologized to her immediately. He didn't let the misunderstanding go on and promised to buy her one (which he did eventually and DS preferred his present).

2. Taek gave her his trophy (which is a prized possession especially after he had gone through so much effort for it) after he won the competition.

3. When DS said to confess during the first snow, Taek did ask her out for a movie which shows he listened to her words and did exactly what she said. Like what @packmule3 said, when DS said that, Taek's expression wasn't shown so people tend to overlook it.

4. Taek said that she was pretty after she doubted herself before taking the picture at China, DS was obviously happy about it and admitted that she took his clothes to wear (why would she wear his clothes?)

5. Taek sat down beside her after she was traumatized by the flasher. Taek followed and waited for her when she went to the washroom the second time but never said explicitly that he was protecting her to save her pride. This reminds me of the bus scene where JH protected DS from the shaky bus but people only remembered this and not Taek PROTECTING her from the flasher. 

6. When DS was crying on the stairs, he didn't hesitate to go over to her. I thought it was obvious Taek knew she was crying but sometimes you don't have to ASK the reason for crying. Instead, he conversed with her and made her forget her worries for a while. 

7. When Taek knocked her nose with her elbow, he let her rest in his room and removed the grip in her hand to make her calm down. It's very subtle but it's because the way Taek handles angry DS in a different manner.

8. As mentioned by Taek's father, Taek likes to ask people he likes to do things for him (similar to himself). DS was not babying him like what people concluded, Taek didn't even realize this habit of his and found it comfortable to ask DS to do things for him. If you looked carefully, everyone else was babying him on their own accord (e.g. buttoning his shirt, split chopsticks), not him asking others to do it for him so he didn't mean to "act like a baby" in front of others. But DS is the only one he asked to do things for him.

9. Taek admitted coolly about liking DS as a woman. It's not an easy thing to do, especially in front of your friends who also knows the girl. He was true to himself and others, making other friends root for his bravery. 

10. I shall leave this point for the next two episodes. I bet we will get something that make Taek a better contender as the husband.

Some scenes I would like to see if Taek is the husband:

1. How did he know about DS' old crushes? The chocolate issue? Taek has said that there are many things he knows but DS doesn't know about him well enough. They also emphasize that there is no secrets in the neighborhood. If Taek is the husband, I need to know how he knows about DS liking SW/JH.

2. Where did DS go when Taek was rumored to be in an accident? We see DS having a close relationship with Taek but she was nowhere to be seen! NOWHERE. It boggles me because she's always the most dramatic one but her reaction to the accident was 0%!

3. What is written in DS diary? 

4. When did DS and Taek started liking each other? What triggered them to like one another?

5. What happened to them during the concert after Taek ran to her?

Points where I don't understand why people say Taek is a baby/DS is mothering him:

1. Taek was the one who pointed out JH's mum would be very worried when JB needed surgery (which JH brushed it off that she won't be). This shows even though he's not around most of the time, he knows what the adults feel and they are masking their feelings in front of their children.

2. Taek silently accepted the long interview and arranged for a doctor for JH's dad. This is not an act of a BABY, this is an act of a MATURED YOUNG LAD. A baby would brush off the interview and yell at the whoever agreed to the interview.

3. Taek asked DS to give back the wallet to JH, knowing the possibility of her looking at the wallet. Maybe he wanted her to find out JH's feelings in her own way or maybe he didn't want things to become awkward for JH and ask him about JH liking DS. 

4. Taek is the only person who has been in contact with the real world, went overseas for competitions and experienced the taste of the working world. There's no way a BABY can survive such harsh situations. He is a BABY in the group, but becomes a matured young man who represents his country outside of the neighbourhood. 

5. Unlike SW, Taek was able to sense that his father was lonely and needed someone to care for him when he's not around. He was able to understand others' struggles and empathize his father's actions. 

6. Instead of confronting his father about SW's mom, he WAITED for his father to bring up the topic even though he knew what his father was going to say. He respected his father's decision and timing but also hinted that he wished his father could have someone with him when he's out for competitions.

So many things to resolve but only 2 more episodes. And I hope they will get resolved so all shippers can get a peace of mind of why the writer chose the husband. I believe JH and Taek are great contenders of being the husband and the writer shouldn't be condemned for any choices made. That would make the viewers very shallow... for putting down the script just because it doesn't go your way.  

I would love to pinpoint these things in the main thread but people can get very defensive and I wish to avoid trouble. However, if you wanna quote anything from my post, feel free to do so! But I would rather much discuss about the script in the MT than how much I think Taek is the husband.


Daebak! Your analysis is amazing. Great points. Something else I'd like the script to show is Taek's anger. Didn't SW's mom say that he is scary when he's angry? Will we get to see this side of him? I hope so. 

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3 minutes ago, mangachickava said:


Yes, the scene where DS is wearing the pink jacket in ep 17


i keep switching back and forth, not dare believing that taek is the husband because i was wrong once and its like i cant believe it but she clearly ask which concert he went to and i am guessing thats the 1988 concert..

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Though I hope that we get a lot of flashbacks to fill all those missing pieces, I actually hope that the confession did not happen after the concert, because I don't want that anybody can say that TK got the girl just because he was the first to confess. I really hope that there won't be room for any doubt left that it was DS's choice alone and has nothing to do with good or bad timing etc.

Some couples bring out the worst in each other and some bring out the best. For me, TK and DS are the best when they are together, that's why they are soulmates and meant to be together.

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2 minutes ago, nicola_nikka said:


i keep switching back and forth, not dare believing that taek is the husband because i was wrong once and its like i cant believe it but she clearly ask which concert he went to and i am guessing thats the 1988 concert..


I think the fact that everyone watched it at JH house ( minus TK) in 1988 vs ALL of them going to the venue in 1989 is a big hint as to why the husband remembers the winner correctly but the wrong date

also i just want to say (if i am not mistaken :33) early on in this thread YOU posted why tk is Green and ds is Yellow and once the detailed childhood flashback color theory was posted i felt this thread just started really believing in TK so thank you!!

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You guys, I sure I'll have much more to say once the eng subs are released. I couldn't wait, therefore I went on and watched the raw. I noticed many more nuances and behaviors that matured by doing that, but am now waiting on the translation for confirmation.  But honestly, this has been the best drama EVAR! I totally feel like this makes up for my heartbreak when Choi Siwon didn't get the girl in "She was Pretty" and not to mention School 2015 and Cheer Up gave me serious second lead syndrome feels that basically had me reeling for weeks. I mean, I couldn't even shop for tissue properly! I'd think, hmmm, I usually go for this brand, but doesn't this other brand need love too? Sigh... I'm reliving it. 

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15 minutes ago, mangachickava said:


I think the fact that everyone watched it at JH house ( minus TK) in 1988 vs ALL of them going to the venue in 1989 is a big hint as to why the husband remembers the winner correctly but the wrong date

also i just want to say (if i am not mistaken :33) early on in this thread YOU posted why tk is Green and ds is Yellow and once the detailed childhood flashback color theory was posted i felt this thread just started really believing in TK so thank you!!

oh god, i remember posting so many things and hoping and wishing and continuous wishing that taek is the husband and yet still being scare he isn't when everything points out to him but in MT there some theories and im back to square 1 not believing.

i still have that doll theory for the latest episode too lol

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@Ixands sorry for the late reply. Sorry har, i am writing based on memory here.

I dun think it was mentioned why DS is taking herbal meds. All i rmb was DR jokingly said something like DS getting more health conscious.

Also there was the scene, when she got home aft the gathering, n her mom was taking some supplements which DS bought. Think DS being the more affectionate daughter, bought the herbal meds n supplements n her mum told her to take them too cos of her worklife. Or her mum bought for the kids cos in earlier scene with 3 moms, one of them commented (think DS mum) that she can spend on kids but very tight fist when comes to hubby.

Anyone has any insights as to why DS is taking herbal meds?

On Sung family, i hope Sung appa is just overworked n ep18 is not trying to hint of more health problems for the Sung.


1 hour ago, mellinadear said:

We all know PBG doesn't drink. Who else noticed him going for Hyeri's coke in the scene where he told her she can't drink because she will be driving (yes,its in ep 18) ?.

I saw tat too! I was wondering why it was not caught by filming crew.

Looking at the gang, feel tat Taek grew the most in the time jump. He is more confident n mouthy. Look at how he ask SW to keep quiet n not dish out his dating failures. N he looks the best. Just see him in ep1 to now. For DR, i hope he find his niche.

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SOMEONE on this thread mentioned how there was a COUPLE of scenes of DS eating chocolate or holding chocolate when JH was there

and we (or me?) were worried that it meant he was the one that was supposed to get chocolate or some said that means his love is just a crush 




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Aw man, I'm in a funk because of how belittling people are being towards SunTaek and their shippers in the main thread. Anyone have any cute fanfics or fanart to cheer a girl up?  ㅠㅠ I get that the hubby hunt is part of the drama, but can't they just voice their dislike for us and suntaek in their shippers thread? ><

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