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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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One reason why i love reply series is because of their heroines. In R97 and R94 (my favorite is Shi Won,yeah...you can tell from my lovely PP), i fell in love on how they portray SW and NJ characters..they broke the stereotype of typical drama heroine : strong willed and most importantly they seem to know what they want and be consistent with it. 

Imagine how pissed i am when i found out (esp. in later eps) how inconsistent DS was..especially in love department. I could tolerate that in 1988-1989 she's still a teenager and thus her feelings can be easily swayed. But in 1994, grow up DS doesn't change much either. We finally knew in ep.19 that she actually has feelings already for TK in 1989..so why she remained quiet while JH confessed?if she knew how she feels and sure about it..just reject JH right away and that's it. Instead of saying nothing and giving some vague facial expression AND always looking at the door. That was just mean and childish. 

So, i really hope in ep.20 writer-nim will do justice to DS's character and show the viewers that she's not a geum-sa-bba 금사빠 she should prove herself how on earth she decide to love TK and stand for her choice. I personally don't like the idea of her breaking up with TK in ep.20 and marry JH in the end ( despite my shipper heart is actually bleeeeeedinngg...) coz seriously her character will be assasinated just like that. But if that's what will happen in ep.20..well, as long as my lovely JH is happy and smiling, i think i can chew my opinion.lol.


Be strong chinggus! thank you for this lovely ship, you are all awesome people with really big hearts *hugs*

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6 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

The thing is, if I were the writer I would be doing the same thing to. That is the main reason I can’t get the feeling that it’s not finished out of my head.

Okay everyone and their grandmother’s dog walker predicted that Junghwan would be the husband since episode 1. So sure are Korean audience that Junghwan would be the husband that the hash tag #ryujeolishthehusbandanyways is always trending after almost every episode. The think they know what is going to happen and have come to expect what will happen, that the media is brazenly leaking spoilers even when asked not to do so.

Since you all have me pegged and you think you know exactly how it’s going to end, I’m going to flip the script on you. I am going to take everything you think you know has happened and think will happen and flip it upside its head. Once you have gotten dizzy and have no clue about up and down. I turn it rise up again and go where we were always headed. I didn’t like the fact that you knew where we were going and acting so caprice about it, so I shook you up. But in the end we get where we both knew we were going to be (are you guys still following me? Am I still making sense?). Having done this oh boy the talk that will come. The audience will talk and talk and talking is a good thing. Instead of Reply 1988 going out as a very good drama but pretty predictable. Now it will go out as a very good drama that you couldn’t predict and one that had surprises and “twists” at every turn. I need this word of mouth and buzz so that when I put out another installment (which I think there will be one) my audience will come in droves. Why will they come? Because although they may think they know what will happen, they learned from past experience I still got a few tricks up my selves and I’m “unpredictable”.

Yes tvN put up the confirmation on their youtube channel, but that title can be changed. I have actually seen a drama do something like that before and then apologize to outraged fans because an intern “made a mistake when arranging the video titles”. Now I know it’s crazy and sounds farfetched, but isn’t this team one that would fool a whole country? If any team is crazy enough to do it, it would be them! LOL. Also it’s my gut. My gut is telling me it’s not over. My mind is like “Taek is the husband and tomorrow they shall explain all the things you have questions about and flashback and such” but my gut is just like….no it’s not. I keep thinking on every single scene and it just doesn’t add up, something feels off LOL.

Maybe I am being a delusional shipper or I am seeing too much or too little into things. Maybe I expect to be played so much that I’m surprised when I’m not being played. But I feel that I am being so played right now and let to think one thing, and then BAM, gotcha!! I myself I am sitting her wondering how they would get it done, but I can see them doing it. So yeah I am 50-50. Taek is the husband. No Junghwan is still the husband. Whatever they do tomorrow I will accept because I am ready for either one. However, this team is just all round the worst LOL. Tomorrow everything shall be explained and I really hope they stick with him not being the husband.


Girl you pick me out right from the grave at times !! Aigoo..love your words

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I am so angry and upset! All that pain they made me fo through. Countless nights waiting and rewatching. Analysing the smallest of details. My phone's radiation that caused a massive pimple that's been here for ages now! Seeing junghwans heart hurt and then getting mine hurt too! Deok seon is junghwans first love but junghwan is my first love! I melted at the tiniest of his gestures and his smile made my heart flutter and everything he did wanted me to treasure him and cherish him. He's beautiful inside out. I can't get over all of this! The only reason deokseonever felt anything for taek is because  he showed up for the concert! And the future husband is nothing like taek.  And ahhh jin joo you are the only reason why I'll watch tommorow because you've given me hope. Seriously when I saw those kissing scenes between them, I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing! No chemistry at all.

I'm very close to finishing reply1994 and even though I did not ship chilbong, I think I will have to go with his saying "it ain't over till it's over " the end is very near guys but are you sure the end is the end? 

Remember when deok seon said she never expected to marry her husband. But if taek and deokseon dated shouldn't she have expected to marry him? Isn't that right? When you date someone the end result is making a family or marriage so why didn't deokseon expect to marry him?

And guys about the preview, the preview is something that's supposed to mislead. So everything that's in the trailer is not what's going to be the main focus

And this used to be my favourite drama. If this drama has endgame as taek. I'm rating this drama a 0 star on all websites and writing bad reviews. Yh I'm crazy but I invested my time,energy,sleep and heart into this drama. My jh has been suffering since the very start.

In the first few episodes I didn't even realise that taek existed. Just like in 1994 I didn't know where this chilbong guy was going to come out of. Just like in 1997 the brother played a part which was not our concern

To make such a character like taek into endgame is too much of a big jump. And such a crazy thing even for me.

Even now, the husband is nothing like taek. It just can't be. 

This drama is junghwans drama 

He stole the show and our hearts 

If the end isn't him

I vow that I will do what I said above. 

How dare they do this to me. This is absolutely BS I REPEAT BS

I've got tuition tommorow so I won't be seeing the drama till like 3.





Today I turned up home my sister was wearing yellow shorts with a green top  and I was like "yasss girrrl it's a junghwanand deokseon day"

And she waslike wtf bc she's 9 and doesn't watch it 

And look at me know.

I was crying this whole episode 

I'm done 

I'm done...

But there's still hope 


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6 minutes ago, lala14 said:

Then what does make me? I was trolled for 9 years and 19 episodes later (probably 20 eps though, But I still have that 1% faith)????


guys @kandyrn @lala14 !!!!!! .... i feel the same as you, i've been trolled for 9 years because of HIMYM !!!

i said it earlier that if taek is the husband then it will be like 'how i met your mother but no,no, kids, no, it's how i met aunt robin, your future step mother'  btw i still not watch the last episode of HIMYM until today! the last eps i watch was when robin and barney decided to divorced, and instead the official ending, i watch the alternate ending T.T

i feel trolled really really trolled with reply 1988 but i still don't want JH as the husband after all the lovey dovey DS and TK in ep19, i dont want to give JH to DS. that would be so awkward and i want JH with someone who more confident with herself and know what she want and love JH... and that girl is me. SO i'm gonna volunteer as ryu jun yeol's wife (not JH, because well, he doesnt exist in real life, so i will take the one who potray him so well instead) and i will invite all of my JHXDS family to my wedding. 

<3 <3



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no you guys ignore me. it's done. they could do that but I don't want them to do that. it's stupid and crazy and frankly I would be pissed what would be the point and what would be the point of today's episode. taek is the husband. sometimes some loves just don't work out. this is the case here. I am going to have to life with all the what ifs and what could have been. I am not watching the next series till all the episodes have aired! I really can't do this again. I can't sleep or eat. I am going out drinking to night just to forget it all!!!

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It has literally been confirmed on this episode abt who the husband is.and if they make another reply now, nobody will dare to analyze clues or put up any colour theories bcz hell no, they don't work at the end..it would be a huge mistake on the writer's part to include the same old husband hunting thing on the next installment bcz it is no longer going to work.even if they make another one, they should introduce a different concept or don't make one at all.what i don't understand is that, dramas are made for the viewers, to entertain the viewers, to give them sth to be happy about when real life becomes too chaotic, not to troll them for 18 long episodes

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okay. there goes my 1% I can't even cry anymore. I still can't believe this is happening. :) OK I'M JUST GONNA WAIT FOR TAXI TO AIR AND RJY LIVE ON V APP YEY. BYE REPLY 1988.

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 I wouldn't watch it live tomorrow so my heart would hurt LESS. This ship has officially sunk and I have to swim back to my real life. I had great times with you - my lovely JH's lovers . We may see each other again in different drama's thread. *Hug and kiss* Thank you! Nice to meet you all! :) 

I hope you will happy with TK DS ah because KJH belongs to us starting NOW! 

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I don't usually post here but I do lurk in here when I find the MT moving too slow. Just have to post to let out my feeling a little so that I can sleep better (it's almost 3am here!). 


Anyway, I just posted on MT my comments on ep 19. I tried to sound rationale but I still want to give a last scream which I think is better suited here. What the richard simmons is this?! (sorry, just want to try out soompi curse censor system). 



Ok, just finished the raw. So the husband is Taek? Truth be told, while I ship JH, I do think there is a possibility of Taek being the husband simply due to ep 17 when DS gets frustrated over Taek’s cancellation of movie date and when she seems to be feeling something towards Taek’s princess carry and loiter in his room after that, not wanting to go home.


That said, I don’t understand why the drama focused so much on JH’s feeling and his emotional development for more than half of the drama. I mean, the writer literally make us (well, majority of us) fall for him first and swoon over the things he did for DS and then he was written aside to brood for the last few episodes before finally ending his first love. It doesn’t matter if there are clues that have been pointed to Taek as the husband right from the start. As a leisure viewer, I watch for the story and don’t go analyse colors, props or camera angle. So naturally if I fall for JH first (and this is coming from me, the person who started this drama cos of PBG but since he has too few scenes at start and JH was just so adorable that I couldn’t help rooting for JH), wouldn’t I be supporting him as the end game and hope he will be the husband? So naturally, this episode is kind of disappointing to me and I am not surprise why many K netizens feel angry about this. My only consolation is that JH really seems to have gotten over it last week so I’m good with it if he’s happy.


I really doubt there will be a twist in the last episode. Didn’t present day husband already say they kissed in 1989 and DS said they kissed in 1994? I would be quite pissed off if there is a flashback to show JH and DS kissed in 1989. One does not use flashback like this. In fact, I don’t think I want a twist too since it would make DS appeared too easy to change heart so easily. I don’t want JH to be with such a girl.

On a separate note, love the ‘wedding’ of JH parents. So sweet. They have a good ‘daughter’ JH (to quote JB) . Hahaha.



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I need a drank. I need a pitcher of all the strongest liquors this world has and I just really need them to explain things tomorrow. I don't think i'll watch though. I need time and distance to heal LOL

1 minute ago, honeywell said:

So the conversation between husband and DS really ends it.  TK is the only one who didn't go to high school.   

Yeah it does.

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1 minute ago, honeywell said:

So the conversation between husband and DS really ends it.  TK is the only one who didn't go to high school.   

yes. I missed that conversation because I was skipping DS-TK scenes, and the scene was in between the kiss scene(s) hahahahahaha I'm really sad seeing how this thread ends this way, it was really fun though the past 2-3 months! love you guys. :wub:

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22 hours ago, blademan said:

I feel like it's too late to develop a JH-DS storyline now...but they BETTER find JH someone worthy if he's not the husband in the end!!

I am hoping for a girl who is

- really pretty so that every man in the gang envious of

- A doksun's stewardess friend so Doksun can witness how lovey dovey they are in airport (like all the time!), Also I want that the other stewardess to be jealous of their romance too (I know I am petty, no sorry for you).

- really loves Junghwan, and does every sweet things nobody could ever done better just for Junghwan,and Junghwan only, and Junghwan should be able to understand her actions too.

- able to understand Cheetah omma as well as the other ahjummas


And Oh My God, Just make the 2 hours of the 20th ep about Junghwan and the new Girl please.

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5 minutes ago, ash623 said:

i said it earlier that if taek is the husband then it will be like 'how i met your mother but no,no, kids, no, it's how i met aunt robin, your future step mother'  btw i still not watch the last episode of HIMYM until today! the last eps i watch was when robin and barney decided to divorced, and instead the official ending, i watch the alternate ending T.T



Maybe the writer is a fan of HIMYM. that is why they made a husband hunting. i bet she feel trolled after the last episode of HIMYM and decide to trolled  their viewer.

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15 minutes ago, lovii024 said:


DS: Yah how could you say 1989?
FH: But 1989 is correct.
DS: I was only in my third year of high school. I was only a high school student!
FH: Ah thats right you were in your third year. I wasn't in school so I forgot all about that. But whats wrong with you being a high school student then?
DS: You are a public figure. It would be news if you a public figure's first kiss was with a high school student only in her 3rd year. Yah, the public knows of you as a stone buddha. 
DS: Lets tell them to erase the footage and film it again

When I was streaming the episode tonight, there were two separate future scenes. First when both Adult DS and Hubby are appearing on screen. Second we can only hear them whispering to each other. 

The first scene, interviewer asks who was the one ask for a dating? They gave vague answers. Second question, when was their first kiss? Hubby suggests for them answer at the same time. DS : 1989 , HUBBY : 1994. (here then I'm sure the kiss wasn't a dream) 

On Second interview scene (translated above) 

Isn't it weird? DS is the one mentioned 89 though. Why is she scold hubby for answering 89???

I just wanna show the missing link, still for me it doesn't matter anymore, in my book Junghwan better NOT to be the husband, too weird and I will even dislike Duksun for her messy love life if he break up with taek and running to JH. 

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3 minutes ago, janeadelaine said:

okay. there goes my 1% I can't even cry anymore. I still can't believe this is happening. :) OK I'M JUST GONNA WAIT FOR TAXI TO AIR AND RJY LIVE ON V APP YEY. BYE REPLY 1988.

me too, and I WILL CHEER RJY ON V APP !!!!!!! 


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3 minutes ago, wenyeol said:

my 100th post..


I was going to give this to you when you finally stop brooding...but I'm giving it to you now.

I like you...

*background music please*

I'm saying, I like you.  *smirk smile*

Hey, do you know what I've done because of you? *slightly look up*

I waited more than five days every week just to get a glimpse of you.

Every night I keep thinking about what you will do during Fridays and Saturdays...

And I couldn't sleep at all because I was worried you would be brooding again. *slightly look down right side*

"Why is he like this?" "Did he start brooding again?"

Hey. I thought of nothing but you. JUST YOU.

When I ran into your FMV by chance, on Youtube...And when I get to see clips of your CFs...

Also, when I saw some of your GIF's in Soompi... *look right side mouth open smile*

I was really...so happy that my mom thought I was crazy.

I wanted to see you more than a dozen times a day. I was happy just to see you.

I wanted to tell you this a long time ago...

I really like you... I love you... now..





omg.......... i'm tearing up again. lmao.


2 minutes ago, tituyphing said:

When I was streaming the episode tonight, there were two separate future scenes. First when both Adult DS and Hubby are appearing on screen. Second we can only hear them whispering to each other. 

The first scene, interviewer asks who was the one ask for a dating? They gave vague answers. Second question, when was their first kiss? Hubby suggests for them answer at the same time. DS : 1989 , HUBBY : 1994. (here then I'm sure the kiss wasn't a dream) 

On Second interview scene (translated above) 

Isn't it weird? DS is the one mentioned 89 though. Why is she scold hubby for answering 89???

I just wanna show the missing link, still for me it doesn't matter anymore, in my book Junghwan better NOT to be the husband, too weird and I will even dislike Duksun for her messy love life if he break up with taek and running to JH. 

DS is the one who said 1994 dear ... I also tried to make sure :')

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