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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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ahh the preview!! i promised myself i wouldn't watch it before going to uni because i knew i would've been distracted but i couldn't help myself. it's become a habit to check this thread before i head out every morning and when i saw that thread jumped 20 pages overnight i knew the preview came out lol. i don't even want to think about what might happen in the next episode. it makes me nervous to think about all the possibilities at this point. 

new article trending on naver about the drama! here's some translations of the comments. as always i cannot promise u guys complete and total accuracy (i'm paraphrasing some of these comments so they won't be exact word for word translations) but hopefully it'll give you some more insights on the feelings of other viewers of the drama.


‘남편찾기’로 잃어버린 시간을 찾아서  'The time lost because of the husband search'

제대로된 연애장면은 언제 나온답니까? 연애없이 바로 결혼인건가 [+5109 -80] When are they going to show scenes of them during the time they were properly dating? or will they go straight to marriage with no dating
빨리 덕선이 연애나 시켜줘요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ [+2941 -73] hurry and show us deok sun dating ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
그냥 애초부터 어남류 어남택 이런걸 하질 말았어야하는데.... 정환이는 정환이대로 슬프고 택이는 죽을것 같다니까 맴찢이고.... 아몰라 아까 예고본 이후로 멍하다 금요일 언제 오냐ㅠㅠㅠㅠ [+2983 -120] this commenter like most of us is just really frustrated... they talk about how both of the situations that the guys are in are pitiful. also at the end they say "ahhh idk when is friday going to come already" lol
다들 여자들이 많아서 남주들만 불쌍하다그러는데 나는 덕선이가 제일짠하다 [+2622 -214] everyone is talking about how pitiful the guys are but deok sun makes me the most sad
김주혁이 젤 불쌍...자기가 누군지도 모른채 연기해야 돼서 연기 별로라는 평 들음. 그냥 현대씬 넣지 말지... [+580 -4] this comment talks about kim ju hyuk and how they feel bad about how he has to act without knowing who to act like (honestly i feel like this is a lie that the reply actors have been told to use in order to keep up the mystery but again its just my own speculation lol)
도롱뇽 성공시켜줘라 고기집카운터로 남기지말고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [+532 -11] something about dong ryong success and beef??? sorry guys i really want to know what this comment is precisely implying maybe its in reference to last weeks episodes i still haven't watched them fully. 

i'm so excited for friday omg!!! if they don't give us any ds and jh scenes until the finale i'm going to be really sad. i definitely feel like their relationship will be rushed bc they've literally saved everything for the last two eps but i believe and trust the writer/pd so hopefully they'll be able to pull it off. 

on a side note i love the positivity in this thread so much. i remember the shipping wars during r1994 and how the main thread there also started to become a war zone lol. it happened with this drama near the end too but i'm glad this shipper thread is so open to discussion without being rude to others that might not share the same opinions as them. lets keep it up until the last episode guys!! 

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@MrsSoJiSub completely agree chinguu with your frustrations!

at this point, i'm just trying to rationalize why these writers/pd-nim is seriously turning this drama into complete S*** ...it had so much potential, but around episode 12, the story lost all its flow with all the WASTED scenes when they could have just resolved this love triangle in just  2 episodes (max) COOOMMMEE ONNNN, its practically 2 hours for each episo9k=de anyway!!!! 

AND as a result, they are not going to achieve a meaningful ending because we have literally been waiting to the point where are NUMB and CANT FEEL ANYTHING BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN WAITING TO THE POINT OF.....



OTP FINALLY GETS TOGETHER....  tumblr_inline_n0n5pu964K1szrs09.gif


I'm still over here like giphy.gif ..... whatever_gif_5.gif

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I escaped and ran here from MT, omo I can't keep up with the posts there giving me a MASSIVE headache. It's so peaceful and calm on our ship. HAHA. #teamdeoksun #teamjunghwan! I'm not sure if anyone has shared this though.




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9 minutes ago, rameennoodles said:



‘남편찾기’로 잃어버린 시간을 찾아서  'The time lost because of the husband search'


Holy man !! let's watch 2 hours of Movie drama then for epi 19 if not extend till 3 hrs.. ok i am exaggerating.. :P well this drama main focus wasn't on just loveline.. but I think things are getting out of hand after episode 10 eventually a lot of fans would still wants to see how loveline is being developed and how it will wrap up nicely.. sigh.. fustrating indeed.. 

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Oh my god, as I am slowly going over posts, I realize that a lot happened!!!

HSI's posts were deleted? Why? How?

Why are people freaking out about the preview? We cannot tell much and we all know that previews are big trolls. I gave up on them a loonnggg time ago!

@mojobobo Thanks! Found it! And thanks @Kelly86 for reposting the subbed preview :)

Okay I have some more reading to do so I will be back soon!

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Guest wizengamot
10 minutes ago, phadungpon said:

Deokseon-ahh i know you disappointed 


yes, she definitely looks disappointed 

@carolinedl i just logged in too, an hour ago and yeah it seems like something big happened that needs moderator intervention. HSI posts was deleted for breaking soompi rule #3 (she called people stupid, tribal, myopic, delusional, illogical and to her latest post handicap)

and i'm not freaking out over the preview. i don't even wanna form any possibility


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6 hours ago, luffypyon said:


I am sorry if anyone has posted the answer. The "Richard Simmons" phrase always comes out automatically when we type any curse/inappropriate words like"fu(c)k,a(s)s,etc"

Oh ok I get it now!! Thank you so much for your help!! :)

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Guest wizengamot
3 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

@wizengamot Wow! Did all of her posts get deleted?!

It is too bad really but at the same time, she killed the modd in there... It was really getting ridic...

Just a question about the preview: is DS's friend asking about the friend and not dating the same one that is dating the Baduk's club manager?


i'm not sure. few minutes ago, it's just one post deleted, but @papulichan said that some of her posts are being deleted now too. and the pages/posts on the MT seemed like it was pushed back (maybe because some posts are deleted). I'm not sure but i think that co-stewardess is asking DS why she's not dating that friend (maybe TK) since they must know TK because another stewardess is the gf of the baduk manager


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Guest wizengamot
9 minutes ago, ic3chubb3 said:

Loving the positive vibes in this thread! :wub::wub::wub:

Here's to sharing an interesting observation and theory(?) from DC Gall!

Some posters have been noticing a parallel narrative between the past and present scenes. I've read some of their interesting insights and tried to summarise ep 1-18 so far.



EPISODE 1: “Hand in hand”
1988: Ep centered around DS. Introduction of all characters by DS. Focus of the story on DS's life as the left out second child.
Present: Future DS alone talking about husband.

EPISODE 2: “The one thing you’re mistaken about me”
1988: First appearance of DS's diary, DS puts chocolate in SW's bag, signifying her first crush on him.
Present: DS reads the diary and cringes. First appearance of Kim Joo-hyuk as husband.

EPISODE 3: “Not guilty if you’re rich, guilty if you’re poor”
1988: Start of DS's crush on SW. Awkward alley scene hinting JH's realisation of DS as a woman.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 4: “Can’t help ~ing”
1988: JH's growing crush on DS and his bus scenes with DS. Taek's losing but winning story with his friends.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 5: “Preparation for winter”
1988: JH's continues crush on DS (umbrella scene). DS continues crush on SW. JH's misunderstanding about SW's feelings for DS.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 6: “The first snow is coming”
1988: First snowfall day. End of DS's crush on SW. SW's confession to BR. Taek's movie invitation. 
Present: Jeon Mi-seon's first appearance as Bora unnie featuring phone conversation with husband. DS and husband talk about first snow and her crush on SW.

EPISODE 7: “To you”
1988: Christmas manitto gifting. JH shows up at Gangnam to meet DS and her friends, ending scene with confused hand-cupping scene. Taek’s touching story with his dad. Taek's mannito pink gloves for DS and first sign of feelings. JH's pink gloves gift for DS through NE and DS choosing not to wear it.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 8: “One warm word”
1988: Story of No-eul and the fight between his girlfriend, her group of friends, DS and DS's friends. Reveal of Taek sleeping at his movie date with DS. Scenes of Taek smiling and enjoying DS's company.
Present: First appearance of No-eul. DS and husband bicker about everything.

EPISODE 9: “Crossing the line”
1989: DS's personal development story. Development of JH-DS-Taek triangle, with identical photographs, surprise smoking habit, T-shirts in winter.  JH goes to concert with DS. DS goes to China with Taek.
Present: First future scene, husband comments about DS looking pretty back then in the mystery photo. Second future scene, scene starts with DS alone, with husband entering frame and continue to bicker about date of mystery photo.

EPISODE 10: “Memory”
1989: Taek's beach date and confession about liking DS to the gang. JH's "hajima, blind date hajima" scene.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 11: “Three prophecies”
1989: Start of JH's denial of feelings for DS. DS starting to show signs of falling for JH.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 12: “Loving someone”
1989: JH maintains distance with DS. Taek's head-lean scene with DS. Taek comforting DS after flasher scene.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 13: “Superman returns”
1989: DS and JH's Lee Moon-se concert date. JH continues his best to act prickly with DS. Taek and his dad's touching story. Taek's winning trophy gift to DS.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 14: “Don’t you worry”
1989: DS's pink shirt gift to JH. DS ponders about the guy she’s in love with. Taek starts taking initiative to show his feelings for DS by inviting her over and commenting about his upcoming confession.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 15: “Between love and friendship”
1989: Dong-ryong's ep. DS's growing worry about studies. No significant progress in love triangle. Taek realises JH's feelings for DS.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 16: “Irony of life, Part 1”
1989: Ep about dreams. Taek sees photo of JH and DS tucked in JH's wallet. Taek chooses to protect friendship by giving up his planned confession. No significant progress in love triangle.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 17: “Irony of life, Part 2”
1989: DS's wavering feelings towards Taek. Taek and DS's dreamy kiss. All characters moving on towards their dreams and time jump.
Present: No scene.

EPISODE 18: “Goodbye first love”
1994: Time jump to 1994, with the gang being 23. 
Present: DS begins interview at another location. Husband arrives from somewhere, talked to DS and shuffles off.

Some interpretations we can draw from the parallel narrative:

  • The present day interviews are all about reminiscing the memories of the married couple. Which means 1988 must carry some special meaning to the love story for the couple. 88 was the year JH started his crush, realised his feelings for DS and continued many of his awkward hinting in different ways. On the other hand, the only obvious romantic scene between Taek and DS in 1988 was the movie date that happened in winter 1988 (which revealed Taek was sleeping throughout). At this point of time, DS has always shown to be treating Taek like a little boy.

  • The appearance, absence or movement of the characters in the present scenes seem to reflect the movement of plot in the past scenes. From ep 10 to 18, there were no adult scenes in 2015. It was coincidentally the start of the period where JH was trying hard to stay away from DS after hearing Taek's confession. In ep 18 present scene when DS was sending the husband away, the past story was also about DS not reacting to both guys.

  • The time jump in ep 18 was represented in the present scene with a change in the settings (from home to a cafe). 
  • The present characters appear in line with the stories of the past characters. E.g. Bora appears in present scene when the story in 1988 talks about Bora smoking and revealing how SW's crush has always been Bora so far.




this makes sense! 

i mean the appearance of the adult version to talk about the 1988 happenings and their disappearance on 1989 talks. and there must be a reason why it was R88 although we had a fair share of 1989 happenings too. And yeah, TK-DS moments only belatedly came in 1989. (and there wasn't even much progress to that)

7 minutes ago, papulichan said:

Look what someone at' baidu'  looked through the spying glass.....the probability of it  being JH's ring(like it was assumed in the preview again by someone in the Chinese forum...of a possibility of DS wearing it ).....* Just take it with a grain of salt*...hahahaha...




DS at the preview also has something protruding in her pink sweat too, and some people also thinks it's JH cadet ring under

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21 minutes ago, papulichan said:

Look what someone at' baidu'  looked through the spying glass.....the probability of it  being JH's ring(like it was assumed in the preview again by someone in the Chinese forum...of a possibility of DS wearing it ).....* Just take it with a grain of salt*...hahahaha...



This is heights really. I want them to end up together but god this is just too much. XD

Of course I wouldn't mind it if it turned out to be true though.

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15 minutes ago, wenyeol said:







Wow, where did you find this piece of GOLD.....ok my fan girl heart just went to heaven!!!! OMFG how is he so effin adorable!!!! he is such a DORK and I am SOLD ik what to look for in a BF now sigh.....RJY this obsession is not cool. I really hate when I get to this level with a celeb crush its nuts sigh!

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