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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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5 minutes ago, starryskie5 said:

@papulichan thanks for answering :) I got curious when there was news put that PBG had difficulty lying to the reporters that he didn't know about the husband. So, I just wondered how come only now he was told (and then I remember these rumors after 94 ended). 


The writer and PD made it quite clear that they had Trash as endgame when they were preparing for the drama but they had to have a plan b too in case the Korean public was not accepting of this relationship and that is why they had Chilbong and put a lot of scenes and even clues which they could at least use to make a reasonable explanation on why CB was the husband if it had to go that way. Go Ara said that they told her Najung only had eyes for Trash and no one else. 


PBG may or may not know but at this late stage (if it was not already revealed to them at the start) I think the actors themselves will know who the husband is going by scripts and prep work that have to be done. 


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4 minutes ago, deokhwan said:

Well this is random but i just remembered that Trash Oppa became a neurosurgeon because Najung's brother died from brain tumor. Quite similar to Jungpal becoming a fighter pilot because it is Jungbong oppa's dream :wub:

Yes ! the dream/ambition parallelism works perfectly !

 You know chingu, now that you mentioned JH fulfilling his Hyung's dreams....... I was furious when I had read some post on the MT as to how JH never had a dream of his own..... FOOLS!!...... JH ALWAYS HAD A DREAM......HIS DREAM/AMBITION WAS TO LIVE HIS HYUNG'S DREAMS AND BRING THEM TO REALITY..... ain't it so?

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liking this instrumental so much!! and the feather scene between uri couple is just too beautiful for words.. I keep replaying it.. I swear, momorable scenes in R88 are all JH-DS related.. and the feather scene is one favorite moments between them, it was so gorgeous, and with wonderful bgm too.. The very definition of destiny.. :)




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8 minutes ago, papulichan said:

Yes ! the dream/ambition parallelism works perfectly !

 You know chingu, now that you mentioned JH fulfilling his Hyung's dreams....... I was furious when I had read some post on the MT as to how JH never had a dream of his own..... FOOLS!!...... JH ALWAYS HAD A DREAM......HIS DREAM/AMBITION WAS TO LIVE HIS HYUNG'S DREAMS AND BRING THEM TO REALITY..... ain't it so?


Yes, i agree to that. He even said it was his own dream even though Jungbong oppa told him not to fulfill his wish anymore. My precious Jungpal :tears: 

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Guest wizengamot



i just finished reading on MT. And i'm applauding not because emy_rose argued that analysis for JH-DS shippers but because she argued that for the writer, so as to correct any misinterpretation of the script. Because reading too much between the lines, pasting myths or any stories (like King Arthur) just to make it into something is disservice to the writer herself. A lot of the scenes pointed out like the umbrella has no other hidden meaning but what was already presented. 

I don't want to say that we are better than others and I know that there are times when we became delusional for the ship, but I'd like to express my opinion and this is it; that when you see JH as the husband i think you have at least understand or had followed where the writer is leading you with her flow of the story. The reason i can't agree with that i-ship-the-script-and-it-says-TK is that her reasoning had been twisted in sometimes unbelievable explanation and the way she present is like saying you don't see that but i do. and it's not even sharing an opinion but stating a fact that others fail to see because she's supposedly know it compared to others. lol.


I can't see why the others keep telling "it was TK from the start" really? so that's why people had assumed that husband hunting was between SW and JH on the earlier episodes? And really, is that why TK appeared not even 10 minutes long with no significant interaction with the female lead on episode 1 because he was the husband from the start? well that's interesting hahahahahahaha!!!

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1 hour ago, fictionista said:


You're on to something, chinguya. Some spoilers maybe leaked to enhance the viewers' anxiety. But spoilers are annoying all the same. Also what is the chance that some of the lesser or temporary members of crew aren't leaking out pics themselves? I'm pretty sure ep 19 will contain more heartstopping, cliffhanger-ish moments. So hang in their guys. We're in for a rough ride till the end. 

BTW I so hate the fact that they're still not done filming. Last minute shooting always puts a lot of unnecessary stress on actors and lowers the quality of acting/storytelling. Hope that's not the case with Reply 1988.

True!! They'll troll us till the end.

And yes me too. It's the sad ruth about live shooting. Actors getting into accident and story dragging halfway. I think it's even much more worse in three main networks MBC, SBS and KBS where even up to last minute before the airing of the finale all is on stand by and is working. You see at least they got a new year break that I think doesn't usually happen in big three networks. With Reply, though, I wish they could have just really filmed the finale first when there's less media coverage and curiosity and be really secured in leaking it than now because when you have a mystery to maintain and the current highest rated kdrama then you'll film the vital wedding scene on outdoor location very near the airing date when audience are anxious, of course people and media will be curious and snap it as much as possible and it can get out of hand.

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Oh this wedding is gonna be a troll fest in the previews.  They'll make it seem like DS is getting married and we don't know who the groom is but it's SW and BR. It's gonna be scary if this is still for 19.  For their sake I hope it's for the finale already.

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