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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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13 minutes ago, janeadelaine said:

I'm not good at predicting and imagining what will happen but for question 3-5, I read a comment on DB saying that there was an accident on January 1995 where some jets collided and JH is in the same team/sth I forgot, and there were pilots who died.... and that commenter said maybe DS will be freaking out and thought JH is one of those pilots and she will came running and they will kiss there! and of course DS will kissed him first.

If that incident is not happening, then a confession in the car ride home is fine too or any stories are fine really, as long as our couple end up together.


oh mama oh papa :tears::tears::tears: if they really going with this route, then i'd like deoksun to be the last person to know that he's fine. he's with his family right know at the house. but due to work, she only can go home at night. and the in the way home she's already bawling and ayyyyy, they meet at the stairs (why am i mentioning the stairs again).

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10 minutes ago, hailaft said:

I wrote another fanfic. I just couldn't help myself, I need something to pour out all my feelings to.

Anyway, the setting is right after the end of episode 18. I'm planning to write 2 parts, and this is the first one. I hope you guys enjoy it. :wub:

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Deok Sun couldn’t take her eyes away from Jung Hwan the whole time they were in the restaurant. How could she not after that heartfelt confession? Sun Woo and Dong Ryong might be fooled, but she knew better than that. Jung Hwan was sincere, that much she knew. She just didn’t understand why he let everyone thought he was joking. It felt like Jung Hwan pushed her to fall after take her fly so high.


Jung Hwan glanced at her and Deok Sun didn’t even avert her gaze. They looked at each other silently, while Dong Ryong and Sun Woo joked around. She let her emotion go through her eyes and she wanted Jung Hwan too see it so bad. Are you giving up on me? Jung Hwan’s eyebrows crinkled, as if he didn’t understand something.


“Did you ask for the bill?” Sun Woo suddenly asked him and Jung Hwan shook his head. They were still looking at each other, but Sun Woo was oblivious to this, too busy fiddling with his wallet.


“I’ll just pay at the cashier,” Jung Hwan answered.


“Yah, let me pay, for once,” Sun Woo frowned. Jung Hwan scoffed and nodded. Sun Woo got up to pay for their food, while Dong Ryong left for bathroom.


“Jung…” she started but Jung Hwan stood up and went outside. She saw him lighted a cigarette through the glass door.


“Deok Sun-ah, let’s go!” Sun Woo called her. Dong Ryong already went out, took Jung Hwan’s cigarette and smoked it himself. Since when they smoked? Did Taek give them bad influence for a change?


Deok Sun got up and followed Sun Woo outside. Dong Ryong hasn’t finished his cigarette, so they just stood around. Deok Sun suddenly remembered Jung Hwan’s ring was still on the table.


“Wait, I forgot my pager,” Deok Sun lied and went back in and saw a waiter was cleaning their table.


“I’m sorry, do you see..”


“The ring?” the waiter smiled and gave her the red box. She took it and put it inside her bag. She bowed to thanked him. He bowed back and she got out of the restaurant. They walked to the parking lot and climbed into Jung Hwan’s jeep.


“I’m going to a sunbae’s place after this. I’ll drop you near home,” Jung Hwan told them. Deok Sun frowned. She was planning to corner Jung Hwan right after they get home and demand an explanation. Was he avoiding her? Frustration crept into her mind and she felt like crying at that moment.


“Is it a guy or girl?” Dong Ryong teased him. He was still convinced that Jung Hwan was hiding a secret lover from them.


“Yah!” Jung Hwan frowned and she felt his quick glance at her. Dong Ryong chuckled and pat his shoulder.


“Aigoo, I got it,” he said.


“Deok Sun-ah, play some music,” Sun Woo poked her shoulder. Deok Sun turned on the tape and Lee Moon Se’s cassette that was still inside started playing.


It took her back to that concert. The one Jung Hwan talked about in his confession. He said he was so happy, he might go crazy. She took a deep breath and bit her lips so she wouldn’t start crying right there. Just what they’ve been doing all this time?


Was it about Taek? Did Jung Hwan know?


Deok Sun knew Taek has been acting differently to her for years. He never actually asked her on a date or even showed his feelings directly, but Deok Sun wasn’t a naïve girl she was once anymore. She decided to let him be until Taek ready to talk about it himself. That way, she thought, they will still be friends even if she didn’t feel the same way about him.


That was part of the reason she never confronted Jung Hwan. She didn’t want to hurt Taek. Back in high school, she thought it would be okay if she didn’t end up with Jung Hwan, at least they will still be friends. She didn’t even realize that her feelings for Jung Hwan were this deep. Almost six years later and her feelings hadn’t really changed.


She was so lost in her thought, she didn’t realize they reached their neighborhood already. Jung Hwan stopped his car near Sun Woo’s house. Sun Woo and Dong Ryong got out of the car but Deok Sun lingered as long as she can.


“Aren’t you leaving?” Dong Ryong asked her.


“I’m going,” Jung Hwan looked at her, clearly told her to leave. Deok Sun frowned but got out anyway. Jung Hwan drove away without looking back.


Dong Ryon and Sun Woo walked back home right away but Deok Sun stayed and sat on the stairs. Her tears started falling right away. She cried for Jung Hwan, for their wasted opportunities, for their reciprocated feelings that went nowhere for years.


She tried to move on. She went to blind dates. She started and ended relationships, but her hope never really died. Years actually went by between their meetings, but the second she saw him, it would all comeback to her. All the things he said on his confession. The umbrella, the concert, the bus. They all stuck deep in her heart and she couldn’t let it go.


“Deok Sun-ah…”


She froze when she saw Taek walked toward her. She wiped her tears right away even though she was still sobbing. She started standing up, but Taek sat beside her. She sat back down and took a deep breath, trying not to sob in front of Taek.


“What’s wrong?” he asked.


“Nothing,” she answered. Taek didn’t say anything for a while. Deok Sun was still trying to calm herself down.


“Deok Sun-ah, what time is it?” he finally asked her. Deok Sun checked her watch. It was 11:45 PM.


“Almost twelve. Why?” she looked at him.


“If we go now, we will arrive 3 hours before sunrise,” Taek answered, smiling. Deok Sun frowned.


“Where are you going?”




Deok Sun looked at him as if he went crazy. Go to a beach in the middle of the cold autumn night? This guy had too much free time, really.


“Yah, just go to sleep,” Deok Sun scoffed and stood up. Taek took her arms to stop her. She looked at him, surprised.


“Let’s go. I want to talk to you about something,” Taek’s expression looked different, like he was determined to do something. Deok Sun knew right away what he wanted to talk about.


“Why Daecheon?” she asked.


“Because we went there once. I want to go there again with you,” he looked like he wouldn’t take no for an answer. She finally nodded and Taek stood up. They walked to his car and he opened the door for her. She got in and stared at him the whole time he turned around the car so he could get in.


She knew he was up to something the second he showed up at the concert a few days ago. She thought about what to say to him. She needed to be honest. Taek had to know about Jung Hwan.


“You can sleep if you want. I’ll wake you up when we arrive,” Taek told her when he started driving.


“You had enough sleep last night, right?” she asked. She didn’t want him to get sleepy along the way and crash the car or something. Taek laughed and nodded.


“I had 8 hours sleep,” he assured her.


“Wake me up if you need to sleep, okay? We can take turn driving,” she told him. Taek nodded again. She leaned to the door and closed her eyes, surprisingly fell asleep right away.








“Deok Sun-ah,” Taek pat her head to wake her up. She opened her eyes and saw the beach right away. The sky was getting brighter although the sun wasn’t completely up yet. She sat up straight and looked at him. It looked like he just woke up too.


Deok Sun got out of the car and stretched her arms. It was cold and the wind woke her up completely. She looked at Taek and noticed that the car was parked on top of the parking lane.


“Yah,” Deok Sun scoffed. “You still can’t park the car?”


“No one’s here anyway,” he shrugged his shoulder.


Deok Sun shook her head and Taek could only laugh. Taek’s car was indeed the only one parked in the lot. They walked down to the beach and got a hot chocolate each from the vending machine along the way.


“When was the last time we came here?” she asked.


“1989, a day after Dong Ryong’s birthday,” he answered.


“Ah, when he ran away from home?” she laughed. “Augh, that guy. Never did anything right.”


Taek took off his coat and put it on the sand for them to sit.


“Just wear it, it’s cold,” she told him. She sat on the sand and gave him his coat back. Taek sighed, wear his coat again and sat beside her. She sipped her chocolate and stare at the sea. She remembered running around here, trying to get Taek into the water. That was a good time. She chuckled to herself.


“Why?” he asked.


“No, I just remember I tried to get you into the water and got scolded by the guys,” she answered, laughing.


“Do you remember they teased us about it? They said you should take responsibility for me,” Taek asked her. She looked at him and shook her head. Taek smiled a little, looking down at his chocolate.


“When you went to bathroom, I told them I like you for real,” Taek finally raised his head and looked at her. “Not as a friend, but as a girl.”


So Jung Hwan did know. Taek was the sole reason he started ignoring her back in 1989. She remembered she practically had to beg him to go to Lee Moon Se’s concert with her and it happened in January, around that time.


Deok Sun was expecting this, but now that he finally told her, she didn’t know what to say. Taek smiled understandingly. His expression was just like Jung Hwan’s when he confessed last night. Like they were about to give up and they didn’t care what her answer will be.


“I don’t know since when or why do I like you. I just did. I always want to see you, even when I’m dead tired after practice. If I see your smile or see you worry about me, I feel like my burden will go away instantly. I was really happy when you went to China with me and you took care of me better than anyone else,” Taek smiled as he reminisced their moments and her heart broke for him. She looked down, couldn’t bring herself to looked back at him anymore.


“I only looked at you every time we’re together, even if there were a dozen of other people in the room. That’s why I know who you’re always looking at,” Taek’s smile suddenly looked sad. Deok Sun felt tears in her eyes and she tried with every ounce of her willpower to stop herself from crying.


“It’s Jung Hwan, right?” he asked her.


Her tears fell. She turned her head away so Taek wouldn’t notice but he pat her head anyway.


“I’m sorry,” her shaky voice gave her away.


“It’s okay,” Taek said, still patting her head. Deok Sun wiped her tears and looked at him. How can he still smile like that?


“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he told her. “You’ve been nothing but a good friend to me.”


Deok Sun took a deep breath and tried to smile for him. She wasn’t going to mope around when he was the one who was hurting. He deserved better than this.


“Taek-ah, I really think you’re a great guy. You’re handsome. You’re polite and kind to everyone. On top of that, you’re an international baduk player and rich too,” she told him and it made both of them laughed. “Thank you for liking me, even though I was just a teukkongdae in high school.”


“Thank you too. I’m glad you’re my first love,” he smiled. Deok Sun smiled back at him. They didn’t realize the sun already rose when they were talking. They both finished their chocolate while staring at the sea, didn’t say anything for a while.


“Are you hungry?”




“Let’s get something to eat.”


“I wonder if the gogi jib’s already opened?”


“It’s 7 in the morning. Let’s just eat ramyun somewhere.”


“Okay. I’m paying.”


They both stood up and walked back to the parking lot while talking about the gogi jib they went to, back in 1989. She wondered about the old men who played baduk with Taek. He told her almost all old men who met him wanted to play baduk with him at some point. They laughed about it while driving back home. Just like they always do.







I AM SCREAMING!!! Thank you so much for this omg it's so good~~~~~ 

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4 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I don't know if this has been discussed already but the scene in Forest Gump that Junghwan and Dong Ryeong were watch, I think it's obvious with Forest in the suit being Junghwan we just  saw him in a suit and all just last episode. However in the scene it's self Forest and Jenny are reuniting for the umpteenth time and I failed to notice that Jenny meet forest half way. They both jumped into the reflection pool and ran for one another. We saw Junghwan run his half today by literally running to Deok Sun at the concert (even if late) and his confession (even if he lied that it was a joke) so like others have said. In the end we are going to see Deok Sun run her half and meet him in their reunion. Yes so I expect we will get insight and verbal confirmation of Deok Sun's feelings and we will see her choose her choice. 

Also someone please tell the kdrama gods to stop sending me signs ;) (with great power...). As I was walking home from the corner shop it began to rain and off course that made me think of our Junghwan crying in his car not at fate and timing (which weren't on his side) but his own choices that put him where he was. Then guess what traffic light color that reflected on the dark empty street, that's right green. I am so going to open up that hotline because obviously these powers will not go away and the kdrama gods are attacking me like this today so i will share my gifts with the world.

Never watch Forest Gump before, but feels like I need to watch that now. Btw, I'm so loving your kdrama-gods-signal because you know why? I've been receiving that as well today because I was late in meeting my friend and tadaaaa JH red light moments came. Not once, but three :confounded::confounded: but then my friend is not yet to come for our meeting :bawling: which makes me not so late. So yeah, may be JH timing is perfect, he might be late during the movies meeting but in the end, he is actually not. Lol. Delulu much? Nah, I'm still having my hope on JH.


And I really want the next episodes discuss more on DS's perspective. I want to see her realization, how she fall in love for JH (before or after JH, it doesnt matter). Somehow, I hope that the situation is reversal; instead Maggie and Joey said 'he likes you and yadda yadda', I wanted them to say, 'Oh my, you loves him, pabo ya! yadadaa' and that finally makes DS realized its JH she loves all along. 



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23 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Okay I'm done with the anlaysis. He's the husband. I am 99.99% sure of it and I"m just going to let the story tell me how they finally meet in the goddamn middle of the reflection pool. Until then some question.

1. Do you think Deok Sun is going to ride home with Junghwan? If yes on a scale of 1-so damn awkward girl jump out the car, how awkward do you think the car ride will be?

2. When and how do you think Deok Sun is going to respond and confess?

3. Where do you think the big reunion is going to happen?

4. Where do you think their first kiss will be?

5. Who initiates that kiss? (I really think it will be Deok Sun)

Now knowning that Junghwan did say his confession was a joke..oh boy...Deok Sun girl, what you gonna do? Is it wrong that I am putting my faith in the cat (meow scene) and dog (that's what she been called him) picture that was behind adult Deok Sun? Someone called the very situation that happen in ep 19 happening. They said Junghwan would confess, leave, then sometime later the two would reunite and be together. I wish I remembered that users name...Miss Cleo come back. Tell us more of what your crystal ball is showing...

1. I hope she's not awkward but angry and asks for explanations.

2. It would be nice if she grabs his cheeks and says 'Think long and hard why I'm doing this'

3. In a park or a bus stop

4. I think the first kiss happened in their childhood

5. DS

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17 minutes ago, hailaft said:

I wrote another fanfic. I just couldn't help myself, I need something to pour out all my feelings to.

Anyway, the setting is right after the end of episode 18. I'm planning to write 2 parts, and this is the first one. I hope you guys enjoy it. :wub:

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Deok Sun couldn’t take her eyes away from Jung Hwan the whole time they were in the restaurant. How could she not after that heartfelt confession? Sun Woo and Dong Ryong might be fooled, but she knew better than that. Jung Hwan was sincere, that much she knew. She just didn’t understand why he let everyone thought he was joking. It felt like Jung Hwan pushed her to fall after take her fly so high.


Jung Hwan glanced at her and Deok Sun didn’t even avert her gaze. They looked at each other silently, while Dong Ryong and Sun Woo joked around. She let her emotion go through her eyes and she wanted Jung Hwan too see it so bad. Are you giving up on me? Jung Hwan’s eyebrows crinkled, as if he didn’t understand something.


“Did you ask for the bill?” Sun Woo suddenly asked him and Jung Hwan shook his head. They were still looking at each other, but Sun Woo was oblivious to this, too busy fiddling with his wallet.


“I’ll just pay at the cashier,” Jung Hwan answered.


“Yah, let me pay, for once,” Sun Woo frowned. Jung Hwan scoffed and nodded. Sun Woo got up to pay for their food, while Dong Ryong left for bathroom.


“Jung…” she started but Jung Hwan stood up and went outside. She saw him lighted a cigarette through the glass door.


“Deok Sun-ah, let’s go!” Sun Woo called her. Dong Ryong already went out, took Jung Hwan’s cigarette and smoked it himself. Since when they smoked? Did Taek give them bad influence for a change?


Deok Sun got up and followed Sun Woo outside. Dong Ryong hasn’t finished his cigarette, so they just stood around. Deok Sun suddenly remembered Jung Hwan’s ring was still on the table.


“Wait, I forgot my pager,” Deok Sun lied and went back in and saw a waiter was cleaning their table.


“I’m sorry, do you see..”


“The ring?” the waiter smiled and gave her the red box. She took it and put it inside her bag. She bowed to thanked him. He bowed back and she got out of the restaurant. They walked to the parking lot and climbed into Jung Hwan’s jeep.


“I’m going to a sunbae’s place after this. I’ll drop you near home,” Jung Hwan told them. Deok Sun frowned. She was planning to corner Jung Hwan right after they get home and demand an explanation. Was he avoiding her? Frustration crept into her mind and she felt like crying at that moment.


“Is it a guy or girl?” Dong Ryong teased him. He was still convinced that Jung Hwan was hiding a secret lover from them.


“Yah!” Jung Hwan frowned and she felt his quick glance at her. Dong Ryong chuckled and pat his shoulder.


“Aigoo, I got it,” he said.


“Deok Sun-ah, play some music,” Sun Woo poked her shoulder. Deok Sun turned on the tape and Lee Moon Se’s cassette that was still inside started playing.


It took her back to that concert. The one Jung Hwan talked about in his confession. He said he was so happy, he might go crazy. She took a deep breath and bit her lips so she wouldn’t start crying right there. Just what they’ve been doing all this time?


Was it about Taek? Did Jung Hwan know?


Deok Sun knew Taek has been acting differently to her for years. He never actually asked her on a date or even showed his feelings directly, but Deok Sun wasn’t a naïve girl she was once anymore. She decided to let him be until Taek ready to talk about it himself. That way, she thought, they will still be friends even if she didn’t feel the same way about him.


That was part of the reason she never confronted Jung Hwan. She didn’t want to hurt Taek. Back in high school, she thought it would be okay if she didn’t end up with Jung Hwan, at least they will still be friends. She didn’t even realize that her feelings for Jung Hwan were this deep. Almost six years later and her feelings hadn’t really changed.


She was so lost in her thought, she didn’t realize they reached their neighborhood already. Jung Hwan stopped his car near Sun Woo’s house. Sun Woo and Dong Ryong got out of the car but Deok Sun lingered as long as she can.


“Aren’t you leaving?” Dong Ryong asked her.


“I’m going,” Jung Hwan looked at her, clearly told her to leave. Deok Sun frowned but got out anyway. Jung Hwan drove away without looking back.


Dong Ryon and Sun Woo walked back home right away but Deok Sun stayed and sat on the stairs. Her tears started falling right away. She cried for Jung Hwan, for their wasted opportunities, for their reciprocated feelings that went nowhere for years.


She tried to move on. She went to blind dates. She started and ended relationships, but her hope never really died. Years actually went by between their meetings, but the second she saw him, it would all comeback to her. All the things he said on his confession. The umbrella, the concert, the bus. They all stuck deep in her heart and she couldn’t let it go.


“Deok Sun-ah…”


She froze when she saw Taek walked toward her. She wiped her tears right away even though she was still sobbing. She started standing up, but Taek sat beside her. She sat back down and took a deep breath, trying not to sob in front of Taek.


“What’s wrong?” he asked.


“Nothing,” she answered. Taek didn’t say anything for a while. Deok Sun was still trying to calm herself down.


“Deok Sun-ah, what time is it?” he finally asked her. Deok Sun checked her watch. It was 11:45 PM.


“Almost twelve. Why?” she looked at him.


“If we go now, we will arrive 3 hours before sunrise,” Taek answered, smiling. Deok Sun frowned.


“Where are you going?”




Deok Sun looked at him as if he went crazy. Go to a beach in the middle of the cold autumn night? This guy had too much free time, really.


“Yah, just go to sleep,” Deok Sun scoffed and stood up. Taek took her arms to stop her. She looked at him, surprised.


“Let’s go. I want to talk to you about something,” Taek’s expression looked different, like he was determined to do something. Deok Sun knew right away what he wanted to talk about.


“Why Daecheon?” she asked.


“Because we went there once. I want to go there again with you,” he looked like he wouldn’t take no for an answer. She finally nodded and Taek stood up. They walked to his car and he opened the door for her. She got in and stared at him the whole time he turned around the car so he could get in.


She knew he was up to something the second he showed up at the concert a few days ago. She thought about what to say to him. She needed to be honest. Taek had to know about Jung Hwan.


“You can sleep if you want. I’ll wake you up when we arrive,” Taek told her when he started driving.


“You had enough sleep last night, right?” she asked. She didn’t want him to get sleepy along the way and crash the car or something. Taek laughed and nodded.


“I had 8 hours sleep,” he assured her.


“Wake me up if you need to sleep, okay? We can take turn driving,” she told him. Taek nodded again. She leaned to the door and closed her eyes, surprisingly fell asleep right away.








“Deok Sun-ah,” Taek pat her head to wake her up. She opened her eyes and saw the beach right away. The sky was getting brighter although the sun wasn’t completely up yet. She sat up straight and looked at him. It looked like he just woke up too.


Deok Sun got out of the car and stretched her arms. It was cold and the wind woke her up completely. She looked at Taek and noticed that the car was parked on top of the parking lane.


“Yah,” Deok Sun scoffed. “You still can’t park the car?”


“No one’s here anyway,” he shrugged his shoulder.


Deok Sun shook her head and Taek could only laugh. Taek’s car was indeed the only one parked in the lot. They walked down to the beach and got a hot chocolate each from the vending machine along the way.


“When was the last time we came here?” she asked.


“1989, a day after Dong Ryong’s birthday,” he answered.


“Ah, when he ran away from home?” she laughed. “Augh, that guy. Never did anything right.”


Taek took off his coat and put it on the sand for them to sit.


“Just wear it, it’s cold,” she told him. She sat on the sand and gave him his coat back. Taek sighed, wear his coat again and sat beside her. She sipped her chocolate and stare at the sea. She remembered running around here, trying to get Taek into the water. That was a good time. She chuckled to herself.


“Why?” he asked.


“No, I just remember I tried to get you into the water and got scolded by the guys,” she answered, laughing.


“Do you remember they teased us about it? They said you should take responsibility for me,” Taek asked her. She looked at him and shook her head. Taek smiled a little, looking down at his chocolate.


“When you went to bathroom, I told them I like you for real,” Taek finally raised his head and looked at her. “Not as a friend, but as a girl.”


So Jung Hwan did know. Taek was the sole reason he started ignoring her back in 1989. She remembered she practically had to beg him to go to Lee Moon Se’s concert with her and it happened in January, around that time.


Deok Sun was expecting this, but now that he finally told her, she didn’t know what to say. Taek smiled understandingly. His expression was just like Jung Hwan’s when he confessed last night. Like they were about to give up and they didn’t care what her answer will be.


“I don’t know since when or why do I like you. I just did. I always want to see you, even when I’m dead tired after practice. If I see your smile or see you worry about me, I feel like my burden will go away instantly. I was really happy when you went to China with me and you took care of me better than anyone else,” Taek smiled as he reminisced their moments and her heart broke for him. She looked down, couldn’t bring herself to looked back at him anymore.


“I only looked at you every time we’re together, even if there were a dozen of other people in the room. That’s why I know who you’re always looking at,” Taek’s smile suddenly looked sad. Deok Sun felt tears in her eyes and she tried with every ounce of her willpower to stop herself from crying.


“It’s Jung Hwan, right?” he asked her.


Her tears fell. She turned her head away so Taek wouldn’t notice but he pat her head anyway.


“I’m sorry,” her shaky voice gave her away.


“It’s okay,” Taek said, still patting her head. Deok Sun wiped her tears and looked at him. How can he still smile like that?


“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he told her. “You’ve been nothing but a good friend to me.”


Deok Sun took a deep breath and tried to smile for him. She wasn’t going to mope around when he was the one who was hurting. He deserved better than this.


“Taek-ah, I really think you’re a great guy. You’re handsome. You’re polite and kind to everyone. On top of that, you’re an international baduk player and rich too,” she told him and it made both of them laughed. “Thank you for liking me, even though I was just a teukkongdae in high school.”


“Thank you too. I’m glad you’re my first love,” he smiled. Deok Sun smiled back at him. They didn’t realize the sun already rose when they were talking. They both finished their chocolate while staring at the sea, didn’t say anything for a while.


“Are you hungry?”




“Let’s get something to eat.”


“I wonder if the gogi jib’s already opened?”


“It’s 7 in the morning. Let’s just eat ramyun somewhere.”


“Okay. I’m paying.”


They both stood up and walked back to the parking lot while talking about the gogi jib they went to, back in 1989. She wondered about the old men who played baduk with Taek. He told her almost all old men who met him wanted to play baduk with him at some point. They laughed about it while driving back home. Just like they always do.







:kiss_wink: AS ALWAYS :heart:

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9 minutes ago, shunklunk said:


oh mama oh papa :tears::tears::tears: if they really going with this route, then i'd like deoksun to be the last person to know that he's fine. he's with his family right know at the house. but due to work, she only can go home at night. and the in the way home she's already bawling and ayyyyy, they meet at the stairs (why am i mentioning the stairs again).

because like you, i feel something epic has to happen on those stairs and under the light of neighborhood love. that stair area has seen so much from almost every couple on this show and is just a big setting that is used time and time again. I so want their final confirmed kiss (which is initiated by Deok Sun after she confesses all that she remembers and how she too has always like, no love him too)  to be on those stairs as the song Neighborhood plays in the background. It has such fitting lyrics about meeting/remembering a hometown girl and some sort of alleyway. I will cry tears of such joy if the kiss takes place there. However I really don't care where the kiss and reunion happens, so long as it freaking happens LOL.

stepped into the MT and never again until after the final episode airs ;) it's kind of a scary and hostile area to me right now and i may be disregarded based on my icon alone so imma just stay here. 

ETA: omg @phadungpon it was you. you are miss. cleo! you said junghwan would confess then leave and then sometime later they would reunite. get in touch with the kdrama gods and give us some more on point predictions LOL...

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Ooohhh if the jet crash incident is true and if they show in the preview (if ever we get one) about someone panicking and all that, even if it's just a troll, I would fly off the roof in happiness bec why would they show that if they implied that JH says goodbye to his first love right?

Oh and I was reading recaps of the last two episodes r94 and r97, they really took the amount of trolling to the next level for r88 from what I see, wonder if they'll do that too for the finale bec we really have some unresolved issues going on...

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my friends it s 2.55 Sunday morning in my place and that s my last post for tonight.

We should not blame SW /DR for their obliviousness.

They can not sense JH pain cause they can not imagine him seeing DS as a woman.

If Taek had never confessed his feelings for DS I believe they will never could see it either.

Only reason Taek could read the truth in JH eyes and figured it out it is because being in love made him more aware and suspicious of his surroundings regarding DS.

Reading all your posts made me change my decision and I ll watch the ep in DF.

have a good night/day chingus.

To our new members Welcome all !!!





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(jk your fic is really good and heart-wrenching and i can't stop crying because i've been imagine my what 'if' after the confession)

my bgm of the day : oh hyuk - girl and ost part 10 (yea i forget the title)

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I looked into events related to aviation that happened in January 1995 and this is what I got:


Maybe something happened in South Korea around this time as well and just wasn't included because it lacked media exposure....? And we can never be too sure of Wikipedia sources! Hehe. 

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@hailaft chingoo! Yes its been bugging me the whole time, at first I found it pretty weird that people are mad at Bora because she may not be the nicest person around but in my mind she wasn't that bad. As the story goes on I figured out the story telling technique of writer-nim and I believe it also applies on episode 18. Which means YAY for our ship! 

Also I want to tell you that I am a fan of your fanfics! Oh all the spazzing I've done! Kamsamhamnida for sharing your talent. I used to write fanfics too back when it was SHINee's era but College and adulthood happened. Haha I'm thankful that there are still chingus like you. :lol:

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Guest princessprincess

Hello, guys! It is my first time to visit this thread since I am focusing on the main thread to avoid partial conclusions. But a lot of posts on MT now concludes that TK is the husband so I tried to see this thread to be fair, too.

I am now confused with point of views because of the series. I had asked myself whether it is viewed generally (not saying entirely since we are hearing other POV's as well) as third person, or from a person's perspective. In a general education class, my professor has brought up elements of literature involving combination of POVs to enhance stories and character development. But in the end there is still a main POV.


In romantic series especially Korean dramas, it is expected that the female leads are the main characters as well as storytellers. This suggests Hyeri/DS, the female lead, who was mainly involved with the series' promotion before.


When I watch the episodes during its release, I do not know why but I feel like JH, not DS is the main storyteller (POV). It was similar to what I felt from Reply 1997 with Yoon Yoon Jae. On the other hand, in Reply 1994 it was Kim Sung Kyun who dominated the main storyteller role. Later on I confirmed it with the series ending with their "If you hear me, then reply, my nineties" line (brings me goosebumps over and over again). I was then convinced that the main female lead is not always the main storyteller.


The long two weeks without episodes released were very useful. Since I am attached to JH telling the story I decided to rewatch the episodes. I did this after removing biases with my shipping and partiality and tried as much as possible to clean my lenses.


As I do it I tried to attach myself to TK for neutrality, but I just cannot do it, despite the fact that TK has his own way of being sincere and lovable. Though TK expressed his love for DS, somehow his feelings did not hit me as much as JH did. This maybe made JH-DS shippers the way they (or we) are right now.


So after all it may also be possible that the main storyteller is JH, with his POV generally used to deliver the story. I think the series is mainly (not entirely, I repeat) viewed in Jung Hwan’s lenses, even if Duk Seon ends up with Taek in the end.


But considering this aspect I realized (and some may agree with this, LOL) then it may be possible that JH will see DS and TK’s moments as lovey-dovey, though in DS’s POV she only views TK as a friend, nothing else. A person suffering from a one-sided love can see things in a different perspective, as a music video from a Thai song reminded me.


Some may consider this as a wishful thinking, but maybe in JH's POV we see (as depicted in the episodes) that DS is finally falling for TK as shown by many scenes, though this is not actually the case.


TK, and of course DS's way of seeing things are still missing so I cannot decide.


Well personally I do not really ship the couples right now and I am ready whether JH ends up with DS or not in the end. I am just very happy on how JH as a character grew as much as the others in the series. :) I am thrilled and excited for Episode 20. My idea though will be verified by the voice that will deliver the "If you hear me, then reply, my eighties" line in the end.


Thank you for reading this. It is my first time to post here. Sorry for the poor writing skills.

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53 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Okay I'm done with the anlaysis. He's the husband. I am 99.99% sure of it and I"m just going to let the story tell me how they finally meet in the goddamn middle of the reflection pool. Until then some question.

1. Do you think Deok Sun is going to ride home with Junghwan? If yes on a scale of 1-so damn awkward girl jump out the car, how awkward do you think the car ride will be?

2. When and how do you think Deok Sun is going to respond and confess?

3. Where do you think the big reunion is going to happen?

4. Where do you think their first kiss will be?

5. Who initiates that kiss? (I really think it will be Deok Sun)

Now knowning that Junghwan did say his confession was a joke..oh boy...Deok Sun girl, what you gonna do? Is it wrong that I am putting my faith in the cat (meow scene) and dog (that's what she been called him) picture that was behind adult Deok Sun? Someone called the very situation that happen in ep 19 happening. They said Junghwan would confess, leave, then sometime later the two would reunite and be together. I wish I remembered that users name...Miss Cleo come back. Tell us more of what your crystal ball is showing...

1. I think DS and JH will be home together. It will be so awkward and they cover it by bickering all the time.

2. Later, after the confession, DS realize that JH still has the pink shirt, ah she knows that JH always like her. She bravely ask JH to take her somewhere, a concert or restaurant. DS wearing the gloves from JH. On the way, DS bravely enough to ask JH about the confession. And JH just saying one word "it's true". 

3. I don't have any idea about this one.

4&5 Actually, I really want the kiss happened at the pink bus. But, I think it won't work. JH and DS will have their first kiss at his jeep, near the neighborhood. And the one who initiates first is JH. I want to look JH whom bravely take action first. He always back up back then, and I found JH in 94 try harder not to lose his opportunity. He bravely make confession in front of SW and DR. So, I hope he also initiates the kiss. I really hope their kiss is longer than SW-BR. SW-BR kiss is almost a minute long.

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There's jet crash rumor???? Oh no.. isn't that the building collapse parallel with Chilbong? That's a bit scary to think, unless Junghwan actually gets hurt (which nooo) and then it parallels Trash's accident. I'm totally overthinking everything at this point, 6 days!!!! 

Also, for those hoping to know DS's feelings on ep 19, it most likely won't happen. If they reveal the husband on 19, everyone will not be tuning in to ep 20.. So we'll just have to ride this ship/plane to ep. 20

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@ricenamja @namunamuyeppeo always a pleasure :heart: I'm on the verge of tears myself when writing it. LOL. Never a drama got me so emotional like this.

@shunklunk It hurts, but it hurts so good, right? LOL. OMG I love that song too! Hyuk's voice is LYFE and the fact that that's uri couple's song, I just :wub:

@jengahloo Yep. Bora is very relatable to me, tbh. She might gone too far with her action & words sometimes, but a character in Reply series never completely black and white. It showed in her epidode (I forgot which one exactly) when she narrated it. You're welcome for the fic, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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The only way writer-nim would convince us that the husband is TK is through lots and lots of flashbacks in the next episode, but RICHARD SIMMONS NO that will never be able to convince me. Writer-nim, if by chance you're looking at this post, I beg you to please give JH happiness by getting married to the girl, THE ONLY GIRL, in fact, that he's been liking and loving since childhood. I'm sure you'd do that, right? I know you would! It's such a waste to throw away all those beautiful scenes of uri JH caring and smiling in secret at DS the whole show. Writer-nim, I beg you to not make me hate you. R88 is such a beautifully written drama, I just can't imagine someone else being DS's husband other than JH because he totally deserves it. He deserves to somehow get the right timing to unite with DS, to then show his true feelings to DS WITHOUT being interrupted by other people. I know you will make my wish come true. Writer-nim jaebalyo! :bawling:

I just can't imagine a beautiful ending if it's TK and DS. R88 is all about the casts being happy in the end. I really can't, in any way, think of any scenario where JH can live happily with some other woman to accompany him in his life. IMHO, there is no other way to cure his scar if not by being beside DS for the rest of his life. Writer-nim, you gave TK and SW happiness through the unity of their parents together, not to mention you let TK be the guy to accompany DS in the concert, plus, SW was able to go for the blind date unexpectedly with BR. You gave DR happiness in the 17th episode because we could see him eating his favorite home-cooked meal. But what about JH? You gave him a heartbreak in the 18th episode. I'm still sure he's gonna get what he truly deserves, to be able to become the other half of one of the most caring second child DS.

I'm still very positive that JH is gonna be the END GAME #EONAMRYU #GAEDDEOKFIGHTING !!!

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