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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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8 minutes ago, balladblue said:

@carolinedl I am pissed off too. I definitely got a patronizing vibe from that person's post. I don't even mind the content of the person's post, which is actually insightful, but the tone does not sit well with me. I think you did a great job replying respectfully. 

 Right, that last post was insightful and educational but to say we are all just acting like shippers and not fully enjoying the drama? in no sense did her passage seem "mutual" to me she was def "shipping Taek". Still props to her for still being able to defend her views in what makes sense/could be possible unlike the post above hers lol. That one just makes me giggle. And her last stab to the shippers was ALSO for her as well so its all good in the hood.

@carolinedl you responded to which post? what did you say? hahah :P

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5 minutes ago, Kelly86 said:

 Right, that last post was insightful and educational but to say we are all just acting like shippers and not fully enjoying the drama? in no sense did her passage seem "mutual" to me she was def "shipping Taek". Still props to her for still being able to defend her views in what makes sense/could be possible unlike the post above hers lol. That one just makes me giggle. And her last stab to the shippers was ALSO for her as well so its all good in the hood.

@carolinedl you responded to which post? what did you say? hahah :P

Whats hilarious and annoys me the most is that she declared her self as non biased few days ago. If she`s not biased then I`m Dalai Lama. Last post was interasting but whats up with that behaviour like she got diploma of film arts, What the richard simmons

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@MrsSoJiSub I know you are right and I keep telling myself that. The show will naturally prove them wrong (which BTW I am not sure waht they are trying to do anymore. Prove that Taek is a great character? A lot of us here have recognized that!!). And speak about doing exactly what they are accusing us of doing... But what pisses me off the most is that people are liking her post when she is insulting them in that very post! Crazy fools...

@Vannyah M Yes, I think that one of her points. Unfortunately...

About the filming and the time lapse - wouldn't they want to film all the 1980s scenes together before changing the setting and for some, the haircut and stuff?

@Kelly86 I did not say much though I wanted to... I think she is putting words into my mouth that I never uttered. She is proving a strong case for the importance of Taek's character, while blaming us of overlooking that in our crazy shipping desires. But did we ever diss Taek? I think a lot of us are crazy about him, just not for DS. She cannot even make the distinction she is blaming us of not doing.


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6 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:
7 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

This got me real curious if I should go to the main thread or not read and respond. People have been posting things I so badly want to respond to but I know in the end will be all fruitless effort. My mind keeps saying "should I school these kids or not? That is the question" LOL. I have legit started and not not posted like 20 responses to people's stuff. It really rages me when people accuse one of being biased or twisting scenes then go on to do the very thing they are accusing others of in their post. I just calm down (and I suggest y'all do the same) by reminding my self of what my momma says "people will try their hardest to bring you down and will get real nasty about it when they know with everything they got -even if they won't admit it-, they know you are right or are/or will succeed. Don't fall for their traps. Keep it nice and cute. Your eventually victory will kill em'in ways words never can"

I see people have become super defensive and coming out of the wood work to prove things about their ship and show the rightness of their faves and their endgame (I wish people would just be upfront with what their doing instead of this whole lets kumbaya then proceed to do the opposite. Like if you came to defend your ship don't mask it as presenting "neutral" evidence. Just say I ship this and this why they endgame). Imma just call that how I see it, a desperate act to tred water when they know they sinking/drowning. It happened during R94 (I think the main thread got closed like 4 times LOL) and it's happening again now *takes a deep relaxing breath* Agioo, I both anticipate and dread the end and the big reveal. Let's just try not to engage in the main thread too much about ships if we can (by all means please do defend Junghwan or Deok Sun) we can instead vent here. I really enjoy reading what makes everyone ship Junghwan & Deok Sun, think/see them as right for one another, and believe them to be endgame. We're so close to the finish line. Let's not give ammunition to be accused of "taking over the main thread" or being too "arrogant" or defensive and too sure. I believe in the end the show will do all the talking that needs to be said for us. 

This got me real curious if I should go to the main thread or not read and respond. People have been posting things I so badly want to respond to but I know in the end will be all fruitless effort. My mind keeps saying "should I school these kids or not? That is the question" LOL. I have legit started and not not posted like 20 responses to people's stuff. It really rages me when people accuse one of being biased or twisting scenes then go on to do the very thing they are accusing others of in their post. I just calm down (and I suggest y'all do the same) by reminding my self of what my momma says "people will try their hardest to bring you down and will get real nasty about it when they know with everything they got -even if they won't admit it-, they know you are right or are/or will succeed. Don't fall for their traps. Keep it nice and cute. Your eventually victory will kill em'in ways words never can"

I see people have become super defensive and coming out of the wood work to prove things about their ship and show the rightness of their faves and their endgame (I wish people would just be upfront with what their doing instead of this whole lets kumbaya then proceed to do the opposite. Like if you came to defend your ship don't mask it as presenting "neutral" evidence. Just say I ship this and this why they endgame). Imma just call that how I see it, a desperate act to tred water when they know they sinking/drowning. It happened during R94 (I think the main thread got closed like 4 times LOL) and it's happening again now *takes a deep relaxing breath* Agioo, I both anticipate and dread the end and the big reveal. Let's just try not to engage in the main thread too much about ships if we can (by all means please do defend Junghwan or Deok Sun) we can instead vent here. I really enjoy reading what makes everyone ship Junghwan & Deok Sun and think/see them as right for one another, and believe them to be endgame. We're so close to the finish line. Let's not give ammunition to be accused of "taking over the main thread" or being too "arrogant" or defensive or sure. I believe in the end the show will do all the talking that needs to be said for us. 


you said it all.

my thoughts in few words are:

I took the right decision when I decide that I ll stick here.

Unfortunately , in love triangles ships are formed and tension exists.Shippers very easily overpass the limits especially when they sense the final ending is not what they dreamed for.







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5 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:

Whats hilarious and annoys me the most is that she declared her self as non biased few days ago. If she`s not biased then I`m Dalai Lama. Last post was interasting but whats up with that behaviour like she got diploma of film arts, What the richard simmons


Really, now that's just funny! When I first decided to come on soompi I declared myself mutual too and even posted once or twice? in the Taek thread also but once MY FEELINGS WERE CONFIRMED I knew where I belonged. 

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My bad y'all I couldn't help myself. I read their comments and they were being so patronizing. I tried to word it nicely but what I wanted to say was: who the richard simmons and what the richard simmons does richard simmons mother richard simmons English know have to do with it. I don't agree with your richard simmons, I don't ageewith your richard simmons. It has nothing to do with expertise of lack of the English language. I think you wrong, you wrong. You can say it in French or Russian and if I don't I agree, I just don't agree. I totally get where you were coming from @carolinedl. Their tone is so belittling and then their argument goes against the points made in their very first post about different first loves, the significance of each, and ultimately insignificance because last love, the love you choose for the rest of your life is what's important. Also I believe they maybe a Taek lover or Taek/Deok Sun shipper (I am just assuming here) but reading the post I feel their tone is laughing at and belittling those viewers too. What kind of "expert" are you that makes you big enough to talk down to people...NONE. I don't care if you are the writer-nim herself. You just don't talk at (because they most certainly weren't talking to) people like that. 

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32 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

My bad y'all I couldn't help myself. I read their comments and they were being so patronizing. I tried to word it nicely but what I wanted to say was: who the richard simmons and what the richard simmons does richard simmons mother richard simmons Wnglish know hot to do with it. I don't ages with your richard simmons I don't aged with your richard simmons. It has nothing to do with expertise of lack of the English language. I think you wrong, you wrong. You can say it in French or Russian and if I don't I agree, I just don't agree. I totally get where you were coming from @carolinedl. Their tone is so belittling and then their argument goes against the points made in their very first post about different first loves, the significance of each, and ultimately insignificance because last love, the love you choose for the rest of your life is what's important. Also I believe they maybe a Taek live or Taek/Deok Sun shipper (I am just assuming here) but reading the post I feel their tone is laughing at and belittling those viewers too. What kind of "expert" are you that makes you big enough to talk down to people...NONE. I don't care if you are the writer-nim herself. You just dong talk at (because they most certainly weren't talking to) people like that. 

@MrsSoJiSub Can you be my big sister? My onni? :tears: I'd feel safe with you defending me. LOL for reals.

And yes abt the english! I dont check grammar or anything. It just goes out. You don't know how much i cringe over my tenses. Whatever. Why make forums so miserable? Aren't we here to say we love the show?

Now I think we need to make a t-shirt that says I LOVE TAEK in front but says BUT I SHIP JUNGHWAN-DEOKSUN at the back. Somebody make a drawing lol


Don't Wanna post another comment so I'll just do it here.

Let me know if anyone is just going to cut the OTP5 portion of the drama from each episode. I kinda wanna rewatch but just the Kids. I love the parents too but for rewatch and spazzing I only wanna see the kids portion :D:D:D 

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@MrsSoJiSub Thank you for saying it. I think it's so disrespectful of that person to belittle other people's English skills. As someone whose first language is not English myself, and for how often we see fellow fans apologize for their English, it really upset me to see someone act so superior about their handle of the common language that we use to connect here on Soompi. 

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26 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


@Kelly86 I did not say much though I wanted to... I think she is putting words into my mouth that I never uttered. She is proving a strong case for the importance of Taek's character, while blaming us of overlooking that in our crazy shipping desires. But did we ever diss Taek? I think a lot of us are crazy about him, just not for DS. She cannot even make the distinction she is blaming us of not doing.

Right, the irony of her post about shippers is kinda right back at her since she put up such a strong case for Taek. No lies I'm cool enough that I can say her post was good & I am open minded to these things. I even read it liked it because I'm willing to accept a reasonable/logical/possible post like that but I lost respect towards the end with her joke it was rude it ruined her very well presented case haha.

It's ok, if ppl want to put words in your mouth the thing about forums is the proof is written there.

Regarding her stating that ppl don't understand English well ofc it's obvious this is a forum with PPL FROM ALL OVER! ENGLISH is obviously not everyone's first language. Which reminds me of a quote. "NO MATTER HOW SMART OR EDUCATED YOU THINK YOU ARE, HOW YOU TREAT OTHERS SAY ALL THEY NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU".

Let's forget that post, let's DISCUSS JH and how oozing with charm he is these last few episodes! Can we get some gifs? Lol. And right after this drama I hope he gets more & more work. I would love for more RJY in the upcoming yr. 

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1 hour ago, carolinedl said:


@Vannyah M Yes, I think that one of her points. Unfortunately...

About the filming and the time lapse - wouldn't they want to film all the 1980s scenes together before changing the setting and for some, the haircut and stuff?

 Sorry i cut your post

Well thats  her problem this is forum and not school. Whats with that arrogance, she apparently convinced her self that she needs to give lecture here not only about filming ``I sometimes forget that English isn’t the primary language of people here so my posts may be confusing.`` What are we sheeps that she needs to draw for us

BTW I LOVE your response to her post.

It is quite logical that they will shoot all scenes from 80s , flashbacks and all before changing the set. Its waste of time changing the set all the time  and going back and forth just to shoot scenes in 90s and then flashbacks in 80s.


``See? If we’re only focused on the “shipping couples” aspect of the show (i.e., when is JH-DS going to kiss, when is he going to confess? the future husband is tsundere) and other trivialities (i.e., is packmule3 a shipper, troll or goat), we missed the elements in the script which enhance the viewing pleasure and appreciation of the show. What a pity.  ``

Said person how wrote the novel abot why is one of them husband and other one is not

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So to spazz I just watched the first ep (well half of it. These episodes are long and I learned never to start one at 11pm again) with the corrected subs that includes song lyrics and the song that plays when Junghwan comes to deliver the food and knocks Deok Sun on her butt says something about love. I don't remember all the lyrics but it talks about love and leaving a place together. I really do enjoy rewatching eps with those subs cause the ost really does add a new understanding and perspective to each scene.  

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From those earlier episodes (1-10) if I had to choose a favorite sce between our ship it wouldn't be the big obvious ones (Ike umbrella giving or bus) it would be the quiet moments like Junghwan telling Deok Sun not to eat with hands and her telling him to richard simmons off LOL. I liked that noticed her and how they bounced off each other and she gave as good as she got with him (I actually enjoy how Deok Sun interacts differently with each boy. She's challenging with Junghwan, she'd admired the maturity and fugal pity of Sunwoo, she's playful/childish but also seeks out counsel with Dong Ryeong, and is really much softer and caring and big sister with Taek). I like their continued "remove the rice" or the thumbs up and I'll never not love Junghwan read Deok Sun's body language so well and knowing she had some serious business she wanted to talk. I love the thumbs up, her getting mad at his English, knowing that "hey" meant yes, or being put off by his cursing. I just like how they notice each other even when they're not supposed to (the countless times Junghwan comments on her leaving the squad to take a dump -my kind of girl- or get food. Boy has been sprung :wub:)

@Vannyah M sorry you got to download the ep and the subs. The person is a user here and has posted the link to their tumblr with all the subs here and in the main thread but lords do we move fast cause I can't find that post or link. If you can't find it I can email you the sub files. Sorry I can't be of more help. 

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10 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


@Vannyah M sorry you got to download the ep and the subs. The person is a user here and has posted the link to their tumblr with all the subs here and in the main thread but lords do we move fast cause I can't find that post or link. If you can't find it I can email you the sub files. Sorry I can't be of more help. 


Dang, where have I been can someone please share this tumbler acct? 

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