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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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You guys must be living in different timezone, because the pages always move fast while I'm asleep haha.

Have fun here ~Jaaljaa~ (I should've used Trash oppa's jalja in full aegyo gif but I'm too sleepy to open my photoshop so here's sleeping beauty babogum for y'all)


If only I look this pretty when I sleep :tears: 

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KChingus...!!  I noticed something..  

At scene TK tell DS that he going to confess to the person's he like,the background music suddenly become loud and we can hear the singer sing "ANDWEYOOO" clearly with the camera zoom in TK face that time, before it change to JH.. *please don't laugh at me, maybe i m to delulu and overact here.. Huhuhuh*

Ahhh, i don't know, but every time i watch at JH part, my hearts hurts a lot.. I can feel his emotions (damn you RJY,you bring the character naturally, you are great actor and i just cant stop loving you)  i skipped many part when i was watching the raw, but when i watching with the subtitles ,i don't know how many box of tissues i used to wipe my tears... DS mom worried about the result and SW, feels sorry to his dad.. But i don't know should i laugh or cry when DS dad crying scene at the stall with JH dad.. (his expression.. Bahahahhahahah... Seriously i laugh out loud) 

Chingus-yah~ ,i love it so much when all of you said JH is the husband and you guys also give the very logic reason why JH is the husband and should be the Husband, i don't know what gonna happen to me if suddenly writernim make a stupid surprise and make TK as the husband, NO,  i m not hating TK  , i just can't stand it anymore.. I already seen JH hurts twice, and i want this kind hearted person be happy again and get a love from DS.. please, please grant my wish for this crismast ,i just want  see JH kiss DS and dating (aushhh, just give me DS and JH kiss then i can sleep peacefully) ..even his brother already get a kiss.. 

(maybe i m to emotional here.. Ottokajeo?  Put blamed to writernim because making me feel like this.. )

P, S: i don't think DR know who's DS like..  Because of this sentences "you are so clear about the way you like sweet potatoes, don't you know what type of person you like " looks like he still referring to......  ahhh... I don't know... I want to sleep now.. 

Jaljhara chingu-yah


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guys! I found this from eyesonryu.tumblr.com let's vote for Ryu Joon Yeol as the most anticipated next generation actor for Instyle 13th anniversary. the voting will be closed on January 20.


credit: eyesonryu.tumblr.com


To vote, go to http://bit.ly/junyeol4instyle

Then, input the following information:
Name (이름) 
Contact Number (연락처)
Address (주소)

Don’t forget to check both terms of condition.

Reminder! You must vote on all categories before proceeding to next step.

Finally, click yellow button (투표하기) to make your vote count.


Hope you guys support our Ryu Jun Yeol!
We’ll update this post for further instructions.


currently Ryu Joon Yeol is leading! #2 is Park Bogum and #3 is Lee Dong Hwi

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Hmmm...I'm not sure I agree. I think it's possible to be moved by a persons actions but not be moved by the person specifically. Like somebody does something nice for me. I maybe touched, I may aww, and it may have me see you in a new light "well he's not a little richard simmons after all" but it doesn't necessarily mean I'll fall for you. Timing is important but I don't think it's just that. You have to have or have had some kind of attraction, some kind of underlying feelings for a person before their actions hold weight and meaning. I'll use all three boys. 


Actually, social psychology has shown that we like those who like us. I've mentionned it already but I went back to fetch my social psychology textbook and here is the paragraph from it:

"But does one's person liking another cause the other to return the appreciation? People's reports of how they fell in love suggest yes (Aron & others, 1989). Discovering that an appealing someone really likes you seems to awaken romantic feelings. Experiments confirm it: Those told that certain others like or admire them usually feela reciprocal affection (Berscheid & Walster, 1978). [...] That we like those we perceive liking us was recognized long ago. Observers from the ancient philosopher Hecato ('If you wish to be loved, love') to Ralph Waldo Emerson ('The only way to have a friend is to be one') to Dale Carnegie ('Dole out praise lavishly') anticipated the findings." (Myers 440-441)

It is true that the other has to be 'appealing' but it is totally normal for someone to like someone if they discover that that other person likes them. Nothing wrong about that. I think DS could have potentially fallen for the four guys because she is so close to them. IT is hard to tell who exactly because we don't have all the information really... 


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Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas and to those not, be happy always!!! Let's be positive, I have this post earlier but the soompi  have an error so it's gone

It's the same with @HwanSunny, that's what I understand about DR and DS scene, where on earth they watch the r1988 and they have different views on that ? Well let's respect them I guess, I don't backread at main thread, I just post if i like something aside from our otp.. 

if JH is not a husband I will swear 100 times using Korean language hahahaha ( I'll learn it with Taek) 

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annyeong, chingudeul. I just finished part 2 of my fanfic, I couldn't wait until morning (in my timezone) to post it here. So here it is. You can read part 1 here


For the first time in their life, Junghwan and Dongryong found something they couldn’t talk about in Taek’s room. That’s why that night they hang out in Junghwan’s room instead. Dongryong immediately took over the bed. Junghwan sat down on the side of the bed.

Dongryong noticed the pink shirt hanging on the wall. “You have a pink shirt?” Dongryong laughed out loud.

“Shut up!” Junghwan threw a pillow at him, while Dongryong laughed again. “It’s from Deoksun.”

“Birthday gift?” Dongryong asked. Junghwan nodded. “That’s why she wouldn’t pitch in for the soccer ball.”

Junghwan felt like smiling at that fact, but holding it in. Dongryong noticed that and threw a pillow to his face.

“Bastard, if you’re happy just show it. Why do you suffer alone?” he asked.

“Because of Taek,” Junghwan answered.

“He’s not here. It’s fine,” Dongryong scoffed. Junghwan sighed. It’s not that easy for him, though. “Now that I know there’s something going on between you two, things started to makes sense. That’s why she wore dress and put on makeup for your birthday party.”

Junghwan can’t help smiling again, remembering that day. He wished it was just the two of them back then. Her effort was a waste because he couldn’t appreciate it properly in front of the other guys.

“Aigoo, look at that smile. Who knows you can smile like that?” Dongryong teased him. “And to think that barely months ago you won’t even say she’s pretty.”

“Bastard,” Junghwan cursed, still smiling though. Dongryong laughed again.

“I think the answer to your problem is simple. You need to talk to Taek,” said Dongryong matter-of-factly.

“For permission?” asked Junghwan.

“Why do you need his permission? For all I know, you need Deok—ahh, Sooyeon’s permission to date her,” Dongryong barked at him.

“Then why do I talk about with Taek?” Junghwan looked confused.

“Just to let him know, you like her too. So it’s fair for both of you and you’re free to pursue her,” Dongryong sighed, amazed how slow his smart bestfriend’s brain work for this kind of problem.  “No matter how much you and Taek struggle, in the end what matter is who Sooyeon likes. Not who likes her first, right?”

Junghwan thought about that and nodded his head. Junghwan knew he was right, so Junghwan believed him. He’s been going to Dongryong for advice for a decade now, after all.  Now is not a good time to start doubting him.

“So when are you going to talk to him?” Dongryong asked while putting on blanket over his feet. Junghwan shook his head.

“I need to talk to Deoksun first,” Junghwan lay down beside him.

“What is she mad about this time?”

“She thought I gave this shirt to hyung. I didn’t even know where he got them,” Junghwan sighed. This misunderstanding has been dragged to long, he should’ve talked to her right away if he knew she would avoid him like this.

“That’s why she won’t hang out with us?” Dongryong hit Junghwan’s back and he can only buried his face in to the pillow. “Bastard, just apologize even when you did nothing wrong.”

“I got it,” Junghwan answered. He was planning to do that even without Dongryong telling him anyway.





Deokson didn’t study that night, nor the night before. She couldn’t concentrate on anything. She kept her book opened, just in case Dongryong came and nagged her again to go to Taek’s room. Her thoughts was far from those complicated numbers in her books, though.

She missed her friends. She wanted to hang out with them, instead of locking herself up in her room every night. She hated herself for being so angry with Junghwan. Why did it matter that much to her? It didn’t matter to him anyway. He wouldn’t even apologize.

Deoksun groaned to herself, buried her face inside her arms. Someone opened the door and Deoksun turned her head, immediately frowned. Bora went inside, took of her coat.

“I’m going to study, okay? If you want to stay here, don’t make any sound,” Bora scowled. Deoksun groaned again, took her coat and went outside. She automatically checked Junghwan’s window. The light was on. She sighed, crossed the yard, dragged her feat.

She sat on the stair in front of Sunwoo’s house. It was cold. She wished she could eat something warm but she was too lazy to dragged herself to buy some food. She suddenly remembered her conversation with Dongryong in here a couple of nights ago. She couldn’t answer his question back then. She was too embarrassed to pick Junghwan. It’s like she acknowledge there’s something between them, when she wasn’t exactly sure there is something going on.

She wanted something to happen between them, though. She knew that much. But what if Junghwan didn’t want the same thing? She didn’t think she could handle another false hope like she did with Sunwoo. Junghwan wasn’t as nice as Sunwoo. What if he mocked her? She would die of embarrassement.


Deoksun turned her head and saw Taek waved at her. He came closer and sat beside her. He gave her a paper bag.

“Do you want eat bungeoppang?” Taek grinned. Deoksun laughed, it’s like Taek can read her mind. She nodded and eat one right away.

“Did you come from Baduk Club?” Deoksun asked. Taek nodded.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you cold?”

“I don’t want to see Sung Bora,” Deoksun answered. Taek nodded again, eat bungeoppang without saying anything.

“Taek-ah, you said you like someone, right?” Deoksun asked. Taek looked surprised, but nodded his head.

“Why?” Taek asked.

“How do you know you like her?” Deoksun asked again. Taek didn’t say anything for a while, thinking how to answer her question.

“I want to see her all the time, so I find excuses to be with her,” he finally answered. He looked at her directly and he seemed different somehow, talking about the girl he likes. Maybe she didn’t know everything about him after all. “I missed her and when I can’t see her. I want to make her laugh, because I want her to be happy because of me.”

Deoksun frowned. She felt like crying after hearing Taek’s answer. It perfectly described what she felt about Junghwan. She liked him. Deep down she knew all along, but she was too scared to admit it, even to herself. Because it’s Junghwan. Why couldn’t it be Sunwoo or even Taek? It would be so much easier. Why did it have to be him?

But that was the reason she liked him in the first place, though. Because that cranky, grumpy guy suddenly being so nice to her when nobody was around. It felt special because it’s Junghwan, because she knew he would never do it for anyone else.

She was confused at first, when he came to McDonald’s for her. When he gave her the pink gloves, she was happy, though too embarrassed to show it. Now, she hoped for it and got disappointed when he didn’t do anything. She found herself kept finding excuses to spend time with him. She even joked around with his dad just to make him laugh.

That was why that pink shirt mattered so much to her. She wanted him to wear it, but he gave it away instead. It felt like he implicitly rejected her feelings, along with the gift.

“What’s wrong, Deoksun-ah?” Taek looked concerned.

“Taek-ah, I think I like someone too,” Deoksun told him. She couldn’t help it. She couldn’t possibly contain all these feelings to herself. She didn’t notice though, that Taek’s expression changed. His smile disappeared.

“Do you think I should confess?” Deoksun asked him. Taek didn’t answer. Deoksun sighed and finish her bungeoppang. Maybe Taek was as confused as she was. Maybe liking someone is too complicated for both of them.

“Taek-ah, I’m going inside, okay? Thank you for the bungeoppang,” Deoksun pat his shoulder. Taek nodded but didn’t say anything. “You should go inside too. It’s cold.”

Deoksun stood up and walked to her home. She sighed, knowing she won’t be able to sleep again tonight.





Deoksun met Junghwan’s dad on the way home from school. She secretly relieved Junghwan’s dad didn’t make her do that silly greeting in public. She bowed to him instead and they walked together. She noticed he was carrying a black plastic bag.

“Ahjussi, what are you carrying?” Deoksun asked.

“Chicken. You want some?” Junghwan’s dad offer made her grinned. Deoksun nodded. When they arrived, she saw Junghwan’s light is on. She hesitated outside, while Junghwan’s dad already went inside.

She braced herself. She couldn’t avoid him forever anyway, right? She nodded to herself and finally went inside. Junghwan’s dad already sat on the dining room. She sit in front of him, facing the living room. She saw a new picture hanging on the wall, family picture.

“Ahjussi, you took a family picture?” Deoksun asked.

“Yes, it came out well, right?” Junghwan’s dad laughed. “Everyone looked good.”

Something else caught her attention and she went closer to take a better look. Junghwan’s mom and dad sitting in the front, while Jungbong and Junghwan stood up behind them. They both wore black suits with pink shirts. It made her confused. Jungbong oppa bought another one, then?

“Junghwan-ah, eat some chicken!” Junghwan’s dad called him from the dining room.

Deoksun turned around and saw Junghwan came out of his room. He looked at her and came closer, ready to explain everything to her.

“Let’s talk,” he said. He went back in to his room and Deoksun followed him. They both sat on the bed awkwardly. The problematic pink shirt was hanging on the wall. Deoksun felt so stupid, too embarrassed to say anything.

She felt happy, though. It mattered to him after all. He even wore it for his family picture. Now she can see him wearing it every time she came to his house.

“You’re not mad anymore, right?” Junghwan asked. Deoksun shook her head. “I didn’t give it to hyung. He bought another one.”

“Why didn’t you say anything then?” Deoksun asked.

“Yah, you were avoiding me, how could I explain it to you?” Junghwan excuse made Deokson smiled. She looked at him and saw Junghwan looked the other way right away, embarrassed.

“Don’t call me yah,” Deokson said.

“What should I call you then?”

“Call my name.”

Junghwan scoffed, but Deoksun knew he would give in to her. She waited and didn’t say anything else. He looked down, whispered, “Deoksun-ah.”

“Sooyeonie,” Deoksun corrected him, softly.

Deoksun saw his lips raised a little, a faint smile. She didn’t know a simple thing like this could make her this happy. It was the first time for her. It wasn’t even a big deal. He only called her name.

“Sooyeon-ah,” Junghwan called her again. He finally looked at her and smiled. A real smile, this time. Deoksun grinned, amazed that Junghwan can make her feel miserable and then delighted in the course of a day.

Junghwan looked down again and hold her hand. Deoksun felt her heart would burst because suddenly it was beating so fast. She felt herself blusing and she looked down, too embarrassed to look at him.

“Sooyeon-ah,” Junghwan called her again. Ugh, this guy. Why did he always caught her off guard?

“Junghwan-ah!” Junghwan’s dad suddenly opened the door. Junghwan pulled away his hand immediately. They both pretended they have done nothing except talking.

“Don’t you want the chicken? It’s getting cold,” Junghwan’s dad didn’t notice how awkward the two of them acted.

“Yes, I want some,” Junghwan stood up right away. Junghwan’s dad went back to dining room and he followed him. Deoksun went there too when she was sure she stopped blushing. Junghwan smiled to her when she sat beside him. She smiled back, feeling weird and happy at the same time. They ate chicken while listening to Junghwan’s parents bickered about something that Deoksun didn’t care about.

She probably had dinner with Junghwan in his house a millionth time, but tonight was different. It didn’t feel like she was having dinner in a neighbor’s house. It felt like a date.

I hope you guys enjoy it. :blush: Feel free to give any input you feel like giving me. Now I'm going to sleep! Jaljhara chingudeul


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1 hour ago, einYoshiChan said:

KChingus...!!  I noticed something..  

At scene TK tell DS that he going to confess to the person's he like,the background music suddenly become loud and we can hear the singer sing "ANDWEYOOO" clearly with the camera zoom in TK face that time, before it change to JH.. *please don't laugh at me, maybe i m to delulu and overact here.. Huhuhuh*

Chingu, let me join you being delulu XD. On epi 6, when SW told the squad that he liked someone, this song also played as JH sighing. Though not the the exact "Andweyooo" part but well, we know the whole song is about a guy asking the girl to stay by his side and not to leave him :) So yey!! hahhaha

@hailaft LOVE IT!! I'm officially a fan XD. I'm grinning from ear to ear reading that. Can't handle them being cute *kyaa...die...*. Oh and for those who haven't read it I recommend to read that while listening to R88 OSTs ^^

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1 hour ago, janeadelaine said:

guys! I found this from eyesonryu.tumblr.com let's vote for Ryu Joon Yeol as the most anticipated next generation actor for Instyle 13th anniversary. the voting will be closed on January 20.


credit: eyesonryu.tumblr.com


To vote, go to http://bit.ly/junyeol4instyle

Then, input the following information:
Name (이름) 
Contact Number (연락처)
Address (주소)

Don’t forget to check both terms of condition.

Reminder! You must vote on all categories before proceeding to next step.

Finally, click yellow button (투표하기) to make your vote count.


Hope you guys support our Ryu Jun Yeol!
We’ll update this post for further instructions.


currently Ryu Joon Yeol is leading! #2 is Park Bogum and #3 is Lee Dong Hwi

 Just did it but not sure if it went through lol. How do we know? For me after hitting the yellow button got a msg & took me back to the page. Votes unchecked.

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Guest wizengamot

i could only like your posts. i was out the whole day and dead tired too but i miss this thread and my chingus here, so dropping by before heading to bed. i see some main thread post issues and more interesting topics to discuss. Logging out now would mean the pages i have to read would double but this is something i do enjoy. i have nothing to do tomorrow so i'm gonna hang around here the whole day hahaha!!!hoping i'll find people here.  good mornight guys!!! 

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it's my first time posting here. I usually read the main thread but it's my first time lurking here.

i don't know if anyone notice this but... in episode 6, in the future scene when DS and her husband is talking about the music concert in 1988. the husband say that they watch in gymnasium together with their ssangmundong friends. but DS say that they watch together at home and they watch it on TV. 

and we see from episode 7 that at that time, TK is in his way from busan, so he didn't watch it together with DS. but JH is there with her in his family house watching the tv that broadcast the music concert. 


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