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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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1 hour ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

She narrated "....Excitement that would probably escape to the back of my throat and choke me if I were to suppress it. Embarrassment that would probably make my heart explode if I were to admit to it. I was dying to make it obvious, but didn't want to get caught."

So I agree with the theory that she suppress her feeling because it felt kinda losing to him if she were to admit it first.



 I actually did wonder about that. In a sense, I think Bora and DS might be quite similar... no? Though Bora certainly has more experience and SW is not JH. But it took a while for Bora to admit that she let SW get close to her and that there was a reason why she did that.

What got me thinking that it might not be the case is DS's dense side when it came to JH, once he started being nice. Sure, it was out of character so it might have really surprised her, caught her off guard even more. But those moments were numerous and she was still surprised when her friends brought it up... I am particularly thinking of episode 10.

But if that is the case, seeing all those scenes from her perspective will be awesome!!!

Oh those photos of the Kim brothers at the premiere and now our two husbands ;) Awesome!!!

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2 hours ago, carolinedl said:

Ha ha ha ha!


It looks.... interesting from that angle...




Good news, RJY and HR was caught making a romance scene for reply 1988 drama.. 

*18++ open it with your own risk*



Use your imagination.. Hahahhaha


Less than 24 hours to go... 


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@wasted_youthhuwaaaaa....melted seeing that pic. Blessing you to share that pic. RJY biting lips just wow.....how did he do it to me?i already fallen to him until cant found the way out. and now he make me fallen deep and deeper again. and i realize i prefer RJY biting lips to PBG biting lips. I cant feel anything when PBG bit his lips, but when RJY did it.just waaaaaahhhhhhhhh so sexy so hot so gorgeous so handsome so charming so.......God what happened to me?what this dude did to me?

@HwanSunnylets pray together together, hope that scene really happen in today episode. I already made various scenario in my head about that scene,even the worst one. But that picture really ruined all, its a proof that i wanna the best scenario happened to that couple. Hope that kiss scene really happen...i dont know what will happen to my heart later if they really do kiss scene in today or tomorrow episode, but just kiss already!!!!!!!!! (i will take care my own heart :wub:)

@wizengamot same with you chingu...i'm both excited and nervous though. I dont know those episode will break my heart (badly and worst than last episode) or makes my heart fluttered (because those blanket scene, or any other romantic scene). Same with you i guess i will see earlier episode to get over it..to move on a bit...huwaaa...i love your fanart...can see DS nervousness on that picture...Wow....

@ihate0ni0ns She narrated "....Excitement that would probably escape to the back of my throat and choke me if I were to suppress it. Embarrassment that would probably make my heart explode if I were to admit to it. I was dying to make it obvious, but didn't want to get caught."

I still dont know to interpret those narration. Think over and over and over again still confused what she means behind that. But agree with you i hope its all about DS feeling to JH. (Like everyone in this thread hope)

@alleverything yeahhhh....husband in 94 and 88 in one frame...awesome!!!!!!! yes yes JH better be the husband!!!!!

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14 hours ago, wasted_youth said:

@Kaizen68Oh you're right chingu, the kiss while they were snuggling, keuchi? :D 


It's already Friday in Korea, so Happy KyeDDeok Day!


(I'm sorry if this picture/gif is repetitive, I promise this is the last one!)

Oh lord give a girl a heat attack!! I didn't realize it was a gif, then Deok Sun blinked. I threw my phone across the room (my mate did not appreciate it almost knocking her in the head) thinking my phone was possessed or that my kdrama mind had cracked and I was actually willing her to go in for a kiss LOL. 

When I flunk these finals it will be you guys and R88's fault. I can't focus on my paper and instead keep checking here and the main thread. I got a 10 page essay due and all I have so far is the cover page :tears:. Y'all think my professor will accept the reasoning that kdrama like drugs or alcohol is an addiction I been trying to break and I fell off the wagon? Just as some may say "just one more drink" I'm always like "just one more look/episode then we do this paper" I been saying that for 2 weeks now!! I should just lock myself in the bathroom with just a paper and pen and not come out till it's done and ready to be typed. 

Pray to the kdrama gods for me guys. Pray to give me strength to stay away till the paper is done. 

*goes into bathroom retreat* I can do this!!!

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7 hours ago, dinhie said:


Sorry for cutting your post. But I notice, in ep.4 after the alley scene, where they bumped each other on their way to school and a rice stick on her face, at first they looked awkward seeing each other. but then DS started to mock JH's shoes and JH answer back.

Ohhh.. Thank you for remind me of this part chingu.


I almost forgot about it.. They are little bit awkward at first (spot on JH face)  before DS starting call him "idiot" and they start bickering again..  And I also love the way he make this little  smile,


it seems he so relieved because she makes him comfortable with her again right  ? 

*i really understand your feelings right now @MrsSoJiSub ,i m also having a kdramas addicted drugs ,and its a very dangerous drugs i ever knew..and the only medicine for this addiction is give us more and more and more and more JH and DS scene also bonus kiss and hugs scene.. *



This really makes butterfly on my stomach, even many times i see it still can makes my heart fluttering.. I really want know what happens and i wonder how's their feelings when they look each other eyes like that..before this DS can lying together beside SW and act cute in front him hoping he will look at her back(but SW don't like her,so nothing happen) but now, she laying and facing in front someone who really love her and she also start to see him as a man.. And they also sharing blanket ??!!!

*i m dying right now*


Guys, I really curious about the alley scene.. I read from many portal, some said that JH having sober amd try to control it when he noticed DS as a real woman,and another thought said that DS looking down because she notices they are to close and she trying to get back to the wall.. Which one is you think the reason?  Sorry for asking this, but i don't know where should I ask about it, since this is the only threads we can make a discussion and we understand each other.. 


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29 minutes ago, einYoshiChan said:

*i m dying right now*

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Guys, I really curious about the alley scene.. I read from many portal, some said that JH having sober amd try to control it when he noticed DS as a real woman,and another thought said that DS looking down because she notices they are to close and she trying to get back to the wall.. Which one is you think the reason?  Sorry for asking this, but i don't know where should I ask about it, since this is the only threads we can make a discussion and we understand each other.. 


I wondered about that but frankly I think she started to feel his erection (let's not be scared of words here). There is a slight moment when she looks down to check and then she backs away. So because of that looking down and suddenly feeling awkward, I assume that si what happened. Plus with his face, you know sthg is happening down there.... ha ha ha

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Hi everyone! Like a lot of people, I've been a silent lurker for a while... but I reactivated my account to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS COUPLE!!!! 

Truthfully, I wasn't planning on starting this series, but I couldn't help it... and now I'm totally hooked! hahaha. I honestly watch all JH-DS scenes 145459275437 times. 

I just wanted to express my thanks for this topic!! 

12 MORE HOURS LEFT!!! :wub::wub:

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3 hours ago, einYoshiChan said:


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Guys, I really curious about the alley scene.. I read from many portal, some said that JH havingsoberamd try to control it when he noticed DS as a real woman,and another thought said that DS looking down because she notices they are to close and she trying to get back to the wall.. Which one is you think the reason?  Sorry for asking this, but i don't know where should I ask about it, since this is the only threads we can make a discussion and we understand each other.. 


About the alley scene...You noticed that JH put his hand on the wall? It seems like he wants to put some space between him and DS. I think there's something happening down there and he doesn't want DS to notice. The camera focused on the chest part so i think that was what triggered it.



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DS should bring up what she felt in the alley if he goes all noble idiot on her this week.  I'd laugh.  I want her to have an outburst and repeat everything he's done and how nice he's been to her if he tries to deny/move away from her.

And it seems the weeks go by quickly for some reason.  I guess since we get subs so late.  

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Hello @aqueous, welcome to this thread!

Anyway guys, do you notice after the "hajima scene" JH & DS never seen bickering anymore. When DS ate cake mouthful and JH scold her, DS just staring not answer back. And in BR's car when DS said "let's music", JH tried to correct it but finally he just let her. 

And I notice in ep.9 when DS narrated (sorry I can't write that narration. I'm in the middle of a class right now. Sneaking this forum & couldn't concentrate LOL) about crossing the line and cue to BR reject SW , I wonder those line also reflect DS relationship with JH or TK.

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@aqueous welcome to the thread! :)

As in my country is exactly the opposite hour to Korea, I'll just go to sleep and wake 8:00 am to watch live stream or just read the live recaps! :D 

While you're waiting, you can watch this LOVELY video I found on Youtube: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S0vtca2YYE (unfortunately, the image doesn't show) cr: to the owner. 

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16 minutes ago, dinhie said:

Hello @aqueous, welcome to this thread!

Anyway guys, do you notice after the "hajima scene" JH & DS never seen bickering anymore. When DS ate cake mouthful and JH scold her, DS just staring not answer back. And in BR's car when DS said "let's music", JH tried to correct it but finally he just let her. 

And I notice in ep.9 when DS narrated (sorry I can't write that narration. I'm in the middle of a class right now. Sneaking this forum & couldn't concentrate LOL) about crossing the line and cue to BR reject SW , I wonder those line also reflect DS relationship with JH or TK.

yes! A lot of people have said that since Junghwan started having feelings for Deoksun, there's little things he does like cover her mouth when she's sleeping on the bus or telling her not to wear a skirt bc it's cold. Even when she just shoves food up her mouth in various scenes and makes a mess, he just stares but doesn't yell at her like he use to.

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11 hours ago, ihate0ni0ns said:


 She narrated "....Excitement that would probably escape to the back of my throat and choke me if I were to suppress it. Embarrassment that would probably make my heart explode if I were to admit to it. I was dying to make it obvious, but didn't want to get caught."

So I agree with the theory that she suppress her feeling because it felt kinda losing to him if she were to admit it first.

But girl, he already surrender so you better be responsible XD. If that "Hajima..." wasn't clear enough, I don't know what is. Borrowing what SW and DR said, "Take responsibility. Take responsibility for the rest of his life" XD

-couple hours to JH-DS sleeping together in the same blanket and the "Jung HwanAh~" scene-



My bad for cutting your post

your comment reminded me of the clue of the game board JH has in his room and how on the blind date question scene,  how the green pieces are missing or more in a defeated position idk but i read comments interpreting that way, if this interpretation is true it makes sense with your comment how you can say he is surrendering to her and letting her know his feeling and how the green pieces are also in surrender or knocked down. 

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