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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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.....then there was 3.  After watching ep 17Raw, I finally got the sinking feeling:tears:(anxiety) of what's about to come.  And it does not feel good.  Gawd, the brother/sister duo is h:angry:rrid af!  YH I get..she was always a richard simmons and aimed for the throne via marriage with a anotha brotha (lol)-namely WangSo, who she apparently always had a major crush on (my 21st centruy mind went "ew!":crazy:) but WangW:blink::angry:k...wtf!?  Okay..okay I get why he's sour and whiny but OMG! just. Oh.My.Gawd! 


Btw, imo, Pre-production was useless in this drama cause it feels and looks rushed.  I dont think its far off to say they most likely filmed alot of (extra) scenes just so they could edit and re-edit according to their domestic viewers response for each episode.   Kudos to the cast -they did a wonderful job ...i'll be on the fence with everything else.  Oh!..about HongJongHyun's acting..I take back what I said  about him early on..  he totally played his character awesomely! Geez, I felt so sad for him in ep 17. 

Lemme see how I feel after watching w/subs :w00t:

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"With great power comes great responsability"

So true... For once, WW is right. WS can't have the throne and love. He already has chosen, right ? This drama is suck, really. Marriage between sibling ??? So mad that WW and YH will get away for what they did just because HS (stupid, stupid, stupid...) ask WS not to harm any of his brothers :confounded: If I were WS, I prefer breaking my promise to Soo that marring YH:angry:


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2 minutes ago, antiherofans said:


I think in order to maintain his power and position, WS try to make a new reputation as a ruthless king. That way, no one will try to dethrone him because of fear.

Idk if any of you watch Friends (sorry a bit out of topic but still related).

This thing happen when Monica Geller is a new head chef in restaurant but everybody hates her. They bully her, etc. In order to make people follow her as boss, she hires one of her friend, Joey, to work with her just to fire him (they make this plot together). After she fires him, her employee start to fear her and follow her as the new boss.

Well, they don't kill people in cold blood in friends but I can see the resemblance.

:D good analogy.   I sooo remember that episode of Friends... 

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Add me to the list of people who thinks the international version's editing is crap!!! The SBS version is better.

And please...NO SEQUEL !!! A badly done sequel (like the Chinese one) spoils the original. A good ending of the original is really all we need.


Edited by misspiggie
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6 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Its akin to telling a woman that your husband has cheated on you but guess what he loves only you:)

So he either enjoyed it or not.. if he enjoyed it.. he betrayed or moved on. If he didn't enjoy it.. no reason why he would do it multiple times:) .. and again.. if he didn't enjoy it..why would he let someone else share what as per him is only HS's..


If HS were to sleep with WW, would WS be able to accept it?


Now I know this forum should be safe for work but I can't help commenting on this statement LOL. 

Human emotions are very complex. I, for one, am testament to that. For a lot of people, there really is a big difference between sex and making love. Maybe it boggles the mind of some people, but sometimes it's easy to let go of your emotional hindrances for physical pleasure. Afterwards, for some people, they feel empty; for some, it's fine because it's a normal habit. The emergence and acceptance of "friends with benefits", "one night stands", and the like have complicated people's perception of sex nowadays.

If that's how some people in this era view sex, then what more in the period of Goryeo? Women were viewed as baby-making machines. The one thing a Queen strives for, in any ancient monarchy, is the production of an heir. In some dramas that I have watched, royal consorts who were no longer being visited by the king tries to trick the king into sleeping with them again so that they can produce a child, preferably a son. 

What I'm saying is, having sex and enjoying it is not mutually inclusive. A person can separate both. I know. :(


So yeah this is just me hating on YH marrying So LOLOLOL  because I simply cannot accept that he will have a change of feelings. He's been pining for Hae Soo for like, what, five years? He's the type of person who just doesn't open up easily, and when he does, he's completely devoted to that person. 

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8 hours ago, oyashirazu said:

So, cinematography wise I think the scene was executed as well as I hoped for and by showing the castle grounds and Wang So's followers in the background through the wide opened door they managed to solve the problem of this being an indoor scene and thus not allowing great longshots and so forth. Also, Wang So looks gorgeous and very kingly in this scene :D 

That scene where So, Baek Ah and General Park waiting outside the palace gate with massive troops behind is beautiful in term of the cinematography. It could have been epic but the disjointed switch between scenes, the lack of background music and choppy editing pretty much ruin everything. In fact that particular scene when So drew his sword is in fact more dramatic in the trailer than in actual execution.I am upset that everything feel rush in this episode, with no background motive but just to shove the plot movements to our face. 

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So duty as a king requires him to give an heir to the throne... this one i know that i don't know if you watch frozen flower but the heir issue is played a big part in that movie so i know that no matter what So have to give a child to his queen and this case that snake YH.. its just a rule and even without this drama i think KG got his first child 6 years after marriage that a long time for a king to not have an heir.. So likely will get pressured and he just going to do it to secure the throne.. human emotion is very complex so i think if time pass by So will not hates YH but he respect her just like in BBJX.. i have no problem with this cause Soo will long gone and she don't have to witness that.. So heart dies when Soo dies but he will keep on living cause its his duty to serve the people...

Soo is one piece of So life that he will remember and cherish every single day.. she someone who changed him and make him who he is and in a way she are his mother , sister , a friend , a soulmate and his lover... she leaving him with a solid foundation about life and love that she been teaching him since day 1... don't go too fast in the narrow road.... its make me sad remembering all this and he will live on with that foundation.. even when she gone when So look back he will find every trace of her scene , her laugh and her tears in palace and for me this is enough.. people dies and who leave behind have to live.. i'm hold to this and maybe that their love is so strong that it will continue on 1000 years later..

her love like a wind..i can't see it but i feel it

A walk to remember

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OK guys.. let's preparing our mental for the heartbreaking eps.... i suggest my self "IM READY IM READY IM READY IM READY...."

it's just my opinion, i think it will be better if HS just die soon (let's say in today's ep or 19) and back to modern era.. bcs it's too painful for her to keep living in goryeo era, she's witness so much death, and I just CANT see the ruthless Wang So.. it's gonna be my hardest days and weeks  :bawling:

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7 hours ago, Diana Blanche said:

I know many of you will not agree with me but as I feared they lengthened the story of love between HS/WW and the last years of Taejo reign, in the first 11-12 episodes. And now in the last episodes they gave it on fast forward due to lack of time. In the last five-six episode things have happened so fast for me that I got dizzy but I must thank to LJG because in one of his interviews he warned fans that this would happen. Like he said I'm gonna to put my imagination to work but even so, I would have wanted to see more happy moments between HS/WS.before the drama to be over.

Some say that the writer was too ambitious to start everything from scratch with none of the princes (except Yo) eyeing for the throne and now, I agree with that statement. Unlike the C-version, Yinzhen ascended the throne immediately after his father but in the case of So, we need to see the plot unfoil with the reigning of Mu and then Yo before So becoming King. And C-version was made into 40 episodes, despite claiming the throne right after Kangxi Emperor and with the princes already having the motives and have selected their fractions right from the beginning. In the K-version, there are just to many elements to develop; Haesoo-Wook's love story, Haesoo-So's love story, the motives development among the princes, Taejo's reign, Moo's reign, Yo's reign, So's reign and we only have 20 episodes. Since they choose to stick with 20 instead of preferably 30 episodes, they should have brought in a stronger writer to get the plot moving without being incoherent. After being all tender and fuzzy in the first half, now the plot been pretty much shoved to our face without proper character and motive development. I seriously feel bad for Lee Joon Gi. The execution of this drama kind of failing him. 

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29 minutes ago, fuyukoneko said:

Other than selling WS's handwritten poems to fan girls to fund her retirement vacation, what could HS possibly be planning to do with that many sheets of the same poem?


I need an answer to that question besides obsession next to why is Queen Yo such a b*? So needs a DNA test done cause brother, she ain't your mama! I have seen step mother more human than her. Even when you have Yo sympathizing with So in regards to her, Houston we have a problem.


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19 minutes ago, qwenli said:

Actors get awards for acting out dying scenes or reacting to people dying. :sweatingbullets:

@MAROSA_JIN thanks for bringing over the ratings figure. 9.8% wow, koreans are really sadist huh? this is like the most cold blooded ep. But I think its largely attributed Moonlight having ended. But how do those viewers watch dramas? They just hop from show to show without any background? 

I think it's likely that since Moonlight & Moon Lovers have a similar demographic (younger viewers), a lot of viewers were probably watching Moon Lovers as well, but it's just that Moonlight was their viewing priority. However, now that Moonlight is over, they can watch Moon Lovers. ^^ 

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Send my regards to you guys. You're the best. I love this drama and I wish they didn't stick to 21 episdoes only. Grrrrr! 

It might be sad to leave this drama but I hope we'll get to see a new light when they'll go back in the modern area. Please! Jebal, let them be together in modern era.

Anyways, here's a vid I dedicated to them. Enjoy! :))

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