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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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12 minutes ago, antiherofans said:

Lotte gonna make short movie and put lot of cute guys together in one screen. So basically they want to destroy women :w00t:???

kyaa~ pretty much :lol: more fangirls than fanboys :phew:

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12 minutes ago, jenbon said:



IU singing Marry You by Bruno Mars in english <3 


Lee jun ki also singing I'm Yours from bruno mars :wub:

Their song choice were match, right ? coincidence ? I will ASK JIMONG :heart:


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1 minute ago, moonlover399993 said:

Oh boy LJG filming a web drama Six First Kisses

All these handsome oppas, one TOUGH DECISION for a girl, haha!! I'm sorry but LJG ALL THE WAY!:heart:embarrassed4-onion-head-emoticon.gifShe better make a wise choice, all the women will be jealous of her.

Chaebol and church oppa Wang So :wub:

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On 02/11/2016 at 7:16 AM, antiherofans said:

Fourth, ooh this my favorite scene and fav ending. The Lonely King. Gwangjong with the eclipse in front of this palace. I got goosebumps seeing that scene. It is beautifully done and will haunt me for a long time. So dramatic, so powerful and so much meaning. And the way Hae Soo's voice echo to the past during eclipse and he realize she is in different world. And the last look of Wang So with the scar saying he will find her, I got goosebumps just by writing this. It is AMAZING. LJG is born to play Wang So. I cannot praise him enough. LJG as Wang So is going to be in my all time favorite character along with Heath Ledger (Joker), Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal Lecter), Meryl Streep (Miranda Priestly) and Marlon Brando (Vito Corleone). For me, that is the highest praise I can give to actor/actress. Thank you for making our Wang So to be this outstanding, out of this world character, LJG :wub:.

Yeah right..  some characters are meant for the person/actor.  LJG made the right choice of acting in this drama.

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3 minutes ago, moonlover399993 said:

Don't care what his job is, I'll take him. Chaebol and church oppa, I can't wait to see him!:blush:


:lol: Maybe cuz I'm still not over SHR, he should take that role in the sequel when he meets Go Ha Jin at the Lotte Duty Free Department Store, where she's selling cosmetics beauty products!! ROFL 

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I don’t know if I have the right to complaint… when from the start I kinda have a love-hate relationship with SHR .. I have more complaint than praise (thus I keep quiet most of the time – just read and lurk – I love those AWESOME insight .. there’s just too many good posters with critical mind and eyes) ..

Some say – if you don’t have anything good to say – keep quiet … I can’t .. I have to rant

I watch SHR solely because of I love LJG – I never missed any of his work and I am not going to start now. No matter how angry I was during the first few episodes I was stubborn and stayed on (frustrated over and over again). I was so angry at Soo (mostly all the time) but I continue to find reasons to condone her act … I did write my thought about HS and IU .. I defended HS when others scorned her …

I keep the faith that everything will be resolved at the end… I will get true satisfaction if I stayed on – I hope and I pray. THIS IS THE BEST OF LGJ work .. I cannot abandoned him midway … I have never abandoned LJG – I somehow did with SHR .. I stop watching after He decided to sleep with YH (I just read recap – I can’t bring myself to watch the self-destruction mode) .. I need time …  however – reading the last eps recap further break my heart.

I applauded the writer for trying to be different .. for taking the uncharted path (At least WB got his closure in UF). However I think she is being unfair to audience that have stayed on despite the glaring flaws .. not to mention the double versions …

Week after week we keep on giving SHR excuses (of course because of charismatic LGJ (most of the time) and the beautiful cinematography). We covered and accept all the flaws, we write our own conclusion, we came up with ideas and we fleshed out HS character on our own. We explain the loopholes we covered the pit … we do everything because this show has so much potential.

Most people don’t care so much about happy ending (yeah I exaggerated) .. what we want the most is CLOSURE … it can be an open ending – but we need closure on certain aspect of emotion. We need some kind of compensation for our tears and invested emotions.

EPIC LOVE?? .. so this is the epic love they been talking about? What epic? So is left with wound that can never be healed? .. Left with regret all his life .. is this fair? I don’t care so much what happen to HJ, she can continue to cry until she die (because she chose to leave WS – yeah yeah she has her reasons, I don’t buy it) .. she can live all her life living in regret thinking about WS and her … (I wonder if HS know that WS read her letter and WS came back for her (but it’s too late of course) .. and I hate to think that the ashes in the urn is not HJ – but  HS (the woman WS love is not HS but HJ so technically WS didn’t even get to bring ‘HS’ home) ..

Is all this fair to WS? He can’t even be the real father to his daughter ..  not only he has to live knowing that HS died with regrets (didn’t get to see him till her last breathe) .. and now He has to live knowing he has a child with her and he can’t be the real father to her .. OMG – what kind of crazy fate is this? …  this is beyond cruel ..

Congratulation SHR for becoming the drama with the most brutal, thoughtless, merciless ending. Thank you for all the heart ache .. and thank you for not giving us any closure …


Please give 90% credit to LGJ … because it’s because of him I stayed on …  I feel cheated, angry and the feeling of incomplete .. big void … and most of all I feel STUPID .. for believing they will meet again in future …

Anyway – I have never given much hope to SHR (unlike most of you here) .. so yeah –  my disappointment is not as great as most you ..  

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21 minutes ago, moonlover399993 said:

Oh boy LJG filming a web drama Six First Kisses

All these handsome oppas, one TOUGH DECISION for a girl, haha!! I'm sorry but LJG ALL THE WAY, how can you not choose him!:heart:embarrassed4-onion-head-emoticon.gifShe better make a wise choice, all the women will be jealous of her.

It'll be nice if they can do concept like Click Your Heart drama. We get to choose our leading man! :wub:

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In the the web drama six first kisses ljg is the only one i would choose, he is just so handsome, beautiful, cute, playful, sexy, cheerful all in one. The most good looking asian i have seen and i have seen many. Some are good looking but not like ljg and they either had plastic surgery or look different without makeup.

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On 11/3/2016 at 2:23 PM, moonlover399993 said:

Oh boy LJG filming a web drama Six First Kisses

All these handsome oppas, one TOUGH DECISION for a girl, haha!! I'm sorry but LJG ALL THE WAY, how can you not choose him!:heart:embarrassed4-onion-head-emoticon.gifShe better make a wise choice, all the women will be jealous of her.


Gotta KISS them all? LOL 

I'm rooting for LJG thou *cough* ufufufu



Cause one point of view is never enough:



cr: jgfamily


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37 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

Congratulation SHR for becoming the drama with the most brutal, thoughtless, merciless ending. Thank you for all the heart ache .. and thank you for not giving us any closure …


Please give 90% credit to LGJ … because it’s because of him I stayed on …  I feel cheated, angry and the feeling of incomplete .. big void … and most of all I feel STUPID .. for believing they will meet again in future …

Anyway – I have never given much hope to SHR (unlike most of you here) .. so yeah –  my disappointment is not as great as most you ..  


Hail to your post!!! Especially the highlighted part. 

You just mention all the words that stuck from my mind. That is why i feel so mad, yet so sad. 

I think I need Lee Joon Gi's hug to console my sadness. 




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Hi everyone. So I kinda liked the ending of SHR but at the same time it also made me feel that the drama was kinda rushed in the end. I wished we had more episodes to flesh out a lot of the issues leading to the finale. HS ending up pregnant was kinda a surprise but also kind of expected too. I mean the couple spent a lot of nights together so I assume they did something other than write poems and eat. I wished her pregnancy was revealed early on though (like ep 18 or 19) so we, the audience, could have understood early on why she was adamant about leaving the palace. 


Thoughts on the finale:

* It redeemed Jung in my eyes. I was more emotional about the part where he kinda revealed to Baek Ah his true feeling for HS more than when WS became batshit crazy when he saw HS's ashes.

* It was funny how WS has time to spy on HS and Jung.

* I was glad that baby SoSoo lived and that WS knew she was his daughter. 

* It would've been nice GHJ met a reincarnation of WS in the present time (and they could've also shown more scenes in the modern era)

* The final episode was clearly made to set up a possible second season but I don't think it's possible anymore because while the drama was not not well received it wasn't a big hit either (in SK).


Random thoughts on the drama:

* Can IU be a princess in her next historical drama (if she ever does one again)

* I lowkey shipped Crown Prince and HaeSoo hahahaha

* I actually loved 14th Prince from the beginning but during the middle part of the drama he became to idiotic so I disliked him then

* I kinda wish that they showed HS and WH friendship more

* I hated it when the drama became too political because I wanted more SoSoo moments

* I'll probably keep rewatching this drama until I'm sick of it while waiting for IU to comeback with new music



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