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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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50 minutes ago, honeyapricot said:

on the side note, do you guys notice the painting of So standing alone, which HS cries over? that painting so accurately depicts his emptiness, sadness, and loneliness. I could cry over watching that picture alone. the painter must be a really great one.



In fact, it was the first thing that caught my eye, as i watched the live  sbs broadcast of the episode.Even before HS sees it. The gros-plan "reads": HS is looking at the other paintings, we are looking at HS looking at the other paintings who are invisible to us, and behind her, though in the background, this painting (looks almost black and white) dominates with the loneliness it expresses.I even gasped "wang so- lonely wang so" :) ..Later, when i watched the episode subbed, and realized that those paintings were painted by BH after WS request, I consider this painting as his utimate message to HS- that he is left behind alone, but he sent this message to her not to burden her , but to show her that he still loved her. that she was "his only queen" . (Etc etc- damn, it so ridiculous, here again  tears emerge thinking how he loved her, how he tried to deliver his feelings to her - maybe I have to check my hormones  level)

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1 hour ago, honeyapricot said:

Guys, does any of you know what it means when Wook says to Baek Ah he is always wrong, then suddenly there is flashback of his late wife (I believe it is when Soo making soap scene)? what is the purpose of this scene (flashback)? i think it is rather absurd. 


I am sorry if perhaps this is already discussed before, but this thread is moving really fast :D


he said he always gave his heart but he always makes mistake in loving others. With Lady Hae, he realized he love her too late and he nvr be able to tell her. N with HaeSoo, he turn his back on her once and lost her trust. He learned the hard way. And the reason he saw lady hae bcoz i think he missed her so much coz no one love him like she did. 

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3 hours ago, fengari said:

In BH and WS ´s last meeting, BH announces to WS, WW ´s death, and adds that "now, no one left to visit, so I leave". I think that BH visits to WW and maybe to WJ(a visit we didn´t witnessed) were made under WS request: WS asked BH to visit everyone was close to HS and  "record" their memories with her in paintings. This is why we have the painting with the WW-HS promenade in the snow, and Lady Hae death. Also the scene with the HS´s comic bow in front of the king.(sole alive witnesses back then in this scene were WW and his mother).  

So, it was WS who wanted to leave  signs for her that he (and not only him but all the persons she loved and cared for)  remembers. The fact, that he  delivers also memories of her time with WW, shows that he holds no grudge, that he understood, and that he respects her memories . (damn, tears comes as i am writting this

This is a beautiful explanation for those paintings. Thank you! I was having issues with how the artist can depict whatever happened during HS life experiences in Goryeo. Now it makes sense.

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1 hour ago, antiherofans said:


Nice argument. He will look like that huh?? Very nice argument from you. 

Fine. Sold. 

PUT HIM ON THE SCREEN AS LONG AS HE LOOKS LIKE THAT. I will watch anything they write. 



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4 hours ago, tinniet said:

Emm I don't get how he would have confronted Soo about the pregnancy because he just got the idea of Soo's love towards him (and thus impossible for Soo to have baby with Jung) the moment he read her letters, and that moment Soo had already died. He didn't have the slightest idea of her pregnancy when she left the palace, and before he read her letters, he assumed it was Jung's baby all the way. Also, we must remember that Jung asked the maid to tell everyone that the baby was stillborn. I believe that news also reached GJ, so eventhough after reading the letters he knew the baby was his, he thought it was stillborn. That's why he didn't confront Jung about the baby whereabouts.

Him asking Jung whether it was Jung's daughter was rhetorical. Like you said, from the moment he saw the little girl calling Jung as father, he had suspected that she wasn't his daughter. When he asked about her age, I believe his mind was spinning, remembering Jung-Soo convo about the baby, calculating the time span from the last time they had candle blown off (LOL) to that moment and concluding that everything fitted into one picture: she had to be his daughter. That hairpin served as the final confirmation.


Okay, it seems that we are going in circles here... gets me dizzy already. :D   Sorry, if you get confused.

Yes, you are correct.  How can he confront HS about her pregnancy if GJ wasn't aware of it, during that time?  He didn't mention about a child being his reason for ignoring Jung's letter, either.  He just thought his letter was just full of resentment so he toss it aside so he won't feel bad but not because he thinks they have a child.  It only means that GJ didn't heard Jung when he told HS that she shouldn't stay outside because it is not good for her baby.  Which is my original post.  I said, I "thought" GJ heard it.  Perhaps he is too far to hear their conversation. Therefore, what GJ misunderstood at that time is HS & Jung having a real marriage since they were sleeping in the same room so their marriage were not just formality to get her out of the palace.  Like you said, Jung kept it secret so no way that GJ will know.  Unless, like I said, he heard Jung.  But obviously he did not.

Considering his reaction when he learned that Jung had a daughter older than he expects, do you think GJ will not react and confront HS if he heard what Jung said about having a baby, when he went to Jung's place?  That moment, they were not sleeping in the same room yet.  All he knew was that their marriage is formality only.  Though there were reports that they were close, but he hasn't confirmed it yet. 

If GJ is aware that HS got pregnant with Jung, do you think he will not ask about the child after HS died and confirmed that it was him she truly loves and been waiting for?  It was also confirmed that their marriage were really just a formality.  So there is no way he will not ask about the baby, if he is aware it exist.  So again, it proves that GJ didn't hear what Jung said. 

GJ refused to hear any reports about HS & Jung after he spied on them, so there is no way that he would know a child was born.  He didn't even know HS was sick, so it was impossible that he knew Jung & HS had a child.

Why would GJ ask Jung if the little girl is his daughter if he is aware that HS & Jung had a child, like you said GJ knew?  Jung got married again after HS died, so if he ever got a daughter it should younger than the little girl he is with.  Since Jung said it is his daughter and it's older than he expects, GJ ask for her age.  He is already suspicious about it but he let it slide.  Unfortunately when he turned around he saw the hairpin.  As you can see he never ask another question again and just said to leave the child because he knew the child is her daughter.

I couldn't find GJ mentioning about Jung & HS having a child.  I have watched repeatedly the last episode.  In short, he doesn't know she existed.


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Its ironic how wang so is the only wolf who is lonely when all other wolves have packs and live like a family who are loyal to them. He is serious pitiful in every aspect it annoys even after the drama has ended.

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Ok! Just a fun and random thought...If we were given a US$10 million budget to produce Scarlet Heart Ryeo, would we be able to do better than what we were given for the past two months? The production team was given roughly 6 months (January 27, 2016  to July 1, 2016) to film and 2 months for editing! So around 8 months in to produce this drama. 

I don't hate this drama, it's just that the ending was poorly produced and edited. I loved it a lot during the beginning, but then yesterday's ending. Sigh... there were even complaints about the beauty products in the final episode had too much exposure and screen time. LOL It'll be funny if the present day Wang So is a model and signed a contract with the beauty brand Go Ha Jin works for. lol Then she'll have to do his make-up. :lol:

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21 minutes ago, fengari said:

In fact, it was the first thing that caught my eye, as i watched the live  sbs broadcast of the episode.Even before HS sees it. The gros-plan "reads": HS is looking at the other paintings, we are looking at HS looking at the other paintings who are invisible to us, and behind her, though in the background, this painting (looks almost black and white) dominates with the loneliness it expresses.I even gasped "wang so- lonely wang so" :) ..Later, when i watched the episode subbed, and realized that those paintings were painted by BH after WS request, I consider this painting as the utimate message to HS- that he is left behind alone, but he sent this message to her not to burden her , but to show her that he still loved her. that he was "his only queen" . (Etc etc- damn, it so ridiculous, here again  tears emerge thinking how he loved her, how he tried to deliver his feelings to her - maybe I have to check my hormones  level)

I am sorry who is BH? are you referring to Baek Ah? I dont think I see scene where So request Baek Ah to paint him? did i miss the scene?

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Sigh the end has come. I remember reading news about this drama and how happy I was when LJK and IU were casted as leads since I admire them both.

I still haven't watched 20 with subs just watched it raw live. This drama was sad but I only truly cried in two scenes lol death of Eun & his wife and when So cried learning Soo had passed. I could have cried more but I think if anything I was spending too much time being angry. Despite the roller coaster of emotions this drama put me through it is def one I'll rewatch. 

I'll probably watch 20 with subs later. Sigh.

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2 hours ago, Sharine Phinisia said:

"Pointless". as you and many people in this forum said, the whole time-travel fiasco now seems like a long journey that only serve to bring you heartbreak and regret. Feels like the writer give the harshest treatment to Hae Soo compared to other characters; cheated by bf, unwillingly transported to Goryo, surviving every single day, witnessing the death of the loved ones (and those who died for her) one by one, trying hard to ensure everyone's happiness, suffer a longtime complication of her past torture, leaving her man to protect their baby from the cruel fate in the palace, died without her love by her side. even in the future: woke up crying every single night for the past 6 years and left heartbroken when remembering it all. What's the bloody point, writer?!

"Hard work never betrayed you. Expectation did." -Hachiman

We have been told that if we work hard enough, it will certainly pay in the end. But that's not how the world works. you can struggle to the bone and still cannot grasp the thing that you want the most. hard work gives you bigger chance to get your desire but not a lifetime guarantee that you will definitely obtain it in the end.

Oh my god. now that I think about it, the fact that they dare to present this idea im the drama is (GAHHH) crazily brilliant

IKR. I don't know whether my depression has fried my brain to oblivion, and now I'm trying to grasp at straws & reading too much into things...... but when you really think about it, it makes too much sense.

And some of the casts said the WS-HS meeting in the future was included during the filming & then was edited out, right? So making "futility" as the core of the ending is absolutely intentional.


If so, do I love it? Of course not. How can I? It's just so cruel.... to us & to the characters.

Yet I can't help but admire the guts this show has shown over & over again...... daring to be unconventional and not crowd-pleasing.

My poor heart is still weeping, but my brain is starting to appreciate the show for its uniqueness.

Edited by zi4r
formatting & included more in the quote
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29 minutes ago, honeyapricot said:

I am sorry who is BH? are you referring to Baek Ah? I dont think I see scene where So request Baek Ah to paint him? did i miss the scene?

Yes, by BH I mean BaekAh.And you didn´t miss such a scene- there is no  scene where WS explicitely asks BH for this. It is an assumption based on the content of the paintings, (e.g., among others scenes, memories only WW had  from HS), the visit BH payed to WW, and the last  dialogue between WS and BH. I presented more clearly my hypothesis in a previous post.

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3 minutes ago, SCSfanz said:

i hated the ending. i heard that the chinese version had a season 2 so i was contemplating whether i should watch it. So i googled.... instead of pretty princes i saw several bald men and i changed my mind LOL


Don't let me stop you

But honestly ... don't ... it's not worth watching .... it is a nightmare .... well I thought so

They have hair ... they look fine, but most actors changed, the plot is stupid and the end is even worse

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