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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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22 hours ago, zi4r said:

But now I am left with absolutely nothing. A lot happened in the drama --- the character did things, they had things done to them, they suffered, they endured --- but none of those actions/developments/plot-movements gave us the catharsis we as the audience need (Or maybe I am generalizing it... so I should say "I, personally as a viewer, need") in a good story/drama. It is an impactful drama, don't get me wrong, but the "impact" is the "nothingness". The moral of the story, to me, have been: "There's no bigger meaning in life; There's no reward in trying; Things happen as they are destined to be."


MLSHR: A study in expectation (mis-)management

a.k.a My relationship with MLSHR: A plethora of disconnects & disappointments


Expected genre: Hurt/Comfort

What we got: Angst, and angst, and unrelenting angst, without any form of true healing

You know what's the problem with that? Well, lemme list out the repercussions behind this choice of genre-mishandling:

  • We, the audience, start to become numb about all the suffering WS has gone through.
  • We start to get frustrated at HS's character for being useless to WS in the grand scheme of things.
  • When WS became GJ & all the pain started manifesting itself into his craving for revenge, some of us were unprepared for it. Or, if you're more like me, you're prepared for GJ to go a lot further in his bloodbath... and got really annoyed at the other characters' total disregard to his pain.

The worst part of it is: The pain will continue till the end. I really don't see any other way than WS/GJ to end up alone, depressed, angry & destructive; and for HS to be also alone & ill & dying. That would have been slightly more bearable if there were some instances of true healing for both of them. But as the drama has been relentless in its torture of both characters, we the audience are left just as raw & tortured as the characters.

Expected story-arc: Romance

What we got: A one-sided, unrequited love that destroyed both the lover & the beloved

So in a sense, there have always been warning signs about this doomed romance. This couple can be good for one another, they can be the making of one another..... but only if their relationship stays as friends, comrades or protector&protected. Once the emotional investment of a romance comes into play, they seem to be a true destructive force against one another. Just look at it: WS's various brushes with death for HS & now being left as a shell-of-a-man after HS's leaving; HS's total loss of independence & individuality under WS's "protection" throughout the drama. This romance is truly toxic.

Expected sub-plot: Political intrigue & Battle for the throne

What we got: Child-play level politics & Anti-climatic transfers of power

For a political intrigue to truly blossom, we need light & shade in characters. And since the massive cast & too-short run of the drama doesn't allow for true character developments, the political intrigue part of the sub-plot is doomed from the start. Each event in history/plot is made as an episodic problem, introduced quickly & resolved just as quickly (e.g. rain ceremony, various coups, rebellion of Baekje in Ep19). So except for the WS poisoning & mercury poisoning, each event has very little impact on the main story-arc. Thus, we are not invested in the politics of this drama at all.

The problem with making the power-transfers anti-climatic is that it cheapens WS's struggles. After all the pain while under the reign of other Kings, he became King almost instantly without so much as a how-do-you-do. So we are left in the state of blah, rather then feel the satisfaction that he's now King.

Expected plot-device: Modern woman

What we got: A shell of a character who doesn't belong to the future or the past

This rant is more about the missed opportunities; and about how the plot-summary has misled me and many others like me. In the main story-arc, the plot basically uses only two things about her modernness: makeup & visions. But in all other ways, they hobbled this modern character by breaking her spirit halfway through the show and never letting recover it. That means they missed out on making true use of a female character that has the potential to be strong-willed & capable. Watching HS pains me almost physically... because she could have been so much more.  The plot summary of the drama makes us assume that she would play a more active role in this fight for the throne. Yet we now have to contend with this shell of a character whose only meaning of existence in this universe is to be WS's love.

Expected theme: Justice

What we got: A world that brought unfairness at every turn, and the "justice" it delivers is a bitter pill to swallow

Now, let me tackle my major problem: Wang Wook. I wanted his frying to come from something worthy of frying. The dead falcon makes me want to drown myself in Damiwon bath. WTH??? I understand that they probably cannot unearth the WS-poisoning story, so eye-for-an-eye justice is not really possible. But can't you give us a bit more satisfying crime for the punishment? And what's the punishment? Erm....... Kneeling? Him sitting alone in a room, looking pale? That's it?

I understand that it's childish to expect justice always prevails. But this is a drama; you can disappoint the audience just so much before we all say f***-it and give up on the whole drama.

Expected moral of the story: Redemption

What we got: A making & a breaking of a character so intertwined that we became uninvested in both the making & the breaking

Wang So. Tortured & dark character that is supposed to be a phoenix that rises from the ashes. A story of redemption. Technically, this did happen. But it all happened in the most unsatisfying way imaginable. So it has just left us with emptiness.

Hae Soo. A nobody in modern era that is supposed to matter in Goryeo era. A story of redemption. Technically, this did happen. But it happened in the way that she is both the maker & the destroyer of the King of Goryeo. So it has just left us with raw pain.

There's one other way of looking at all this though: Maybe, Hae Soo's entrance into Wang So's life makes him King. But to make him a truly great monarch, she has to leave him. That's their destiny.



2 hours ago, zi4r said:


I regret I ever decided to watch SHR. As I've said in my long review yesterday, it's a true case-study in expectation (mis)management. No, I am not pissed about the lack of happy-ending; I am pissed about the pointlessness of it all. The show didn't do justice to ANYONE:

  • Gwangjong, a great ruler --- Ruthless or not, he did a lot of good during his reign, and now all his actions/achievements/decisions are being attributed to him being a man, broken by endless mistreatment & one lost love.
  • (Supposingly) Epic romance and undying love of GJ/WS & HS --- The show made GJ a man defined by love..... that is fine if the show did that love/romance true justice. But it didn't. Their love is defined only by painThis is no normal tragic love story. This is a love story that has never truly begun, yet has ended. I have no doubt that they love one another (each in his/her own way) and that their love was immense. But the story-arc never did their feelings justice, until the very raw & non-resolution end.
  • Hae Soo as a character --- She was a nobody in 2016. Then, she got sent back to Goryeo, where she suffered & suffered. WS's/GJ's form of love & protection stifled her & left her without freedom or individuality. She lost her true self in Goryeo; she became a shell rather than a truly living being, and that can be greatly blamed on WS, the man who loves her with all his heart.

HS thinks the purpose of her being sent back is to influence/change the history as she knows it. But she is the cause of that history. After trying so hard to make GJ a better man (as she defines it), now she realizes that she is the true cause of all the tragedy at the hands of GJ. Without her pain & suffering throughout her stay in Goryeo, GJ wouldn't have been this angry & vengeful. And without her leaving, GJ wouldn't have become this soulless & ruthless.

Hae Soo. A character we rooted for because of her giving spirit & her spunkiness. She lost it all in this story, didn't get anything (even true loving relationship) in exchange for it, and now has to live with the guilt that she is the cause of everything she hates about Gwangjong's reign.

  • Other characters --- No one except WS/GJ get a satisfying character development.
  • MLSHR audience & fans --- The show didn't deliver anything it advertised.



Since I feel that this is a case of expectation mismanagement, I would be re-watching the show with a brand new set of eyes after I've recovered from the heartache & disappointment it has caused. The fact of the matter is: I didn't realize the true theme/moral of the story until right before the finale.

Apparently, that is the moral of the story. I called it as "nothingness" because I didn't know how to define the helplessness & hollowness I was feeling in my heart. Gwangjong gave me the word I was looking for: FUTILITY.

It followed that theme in every way, every sense.

  • No matter what the characters do in the story, the history is set so it's their destiny, it's futile. Try as they might to change their course, every action results in the course that is already set for them by the universe. They are stuck in the universe's pre-destined plot, and there's nothing they can do about it.
  • No matter what we as audience want, no matter how much we root for love & justice & goodness & fairness, it's futile. Try as we might to hold on hope that there's a true ending to the sufferings in the show, our every attempt at rationalizing/making excuses just results in the course of heartbreak/disappointment that is already set for us by the creators of the show. We are stuck in the creator's pre-produced plot, and there's nothing we can do about it.

In every episode, we get to feel the helplessness of the characters and of ourselves. Whatever the characters hope for, they didn't get it in the story --- there's no real happiness for ANYONE in this universe. Whatever we hoped for in this show, we didn't get it --- there's no true sense of closure for the audience in this show.

So what do I like about it? There's a ballsy "up-yours" quality to the show that I truly admire. This is one risky plot and one absolutely cruel ending.

I now view this as a masterstroke in highlighting the futility of one's actions.

Anyway, we're dealing with either the dumbest/most incompetent writer of all times, or the most brilliant & cruel one. I haven't made up my mind yet.


@zi4r sorry I cut up your posts to pieces. I just want to highlight the parts that are important to me.

your last 2 long posts are absolutely vicious. and brilliant.

they make me feel terrible. but also hopeful.

I dont really disagree w you. but I am angry to be agreeing w you.

I hate them. but also really love that you wrote them.


its exactly like how I feel about SHR.

I cannot accept how the drama went and how it ended. but I also loved every minute of the entire emotional journey.

I started watching just coz of a crazy Eclipse friend I have. its not supposed to effect me like this.

now I regret watching it coz I feel so drained. but I am also thankful that I watched it coz its an unforgettable experience.

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i'll prob tear another time tonight after watching the SBS version...and last time on Sat with the repeats sigh....

But am feeling slightly better today after bawling last nite (hahahaha), although am still sad, but am beginning to accept the ending as it was.
I guess, it's up to us hw we want to interpret the ending, as most of us would probably just hope that So does eventually find Su in the future as he promised and they will remember everything they went through in this past life and they be will happy. I think that's what we should just all have in our hearts, and we have all had a beautiful journey with this show and the wonderful cast!

hahahahaha I foresee that if we all keep this thread up for at least another 1-2 weeks even though the show has ended, we will definately hit 2000 pages! Keep it up peeps!

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I dont kno if anyone mentioned this but I was confused at a certain part of the finale. During the time when WS took HS's ashes and left BA and Jung, Jung pulled out something. I think it was a mirror or a hairpin? Idk I may have to rewatch it. BA told Jung "you didn't actually..." And "how foolish of you." BA then hugged crying Jung. Exactly what happened? What did Jung do? I was left confused at this. Hopefully one of you guys will explain to me... thank you!

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Just now, shinaabby said:

I dont kno if anyone mentioned this but I was confused at a certain part of the finale. During the time when WS took HS's ashes and left BA and Jung, Jung pulled out something. I think it was a mirror or a hairpin? Idk I may have to rewatch it. BA told Jung "you didn't actually..." And "how foolish of you." BA then hugged crying Jung. Exactly what happened? What did Jung do? I was left confused at this. Hopefully one of you guys will explain to me... thank you!

what beak ah means it cant be jung also in love with hae soo..its a hae soo hairpin 

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5 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I should've known better than to live-stream important episode such as a finale with poor internet connection. So much is lost with buffering because of the packed episode and of course for not understanding more than 90% of the dialogue.

After watching the subbed version, I'm at peace with the ending. Changed my mind and will put MLSHR on my rewatch list after all. Ending is definitely bittersweet and of course they would give us an open ending if they can't give us a HEA of them meeting in modern times. I'm okay with this ending because there are many clues thrown that they might meet in the future. Whether or not someone will make it into reality remains unknown and we can only hope. I love that we have that piggyback closing scene because we know WS could connect what HS said about being in different time and place with what JM said about HS not belonging to Goryeo's world. And I love it because I am comforted to know that besides the lantern festival date, they did have some sweet fun moments even after WS ascended the throne. And of course, their little girl. See, told you that they did have romantic nights after that pegagus night. :D

It's not a great/powerful ending, but I'm happy with it. Glad to have watched this drama despite (or because of?) the tears and emotional roller-coaster ride.

I love your summary, btw. Yes, Jung is such a swell guy. He's been very accommodating and loving towards HS. I love him!

I haven't got the time to backread all pages. Can someone tell me what was the item in Jung's hand before BA hugged him?

And just curious, is it true that cosmetics/make-up held such recognition during Goryeo's time?


Someone mentioned here before it is the hair pin where Hae Soo used to save Jung by not letting Wang So enter her room. The pin where she slightly cut her neck. If you see just below the green thing, it is the silver pin. 

Indeed, there is some form of cosmetic items produce in Goryeo dynasty. According to this source, Korean's cosmetic history started in the Three Kingdoms and peaked at Goryeo dynasty. Make-up was curbed back in Joseon era due to Confucianism values. In the end of 19th century, Korean's cosmetic industry regains its footing due to the arrival and influence of Western culture. So interesting! Indeed, back then make-up existed! But not to the extent of modern cosmetic and beauty products such as facial masks! That is product placement! Haha! 


Edited by Rose34
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5 minutes ago, ziggy123 said:

This. Is. a. Dream. Come. True. :w00t::wub:

3 minutes ago, kaftanbatikcantik said:

what beak ah means it cant be jung also in love with hae soo..its a hae soo hairpin 

Ahhhhh I see! Thank you for answering such an obvious answer that I didn't think about haha :sweatingbullets:

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There is this song that I really think matches the story of Wang So and Hae Soo. And I think this song suits well on how Hae Soo or Ha Jin fees about Wang So. The Title is:

I hope you guys can try and listen to it. :wub::wub::wub:


Jikan Ryokou (時間旅行) (TIME TRAVEL) by FLOWER

the lyrics goes:

Breaking through the clouds, a white light creeps in the night
Even though I have never come to that mysterious place, Why it feels very nostalgic?

Long ago you hugged me
I wonder if this memory is still living in the depths of my heart

A moonlit night of fantasy beyond space and time, like traveling through time
I can make a promise, if I will be with you
Even if we die as we are now
When we'll be reborn, we'll meet again
You like me have the destiny of shooting stars

Watching me innocently, I like your honest smile
Right now what are you thinking? I can rely on you, because I understand you

The time may flow passing from one place to the next and from one person to the other
But having you by my side is everything to me

No matter what we are connected by destiny, while repeating many times a travel through time
It is not a dream nor an illusion
Even if we are separated we search for the small constellation, so as to meet again.
I continue wandering in the bright blue universe

When a star disappears from this world in its last moment it shines brilliantly
It is too dazzling and both me and you, are sucked into the night sky
Let's meet again....someday, somewhere let's meet again
Let's meet again....there's no need to cry, because we'll meet again

A moonlit night of fantasy beyond space and time, like traveling through time
I can make a promise, if I will be with you
Even if we die as we are now
When we'll be reborn, we'll meet again
You like me have the destiny of shooting stars

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39 minutes ago, qwenli said:

@may6 @magdale

according to twitter news, Jisoo said they cut out a future scene that WS and HS met again.

I dun know what to say...... whoever who make that decision has a twisted mind.....


Really? LJG also confirmed that there are more scenes after the last episode ending. 

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Their love summary:

Like hate and love. Worlds apart. This fatal love. Was like poison. Right from the start
Like light and dark. Worlds apart. This fatal love. Was like poison. Right from the start
We were like loaded guns. Sacrificed our lives. We were like love undone. Craving to entwine
Fatal touch. Final thrill. Love was bound to kill



She was like April sky
Sunrise in her eyes
Child of light
Shining star
Fire in her heart
Brightest day
Melting snow
Breaking through the chill
October and April

He was like frozen sky
In October night
Darkest cloud
Endless storm
Raining from his heart
Coldest moon
Deepest blue
Tearing down the spring
October and April

Like hate and love
Worlds apart
This fatal love
Was like poison
Right from the start

Like light and dark
Worlds apart
This fatal love
Was like poison
Right from the start

We were like loaded guns
Sacrificed our lives

We were like love undone
Craving to entwine

Fatal touch
Final thrill
Love was bound to kill
October and April

Like hate and love
Worlds apart
This fatal love
Was like poison
Right from the start

Like light and dark
Worlds apart
This fatal love
Was like poison
Right from the start

Hate and love
Worlds apart
This fatal love
Was like poison
Right from the start

Light and dark
Worlds apart
This fatal love
Was like poison
Right from the start

October and April
October and April
October and April


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16 minutes ago, shinaabby said:

I dont kno if anyone mentioned this but I was confused at a certain part of the finale. During the time when WS took HS's ashes and left BA and Jung, Jung pulled out something. I think it was a mirror or a hairpin? Idk I may have to rewatch it. BA told Jung "you didn't actually..." And "how foolish of you." BA then hugged crying Jung. Exactly what happened? What did Jung do? I was left confused at this. Hopefully one of you guys will explain to me... thank you!

It was Soo's court lady hairpin that she used to scratch her neck when So forced to come into her room to find Jung. Jung was touched on how Soo protected him and kept that hairpin. Baek seemed to just realize Jung's feeling towards Soo when he saw him crying and holding that hairpin.

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I didn't expect myself to cry a river after watching last night's episode but I did because of So. The pain and loneliness he has to endure...he doesn't deserve that.  One by one, the people he love and care for leave him. Even his daughter, for her sake and HS' wish, he cann't acknowledge her.

HS wasn't alone and heart-broken when she died. She had her daughter and Jung was besides her. She also learned how Soo felt for her during the birthday song. So was left all alone in the cold palace, not wanting to come near even his son.

How come his life is just tragic like this?

Farewell WS ah. Thanks for the memories and even the tear.



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15 minutes ago, syeramy said:


Really? LJG also confirmed that there are more scenes after the last episode ending. 

Will they air those scene?? I'm crying so hard last night and my eyes is swollen because of the ending

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I am in office right having lunch and after avoiding ep 20. I decided to watch it. Skipped a bit so that I don't cry just in case... yet I still cried at the scene when Jung and So were talking and So asked about that daughter... It was so touching! After watching SBS version sub, my life is completed. No more empty feeling. I learn to accept the ending and hope that the director will reveal the uncut soon.


I guess it is due to lack of air time like My Love from Another Star or because they wanna lure us more. So they cut it because really feel a bit... many people want to hunt down director now in various group and FB pages.


But really, SBS version is the best! Or maybe they show the uncut in Netflix? I do hope so...


After all, Joongi won't lied about a scene that was cut but will reveal in future just doesn't know when right? Since Jisoo also talked about it openly. If they don't show in future, more people will join in to hunt down the director.


Then we will need to shoot a drama called "MOON LOVERS SEQUEL: BOUNTY HUNT OF THE DIRECTOR"


Chingus, thanks for the wonderful memories. I have so much fun ranting, and reading all the posts!!! May we meet again 

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