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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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3 hours ago, Para12012 said:

I'm a bit confuse about a few things. Or A LOT, for me the finale is filled with major head scratchers, and I won’t even mention the pregnancy. The scene where Jumong left the palace was years after HS's death seeing her child was already grown. But yet the eclipse happened at that time. There was no eclipse after HS death. I'm I to believe that she only returned to her body in the 21st century years after dying in Goryeo?Or was the scene where Jumong left right after HS death? And if so, why was it shown later? And whats with the little girl at Wook's house with WH's chain? 

My made up rule: Since HS is actually a modern person she can go back to modern era..but to travel away from modern era it has to be on an eclipse day. JM is originally Goryeo (when he died as kid he went to modern world.. and then came abck) .. so he can come back to goryeo.. but can not go to modern world per his will

Sigh...I really love this show but I have to say after the poison plot everything was rushed and poorly done. They spent too much time on HS and Wook's romance, too much time on King Taejo's reign and too little time on everything else. 

For me the plot was just a little too convoluted, yet lacking.

Firstly, the crown prince having a disease in the first few episodes. This was totally uncalled for because it wasn't the reason behind his death nor did it help to build the story.

The disease became the excuse for HS to meet Mu and forge a strong relationship.. since she alone could treat it for him.. otherwise why would he favour a woman who is not off power?

Secondly, the poison plot was completely provoking seeing no one found out who was behind it thus not giving the viewers any closure.

Wasn't meant to be found out. Everyone knew / thought SMS was behind it and she didn't feel it was important to clarify anything as she was in cahoots with YH .. SMS and Wook are the only ones who knew the truth

Thirdly, why didn't theyy begin the drama with Wook having more than one wife or at least keep his wife alive? Him suddenly getting remarried was just because they wanted to push the point that his son became the 6th king of Goryeo. Him having more than one wife from the get go would have made more sense than him getting remarried while on house arrest. And seeing how much WS hated Wook why would he even give him the go ahead to get married. So, he can enjoy the pleasure of procreating and create more nephews for him to kill?:frown:

I think the hate for WW lessend significantly post HS's death because WS realized their love got over ages ago.. and he also realized how WW would have felt seeing him go after his woman.. and so many other things.. WS actually used to be close to WW.. and then HS situation and all of this happened..all brothers lost..so the ones who are left.. need to be valued.. and WW also changed ... post house arrest... 

also HS's CR's letter proves that WW was not the mastermind.. Won was.. therefore won gets killed..

3 hours ago, Para12012 said:

To the end the writer had to make Wook a hero by letting him free HS then prove that he technically got what he want not directly but through his son. Did they secretly want Wook to be the lead love interest?  And we can assume Wook gave permission for his son to enter the palace, thus we can gather the conclusion that he never gave up on the throne and died power thirsty. At least that’s what I think. Where is the character development?:confused:

Wook had nothign to do. he died.. its his mom.. and m guessing later on YH's familial guilt would have driven to get her son married to wook's daugther

Also, while I’m at it, did Baek-A forget that he was in love with Wook's wife? That Wook killed his eldest brother and let his first love die thinking she wasn't loved because he was into the new girl for a bit? Why is it that he stayed in Goryeo to visit Wook then left after Wook's death?:huh: Claiming there is no one else to visit? For me this is just the writer trying too hard to make WS have a pathetic ending with no one by his side. It's not like WS pushed WH off that balcony or told her to off herself.  Beak A becoming best buddies with Wook and neglecting WS makes no sense.:angry:

Mu's death- consipiracy is cleared bY CR"s letter that mastermind was won. He didn't kill lady hae.. she was unwell and she died.. BA was angry that WW didn't love Hae.. but then he learnt it for himself later on that you can't 'decide' whom to love..it happens.. and then HS is actually a good grl and quite mesmerizing..

He is traveling so once in a while when he comes home.. he meets the only 3 people who are left alive, WS,WW,a nd jung.. He is a traveler.. post WW's death ( jung anyway cut ties).. he is off.. there is no reason for him to stay.. or spend time with.. WW was free :) had a lot of time to entertain BA...

BA is still mourning and its no tthat he is best buddies with WW.. BUT who else is there to meet? Remember he is traveling.. and only once in  a while he comes home.. has no interest in politics.. he can't meet jung because of the exile decree.. and if he is home he is free all day long.. who else is free all day long to chit chat with him..


There are so many other things that could have been left out seeing they only had 20 episodes and in order to tell a good story. For those of you who are satisfied, lucky you! As for me I'm bitter and I don't know how to let go of this anger. I love the cast but the ended should have at least compensated. 

Btter through and through.. specially because had it not been for this stupid editing and direction, this series would have been such a gem..

Also the love letter....Just seriously!! What the heck was that??? Even in drama land it makes no sense, and we're use to some pretty confusing dialogue. 

It was the love story of bulagria rose scent and the honey based BB cream. And they are still together in their re-incarnation,

Anyway, the best part of this drama for me was this forum. I enjoyed the ride because of you chingus. :D


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Okay, so I waited to watch both episode 19 and 20 together with subs and wow. Thank you everyone here for your recaps, posts, responses, updates, analyses, and then some! I am going to miss coming here and reading everyone's posts and just being apart of this incredible fandom. This has been a whirlwind. I stopped watching dramas for a while and MLSHR lured me back in with LJG as bait and I gave in wholeheartedly - surrendered my body and soul these past two months and I don't regret it. Not one bit.

When So confronted Hae Soo in episode 19 about her relationship with Wook I was completely enraptured by LJG's portrayal of So's heartbreak. I could feel the pain, the betrayal, the despair emanate from him. They were practically tangible. And he just made me cry like a little beach (I had to dive into my bed and pretend I was trying to nap when my brother barged into my room so he wouldn't see me in all my "glory" i.e. snots and tears). I so badly wished there was more to Hae Soo's reaction when So delivered those angry, bitter words to never see her again before storming out but I guess she finally got what she wanted in that moment so there was no need. 


Episode 20. Watching the scene when So finds out about Soo's death and then witness his subsequent breakdown broke my heart. I was a blubbering mess. IU's portrayal of Hae Soo's last years/moments was exceptional and that redeemed HS for me. When she would imagine So beside her further crushed me. Hae Soo uttered the same phrase as RX: "He will not come" during her final moments and that just obliterated me - arugh! This story was just full of regret and heartbreak and I don't think I expected anything more given the source material. AND I finally got the crying reaction to So I wanted from HS/HJ for so long! Yeah... I am a weirdo. 

I have a question though... Who was the artist who painted all those paintings Ha Jin/Hae Soo saw in the gallery??? They were some pretty intimate moments too...

I'm gonna miss this drama a lot but at the same time I feel strangely mitigated. I am satisfied with the ending despite it closing on such a bittersweet note. I wish I could articulate myself better but I am wrung dry.

Til' we meet again! But forreal though I'll just be here snooping like a creep, biding my time for whatever LJG and MLSHR scraps I can get my grubby hands on. 

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It was the hair pin HS used to slit her throat to stop WS from entering her room when Jung was hiding.

That was the day Jung told HS that he will not call her 'noona' anymore.. and think of her as a woman..


Up until now, no one knew or had an inclination that Jung feels love for HS. Everyone thought he considers her a friend and that's that.. and will help her.. as most of the other princes would have wanted to help her..

But seeing the pin.. he understood that Jung loved her.. and that's why he hugs him calling him crazy because he fell in love with a woman knowing very well that she will never love him back... 

Its unrequited, its unsaid.. even HS didn't know how deep was the love.. he hid it well.. 


Jung actually has the saddest love story

4 minutes ago, silfeeah said:


I have a question though... Who was the artist who painted all those paintings Ha Jin/Hae Soo saw in the gallery??? They were some pretty intimate moments too...


HS herself :P

I think in her last few years she picked up the art of paintaing..


That is the only explanation.. and some other which were left were made on princes order as and when.




I am really curious if the museum actually is going to keep these paintaings as promotional material

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am I the only one who can't watch any scenes or mv of scarlet heart ryeo, whether they r happy or sad. I haven't even rewatch Ep 20 with subs. I don't know why but after that ending the whole is so sad to me. 

Lee joon Gi did excellent acting in this drama especially the crying scenes and was the only thing that brought me back to the drama, hands down best performance in kdrama history. He is the only Korean actor I can acknowledge in Asia whose acting is on the same level as the best actors in Hollywood. Some people find his crying scenes over acted or didn't cry in those. Well I blame it on the rushed pace as well as editing but the biggest reason would that if you haven't watched legendary performances of Hollywood or aren't a fan of their movies it will seem overacting to you since in Korea acting with various expressions is not their style.

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Hi, I am a silent lurker. And I just come out from my cave to write some things that actually been bugging me from the start

1. For a pre production, this drama have had a worse editing process. I feel that they have more than 20 episodes, because not once I felt that an episode is draggy, I felt the opposite. It always rushed and I always need more explanation. Though it looks beautiful but how they chopped it from scene to another scene, ugh

2. I don't mind about the ending, because it is related to the history, and it will be hard to change it. The writers use the loopholes in the history to put the events which is smart. I.G. Why he married prince Yo's daughter, why he married HY, why he only have these two wives while other king before him have more than 1, and why it took years before his 1st child born. In this drama is all because HS. But hey who knows, maybe the king had his own HS at that time. 

3. I am a little bit dissapointing at the paintings though, because there were none of HS with GJ together. I thought maybe there'll be a paint when she poured/served a tea. Instead we saw a her trailing wook, and GJ alone

4. Yes, as much as I dissapointed of how HS treat GJ in the 18 and 19 episodes, I think I understand her. In a relationship sometimes we expect too much from our partner. Esp here, where HS very determined to changed GJ. When the reality hits her, she got angry to GJ when actually what she needs is to tell him the truth what she expected from him, what kind of king she wanted him to be and be remembered and explain her actions, instead of giving her reactions per event. It will be frustrating to me too

5. Yes, maybe the open ending will lead to the second season, I will watch it for the Lee Jun Ki and Kang Ha Neul. but now i've been thinking, is it possibly because of the low rating they cancel their plan and that's why they cut the scene where LJK come to the gallery? 

6. Though I don't mind the ending but still I feel the piggyback is not the right one. I feel it will be meaningful if the scene is when HS applying make up to GJ and GJ is still the old WS, teasing HS in the process. And HS said that she is the only one who can see and touch his scar and kiss the scar. And WS said off course because you are mine since the first time you touch it. For me it symbolize that only HS who knows the real GJ ( his weakness, wounds and strenghts) and they accept and love each other. 

And that's is for my first and very long post. Thank you

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At first I feel disatisfied with the ending,and I admit I saw the Chinese version ending so I was kind of expected to see Ha Jin meet with modern time Wang So.But the more I think about the ending, the more I start to like it and finally I can accept it now.


I definitely won't be able to forget this drama.I enjoy this journey watching the story of the drama unfold.This drama have it own flaw and best moments.I am so glad that I didn't skip this drama because I would have missed this precious drama if I did.I am just a lurker here in this thread but I want to say thank you to all of you in this thread.I really enjoyed reading the analysis and comments here.All the analysis and comments have help me understand the drama better.

Thank you to everyone!!


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Image result for Moon lovers scarlet Ryeo episode 20Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated image   Just so you know, you are mine, I will find you no matter where you go.   In this world or the next my heart will know the way...

After watching the last episode again there was one thing I missed it was when WS is spying on HS in person and sees her sitting in the garden.  HS is in pain grabs her heart and Jung rushes to her and says cool wind could harm YOUR BABY.  He doesn't say OUR but YOUR.  I wondered when WS's daughter bumps into him and he realizes after seeing the hairpin in her hair.  That she is HS's daughter was he reminded of that moment.  After all he was a smart man did he choose to allow her the freedom her mother wanted for her and maybe he wanted it for her too!  I really believe as some others have also said that just maybe he kept her close enough to watch her grow but far enough to keep her happy and free...

I was thankful for many things and wrong about some as well.  Now I know why HS left the palace to protect her child from others and the palace life itself.   With her knowing she might not even survive the birth it was the best choice and once again she proves the goodness of her heart.  She didn't care about her health she wanted to leave a piece of their love with those she loved.  And from what I saw Jung's arms wrapped around that precious little girl.  Offering his life on his knees although he had made some selfish mistakes he would not let HS down.  He would keep his promise no matter the cost...

I also thought it was special how the writers allowed HS to paint each stone with a princes face like having her family around her.  Just listening to Jung & HS talking about the early memories them smiling and laughing together thinking about the birthday party and all the things they had shared...  I loved how WS was always in her heart & mind and how she could see him  so clearly in everything she did for he was all around her...

It was a mixture of hearing the birthday party song that HS once sang and  the OST Will Be Back lightly in the background that I must give a Korean Bow to the writers for giving HS a sincere and beautiful even peaceful death. Her last thoughts would be of her daughter & her being taken care of and protected.  Flashbacks of the princes who were her family and a WS who was her forever love.  I was greatly moved once before when WW was carrying his wife on his back through the snow step by step.  It made me shiver while watching.  She took her last breath in this world clinging tightly to him & his back and he kept walking through the snow as if he were taking her all the way to heaven...

This drama took me to places I have never been and my heart through feelings I won't ever forget...  Nor will I forget this thread and all of you who made it so special.  Hope to see you again enjoying another drama maybe part 2 we can always hope...:wub:

credit to all original owners of photos... 

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7 hours ago, vwj1 said:

I take it all back.  Soo has redeemed herself in my eyes. She left because she was pregnant.  I could just see her losing her baby to a cup of tea too just like Lady Oh.  Wow to love someone that much but have to leave him behind Filled with resentment because you now also have to protect this baby growing inside of you too.  I say Soo is the strongest character in this drama.  I'm glad to see that she paid attention to Lady Oh's life. 

As for So. I'm happy he was so unselfish as to not acknowledge his daughter so that she may live a life that doesn't involve the palace. How hard it must have been for him not to break down and hug her with all his might.  He knew if the queen ever find out about the child, her life would be in danger.

I feel the same way with what you've written above.

6 hours ago, iridescentmoth said:

I truly dislike ambiguous endings but I felt a personal comunication between WS and anyone watching; the sun and moon always meet again during an eclipse. It is inevitable he will find her again.  The beauty of their love was transient but I think we as the audience shall remember it for a long time, just like GHJ. 

I had forgotten where and when, but I read that in the year KGJ died, there was an eclipse too? Maybe that is the point that So's soul traveled to modern times :D

6 hours ago, yuhotarubi said:

I basically bawled my eyes out in the first half hour, the way HS kept imagining WS in front of her, smiling at her, and then dying waiting for him thinking he hated her, that was so sad.

Yeah, I cried a lot seeing her with imaginary WS. She truly loves and was pinning for him daily.

4 hours ago, yuhotarubi said:

After reading the translation for HS's letter ( thanks @MAROSA_JIN ) I don't like it, what does she mean I left while hating you but I still love you ? It's  confusing ??

I think it was lost in translation. It was meant to be that she left him with the feeling of hatred in his heart towards her but she loves him nonetheless. That's what she regretted. Remember that basically So was real angry and said he didn't want to see her ever again.

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15 hours ago, hrkharis said:


To be able to see this drama complete and not to be confused, you have to see two versions, SBS version and International version. But I think, SBS version have already had a clear depiction of the whole story. :grin:

lol I meant for that scene, they looked the same to me XD

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Morning Ecliperssssss~ I'm sad yet happy with the ending of this drama. Happy because both So and Soo still remember each other, they might be in different world but still, it's good to know they both remember.

Sad because i lost my morning routines every Tuesday and Wednesday, and even more i have several question about how it ends,

HaeSoo is pregnant when she leave the palace?! But when?? where?? how?? (well, i'll omit the HOW, because we all know how *smirk*) I mean when?? Is that when Soo visit So after he got hit by Yoo's arrow?? Or when?? I'm curious!!

Second, that little girl Book Son, is she daughter of BaekAh and YooHee?? I'm clueless, and again i'll ask WHEN?? THere are so many missing links here :crazy:

I'm actually crying to see Jung cries like that. Unrequited love is the worst, it's painful and unbearable sometimes. I can see that he loves Soo sincerely even He knows Soo doesn't. And the fact that he keeps Soo's old hairpin make my heart ache even more.. :tears:

About the ending, when So said "i'll find you", many of us like got a hint that it might be continued to second season, for me it's still an dead end. This isn't Reply-or School kind a thing. So it will stop here, leaving us wondering about things, unanswered. 

Still, i enjoy this drama from the beginning til' the end.

Wish to see y'all in another good and worth watching drama. Adios! :glasses:

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Hello everyone...

Just watch the final episode, thanks for the recap... still backreading the thread... it moves so fast :wub:

And i think it's not too bad... even the ending is not what we expected..:bawling:. I just imagine that wang so will be in the 21st century... at the same painting room with haesoo... look at the same picture. *still hoping for the happy ending :wub: .

But overall the ending still ok... wang so become a good and wise king and he knew that haesoo love him... and he know that he has a daughter from her... and freed jung from exile and allow him to come to palace. :wub: he know haesoo from another world and he believe they'll meet again (scarlet heart session 2 maybe :))

I can't hold my tears in this episode... when wangso know that haesoo died... OMG... I cried like :bawling: . Poor wangso.. and wheb haesoo waiting for wangso to come :bawling: she longing for him... and the painting in the stone... OMG.. I should have one of those stone painting:wub:

Appriciate to all the cast... they performance was amazing... THANK YOU MOON LOVERS :wub:

And thank you to all group members... it's been amazing pleasure to join this group... you're all DAEBAK... 


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