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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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10 minutes ago, banini said:

(First, I'm sorry for the quotes. I made them a long time ago and don't know how to remove them :-( Been trying to delete but couldn't )

I am actually not sad that they didn't meet yet in the future.  My issue with the show is how they presented the final episode. A lot of things are either half baked or hanging. I watched the choppy raw stream so I may have missed something:

1.  What is the point of having Su give birth when the drama would not put weight on the kid's effect on Wang So?  If the pregnancy was the reason for her leaving then better if they told us earlier making us sympathize with Su's desperation to leave to save her child. So eventually realizing this upon seeing the child will be more poignant and drama could even end with that.

2.  Baek Ah patched things up with So but didn't stay while Jimong left eventually - did they really have to make him so miserable? Wasn't Su dying without making up with him and the past betrayals not enough?

3.  So is indifferent with his child with Yeon Hwa and still hated her. Did they only have one child? If not, how could they make more babies with that mind set?

4. Won was only outed after Hae Su died? Was the blood letter used as evidence? If yes, why didn't they use it earlier?

5.  Pre-drowning Ji Mong was a homeless man, when Hae Su woke up he was something else (tour guide?). Did this mean Hae Su changed his future as well? Why only him and no change with HaJin? What really was his purpose in Hae Su's time travel?

6.  There was also a time skip between Ha Jin drowning and waking up from the "dream"? 

7.  Woo Hee's stuff is with Wook's child? How? Very minor but why did they choose two similar looking kids for Wook's and Su's kids, some people got confused.

8. Who made the paintings (except the portrait), Baek Ah? Modern Wang So?


So many questions. But thanks to the recappers for all their hard work, thank you thank you thank you!!!

Chingu @banini... all question that went through my mind and here is the answer to all out questions they could not change history to much even though they had a creative license.

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Ok, if there is more than they actually filmed and concludes the story, then what SBS waits to say when they're going to broadcast, the result of the rating of today? It would not be a bad idea, if SBS refuses to show it, that ONE TV Asia does, or MLSHR's producers can do the same the people behind Playful Kiss did when they aired seven special episodes in Youtube, in this case would be Naver but it's something that at least can leave us with something good to remember.  Hear the fans request and give us the end we needbeg onion head

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Oh my God..I LOL-ed so much reading all of your comments and rants..I'm sorry,I know I'm not supposed to laugh over other's sufferings.. :sweatingbullets:

I'm one of the minority here who's satisfied with the ending. it is because for me this story is unlike its counterparts (CVers n novel), it put focus on the journey how a Prince become a King from the POV of a modern girl (I feel like I'm being transported to Goryeo to witness what had actually happened there). His background,his motivation,his ideals,what shaped him to become the king as we know now. the CVers n novel put the focus on the love story (female centric story as one of the poster here mentioned). so when we keep comparing these versions we ended up with dissatisfaction.

The KVers ended up when WS completely turn to KG as we know him in the history..the love story is beautiful but it's only the"salt and pepper" here. if they didn't put any love story here it will become a documentary instead of a drama (although I don't mind a documentary with lots of LJG :P).I'm glad I haven't watched or read the other version coz I might fall into the same trappings. I don't really attracted to love stories..it's the history that grabbed my attention (plus LJG :wub:)

KG is somehow is always a mystery to me. how come someone/a king so ruthless and bloody could make decisions such as liberating slaves and conducted national exams for the commoners? it's very contradictory for me.what happened from point A to point B?

well,since history is written by the winner, I guess I'll never know.but this drama gave me one possibility out of thousands of what might have happened 1000 years ago.so I'm satisfied..I don't mind what happened with the love story here coz it never been the focus for me.

got to sleep now chingus,keep ranting and blow up your frustration here..it helps,hehe..I'm so giddy waiting for BTS videos and clips,Twitter n IG updates..can't let go of MLSHR just yet.. :D

PS. thank you for sharing all your opinions here..I've never been in a forum before but this experience showed me that we can all make friends over simple things..love all of you wherever you are..nanite :lol:

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3 minutes ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Also what does it mean when he removed the makeup from his scar in the end?

He coudl have said I will find you with makeup on too.. right?

its a metaphorical way of saying he'll look for her as WS, the one she fell in love with (the stone where she drew WS was the masked/scarred persona and not the near-perfect GJ).

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Okay.. I need to vent.. I really need to vent on this drama. Please excuse my words and if you are uncomfortable reading my post, please skip it.

I WAITED FREAKING 10 WEEKS FOR A OPEN ENDING LIKE THIS?? Really, SBS, WRITERS, DIRECTORS AND PD??? Really, You are just going to troll us and leave us hanging at the end moment? Dude, even LJG fan meeting was not enough to do damage control. All I would say, SCREW YOU SBS, PD, DIRECTOR AND DAMN YOU TO HELL WRITER:expressionless::angry:..

The damn writer is a saddist, she gave us a painful journey but where is the happy ending?? The piggy back ride was suppose to be the happy ending after all the pain and torment and crying, are you freaking kidding me?????!??!?!:angry:

You have GJ in ryeo thinking about Haesoo and you have Ha Jin in the future remembering the damn time and you have haesoo remembering WS words of “ I will never let you go” and Wang So thinking “ If you live in a different world, I will find you”.. WTF was that?? how in the world does that fit in?? You dont even let them meet in the future!!! At least you could have let them meet in the future Writer-NIM!!! You saddist woman!! There is no future or hope for them!!:angry::bawling::bawling:

I dont know what to do! Cry or hope SBS and that writer has a mountain fall on their heads? Is it wrong to wish that?? Maybe it is.. I am actually disappointed with how the drama ended and I swear I will never watch a live drama again!! Even the BTS photos and the party photos are nt helping! This show started off so good and SBS ruined it and the writer I have no words for her!!


One thing I did like was the daughter and father scene, at least WS knows he has a daughter with HS and she lives even though that little girl considers Jung as her father, WS knows that she is the memento of WS and HS love which is why he lifted the ban so that Jung may return to the palace! At least that way WS will see his daughter without anyone knowing that HS and WS had a daughter. That part where the little girl bumps into WS reminds him of how haesoo bumped into him and she screamed "owwww"  and  the little girl acted the same way and he smiles and goes like "you bumped into me" and she runs to Jung, I liked that part the most!!


Now I know why Haesoo wanted to leave, she did it for their child bc If the snake YH knew, she would have done the same thing Queen Yo did to Lady Oh's child, she wanted to save her child from having the same fate. I am proud of HS for that..

All the cast members did a fantastic job, I really was hoping to see all the princes in the future with WS in the future as well, even if they didnt have any memories of the past, I still wanted to see that.. I guess some things dont come true. Thats what happens when you have hopes for a drama. It does a 360 on you. Either, ML is finally over and I dont have to lose sleep over this show and the crappy ending. This show gave me a heart attack nearly and the ending... I need me some Changmin's heavens day right now!!!:blush:

The show was really about star crossed lovers and even star crossed lovers met, why didnt they meet? W turned a cartoon character into a real life person so that the lead can have a happy ending, Stars had an alien come back to his life, Faith had a time traveling lady return to her love in Ryeo or Joseon Era too.. So why could not my star crossed OTP meet at the end?? So much passion and love yet never to meet.. sigh:bawling::bawling::bawling:

As for SBS, with your damn editing and cutting, you ruined the show dude! Not cool, I will make sure to boycott all your shows now!! No matter how hot the lead is!! Screw you SBS!!!:angry::angry:

Thank you for reading my vent!! :D:blush:

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1 minute ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu @banini... all question that went through my mind and here is the answer to all out questions they could not change history to much even though they had a creative license.

aside from taking the original novel into consideration... at least Jung was pardoned..

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8 minutes ago, antiherofans said:

Wang So Forever :wub:

he is the only thing this show left me...and develop well...honesty if not for LJK awesome portrayal  of our 4 th prince WS.... i would have had  an easier time digesting a show that i (perhaps) liked but not loved ...he ruin it for me...by making extremely devoted to WS and this story that truly never loved him back....although unhealthy say..,.yes WS was the reason why i was so  obsessed with this show ...i can't believe what a fictional character has done to me...i worried for him...cried for him... and checked this forum constantly just for him...noooo :tears::tears:  now that i got  that out of my chest ,i feel more sane ...deep breath...deep breath...life in control...putting myself together...forget it...the show in now over...may day may day..real life calling at my door 

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6 minutes ago, magdale said:

Ok, if there is more than they actually filmed and concludes the story, then what SBS waits to say when they're going to broadcast, the result of the rating of today? It would not be a bad idea, if SBS refuses to show it, that ONE TV Asia does, or MLSHR's producers can do the same the people behind Playful Kiss did when they aired seven special episodes in Youtube, in this case would be Naver but it's something that at least can leave us with something good to remember.  Hear the fans request and give us the end we needbeg onion head

yes yes.. even in Naver, i'll take it...

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I'm only really really happy with the fact that the baby lived. The little girl, is a living, breathing, human proof of the deep love and passion of our OTP. She is half Soo and half So, and hopefully when she gets older, her dad, or Wang jung tells her about how much her parents loved each other. Thats pretty amazing in itself. The love lived on via the little girl, LETS JUST THINK OF IT LIKE THAT huhu. :sweatingbullets:

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2 minutes ago, soorani said:

@ruizaio Any update you can reveal about the uncut version?  We need it more than ever now 


Unfortunately, no. There is political turmoil in South Korea right now and that pretty much put everything on halt for major productions... the director had been avoiding our contact saying he was too tired, but the last 3 eps didn't show much reediting, so we know he was just lying... 

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No one deny the fact that this drama went downhill after ep.17...

- too many rushed scenes.

- too many plot holes

- unnecessary stories..

- improper editing..

i assumed the ending will be worse after watching the ep 17 .. 

The writer seriously failed to present a proper story and was squeezed to present convincing ending because there was no other go!!

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11 minutes ago, ruizaio said:


It's not SBS. It's the director. It's all the director's fault. He's the one that took his sweet time shooting the first 6 episodes in 3 months and then shooting the remaining 14 eps in mere 2 months, changing things in order (the actress of Chae Ryung said in an interview that the actors themselves were confused because the episodes were so different from what they had shot. HS and CR scene by the stone pile in ep 18 was originally in ep 15), not letting the main cast sleep at all towards the end... He's the one that hired an inexperienced writer whose word choices are atrocious in Korean and put off usual sageuk viewers early on... (and continued to do so towards the end for the remaining fans)... And now Korean fans are mad that they dared to show up at the party and are still smiling and all. GRRRRRH.

ok. who is this director, i need precise coordinate of his location to be able to nuke him. 

the wordings in sageuk used, is it too modern or something? do you think that's one of the reason for the low ratings in korea? international fans wont know the different because we watch it by sub?

whatt, crazy no sleep schedule? the whole point of full production was to avoid the crazy schedule. baddddddddd director!

my friend complaint, wook soo scene took too much time, while soo and so was like a blip, you blink and you missed it. i am assume it's his doing too?

thanx for the explanation. 

dvd and bluray project can start soon now?


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12 minutes ago, fathiayunia said:

Me : Do you feel like killing someone?

Mom : I do. Let's just time travel to Goryeo or go to SBS and kill everyone.

Me : Great idea. And we can also steal the non-edited video while we're at it.


LOL. You can count me in. I'll be your trusty lookout for any security guards out there. 

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Well. I have no words left to say. I have been trying to process the ending and yet I still fail to do so.

I must tell you, this has been quite traumatic. I will forever have trust issues with this drama's production team. 

What comes out as a good thing from this journey is..all of you, fellow eclipses. We went all the way, didn't we? At last, we once loved this show, some parts of it maybe, but we DID love it.

Thank you very very much for all the good times, thoughts, inside jokes, smiles & giggles. You're all making this journey memorable and fun. See you around, eclipses! 

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14 minutes ago, ruizaio said:


It's not SBS. It's the director. It's all the director's fault. He's the one that took his sweet time shooting the first 6 episodes in 3 months and then shooting the remaining 14 eps in mere 2 months, changing things in order (the actress of Chae Ryung said in an interview that the actors themselves were confused because the episodes were so different from what they had shot. HS and CR scene by the stone pile in ep 18 was originally in ep 15), not letting the main cast sleep at all towards the end... He's the one that hired an inexperienced writer whose word choices are atrocious in Korean and put off usual sageuk viewers early on... (and continued to do so towards the end for the remaining fans)... And now Korean fans are mad that they dared to show up at the party and are still smiling and all. GRRRRRH.

Oh wow.. is that what happened over there? I guess ... things really do mess up. Now I just wish the Director will redeem himself by releasing lots of cut scenes, bts, interviews, and more more stuff! Then.. all is well, in 21th century. Not in Goryeo era. 

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:



I have to come to a forum, get background infor, get commentary to help me understand and get the whole picture. It was the same thing as Woohee's death.

The whole pacing and narration is just not done properly. 

I guess Koreans watched so much of their dramas, they can smell a rat from miles away. To me MLSHR has become cinderella at midnight....all you see is a pumpkin.

its a cultural thing i guess.... me too, i have to see the commentaries to understand some things and take some things figuratively than literally..

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Drama ended...

From the beginning i was prepared it probably won't finish the way i want...and i will except the end we saw.

Cast was great...all of them...but by far the best was LJK...from the start till the end

I loved all of WS and HS scenes even though her great love for him was rushed and not convincing enough...sorry but using time jump not scenes was not enough for me...this way looks more like she gave her to him coz of Wookies cowardice and  betrail

Will be sorry for both WS and HS...both of them r not evil people...but...she was first misplaced  and then brought back and left with such strong memories...at the end seems WS can't be happy no matter what he do...some can say that they had great love and can live with memories...but to me does not seem fair...there is people who have it all and some not..fair?...don't think so

Drama is interesting...will say everyone is worth watching....but i will rewatch maybe a few of OTP scenes...it could of been better...more of fantasy or without it would be better for me

As for season 2...only with same cast...and i think only as a pure romcom would attract me to watch

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