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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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I'm satisfied after seeing episode 18. 

For the first time throughout the drama is aired, I can finally shed tears. I can feel how the pain she was.  By the greatness of her heart, HS said that she could not marry the king because she could not do anything for the king except provide comfort..... :cry:

HS finally was intrigued after reading the CR's bloody letter, which she wrote in that letter : 

 "I am just a person who couldn't stop loving once I started. I'm certain that you will understand how I feel. Chae Ryung doesn't regret it. I don't resent anyone. Whether there is value in doing something or not ... that is something only you can answer for yourself." 
Once finished reading the letter, HS looked around the room. CR's words in the letter made her realize that what she was doing during the time in the palace was no better than CR. It turned out that CR was a girl who had demeanor and dare to take responsibility for what she had done. 

Why HS couldn't forgive the King who had sentenced CR with was beaten to death. Actually, it is a common punishment given to those who are considered treason in ancient times. Yet, HS, in fact, is a girl of the present, with the modern mindset, so anything crimes CR committed against the late king, being a spy and others, HS could not accept that CR was punished like that and she felt that it was very cruel punishment. As you know, in present day such punishment never existed anymore because it violates human rights. 

Therefore she decided to take up Jung's offer to get out of the palace. She asked for help from BA to give her hairpin to Jung with a message: "I am willing". And BA comprehend what she wanted through Jung. BA knew for sure that she was unable to bear her suffering in the palace and she wanted Jung to take her out of the palace. It's like that BA asked her: "If he does it, you will not be sad anymore, right?

Why did she give her hairpin to Jung? That's because Jung asked her to: "Let's see everything like butterflies and live freely" after he saw ornaments butterflies and flowers in her hairpin.

So what Lady Oh once said to WW  is very true, that: "The reason men in the royal family become cowards is always the same". It happened to King Tajeo, WW and WS.
They hoped to get the throne in order to protect their loved ones, but in reality they couldn't keep them. At the end their beloved ones would be the person who was suffering because of the throne,

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9 hours ago, Artheusa said:

I need Wookie to spill the beans about Yeon-hwa's role in the poisoning. She must not get away with it. No no no! I was waiting for the Queen Mamma to do it but she passed away. Please Wookie, go full evil and backstab your sister *cue palpatine laughing

I think that is a possibility! WS told YH to abandon her brother and her whole family if she wants to be his queen, and she probably will. I think Wook will tell WS that YH was behind the poisoning (the first one), and that she wanted HS dead (and she is accountable for her poor health). From then on, life is going to be a living hell for her, WS is already toying with her, and manipulating her (using her greed for power)! That would be a happy end for me :P  ! 

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18 hours ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:

Some of you are saying that HaeSoo is not loyal enough to WangSo and that she does not love him enough.I think that she is loyal to him and still loves him.But you guys...there is a limit to how much pain one can endure.Pain of seeing loved ones die or tortured.Pain of being betrayed by the ones you love.I think HaeSoo understands WangSo.She even said "where will the lies end?" when she read ChaeRyung's letter.But can you erase the pain of seeing someone you consider so close to you being beaten to death?I doubt you can.Especially when it's not only ChaeRyung's death that she feels the burden of.I'm sure she felt that she could have stopped all the other deaths if she had been more careful.So it is not that HaeSoo is disloyal or does not love WangSo.She wants an escape from all the pain.She doesn't want to suffocate anymore.And since WangSo won't let her go no matter what,she has to look for other sources for help-in this case is Jung and perhaps even Wook.

From what I could see in ep 18, she looks like she wants to leave because she is angry at So. Can she not remember the pain he had to go through denying his brother Mu and bending to Yo's will for her, then having to kill Eun, all because she trusted the wrong people. I don't care if she leaves because she is in pain but don't leave letting So think that he is a monster in her eyes, it is like a knife to his heart. How much you want to bet that the knife will go deeper if and when she pleads for Wook's life next week... there is a limit to how much pain he can endure also.  She hasn't even tried to ask him to let her go and she goes straight to Jung? He has never denied her anything so why can't she trust him to let her go when she needs to? I have no more patience for her so unless she redeems herself and love him unreservedly, I am done with this ship and let her die alone and live her life in the future with regrets.

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Para12012     2,192

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Posted 35 minutes ago · 

Just my first thought after watching the episode live. I thought it would take more than that for HS to leave WS. Yes she cherished CR but she should also understand WS. In the C-Version 4th had killed all his retainers, Yutan died, 8th wife ended up committing suicide and RX loss her child, all of which she blamed herself for as the instigator. So I understood her desperate need to escape the palace at the time. I just cant believe HS. I was expecting it but not this soon. In C-Version RX also understood why Yutan had to die although she hated the method. 


Definitely agree with you, I think the reason HS to leave the palace to shallow, I mean, if she experiences the same thing like the RX so it's understandable that she desperately want to leave the palace, in my opinion HS seems like only blaming WS.. even WS tried to explain everything.. she keeps saying CR is my sister, she is doing it out of "Love".. in a previous episode HS said CP Moo is like her brother, please Hae Soo the one you thought "your sister" killed your brother, OMG can't stand that scene.. please writer-nim why you make HS seem so delusional... (I know she sick & feel betrayed by CR but that reason not quite right to leave WS & give up) 
& YH scene holding HS's mask, why she knows it was HS mask? She is spying them entire lovey dovey time???

I think 20 episodes too rush, can't do justice to character development & too many plot holes MLSHR at least should be 28-30 episode..
Now I'm frustrated T__T, MLSHR what have u done to me.. щ(ºДºщ) ... 


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40 minutes ago, Yeekrfan2 said:


Awesome @kdramawriter ! Maybe in Ep 19, HS will let WS know she's from the future and after her death, WS will write a message to her in this Hangul diary of her like in the ending of the Korean drama "Queen In Hyun's Man" hoping she will read it in the future somehow? :w00t:  Ohh so excited with this idea, what does WS wishes to say?


or the diary might be in the possession of future WS for some reason.. and a special message was written at the back of the diary coming from WS...

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18 hours ago, paldia said:

After today's episode I have a feeling that when HS is dieing Jung won't let WS see her for the last time. :S

You might be right, what goes around comes around, that family tend to hold grudges for a long time, must be Queen Yoo's dna.

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I've always been a glass half full kind of person but I've stopped hoping that ML will have a happy ending about 2 or 3 episodes ago [around the time Eun and Deok died], and based on the preview it would be unrealistic for me to think that my boat a.k.a. So x Soo ship will go any further. We all saw that they tried to stay together, amidst all the evil scheming around them, their personal trust issues and differing ideals etc. they tried so hard to make their relationship work against all odds but alas! as one internet quote that I've read goes "Sometimes love is just not enough...we are two different lives....heading in two different directions" [ouch, posting that hurt a little too much!:cry:]

Hae Soo - I know that most of us had been exasperated with her for the majority of this series, I even remember saying a few episodes back that I'm not sure if the show wants us to root for her or hate her but with just 2 episodes left I guess I've resigned myself to whatever decision she makes. I just have one wish left and that is if she dies at the end, I hope Wang So is beside her.

Wang So - hmm... I still think he's a good person [as far as I can recall he hasn't knowingly done anything that will hurt Soo except for turning Chae-ryung into a  bloody burrito, and he did give his reasons after and it's not like he can casually bring up "Honey, I've ordered that your best bud be tenderized like a piece of beef tomorrow] but it would be inaccurate to say becoming King has not changed him. He always had that streak of violence in him, and we all know he can turn into a ruthless killer but whereas he was powerless before, now he knows that he wields so much power over everyone and has no qualms about using it. We also know that what he considers his, is his alone and he's not open to sharing and herein lies the possible reason why he might annoy me next week **his reaction to finding out that Wook and Soo had a romantic past. That preview got me :huh: and a li'l bit :angry:, I mean Wang So bro, cut Hae Soo some slack, even though it probably hurt like hell she gave up that one thing she has waited for so long [getting married to you] and readily accepted that Yeon Hwa is better suited to be Queen but you can't do the same for her? And over an ex at that, past is past man! Anyway, I expect that some s*** will go down next week, but I have a similar wish for So, and that is if Hae Soo dies at the end, I hope he can be there to comfort her.

Addtl reactions/observations:

  • Why do the evil scheming ones always just die unceremoniously? They either just drop dead ala Yo or faint and become bed ridden then go poof ala Queen SMS but the good/innocent ones had violent deaths  e.g. by hanging ala Lady Oh or by cold blooded murder ala Eun and Deok and even to some extent Chae-ryung who was turned into a bloody burrito [I know she's no saint, she was in cahoots with the evil ones and knowingly poisoned late King Mu but I felt like she's a girl who was naive enough to get manipulated because of love and due to her lowly slave status, she was the first one to get thrown under the bus]. Maybe I'm just a blood-thirsty, vengeful person but it irks me that after all the bad stuff Yo and Queen SMS has done starting from the treatment of So when he was a kid to plotting to overthrow Kings and murder own family members they sort of had easy deaths. On the plus side I'm glad they made Queen SMS stay true to her evil core till the very end, no last minute apologies or act of redemption coming from her. That was the first time I didn't shed a tear when someone died in this series. 
  • When Jung was punished/exiled, I guess it included that he no longer has access to the royal hair and fashion stylist or something because his hairstyle and over all look has been less than pleasing this past few episodes *side-eyes Jung's sideburns*
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8 minutes ago, hiluna said:

You might be right, what goes around comes around, that family tend to hold grudges for a long time, must be Queen Yoo's dna.

i fear that might happen too, that jung might withhold HS seeing WS (or vice versa) akin to what he did to QYoo and Jung..

PDnim, where's the satisfying ending if youre going to do that?

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18 hours ago, pass3rby said:

I cried most during the lantern scene. They were so happy, and yet it was their last moment  of happiness. It's gonna be a downhill, aEp very fast one. In this scene, WangSo looked really beautiful, the most of all Wangsolicious looks from the very first episode.

I felt like wanted to throw up everytime I see YH. Especially when YH in the room with Gwangjong. I felt really sick.

I can't believe what the writer has done to them, to us. 

I am gonna curl myself into a ball and weep some more.


It could have been much worse. I was worried that YH would get her way with So when she wore that mask in the bedroom. Thank goodness he was alert enough to notice she wasn't Soo, he certainly stared often enough at Soo's lips to know the difference. I hope he didn't give in to her after their talk about throwing her family away because you can't trust the Hwangbo family members to keep their promises

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RIP CR .... I know she's cruel but I cant tolerate corporal punishment no matter how servere the crime is. "an eye for an eye" therefore what does that make you?

Im going to open up a can of worms arent I?? :vicx:


She did an interview which is translated by IU fanbase - cr. IU Team star candy



source: http://m.media.daum.net/m/entertain/newsview/20161025063046002

They've also translated the recent BTS vid and they will post all of the translatedvids on YT after the drama ends. :D


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Woooooow that was heavy. I felt like I was kicked in the chest. Wang So to King Gwangjong "The Punisher" "Debt collector" the writers of the drama are here somewhere listening to us when we said these character needs to pay and he is after WW on the next episode. Can't wait for WW priceless expression when he is now being framed. On the other hand can't blame HS for leaving the situation is just too much for her heart to handle. 

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41 minutes ago, paldia said:

I think that is a possibility! WS told YH to abandon her brother and her whole family if she wants to be his queen, and she probably will. I think Wook will tell WS that YH was behind the poisoning (the first one), and that she wanted HS dead (and she is accountable for her poor health). From then on, life is going to be a living hell for her, WS is already toying with her, and manipulating her (using her greed for power)! That would be a happy end for me :P  ! 


Maybe Wook want to cheat death by ratting her sister to Gwangjong.

oooohhhhhh if this happen, I will really enjoy it :wub:

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18 hours ago, mfongy said:

Wang So is that boyfriend/husband whom you crazily fell in love with, not knowing he can become overly possessive, jealous, and abusive that you ended up regretting knowing him. :P


I don't know why most of you don't like the ruthless Gwangjong. I love it that he is meting out justice for himself, his brothers Mu and Eun and also for her.  He is furious at all the betrayals, do you blame him for seeing her attitude as yet another betrayal? He has never been abusive and it is in character that he gets jealous and possessive but that is how he loves and Soo knew that when she fell in love with him. He did try to push her away but once she clung to him, you can't blame him for loving her completely.  For me, So and GJ are one and the same, his character hasn't changed. Soo could have tempered his vengeance but with her rejection once again, he will be in full rampage mode next week and I am looking forward to it.  I love Wang So and will stand by him even if Soo doesn't :wub:

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