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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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I need to take every pieces of my heart to have my heart strong again i have 6 days before they broke it again and hope that after 7 days my heart will be in peace how we live this last moon week .... omo is really last week of waiting is that good or bad i still don't know but is reliave that will end soon because i cry every week for like almost 3 mount hahahhahah so make us smile in the end make us reliave make them happy and all of us to Make us remember this drama with good to want to watch it again and again and belive that the ONE BIG LOVE of our live is our destiny our hope make us belive in good in people that this love that is so strong that it dosen matter where are you is been day or years and don't matter what problems couple have and distans between them the LOve will always win because is the biggest  power in the world 

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It is 3.00 a.m now in my country. I couldn't sleep even though I keep on yawning and yawning. I wanted to watch yesterday episode, so I checking on the raw. I don't understand a word but my heart suddenly feeling so pain. After all, the trusted wall being build up, just a stone hit it, the wall collapse on the ground. It shattered all over the ground that makes it hard to build again. Everything has to start from scratch. I believe the throne is haunted and cursed. Everyone who sits (except Taejo) become coward, paranoid and ruthless. 

Hae soo. People blame her insane reasoning that doesn't make sense. They started to question her action. Her trust. Her heart. I trust Hae soo until one point I realise how real this drama is. It has consumed me and literally makes me dump my real life and went back to Goryeo every single time I watched it. She got heart problem, she couldn't take any more impact. Only she knows how it feels. I just hope she leaves the palace and dies peacefully. She needs it. Her 21st-century life tortured her and her Goryeo life makes her even suffer. I want to trust her. 

Wang so. The seat surely haunted. People tried to get to you and use you. You have to be strong. Don't dwell on such emotions. You already wore out. You want to live peace and quiet life but end up put on the scary and ruthless mask to protect your loved one. They know your weaknesses and you let them use it against you. Being ruthless does not mean you strong. 

I wanted to trust you PD-nim but you keep ignoring me, my wish. You said the journey will be sad, but the ending will be happy. I want to track back the statement soooo bad, but I couldn't find it. :tears:






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10 minutes ago, imaginary24 said:

I see. Thanks for clarifying. But how bout now?

He's still is and always will be hahaha... he's famous in china, and i guess now in other parts of the world.. and also will star in Resident Evil movie coming out this 2017..

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58 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Sorry but IU cuts were taken from Producer. I don't know from which drama JoonGi cuts were taken. Plus the giveaway is his cheeks compared to WS'.

i think they were taken ,if i'm not mistaken from his 2 weeks drama

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6 minutes ago, sosooyah19 said:

He's still is and always will be hahaha... he's famous in china, and i guess now in other parts of the world.. and also will star in Resident Evil movie coming out this 2017..

Wow! You sure knew a lot about him! Alright, will be waiting Resident Evil 2017 then.;)

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8 minutes ago, chatiimoon said:

ahhh my HaeSoo ;o;

if i were her i would've left the palace with lady oh when she suggested

lesson 1 never trust words of love from princes or kings or men that desire power

lesson 2 people don't change for anyone nor for love, thats the biggest lie people, dont try it.

lesson 3 i'm a massochist, i knew what to expect from this series and here i am (thank god this is not my first historical drama)

i wish episode 20 have lots of time in the present days because i need a happy go ha jin, stronger after this (traumatic) experience finding a sweet love, pleazzzz (with a present day lee junki of course)

(but i don't trust the pd xD)


i guess i learned 2 and 3.. damn..

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5 hours ago, paras said:

Did Ws not tell HS once that it did not matter who she loved as long as it is not Jung?!

King mode - Forgets the past. He let go of her so easily. He seemed so devoted in the past.


Dear HS - Lady Oh had given you good advice girl. You should have listened


No, he told her that he will kill all except BA.

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13 minutes ago, bluesunny3 said:

So I've just been sucked into the Scarlet Heart Ryeo world from all the ads I've seen on Facebook! I pride myself on my self control but what should have been 1 hour of my life turned into 8!...then the next day, I missed my classes to completely catch up! Seriously, what is wrong with me?!!?! Is this normal?!

anyway, I see lots of hate on Hae Soo and I just want to know why?!?! Maybe it's because I've watched 17 episodes in 2 days..granted she's not the smartest person to be sent back....but a lot of what wang so did to her in the beginning (the scene where he tells the assassin to kill her, the multiple times he choked her, when she made the choice to enter the palace so no one would be killed and Prince So was like "whatever...she made her choice...bye," after the birthday scene when he tells her he hates the way she looks at him, when Prince So stayed mad at her for looking at him without his mask on but forgave everyone else).....when he was still mad at her and ignoring her during the time of the rain ceremony scene and she still helped him cover his scar!!!!!......all those scenes are still fresh in my mind.

I can totally see why she took a long time to fall for prince so...the fact the he treated her so cruelly and she was still kind to him... willing to help him was probably what made him fall in love with her in the first place...Maybe we, as the audience can see his feelings and intentions, but she couldn't (too busy trying to survive in Goryeo?).

In her eyes, he went from disliking her to all but claiming her his in span of a day!..(plus wook is mad handsome and he was super nice to her...at first anyway:(......She wasn't going to just fall into So's arms....

I love Prince So....MY GOD, I love that man.....but did everyone just forget how he treated her in the beginning? He MORE than made up for it in the middle but it's so devastating to see him treating her coldly again in the next episode:(


guess this episode is too extreme that it makes us forget the nice things in the previous episodes :sweatingbullets:

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1 hour ago, briseis said:

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Episode 19 Preview

“From now on, I do not wish to ever see you again.” 

Everything is going to hell, to all 18 levels of it to be precise, including 18 episodes of Wang So’s character development, or at least it seems so from the preview for episode 19. The fact that WS would actually abandon Soo because he learns that she was “engaged” to Wook is just PLAIN BAD WRITING and it’s only ruining his character as such choice on his part makes no narrative sense whatsoever. 10 FREAKING years ago Soo had confessed to him that she loved someone else, he hadn’t minded then, 6 years ago he didn’t mind when she told him it wasn’t Jung, FOR 10 FREAKING YEARS HE HAVEN’T GIVEN A DAMN, SO WHY THE 18 HELLS SHOULD HE START NOW?! I think I will simply selectively forget that something like this will ever happpen.

The second thing is that HS’s whole past relationship with Wook is so ineffective as something that would inspire in So mad jealousy because it was so impotent and platonic from the very beginning. On the other hand, RX’s relationship with the 8th Prince in the novel/cdrama was a torrid affair and their trysts were much more physical and chemistry-charged than her encounters with the 4th Prince (they even made-out on a dirty ground!).And there is HS WHO NEVER EVEN KISSED WOOK! SO’S BEEN HER FIRST KISS, HER FIRST LOVER, HER FIRST EVERYTHING. Plus in all those 18 episodes, HE HAS NEVER EVER BEEN JEALOUS BEFORE! The writer has changed the story so much, but most of all she has CHANGED THE CHARACTERS WHO ARE DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITES TO THE ONES IN THE NOVEL, PARTICULARLY SO. Now it appears, that she will be transplating Yinzhen’s brain into So’s head in the last 2 episodes and that simply IS NOT RIGHT, HE DESERVES BETTER.


By the way if So sleeps with YH before HS’S death, IN THAT MOMENT THIS DRAMA WILL BE OFFICIALLY OVER FOR ME! Because this would be another thing that would go against 18 episodes of character development, and So would never do that. Come one, show, Queen Daemok didn’t get pregnant until 955, there is still enough time for So to die way before THAT!

But perhaps, this is another one in the series of misleading previews and this all is just a huge misunderstanding (please, drama gods!).


NO NO NO! Just yesterday I was praising Wang So's & Wang Wook's character development but what is this? Wang So breaking up with Hae Soo over her past lover is so out of his character! if they must break them up to stay true to the novel then they need to change the reason of the break up & make it much deeper to fit with Wang So's personality, like discovering that she's from the future & he killed all his brothers which will make him think that maybe she was just trying to save his brothers by changing him & it wasn't true love, after all Hae Soo has always been extreme just like him she'll do anything to help people, that what he thinks, he'll be hurt but he still want her to be happy so he sent her free promising her that he'll not kill his brothers & she can go now & live happily outside the palace. 



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i don't think So know that Soo only 10 years to lived.. even when the doctor did't tell him that her body is weak he went berserk mode... knowing that she will die will destroy him a lot more than knowing WW is her past lover.. 

this might be Soo ultimate sacrifice that she will do for him.. not letting him know about her sickness and just making him hate her is much easier than him keep destroying his life because of torn between throne and his love...

talk about the irony of what Lady Oh said... people don't changed out of love and power will changed people...


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3 hours ago, briseis said:

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Episode 19 Preview


“From now on, I do not wish to ever see you again.” 

Everything is going to hell, to all 18 levels of it to be precise, including 18 episodes of Wang So’s character development, or at least it seems so from the preview for episode 19. The fact that WS would actually abandon Soo because he learns that she was “engaged” to Wook is just PLAIN BAD WRITING and it’s only ruining his character as such choice on his part makes no narrative sense whatsoever. 10 FREAKING years ago Soo had confessed to him that she loved someone else, he hadn’t minded then, 6 years ago he didn’t mind when she told him it wasn’t Jung, FOR 10 FREAKING YEARS HE HAVEN’T GIVEN A DAMN, SO WHY THE 18 HELLS SHOULD HE START NOW?! I think I will simply selectively forget that something like this will ever happpen.


The second thing is that HS’s whole past relationship with Wook is so ineffective as something that would inspire in So mad jealousy because it was so impotent and platonic from the very beginning. On the other hand, RX’s relationship with the 8th Prince in the novel/cdrama was a torrid affair and their trysts were much more physical and chemistry-charged than her encounters with the 4th Prince (they even made-out on a dirty ground!).And there is HS WHO NEVER EVEN KISSED WOOK! SO’S BEEN HER FIRST KISS, HER FIRST LOVER, HER FIRST EVERYTHING. Plus in all those 18 episodes, HE HAS NEVER EVER BEEN JEALOUS BEFORE! The writer has changed the story so much, but most of all she has CHANGED THE CHARACTERS WHO ARE DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITES TO THE ONES IN THE NOVEL, PARTICULARLY SO. Now it appears, that she will be transplating Yinzhen’s brain into So’s head in the last 2 episodes and that simply IS NOT RIGHT, HE DESERVES BETTER.



By the way if So sleeps with YH before HS’S death, IN THAT MOMENT THIS DRAMA WILL BE OFFICIALLY OVER FOR ME! Because this would be another thing that would go against 18 episodes of character development, and So would never do that. Come one, show, Queen Daemok didn’t get pregnant until 955, there is still enough time for So to die way before THAT!

But perhaps, this is another one in the series of misleading previews and this all is just a huge misunderstanding (please, drama gods!).



I haven't watched 18 yet but:

YAS I HEAR YOU! I AGREE WITH YOU TOO! My eyes are rolling at the thought of where the plot is headed. 

Warning! My rant (and complaining) LOL:


Here's a thing I feel So and Soo are lacking:

they dont tell each other everything entirely. Its either they do or they dont and when they do: THEY DONT TELL EACH OTHER THE CRUCIAL AND IMPORTANT THINGS AND IT COMES  BACK TO AFFECT THEIR RELATIONSHIP, WHICH WILL ONLY PLUMMET THEIR LOVE! (Except for the kings death and all. I know Im forgetting some other things.) Like oh my mother of God So-Soo, i thought you guys were going to stay true and honest with each other. Wtf happened to that?! WAAAEEEE????!!!! Why didn't So tell Soo about CR? Why didn't Soo tell So that she was hiding Eun? Why?? I thought they rather hear the ugly truth than the beautiful lies! I hope Im NOT the only one who feels this way.

Of course its also the situations and side characters that come together to create such problems, and no couple is perfect but...*sigh* it frustrates me. I understand that what happens has to happen... but... why couldn't they just be honest and straightfoward with each other? Even when it was horrible, why didnt they confide in each other about their decisions? *HUGE SIGH*

As you said, why is So just now jealous after 18 episodes? HE KNEW Soo had feelings for one of his brothers before, why now? However, from what I have read so far from everyone's posts, to me its somewhat understandable why So is pissed and at Soo. The only explanation I can think of is bc So has always been suspicious of Wook for years now and that Wook is trying to control So by using the throne and Soo. And for him to find out that the girl he loves once had a "romantic chemistry" with his enemy, he would be mad.

But I agree too that this is a very weak reason. I don't understand why So's jealousy and anger would be to the extent of abandoning her. I feel like this goes back to what I said. They haven't told each other the crucial and important information about each other, causing misunderstandings and problems in their relationship (which will be the death of them)!!!!

I also noticed that the Goryeo characters are so caught up in the past. Soo and JM on the other are a little more concerned for the future. Is there anyone who is focused on the now? The Hwangbo family were exiled, therefore wanted to reach the highest place they could: the throne. Someone mentioned (I forgot who I'm sorry I'll tag you when I find you) that So is now taking revenge and collecting debt from everyone who owes him from the past. JM is dead on about keeping history tge same for the future, and then there's Soo who also feels the same... Hm I could be wrong. Im a noob at analyzing.

If So wasn't so hung up in the past (his own tragedies and the history between Soo and Wook)... would he be reacting the way we did? Would it be out of character of him to do so? What do you guys think?


*Sigh* they should've extended the episodes to at least 25 or something! PD-nim better not be misleading us fans that the end is a happy one or he's gonna feel our wrath! LOL! 

Edited by shinaabby
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47 minutes ago, jadecoral said:


One simply does not get pregnant from having sex once. (though that can happen sometimes)

The good news is that the wind blowing out the candle is a solid proof that So definitely hit a home run with Soo. Because that's standard drama convention to indicate a sex scene due to inability to show it on screen. (other conventions being: a petal falling from a flower, lightning striking, camera panning elsewhere while OTP fades out kissing and falling onto the bed).

Ehem. And notice Soo had one layer of clothes missing as she lies beside So.

See that's what I thought but I've seen so many posts saying it wasnt the case but in all honesty =_= lol Love that Soo is missing some key pieces of clothing, huge indication it wasnt your typical sleepover lol WS definitely did hit that home run

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