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[Drama 2015] Sassy Go Go (Cheer Up) 발칙하게 고고

Guest dramacf

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I AM SO HAPPPYYYYYYYY!!!!!:tears::wub::w00t: #OT13 IS INDEED REAL!!!!

(p/s: EJ looks like Nanako Matsushima, one of my fav J-actress, here)


LWG on JEJ: 'Affinity A+, The Feeling Like a Reliable Ally'


인터뷰 중 이원근은 이번 ‘발칙하게 고고’를 통해 처음 작품을 함께한 정은지에 대해 “첫 만남부터 든든한 아군 같은 느낌이 들었다.”고 말해 눈길을 모았다.
During the interview, LWG gathered attention (when) commenting about JEJ, whom he had his first drama with in SGG (that), "From the first time we met, (I) had a feeling like she is a reliable friend."

이원근은 “원래 낯가림이 심해서 처음 만난 사람과 친해지는 데에 시간이 꽤 오래 걸리는 편이다. 이번엔 첫 주연작인데다가 비슷한 또래의 친구들이 많아서 현장 분위기를 잘 이끌어가야 한다는 생각에 부담도 많은 상태로 촬영장을 갔는데 은지 씨가 워낙 친화력이 좋아서 처음 만나자마자 정말 반갑게 우리 한 번 열심히 해보자고 하더라. 나이가 중요한 건 아니지만 은지 씨가 두 살 어린데도 뭔가 든든한 아군 같은 느낌이 들어서 같이 있으면 정말 편했다. 그래서 호흡도 더 잘 맞았던 게 아닌가 싶다.”며 정은지와의 첫 만남에 대한 소회를 전했다. 
LWG's first impression of JEJ: "Originally I am a type that has a very strong anxiety (thus) will take some time to get close to somebody I just met. Since this is my first lead role (and) there are many same-age friends (thus) I was always pressured by the thoughts to be responsible in keeping  the atmosphere of the shooting site good (but) when I went to the site, EJ-ssi was so good at connecting with others (sociability) and it was really pleasant to meet her for the first time (and) she said let us all give our best again. Although age is not important, EJ-ssi is 2 years younger (than I am) but she somehow gave off a feeling like a reliable ally (that) when I was with her I felt really comfortable. Thus I think I can breath and again do better."

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'김열'이 아닌 이원근이라면 '강연두vs정은지' 어느 쪽을 선택할 것 같으냐고도 물었다. 이원근은 "은지 씨는 워낙 성격도 좋고 일에서도 굉장히 현명하고 똑부러지게 잘 해나가는 모습이 있다면 연두도 친구들을 좋아하고 팀을 이끄는 리더십도 있고 하지만 실제 은지 씨보다는 여린 부분들이 있어서 뭔가 지켜주고 싶은 생각이 든달까. 그래서 연두에게 조금 더 마음이 갈 것 같다."며 너털웃음과 함께 강연두를 택해 주위의 아쉬움(?)을 자아냈다.
LWG on 'KYD vs. JEJ': "EJ-ssi has a very good personality, extremely intelligent (and) we got along perfectly well (while) YD is also really good with her friends and is kind of the leader-type that steers the team (but) compared to the real EJ-ssi, (KYD) has a fragile side that you feel like protecting her. Therefore, my heart is leaning more towards YD." He was laughing heartily while choosing KYD and caused disappointment (to) the (people) around. (haha, the crew secretly shipping LWG-JEJ?? ME TOO)

(Source: http://m.tvj.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=27763  ; Translation by ME)


And here is the remaining part of LWG's article on JEJ

이어 “생방 촬영에 다들 피곤하고 며칠을 제대로 씻지도 못해서 예민할 수 있고 그런데도 힘들지 않느냐고 물어보면 은지 씨는 늘 웃으면서 그래도 이번 주 방송이 잘 나가야하니 어쩔 수 없지 않느냐고 얘기하더라. 평상시에 하는 행동이나 스태프들에게 하는 행동을 봐도 아 저 친구가 참생각도 좋고 행실도 좋구나 라는 게 그냥 멀리서 가는 모습만 봐도 그게 딱 보인다. 실제로 체력이 엄청 좋아서인지 현장이니까 일부러 노력했던건지는 모르겠지만 다들 체력왕이라고 인정할 정도로 그런 모습이 끝까지 한결같았다. 분명히 지칠 법도 한데 단 한 번도 불만이나 불평을 얘기한 적이 없다. 남자인 나도 힘든데 어떻게 저럴 수 있을까, 정말 프로구나 라는 생각이 들었고 은지 씨의 그런 파이팅이 자극이 되면서 친구들도다들 끝까지 긴장을 놓지 않고 할 수 있던 게 아닌가 싶다.”며 평소 촬영현장에서도 맹활약한 정은지에 대해 전하기도 했다.
LWG shared about JEJ who played an active part at the shooting site everyday (sayingg), "During live-shooting, everybody was tired and we cannot even wash ourselves properly for a few days  (that) we became (a bit) sensitive, even so EJ-ssi did not sound like she's having hard time and said (to us while) always smiling that nevertheless for this week's broadcast too we have to give our best no matter what it is. Looking at her everyday's manner and also to the staffs, 'Ah, this friend is someone who has very good (way of) thinking and good behaviour' (and) although it's only based on my observation from afar but that's exactly how she appears.  I cannot be sure whether she is in really having such a great energy or purposely (be) energetic at the shooting site, (but) she consistently appeared to be so (i.e. energetic) till the end to the extent that everybody acknowledged her as 'King of Stamina'. Even she clearly looked tired but she never even once complained or expressed dissatisfaction. Even I am man I wonder how she managed to do that, so I was thinking she's really a pro and if not for EJ-ssi's fighting spirit, I wonder whether I and also the other friends can cope with the stress till the end."

(Translation by ME)


@XXXlatebloomerXXX thanks for your translation, now I understand more on the BTS from our lovely male lead~

EunJi is such a positive and easy going yet pro person, I believe everyone loves her~:wub:

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Yes, I was waiting for a week to know who she called to and hoped it's KY  but they cut it out . But maybe it's HDJ. Still a question that we never know the answer (or we have to wait for DVD cut)

The final ep doesn't have squeeing moments of KY-YD like ep 10, 11 but there are many simple but sweet moments instead. Like when YD told the team to come to the arena 30 minutes before the performance, no one understand what she wanted to do but KY immediately understands her attention and smile, even explain for others. Hehe I can't get enough of this couple

@XXXlatebloomerXXX thanks for your translation as always. Seems like there will be one more to join them. I am curious who would be

Really, this OT13  makes our withdrawal more serious 

@ezly : I think they will release those NGs and BTS on DVD cut version only.

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Guest adniRose

Omagawddd they're hanging out together! So happy.. Even it's only 4 only for of them.. Really hope they will keep their friendship and stay close after this and can keep meeting if they got time.. Some of School 2013 cast still hang out together, so hopefully they can too.. I'll be dead if all OT13 meet up..

 @season_goong yes this couple is truly amazing because they just can see through each other perfectly.. And how nice if we could get more of their squeeeeing moment right.. It'll be great if they have another 1 more episode.. Sometimes i don't like filler-like scenes for a drama finale because i prefer more of tight plot finale, but SGG is the exception, i'll do anything just to get more of YeolDoo scene together.. Haha

@XXXlatebloomerXXX thanks for the translation.. Eunji is basically the real life version of Yeon Doo.. They're both sunshine to the group.. And a leader material too, no matter how tired she is, she still can give support to others.. Eunji is really precious! And glad to know atleast they're having fun together with those hectic live shooting..


He added, “I’m puzzled by that description. There are so many people who are very handsome out there. Why would they describe me that way? I do look okay on the screen at times, but I can’t really tell since I see myself everyday.”

About the character he played, he added, “Not a lot of information about the character was provided. I didn’t have a clear answer about how to portray Kim Yeol. I discussed with the director and we adjusted as we progressed. The director wanted me to be more cold and conceited. But I wanted to show more of a cute and relaxed side of Yeol around his friends like Yeon Doo (Jung Eun Ji)”


Thanks to Lee Won Geun for discussing with director and actually creative enough to make Kim Yeol's character being more fun.. If not we will got just another typical cold male lead.. 

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@adniRose actually i love a whole scene as well, and i make a whole convo as a gifset, for me that scene have deep meaning. KY being sorry, they really talking about what is their problem between them, KYD opened up about herself, KY gave courage, and how KY taken aback while looking at KYD :D

okay lemme looking for time to continue make gifset from their scenes, :D

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Actually, I never found KY cold male lead. Even in ep 1, he's self-centered, arrogant, not kind of warm man but not cold, quite caring for the ones he like. If he's cold, maybe we don't find him this attractive and unique.

I decided to watch SGG partly because it's 12 ep . I thought shorter is better, more ep means more space for makjang. But like you, I did wished for 1 more ep and more YeolDoo scenes. I am satisfied with movie date but why I couldn't see the private lunch at rooftop cause they did promise for 3 times a week (Rooftop and laundry room are really love nest of this couple lol), or galbi date after official dating (KY said he's sick off galbi BBQ that means they had it many times), and many many other things. Or some more moments of Real King / BaekHo couples like this one lol

u8I9ys.jpg Don't know how many ships there are in this show :vicx::vicx::vicx:

There is 1.5 month until KBS drama award and I start praying Kdrama god out there for OT13 being together again on award night.

@delfin : I am waiting for your gifset :wub: If you have time, please make a gifset of KY patting YD's head and YD patting KYs head. Those scenes are really cute and meaningful to us  hehe

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I AM SO HAPPPYYYYYYYY!!!!!:tears::wub::w00t: #OT13 IS INDEED REAL!!!!

(p/s: EJ looks like Nanako Matsushima, one of my fav J-actress, here)


LWG on JEJ: 'Affinity A+, The Feeling Like a Reliable Ally'


인터뷰 중 이원근은 이번 ‘발칙하게 고고’를 통해 처음 작품을 함께한 정은지에 대해 “첫 만남부터 든든한 아군 같은 느낌이 들었다.”고 말해 눈길을 모았다.
During the interview, LWG gathered attention (when) commenting about JEJ, whom he had his first drama with in SGG (that), "From the first time we met, (I) had a feeling like she is a reliable friend."

이원근은 “원래 낯가림이 심해서 처음 만난 사람과 친해지는 데에 시간이 꽤 오래 걸리는 편이다. 이번엔 첫 주연작인데다가 비슷한 또래의 친구들이 많아서 현장 분위기를 잘 이끌어가야 한다는 생각에 부담도 많은 상태로 촬영장을 갔는데 은지 씨가 워낙 친화력이 좋아서 처음 만나자마자 정말 반갑게 우리 한 번 열심히 해보자고 하더라. 나이가 중요한 건 아니지만 은지 씨가 두 살 어린데도 뭔가 든든한 아군 같은 느낌이 들어서 같이 있으면 정말 편했다. 그래서 호흡도 더 잘 맞았던 게 아닌가 싶다.”며 정은지와의 첫 만남에 대한 소회를 전했다. 
LWG's first impression of JEJ: "Originally I am a type that has a very strong anxiety (thus) will take some time to get close to somebody I just met. Since this is my first lead role (and) there are many same-age friends (thus) I was always pressured by the thoughts to be responsible in keeping  the atmosphere of the shooting site good (but) when I went to the site, EJ-ssi was so good at connecting with others (sociability) and it was really pleasant to meet her for the first time (and) she said let us all give our best again. Although age is not important, EJ-ssi is 2 years younger (than I am) but she somehow gave off a feeling like a reliable ally (that) when I was with her I felt really comfortable. Thus I think I can breath and again do better."

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'김열'이 아닌 이원근이라면 '강연두vs정은지' 어느 쪽을 선택할 것 같으냐고도 물었다. 이원근은 "은지 씨는 워낙 성격도 좋고 일에서도 굉장히 현명하고 똑부러지게 잘 해나가는 모습이 있다면 연두도 친구들을 좋아하고 팀을 이끄는 리더십도 있고 하지만 실제 은지 씨보다는 여린 부분들이 있어서 뭔가 지켜주고 싶은 생각이 든달까. 그래서 연두에게 조금 더 마음이 갈 것 같다."며 너털웃음과 함께 강연두를 택해 주위의 아쉬움(?)을 자아냈다.
LWG on 'KYD vs. JEJ': "EJ-ssi has a very good personality, extremely intelligent (and) we got along perfectly well (while) YD is also really good with her friends and is kind of the leader-type that steers the team (but) compared to the real EJ-ssi, (KYD) has a fragile side that you feel like protecting her. Therefore, my heart is leaning more towards YD." He was laughing heartily while choosing KYD and caused disappointment (to) the (people) around. (haha, the crew secretly shipping LWG-JEJ?? ME TOO)

(Source: http://m.tvj.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=27763  ; Translation by ME)


And here is the remaining part of LWG's article on JEJ

이어 “생방 촬영에 다들 피곤하고 며칠을 제대로 씻지도 못해서 예민할 수 있고 그런데도 힘들지 않느냐고 물어보면 은지 씨는 늘 웃으면서 그래도 이번 주 방송이 잘 나가야하니 어쩔 수 없지 않느냐고 얘기하더라. 평상시에 하는 행동이나 스태프들에게 하는 행동을 봐도 아 저 친구가 참생각도 좋고 행실도 좋구나 라는 게 그냥 멀리서 가는 모습만 봐도 그게 딱 보인다. 실제로 체력이 엄청 좋아서인지 현장이니까 일부러 노력했던건지는 모르겠지만 다들 체력왕이라고 인정할 정도로 그런 모습이 끝까지 한결같았다. 분명히 지칠 법도 한데 단 한 번도 불만이나 불평을 얘기한 적이 없다. 남자인 나도 힘든데 어떻게 저럴 수 있을까, 정말 프로구나 라는 생각이 들었고 은지 씨의 그런 파이팅이 자극이 되면서 친구들도다들 끝까지 긴장을 놓지 않고 할 수 있던 게 아닌가 싶다.”며 평소 촬영현장에서도 맹활약한 정은지에 대해 전하기도 했다.
LWG shared about JEJ who played an active part at the shooting site everyday (sayingg), "During live-shooting, everybody was tired and we cannot even wash ourselves properly for a few days  (that) we became (a bit) sensitive, even so EJ-ssi did not sound like she's having hard time and said (to us while) always smiling that nevertheless for this week's broadcast too we have to give our best no matter what it is. Looking at her everyday's manner and also to the staffs, 'Ah, this friend is someone who has very good (way of) thinking and good behaviour' (and) although it's only based on my observation from afar but that's exactly how she appears.  I cannot be sure whether she is in really having such a great energy or purposely (be) energetic at the shooting site, (but) she consistently appeared to be so (i.e. energetic) till the end to the extent that everybody acknowledged her as 'King of Stamina'. Even she clearly looked tired but she never even once complained or expressed dissatisfaction. Even I am man I wonder how she managed to do that, so I was thinking she's really a pro and if not for EJ-ssi's fighting spirit, I wonder whether I and also the other friends can cope with the stress till the end."

(Translation by ME)


Woah... if even LWG can say this about JEJ this really says a lot about her personality...!! Especially since LWG shoots almost the same amount of scenes with JEJ and they're together around 90% of the time (as seen from the scenes in the drama as they're usually always together in 1 scene)!! Plus!! If you think about it JEJ still had her Apink concert & performances, so she still had to fly out of Seoul to Japan and Jeju (and who knows where else)... I can only say (at this point) that JEJ is truly an angel and a strong support for the whole cast & drama (and everyone else who was involved with the drama)...!!! Sassy Go Go & its cast members & staffs are sooooooooo lucky to be able to work with and got to know JEJ!! This just makes me love JEJ even more!! :wub: I hope JEJ can get a longggggggggg, sufficient rest now and hopefully she and the other cast members can relax now (until their next project or activity)!! ^_^ 

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@delfin thanks for that gif, because i really really reallyyyy love that scene! first, because Yeol come to apologize.. i find that even Yeol likes to brag about himself being almighty and all (lol), but he is quite generous in apologizing and didn't put much his pride upfront.. when he think what he did is wrong, so he said sorry.. even when he and Yeon Doo is still not close yet.. heck, he even apologizing to Soo Ah for thinking that he might go overboard, even i think he didn't have to.. second, Yeon Doo open up to Yeol about her insecurity feelings in the school even she looks fine on the outside.. i love how she's willing to share and shows her vulnerable side to him, and Yeol is cute when tsk-ing her.. third, Yeon Doo getting so lost at that time and don't know what to do, because her even mom forbid her from doing the interview.. but then Yeol's word give her courage and support, and that's what she truly needed at that time.. this is why i love this couple so much.. their never-ending conversation can be deep and wonderful.. 


It's almost a week since "Sassy Go Go," came to an end and I just wanted to share my thoughts.  Since so many people have commented already on what I would've said about the final episode itself, the relationship between the students, parents, etc., instead, I want to focus on the little things that stood out to me in episode 12. 

- I loved how natural YD and Yeol were around each other.  It didn't escape my notice the way Yeol wrapped his arm around YD at every opportunity, whether it was in a gesture of support or simply because everyone was jumping around in giddy excitement together.  It's just natural for them.  Similarly, in that scene where YD and Yeol were wondering why life had to be so difficult for them when the were only 18 and Yeol admitted that even he didn't have any answers this time, I loved how even though YD was standing around the corner, she was holding onto just a bit of Yeol's sweatshirt.  There was something about that simple gesture that struck me as particularly sweet and adorable.



(sorry for cutting your post) i love that scene too.. yes, it's such a simple and mundane stuff, but it's really cute and sweet.. it's also shows how she's at lost and she needs to holding on to him for some support.. and another simple action is at the convenience store, how she just lightly touching his coat and tapping him to calm down that megawatt jealosy, lol..


when Yeon Doo sticking with Yeol, Ha Dong and Ha Joon are actually studying together! and Hyo Shik with the girls too, haha.. how i wish we could get more of Ha brothers interaction.. i want their interaction ever since the bathroom scene in episode 2.. but  atleast we got another one during the truth or dare games, Ha Joon's question make Ha Dong share his story..sgg_zpsy3kydxsy.png


So that means, Ha Joon also tries to become close to Yeon Doo's "Best Friend" too hahah Since, she has become close to him who is Yeol's best friend, so he wants to become close to her best friend too haha :)

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Just want to share what I just found..



yeay!! SGG could managed on 5th rank despite its very low TV ratings..sorry I quoted directly from Google translate..

KBS2 drama balchik to archeology 'was telecast end up 5 in the positive evaluation of Netizens. Good Data Corporation, according to the analysis in November third week online topicality announced 'Competition lucky there was no', 'If you break was at double-digit ratings sense,' 'State forced to lower the age of layer 10 because the ratings,' ' hakwonmul ending the day before the CSAT is organized regret 'and had received comments are under evaluation appears that good work despite several adverse conditions.


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