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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Hey chingus meet again!!… New interesting story hope not a forgive and forget one…. That irritating SR i wish i could transport myself and punch her… her lover character is the most shameless and annoying i saw in K-dramas.


1rst she found the divorce papers and just didn't care anymore

2nd she did know he did not love her but was attracted to her OBVIOUSLY he is a man

3rd that innocent face and mouth she does gets on my nerves 100% and i just want to give her a big punch, forget the pushing hairs 

4th hope they will not give her some decease so it all ends well…like you know the liver, heart, cancer something for us to pity her..


Whatever happened to the ex couple daughter we will find out… she can't remember but she says in her dream something happened to a child because of her so perhaps she feels the guilt of whatever happened and kept in to herself whilst he could not stand her coldness through it all...

I hope he suffers when he learns of her supposed death before he calls her amnesic self for anything...

Hope the ****h comes back and gets 0 of his attention because he will be in shock thus will look for Amnesic her because he will miss his ex wife...


I would like her to get involved with the new guy in the house :D if she does not like him i will have him kekekek I like him :wub::wub: kekeke

I feel sorry for the guy but he is a little too overwhelmingly childish but i suppose that helps her bright side!

She should meet the guy in the house and marry him instead  then if the writer wants to make her her ex lover then be it just so she can reply with the same shamelessness and arrogance SR replied to her whenever she asked her to stay away and leave her husband….

My imagination is running wild… 

Judging from the guy in the house he resembles the idiot ex and hope she remembers the house and they meet and he consequently falls for her leaving annoying ex jelous at the sight of them two when he takes his time to go snooping at their front ward… WOULD JUST LOVE THIS a bit of both him and SR suffering before ex can get the chance to "know" who she is in reality...

I just can't wait for SR to suffer a little, she was a little shameless sly!!

And i bet up till now he has not said he loved her and she will impose that on him or say it to him every now and then lol!!:angry:

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Notice the doctor is reading on "Human disease, Pharmacautical" .. I suspect SR taking those trial pills earlier may develop some kind of sickness, and referred to this doc?

JE's sudden interest in HK/YL may affect the lovelife with SR. And SR being SR frustrated not getting consent to marry JE may start a relationship with this doctor. OR

Twin returned from China..the pills over 4yrs began to show its defective side effects.. YL once again in the picture and thru this met the doctor?

Remember we have 40 more episodes.. so theres going to be lots of relationship confusions going to happen.

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@irilight I thought Your Neighbor's Wife was an ok drama, there's only one thing I didn't like in the end. It's more a comedy than a melodrama though, despite the subject matter.

Haven't watched episode 10 yet, but I hear JE and SR haven't married yet? That worries me a bit because it could only mean HK will go back to him and they'll get together in the end, I guess it would be easier for the writers not to make him divorce twice.


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Was  JE mother  also a mistress  that  give  birth  to  JE  out of wedlock  then  married   JE father  after  his  wife  died? Je and  his  half sister seems closer in age..

 seems normal in kdrama  for men to  cheat/have mistress  and   also  normal  not to get  help from the inlaws, seems thats the way it  is,  females  must  accept  their  situation , females in kdrama  land also have babies  that  they give away , marry  rich and  then find their  adult  child. but  when a married  man    have a  child somewhere they  bring that  child   home  and kick  the child  mother  away...

 if   i  have to compare Kdrama laws  to  my  country it  won't  work.  ..  got to look at  kdrama  with  korean  eyes.lolol. all  mistresses  that  enter  kdrama  i  dislike   some, cause  some did not  know the man was married, and some did it   with  money  signs  in their eyes...

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Hi chinggu, I am new to this thread, I love this drama and I think the writer has successfully created two trash characters which I hated very much - JE and SR.  Especially SR, her fake innocent look and voice make me hate her so much, she is so shameless and feel guiltiness on what she seducing and stolen HK's husband, I just want to slap her, each time when she appears on screen, I just want to skip that, but I can't cuz I want to know how shameless she will this time.  She just don't deserve any happy ending,

For the new guy in the house, I think he is a psychiatry that TS sent to HK's mom house and hypnotise her, why?

He set his alarm clock to 7 am, and then he talked to her " it's 7 O' clock ", and  then he start to eat and play a music in his cell phone, I think "its 7 o clock" is a signal to her and the music is a tool to start hypnosis her, he must implant something that try to control her emotion and behavior to respond on HK 's death, so that's why she can't speak after HK dead.

Later on, may be  BS will bring the new HK-YK to see the psychiatry and cure  her nightmare and meet the new guy, and then HK start to recall her memory and start the revenge.

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Could someone clarify this, please...?

We know that it was Hae-gang who was to leave for China, upon the suggestion of her ex-father-in-law... Then how comes it that is Yong-gi's name that is written on the Certificate of Entry & Departure, which Min Tae-seok had found in Hae-gang's car?

I guess I either didn't get or missed someting...

Yes, asked that question too. It was HK's car and in it were HK's luggage with the family picture of the with the daughter, that is how MTS knew he killed the wrong person, so yeah. Maybe YK was planning to run away to China too? But there was no information on that either.

Hi chinggu, I am new to this thread, I love this drama and I think the writer has successfully created two trash characters which I hated very much - JE and SR.  Especially SR, her fake innocent look and voice make me hate her so much, she is so shameless and feel guiltiness on what she seducing and stolen HK's husband, I just want to slap her, each time when she appears on screen, I just want to skip that, but I can't cuz I want to know how shameless she will this time.  She just don't deserve any happy ending,


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For the new guy in the house, I think he is a psychiatry that TS sent to HK's mom house and hypnotise her, why?

He set his alarm clock to 7 am, and then he talked to her " it's 7 O' clock ", and  then he start to eat and play a music in his cell phone, I think "its 7 o clock" is a signal to her and the music is a tool to start hypnosis her, he must implant something that try to control her emotion and behavior to respond on HK 's death, so that's why she can't speak after HK dead.

Later on, may be  BS will bring the new HK-YK to see the psychiatry and cure  her nightmare and meet the new guy, and then HK start to recall her memory and start the revenge.

We don't have any information on the new guy, except from a post translation of google that he is a doctor and a brother of MTS. We don't know what kind of a doctor he is.

Edited by lupita311
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Hi chinggu, I am new to this thread, I love this drama and I think the writer has successfully created two trash characters which I hated very much - JE and SR.  Especially SR, her fake innocent look and voice make me hate her so much, she is so shameless and feel guiltiness on what she seducing and stolen HK's husband, I just want to slap her, each time when she appears on screen, I just want to skip that, but I can't cuz I want to know how shameless she will this time.  She just don't deserve any happy ending,

For the new guy in the house, I think he is a psychiatry that TS sent to HK's mom house and hypnotise her, why?

He set his alarm clock to 7 am, and then he talked to her " it's 7 O' clock ", and  then he start to eat and play a music in his cell phone, I think "its 7 o clock" is a signal to her and the music is a tool to start hypnosis her, he must implant something that try to control her emotion and behavior to respond on HK 's death, so that's why she can't speak after HK dead.

Later on, may be  BS will bring the new HK-YK to see the psychiatry and cure  her nightmare and meet the new guy, and then HK start to recall her memory and start the revenge.

@Lo2015, what an interesting concept about MTS' brother.  I can't wait to find out what his role is in this drama. I do find it very strange that he sets his clock to remind him the time to eat breakfast. I also find it strange that instead of asking if breakfast is ready, he says "It's 7 o'clock"; as if breakfast has to be ready at that exact time or it will miss up his schedule.  I also thought it was strange that he didn't ask her what happen when he saw the beans on the floor or if he was completely oblivious to JE's mom yelling while HK's mom threw beans at her.  There is something definitely a little strange about him.

Edited by lclarakl
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I also agree there's something strange about Doc, when he's setting his clock at 7 o'clock. as it also kind of reminds me watching Amityville Horror, when George Lutz was setting his alarm clock and getting up at 3:45 am every morning and go into a rage. But we'll surely find out what Doc's intentions are won't we.

Edited by suchadiva42
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Thanks for the clarification about the hospital. 


At this day & age, some people have grown skeptical about true love.
How most people here where I am, have gone believing that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FOREVER anymore.
Hahaha most tweets are with hashtag # ThereIsNoForever LOL.

My opinion on it...

BIOLOGICALLY...yes human beings (particularly the males...sorry no discrimination here LOL) are biologically "built" to stray..you know wanting or being attracted to different mate partners (blame the hormones i guess).

MORALLY...well inspite of that, since human beings has the ability to know what is right from wrong... should atleast be more conscientious of their actions and decisions in life.

DIVORCE has been an accepted practice in some cultures already.  So be it...if both parties have already done all they can to make it work. And still it did not work, then instead of being miserable together, why not separate..right?

WHAT IS UPSETTING for me personally, is if one is still LEGALLY married but already cohabitating or having immoral relationship with somebody else.  WHY NOT end or put a closure first to the marriage that did not work out, before starting a new relationship.

PLAYING them and fooling them at the same time is really the lowest scum, selfish immoral thing ever.  Some even goes to prison for committing adultery.


Lee Jae Yoon

oh he's really hot, seen his abs in many photos hahaha..his recent drama is Heart to Heart (Tvn)
Maybe his role here is also to cure HK's Mom? that's why there is that 7 am routine or that Spanish song being played.
But why does he have to be the brother of that freak MTS ...arggghhhh :crazy:


Edited by berny
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I think adultery is committed by both men and women.It's a repetitive gesture.Or else girls would not do it right? Girls like SR do exist ..who tend to be that much headstrong and one directional to grab the one they target.I say target because we saw the photos in her mobile of jin eon..reading, working, etc.What's interesting here is  that SR being this way despite coming from her father's upbringing. She definitely has not got her brother's conscience or empathetic nature.The writer just tried to give her bit of both though which comes off as pretentious... As HK says at the end of ep 9..'you want too much' when SR apologized to HK..or ' you want to be at ease with yourself'...lol..Just that every cause has consequences and SR will taste her own medicine.

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I'm enjoying the discussion on this thread. Its interesting reading all the different opinions on JE, SR, & HK characters.

Anyways, is it true new episodes won't air this weekend because its Korean Thanksgiving?

If true, hopefully they will celebrate all on Saturday and air both episodes on Sunday:P I know its just wishful thinking on my part.

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 It  does not look  like   this is SR  first  time  stealing  someone  man/husband.SR seems like an expert   when  talking  to  JE  wife. not an eyebrow  of shock or omg    I'm sorry, or a  hint of being  nervous , its like SR been  doing  this  for  years . for a  young  girl from a poor  background  she  manage to kick  out a  high ranking lawyer out of her marriage and home.   

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I agree, @berny! There's only forever if both parties want it! My husband was married once! His ex wife gave up and left him! Then he was with another woman! She left him as well! Finally, there's me! We're going on nine years with our fifth child due in less than a month! Hopefully, it's forever for us!

After your break, I hope you come back, @jadecloud!

I'm not all caught up with the current aired episodes but I would like to comment on why Hae Gang begged Seol Ri instead of Jin Eun! Hae Gang already talked to Jin Eun before hand and he wouldn't listen to her at all so she probably thought that he wouldn't change his mind even if she beg, talk to him again! In that case, she decided to beg Seol Ri to step back, give them space and maybe Jin Eun may change his mind within time but of course being the person that Seol Ri is, there was no point of talking, begging her! Plus, most importantly, Jin Eun pretty much already made up his mind of giving up on their marriage! He's such an a s s! But I love Ji Jin Hee though! Lol!

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Hi, yeah now it's hard to hold on in the concept of "forever"...but i also think that both parties must work on it everyday, nurture love everyday...for it to last a lifetime.

Cause not all are so lucky to find a lifetime partner...just like in this drama...the foundation of their relationship is not strong even if they really loved each other from the beginning...

The trials, the conflict made their relationship crumble.

So it's mostly a mutual effort from both sides, and faith, trust, loyalty & LOVE :)



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Thanks for the clarification about the hospital. 


At this day & age, some people have grown skeptical about true love.
How most people here where I am, have gone believing that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FOREVER anymore.
Hahaha most tweets are with hashtag # ThereIsNoForever LOL.

My opinion on it...

BIOLOGICALLY...yes human beings (particularly the males...sorry no discrimination here LOL) are biologically "built" to stray..you know wanting or being attracted to different mate partners (blame the hormones i guess).

MORALLY...well inspite of that, since human beings has the ability to know what is right from wrong... should atleast be more conscientious of their actions and decisions in life.

DIVORCE has been an accepted practice in some cultures already.  So be it...if both parties have already done all they can to make it work. And still it did not work, then instead of being miserable together, why not separate..right?

WHAT IS UPSETTING for me personally, is if one is still LEGALLY married but already cohabitating or having immoral relationship with somebody else.  WHY NOT end or put a closure first to the marriage that did not work out, before starting a new relationship.

PLAYING them and fooling them at the same time is really the lowest scum, selfish immoral thing ever.  Some even goes to prison for committing adultery.


Lee Jae Yoon

oh he's really hot, seen his abs in many photos hahaha..his recent drama is Heart to Heart (Tvn)
Maybe his role here is also to cure HK's Mom? that's why there is that 7 am routine or that Spanish song being played.
But why does he have to be the brother of that freak MTS ...arggghhhh :crazy:


The doc's facial expression looks highly suspicious indeed.

Very unfriendly aura and HK mum moving like a robot? 

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I think adultery is committed by both men and women.It'sepetitive gesture.Or else girls would not do it right? Girls like SR do exist ..who tend to be that much headstrong and one directional to grab the one they target.I say target because we saw the photos in her mobile of jin eon..reading, working, etc.What'seresting here is  that SR being this way despite coming from her father's upbringing. She definitely has not got her brother's conscience or empathetic nature.The writer just tried to give her bit of both though which comes off as pretentious... As HK says at the end of ep 9..'you want too much' when SR apologized to HK..or ' you want to be at ease with yourself'...lol..Just that every cause has consequences and SR will taste her own medicine.

I agree. You have women like SR that have no problem with going after married men. They rationalize, just as SR, that the wife is at fault for not holding on to their man, so therefore they deserve to take what they want.  These women fail to look at what the man could be doing to cause the marriage to fail. The fact that the man is sleeping with them while married already tells them something about the man's character, but instead they like to blame the wife instead of the husband.

There is something about SR's attitude that I absolutely hate. I also didn't like the way she almost seemed patronizing to HK with her apology and when telling HK that she would remember her so that JE wouldn't have to--that just bugged me, it was so hypocritical........I'm still trying to figure out what this man has that these women feel the need to put him on a must have pedestal. 

Another thing, why doesn't JE carry a phone anymore. Did he get rid of his phone so HK wouldn't be able to call him? Or did he not trust himself to not contact her? I found it interesting that in order for SR to speak with JE, she has to call someone else's phone. Apparently, he no longer carries a cell phone. I'm sure one of the indications for SR that something is going wrong in her relationship with JE is when she finds out he's purchased a cell phone.....she will then want to know who is he calling and who's calling him......YK/HK.  

Edited by lclarakl
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I really feel and this is my assumptions that a man/woman in marriage can stay together forever if they can communicate with one another, my parents did. They were married for 44 yrs until death did them part, my Mother passed away in 2003 which my dad couldn't take it that my mother left him, fell into depression and when he found out he had cancer. All my father was saying he was ready to leave this world because my mother wasn't here any longer passed away in 2007, and don't get me wrong he loved us but knew we can take care of ourselves. It just something when u have that bond between a husband/wife. like I've said communication and trust will keep a marriage intact and going. Lastly" I can't wait to see the reaction from JE looking at HG/YK and him knowing the fact that HG supposed had died and he's looking right at her probably like his butt have seen a ghost, yes this is what we've all been waiting for. So now let the drama begins.

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I really feel and this is my assumptions that a man/woman in marriage can stay together forever if they can communicate with one another, my parents did. They were married for 44 yrs until death did them part, my Mother passed away in 2003 which my dad couldn't take it that my mother left him, fell into depression and when he was he had cancer. All my father was saying he was ready to leave this world because my mother wasn't here any longer passed away in 2007, and don't get me wrong he loved us but know we can take care of ourselves. It just something when u have that bond between a husband/wife. like I've said communicate and trust will keep a marriage intact and going. Lastly" I can't wait to see the reaction from JE looking at HG/YK and him knowing the fact that HG supposed had died and he's looking right at her probably like his butt have seen a ghost, yes this is what we've all been waiting for. So now let the drama begins.

@suchadiva42, What a beautiful love story your parents had. I too believe that marriage can mean staying together forever. I wrote a paper a couple of years ago on divorce and I was surprised to find out that the number one reason for divorce was lack of communication. Due to lack of communication it led to misunderstandings which snowballed into other problems.  It's obvious in JE and HG's marriage that communication was also lacking in their relationship.

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