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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@jadecloud @drmjs ~ remember clearly MS in an earlier episode mentioning a 1% bad effect rate in the trials. he said this whole thing started with a 1% and he felt that the 1% was acceptable even though YK's hubby disagreed. my understanding of pudoxin is that it may cause long-term effects in 1% of the population but with 99% of the population, there will be no short-term effects that are harmful. does anyone remember this 1% number that MS threw out? it was in a conversation he had with JR.... my understanding was also that if they had simply disclosed the 1% and put it as a disclaimer, they actually would not be in so much trouble. but now, it seems the story is changing where pudoxin has affected more than 1%... all kind of confusing.

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7 minutes ago, hibiscus23 said:

@jadecloud LOL chingu no way andwae andwae that i'm ditching my SCU hahaha you made me laugh! btw i luv your avatar, how'd u do that? I luv kim she's one of my faves among the K actresses! oh i've been a fan of JJH even before SCU and their strong resemblance made me like/love the two of them more! :) Oh i will nvr forget IHAL to follow, i just finished epi 36 & what a cliffhanger, he's really v much in love with HG as we can tell! 

I also was having probs with soompi in the past & it was frustrating but i guess they were having some kinda maintenance prob that's why!

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The movie Reason for Living i did see that with Song Hye Goo right but SC didn't have a big role there so i wasn't really into that movie! :) by this time i've seen all of SC's projects except the animation, i nvr left any stones unturned hahahaha


wave to you all IHAL fans! keep watching! :) i can't wait for the next epi to be subbed! i hv a lot to read hear so bear with me if i haven't been able to put in my 2 cents for a while!

@hibiscus23 LOL. Glad I was able to 'send some laughter' your way :lol: Ah I see... you started with JJH and then moved on to SCU, or rather added on. I don't see them looking alike though. But both are just as good-looking and talented. You're right. That movie does not have much screen time for SCU. I thought you'd watch anything he appears in. And you have! LOL. What a 101% fan! 

Take your time. Chip in any time.


The avi? I use a gif software. PM me your fave SCU/JJH pics or vids(notate the timing of choice) and I can create one for you :P  


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16 hours ago, jadecloud said:

 To add on to @irilight's spec, which I agree could also be JR's motivation. The main reason, I believe, is that JR still harbors hopes of matching Dr GS with that 'lottery lady' for marriage. JR wants to hitch onto Dr GS's marriage-and-connection bandwagon to more power and wealth, and where she and TS would have the monetary support to take over CNP. I think :)

@jadecloud   agree w/ you for reason of monetary support....but country like korea...you can still faces discrimination for marrying a woman w/ child.(just hear from korean friend) DR.MIN is a good catch bachelor :blush:

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1 hour ago, jadecloud said:

Dramaland's Pudoxin is touted to be a good drug for gastric upsets, but it's side effect may very well be like most anti seizure drugs - vitamin D depletion.

thanks @jadecloud for putting up the summaries of pudoxin discussion. this quote above was from @drmjs. this also raises another question ~ is the side effect of pudoxin a big deal only because it is for gastritis? so if it was for anti-seizure drug, it would be acceptable because having no seizures and bad bones is better than suffering from seizures?

might sound cold but my impression of drugs is that some side effects are a necessary evil that one must swallow.


had chronic migraines for a year (most awful thing, wouldn't wish it on anyone). when I asked my doctor about the side effects I was having from the medication, his response was a quiet "do you want the pain to go away?" "yes" "then take it for some time. once the pain stops, you can go back to just taking paracetamol when needed." and thats what I did...

remember having this conversation with one guy who said he didn't believe in taking medications and even paracetamol is not good blah blah. I really wanted to slap him. my response was simply "well paracetamol is my friend and you dont have headaches or migraines" :angry:


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35 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

@hibiscus23 LOL. Glad I was able to 'send some laughter' your way :lol: Ah I see... you started with JJH and then moved on to SCU, or rather added on. I don't see them looking alike though. But both are just as good-looking and talented. You're right. That movie does not have much screen time for SCU. I thought you'd watch anything he appears in. And you have! LOL. What a 101% fan! 

Take your time. Chip in any time.

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The avi? I use a gif software. PM me your fave SCU/JJH pics or vids(notate the timing of choice) and I can create one for you :P  


@jadecloud hehehe yes indeed!:lol: I added SCU as my latest LOL too many cuties & so little time! i've read here fr soompi who also compared JJH to SCU resemblance & yes both are good looking & talented absolutely! LOL i have watched all his projs by now hahaha!


thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu in adv i'd luv that & let me see if i can find some fave pix of both JJH & SCU  - you're fantastic, i'd apprec that, i really like the way you did Kim's avatar, soooooper cool! thanks in adv chingu! bless your heart!


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@berny --- Thank you! So beautiful & especially heartbreaking as I listen to IU singing it. The lyrics are more meaningful to me, too, in this translation.  I always wonder  what to original language is expressing that will never translate.

Sounds a little odd, but I'm thinking even the  actual sounds of words in the original language must convey special meanings all their own.

For example,  a gorgeous guy & me, alone in the dark, in that strangely isolated cabin near Pyongyang --- He whispers softly, his lips tickling my ear:    

I love you.

Je t'aime, ma cherie.

Te amo.

Cara mia, Ti voglio bene.

Sarang hae (-yo?)

Suki desu.

Ich liebe Dich.

I think I'll really need to listen to them recorded!  But you can get the general idea, I imagine, Right?  All have a different  "sound'!        :blush::blush:      Just wondering!   SIGH!

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3 hours ago, Lmangla said:

@jadecloud @drmjs ~ remember clearly MS in an earlier episode mentioning a 1% bad effect rate in the trials. he said this whole thing started with a 1% and he felt that the 1% was acceptable even though YK's hubby disagreed. my understanding of pudoxin is that it may cause long-term effects in 1% of the population but with 99% of the population, there will be no short-term effects that are harmful. does anyone remember this 1% number that MS threw out? it was in a conversation he had with JR.... my understanding was also that if they had simply disclosed the 1% and put it as a disclaimer, they actually would not be in so much trouble. but now, it seems the story is changing where pudoxin has affected more than 1%... all kind of confusing.

I do seem to recall MTS saying that it started with a small percentage that snowballed into a big problem. I can't recall if it's 1% and it was when they were dealing with Moon Tae Joon's case. The FDA is the regulatory body that finally deliberates if they will release a drug that is deemed effective even if it can cause X % of side effects for as long as the drug is at least 90% safe and the particular side effects are not devastating or life threatening. I think they're allowed to green light such drugs with warnings. But Pudoxin's side effect is life threatening. What's more, the pharmaceutical company falsified their reports, so even if MTS said it was just 1%, the rest of the data he has based his statement on is highly doubtful, basically it can be more than 1%.

@jadecloudThank you for giving the infographic on the clinical trial phases. If SR participated in phase 3, then at present CNP should still be awaiting approval from their FDA (which would probably take anywhere from 2 to 4 years) before they could market Pudoxin. I'm actually confused on that aspect but I'm just taking everything at face value, it's happening in dramaland after all. 

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@chubbychub1966, Thank you for wetting our appetite for this weekend episode, with those cooking photos...!

@thegoldbug, Thank you for your detailed explanation about mountain climbing. I can better understand now what the scenario may have been. Also, I can better relate to the fact that MH suffered an immense trauma, not only physical, but also emotional, regardless if he is guilty or not about it.

@jadecloud, Thank you for the reminder for us all to abide by Soompi rules, chingu.   We certainly do not want this thread suspended.

@berny thank you for yet another lovely rendition of that beautiful song,  "Old Love" and the lyrics.

16 hours ago, Lmangla said:

so is JE suffering? absolutely. but it is just not at the hands of HK and it is not the way you might like perhaps, where she takes revenge on him. (like in dramas like temptation of wife). here, he is dealing with one situation on top of another. like JR said gleefully, his problems just don't stop. and while his love is returned, he still cannot be with her. isn't that worse? isn't that a kind of heaven payback -- you don't value what you have and throw it away? well now you can't have it even when you want it badly.... isn't that suffering?


@Lmangla, your post brings tears to my eyes.  In reality, they are both suffering. Both wanting to be with each other, and yet, have to make time first to the pressures and demands of the day.  I hope by the time it is over they can go to the Galapagos Islands....  Where they can have dinner, and breakfast too....     Smiley

@Lmangla, @my2centsworth, I don't think that BS's assistant is the culprit. He had left the office (and maybe they called him to get him to leave somehow. Remember he got a phone call and then left?).  If he were simply to help TS, he could have stolen the documents himself. Also, we did not see that he saw BS hiding the documents.  It almost feels to me, as if TS had planted someone to spy on BS at all times. It is pretty much his style too. Remember, that he did it with YK?  (referring to conversation on page 561)

@jadecloud, I actually did not know about the arrow that will bring us to the original post. Thank you for that instruction  (page 561)

@Kfan7172, @seungshin@deandraluv     I hope that even if TS's minions attack BS, he comes out alive (just as HK did, twice!) I am still hoping the writer will pair him up with a lovely lady.

@jadecloud, wow. PHB scuba diviing with sharks  :o  Scary.  We went once to Hawii for deep sea swim with dolphins (and whales came too), but we had to sign a legal release from liability, in case sharks show up.

I also agree with you, that JE does not yet know the full extent of TS' crimes. He was blind to all of that for many years, and now he is uncovering it slowly, like taking one layer after another from an onion.  I think he is pretty shocked at what he finds out.



I too, am watching that other drama. (but not on the thread). That was pretty insane, wasn't it?

What I want to know, and maybe @gerrytan8063 can help - is how to make their famous apricot bibimbap. I looked all over for a recipe, with no luck.... And they make it sound like a traditional dish?!


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@drmjs, thank you for the additional information about SR's medical condition and what it means, that defect in bone production.

The more you tell us, the more I am shocked that CNP put PDX on the market. Genetic restructuring?  Should not have gone past animal testing?  wow!     I really want these people punished, and I have no idea what kind of compensation they can give to the victims. MH was so seemingly cool when he talked to HK about settling out of court. Does he even really know what they have done to all these people?

Seems that @drmjs and @iamtaken - you disagree about the severity of SR's condition and the possible remedies - or lack of. I think the drama will eventually show us the writer's POV

@mdj101,  I too, want to know where does the writer gets her inspiration for this dialog and what kind of research (i.e into production of drugs) did she do....

@jadecloud, what an incredible resource you give us about the PDX discussion. Thank you!

Ep. 37 at 87% now. Hopefully, it will be done by tomorrow.


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I finally caught up to p.563.  And reading my own post, I want to make a point more clearly about HK.

IWhen I said she expects to die, that's is really true. Butt her attitude is what is most important. She has prepared carefully for this "war" as the Admiral  and other excellent General have stated. 

After every strategy has been carefully considered and wisely chosen, she must be ready to give it her all, to "do or die" --- half-way" or "kind of safe" measures will not lead to a victory.  Hae Gang is putting it all on the line, pulling out all the stops. TAnd losing the Pudoxin lawsuit  does not alter her vision of "winning the ultimate battle", as we already know.  But she is also aware that she could truly die in the effort.  She will still lead the battle!   And she is still intending on taking all the risks by herself.

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Pudoxin is modeled after a group of real medications called proton pump inhibitors. JE refers to them when he is talking to his father & TS in his father's study and BS refers to them during the trial. Only he calls them PII rather than PPI which is how they are referred to. TS said a fracture rate of 0.98% ( which is 1%) that @lmangla was referring to during a conversation with JR.

If millions of people are using a drug, 1% becomes a lot of people. CYP's problem is that they tried to hide stuff. Otherwise their medication would still have been on the market although it would be used for shorter periods of time. In the US omperazole which is what Pudoxin is modeled on is available without a prescription. It was thought to be so safe. Now we know that long term use is not great. 

When people with osteomalacia - SR does not have osteoporosis which is a slightly different disease in which ribs and vertebra can break as well as hips are at risk - break bones, they tend to break weight bearing long bones. Notice MTJ had broken bones in his leg and arm. Ribs are almost never affected in osteomalacia. KSL is a young woman. The only reason she even has osteomalacia is that she has been taking the medication for years not just during the trial and she eats terribly like many young women. If she is off the medication and takes her Calcium and Vit D and makes sure that she is not put in a position where she is at high risk for fracture - jumping from a height on a hard surface, car accident - she will have near normal bones in a year. 

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3 hours ago, mdj101 said:

@berny --- Thank you! So beautiful & especially heartbreaking as I listen to IU singing it. The lyrics are more meaningful to me, too, in this translation.  I always wonder  what to original language is expressing that will never translate.

Sounds a little odd, but I'm thinking even the  actual sounds of words in the original language must convey special meanings all their own.

For example,  a gorgeous guy & me, alone in the dark, in that strangely isolated cabin near Pyongyang --- He whispers softly, his lips tickling my ear:    

I love you.

Je t'aime, ma cherie.

Te amo.

Cara mia, Ti voglio bene.

Sarang hae (-yo?)

Suki desu.

Ich liebe Dich.

I think I'll really need to listen to them recorded!  But you can get the general idea, I imagine, Right?  All have a different  "sound'!        :blush::blush:      Just wondering!   SIGH!

@mdj101 @irilight

Yeah, i totally do not understand Korean language, but this song "Old Love" the first version i heard of it was by IU.  And I was mesmerized like wow...Korean has such songs/ melody that tugs at the heart.  Totally cannot understand it but it was still so beautiful.  

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" can help - is how to make their famous apricot bibimbap. I looked all over for a recipe, with no luck.... And they make it sound like a traditional dish?"

I am afraid I never had a bibimbap with apricots

Apricots in Korean is Salgu (살구) while dried apricots is Salgussam (살구쌈 ) but there is also another variety known as the Japanese or Oriental Apricot which is knows as Maesil ( 매실) which is more of a plum than apricots

I have heard of a Maesil Bibimbap (매실 비빔밥 )



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@gerrytan8063, ahhh. thank you for solving my mystery....!




I also found this video; Now that thanks to you, I knew to look for plum, instead of apricot.

What Are We Eating Today? : Plum Bibimbap, Plum Syrup, Plum Wine - 06/04/2015


It's very funny, when they taste the plums, and they start hearing angelic opera singing....

@iamtaken, Thank you much for add'l information about the drug PDX/Proton Pump Inhibitors.

I am so grateful that we have you, @drmjs, @gerrytan8063, to shed the light for us, laymen.   

@berny, I agree, IU has a beautiful voice. I also noticed that the person who posted it, loved the song, because it is part of a list they have, all different variations of the same song.

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just random thought...

how often did KSL took  the medicine PDX?

 is her gastritis was painful everyday ?

when she was abroad ...and taking that PDX ..does not occur in her mind that long term taking of any kind of medicine have side effect....she herself is a drug researcher and known it better.

why now that she's blaming DHK? i really don't get it ..why she's so  p...ss off  against DHK...

one more reason that she developed  OSTEOMALACIA ( has a lot of causes) is not enough bone supplement when she grow up....remember she grow-up w/ out guidance for proper caring of her health.


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Uhmm, when a person has osteomalacia he tends to have broken bones involving the ribs, spine and legs. Rib fractures can happen and it is the reason why treatment for osteomalacia needs to be aggressive. 

I agree, Pudoxin was modeled after proton pump inhibitors (PPI) in which long term use can lead to hypocalcemia (decreased calcium), hypomagnesemia (decreased magnesium), Clostridium diarrhea and PPI pneumonia. The writer took creative liberties on the hypocalcemia aspect and upped the ante as causing osteomalacia. So this fictional drug does not only cause lack of bone mineralization (as in osteoporosis in which a previously healthy bone becomes weak) but it also causes a defect in the bone building process in which the bone softens leading to fractures.

SR took Pudoxin for a long time, even after the trial period which resulted in her diagnosis of osteomalacia. She knew what caused it, not taking Pudoxin is the first step. Correcting her eating habits may be another. She needs to undergo monitoring and treatment with vitamin D, if she has hypoclacemia take calcium, if she has low phosphorus then correct it. But she may forever be plagued with having a higher risk for bone fractures which must be why she was so upset. 


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21 hours ago, Lmangla said:

so is JE suffering? absolutely. but it is just not at the hands of HK and it is not the way you might like perhaps, where she takes revenge on him. (like in dramas like temptation of wife). here, he is dealing with one situation on top of another. like JR said gleefully, his problems just don't stop. and while his love is returned, he still cannot be with her. isn't that worse? isn't that a kind of heaven payback -- you don't value what you have and throw it away? well now you can't have it even when you want it badly.... isn't that suffering?

@irilight  wrote : your post brings tears to my eyes.  In reality, they are both suffering. Both wanting to be with each other, and yet, have to make time first to the pressures and demands of the day. 

I agree with both of you. One scene that came to my mind and best described it  would be when they both picked food for each other.  They became sad afterwards.  They knew then how much they evidently still loved and cared for each other, but somehow they couldn't be together.  There were many obstacles between them. Especially JE, we can see how sorrowful he was because he was thinking of his dad's past which might hinder their reunion eventhough they still loved each other.  

Their sad  eyes and expressions during the luncheon are just heart-wrenching to watch.:tears: (for me, at least)


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EP 37 w/subs 84%,  BS has a plan, but now in danger

BS TS confrontation in BS office - great scene, BS held his own, pushed back hard against TS, and was inspired to come up with a plan to win Pudoxin trial.

IMO BS plan to focus on the research team people involved in testing of Pudoxin, to reveal the false test result is the way to go - great plan.
-- I will say that even in the drama world of IHAL, giving false testimony in court or documents would result in serious legal consequences for those who do this.
-- Above, combined with basic human decency and likely feelings of guilt by those researchers involved in cover up of Pudoxin results --could result in those called to testify to tell the actual truth.  Also, I would expect that being part of the CNP company, they are likely aware that TS is losing his power base, thereby making him somewhat less able to attack them for the telling the truth.

TS is evil, but not totally stupid (see additional note)-- so must be aware of potential severe problems BS plan would cause him - combined with his strong feelings that BS and HK are working together --RESULT in his standard fall back defense position- BS has to go, as in die to stop him.


TS- Reacts to problems only as they occur, no long term planning.  Results in many loose ends/strings hanging out, that others can pick up on and follow right back to him.

HK - Is is a long term planner and has been gathering information to fight both TS and CNP corruption, likely for a year or more, prior to her loss of memory, but now back.

JE - Is now, within last few months, also starting to find those loose, in his attempt to clear HK of being blamed for CNP actions.

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