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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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2 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Hmm... it's pretty confusing indeed. This page from KSY's memo was dated 2009...looking back at the other page which you @seungshine have also kindly translated, that was an entry in 2011, 2 years later. During this interval of 2 years, KSY was (not in chronological order):

Wow, I had no idea there was another @seungshin on Soompi!  Now I know!

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@seungshin --- About Jin Eon and "humility vs humble".   I was puzzled, too, by his demeanor since he started taking an  interest in HK/YK.  As actor Ji Jin Hee interprets the character he is still a very attractive man who exudes charm and physical magnetism.  OK --- Downright sexy man!   So I let slide his assertive, "take charge" attitude, always very self assured and confident of his effect on Hae Gang.  I just never gave it too much thought.  "It's a drama, after all" was my general attitude.

Seeing Jin Eon since he learned that his own father may have killed a man, and the man who is his beloved's father, has made JE a very humble man now.  And now I can see what fault you had with his whole attitude up to this point.  It really came to me as I looked at each of the "synonyms" in the list of words : ... From "meek" to "chastened" --- "yes", that fits JE now, every one of them fit --- Just one look at him says it all, IMHO.  And HK saw the difference right away!  So you picked up on what was seemed to be missing  up until this point.

Now to get crazy with the whole "humility vs humble" attitude.  Could it be that he was humble before but wasn't showing it on the outside? Do you have to act a certain way to actually have been humbled by your experience?  Why did he need to show via outward behavior that he was both humbled and remorseful?  Isn't it enough that he completely  corrects so that it reflects his regret for what he did wrong in the past.      I'll stop here. How long does the sinner have to wear "rags" and self-flagellate" before it's enough? 

@gerrytan8063 --- Thank you!   This must be the right  story --- But I don't know which version I saw.  several are still available  with Eng subs, too. I loved it, obviously, since I see that picture in my mind;s eye so clearly still!     :wub:  I enjoy your translating and the history and background you add, too! 


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3 hours ago, jadecloud said:

@andy78 @Nahoku Activities 

No, HK doesn't have the SHS patent. She merely took a quick peek at it while MH walked to his desk to get his fave pen to give HK. The docs in the dep box that HK wants to cash out are: 1. the cash check that MH gave her as start up capital for China operation, 2. her portfolio of real estates/properties(not sure how many) and 3. her land titles. Wahh... HK is one rich yeoja! And very smart!...that 'black' thingy looks like a camera to me. Prob what she used to snap all kinds of evidences, places and meetings of people, aso. Perhaps even personal vids of important info. There's also some other docs(prob her CNP shares and other CNP docs) and a blue lil folder/booklet of unknown nature.

In that scene at the bank vault, when DHG took all those documents and asked for all of them to be converted into cash, the bank guy asked what she was going to do with all that money.  The script didn't say how much it was but as you stated it was the 500,000,000 won ($500K) cheque plus properties.  Given that she is planning to use the cash and proceeds from the properties (all of her wealth I would think) to buy shares of CNP I have to believe she has a plan to make sure the company doesn't go kaput.  She will have to keep it alive and take it away from MTS and CJL at the same time.

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2 hours ago, mdj101 said:

  I remember a frustrated SLA forum member threw her laptop into a river in San Diego on her way to work one morning ( Right,  @ktomato?).   But my computer tower is pretty big and I think people would call the police on me! Hmmm.... But a cheap, reconditioned laptop would sure be an easy way to end to my computer problems.

@mdj101 I thought it was @shamrockmom who threw her tablet into the river (she wrote about it in her blog I believe) just like the heroine of the SLA drama did to hide evidence.  May be there were two of them ha ha!  That was my first forum so it will always be my first love!

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16 hours ago, seungshin said:

Given that she is planning to use the cash and proceeds from the properties (all of her wealth I would think) to buy shares of CNP I have to believe she has a plan to make sure the company doesn't go kaput.  She will have to keep it alive and take it away from MTS and CJL at the same time.

knowing  how smart she is....then your POV  will likely, she will do it..specially if the pudoxin case will be  garnered attention  and all who taken that medicine they come forward and sue them....usually a common practice for capitalist to diversify their money to avoid going bankrupt.

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@jadecloud --- Maybe I'll wait a while to my that laptop!  And maybe I'm having Soompi "jumpy pages" --- We'll see!  Working fine right now.       :huh:    wish we had a "cross your fingers " smiley!

And @berny,  Thank you for having fantastic observational skill   (as well as better than 20/20 vision --- Is there such a thing? And how about the attention to detail of the production crew?  Giving us a look at different pages of the journal? Giving us credit for being "better than the average Drama audience, huh?  Thanks to @seungshin  &  @jadecloud

Wonder how KHJ injured her right hand? Did JR come back & provoke her again?   Or was she helping BS fight off some of TS and minion's thugs?     If it wasn't a phone, maybe she had an older model taser device in the safe deposit box?  By the way, I remember when someone here cleared up some confusion from the Woju Rest Area ---we thought HK has 2 phones, turned out it was a 2011 era battery pack device to charge cell phones! Wide variety of information shared here!           :rolleyes:

EDIT: --- When Soompi (or "the imps" won't give you the "blu box" on the poster's name?  Start over and capitalize the first letter --- been working well for a while for me.

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Some CSI investigation

" that 'black' thingy looks like a camera to me"


The black device is definitely a mobile phone, my guess is it is the Samsung P200 (from the looks or similar like the Samsung SCH S350) ...circa around 2006, popular at that time was the slider phone....clearly had the green (call) & red button (end call)



Samsung SCH S350

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The concept of humility and being humble is interesting, isn't it??  Each definition gives different perspectives on the characters, it depends on how you see it. 

I agree with you, the characters incl. JE, I think, have 'evolved'  as the drama goes.   TBH, in the early eps I really didn't like HG.  She was haughty and heartless back then. She was cold and didn't care for her mom. Instead of being meek, she really challenged JE and pressed the button saying that she had forgotten the child.  But, then, she started to reflect on herself when she stayed up all night waiting for JE.  She changed since then. I started to like her then and love her now.  It was her turning point. She became meek towards JE even when JE misunderstood her at the hospital after the fire, she didn't talk back to him.  She even knelt down before SR asking her to leave her husband, (haughty HG usually would not do), she said she didn't regret marrying and loving JE and she became warm towards her mom when she said goodbye to her.  IMO, HG had changed even before she got her amnesia.  

I see BS evolve as well.  There were times when he got into our nerves  for keeping the secret about YK2, but I can see how he is now likeable.  

I see JE in the same light.  I see him change and mature up from who he was 4 years ago.  I didn't even like him as well back then.  I hated him. To say that he is never humble in the entirety of the drama depends on how you perceive the characte based on your own definition.  But as for me, he has changed.  JE is not perfect as a character,  but I think in some instances he had shown that he sincerely placed HG's interest higher than his.  I am not saying he has always been humble but I think there are some scenes that show he was humble (according to my definition), I don't think he has never shown humility at all. Nope, there are some instances of that matter.

IMO, the whole theme is about love and redemption.  Some characters have changed for the better, some change for the worse (esp. SR).  I focus on what they are now.


In life, it is true as well.  People change.  Our spouse, our kids, our best friends, people surround us, even I change over the time.  When they do change for the better, I want to cherish what they are now, not what they were in the past.  So I do hope, when I change for the better, they would accept me the way I am today.  It will motivate and encourage me to be better and better every year (in my characters and personal growth).


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1 hour ago, trust71 said:

knowing  how smart she is....then your POV  will likely, she will do it..specially if the pudoxin case will be  garnered attention  and all who taken that medicine they come forward and sue them....usually a common practice for capitalist to diversify their money to avoid going bankrupt.

However, i don't think in this case is to avoid bankruptcy.  It is for voting rights.  As her and JE's combined shares made up to 28% of the entire company, and if JE were to get his mom shares .. they will out vote the other 2 on any big issues, as well as voting President MTS out of his seat.


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Just finished watching episode 37 with 80% eng sub so I missed some information but I have 2 questions.

Question #1: Outside the courthouse, BIL's minion kept inspecting HK's car. What was he doing? Did they put a tracker on HK's car like BIL had done to YK's car in Ep.1?

Question #2: When JE's was in his office, he called his father's (family?) doctor. He asked about his father's leg and to see if the doctor could send him x-rays without his father knowing. Why did he want x-rays of his father's leg? This was probably answered during the conversation between JE and HW but some subs were missing (or I probably just missed it). But then he talked to the president of a company(the fire station?)that knew what happened on the mountain. The president said that there was a lot of blood on JE's father's leg after hitting the wall which broke his leg. JE came to a conclusion that there was a physical fight. So did that fight decide who was going to live and die? Hmm...this is very interesting. I wonder what really happened on that mountain.

One of my favorite lines in this episode came from the talk between the president and JE. The president asked why was JE asking about an incident that happened over 30 years ago.

President: You mentioned your father's accident during the phone call. Which is your father? The person who died? The survivor?

JE: Both of them are my father <--- LOVE this line for some reason even though it's pretty sad

S.N: Was the president one of the rescue workers? He mentioned two other men were there but they are dead.

I know I'm wrong on most of this so please correct me.:) 

This is my first 50 episode drama and I LOVE IT!!!

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39 minutes ago, gerrytan8063 said:


Some CSI investigation

" that 'black' thingy looks like a camera to me"

The black device is definitely a mobile phone, my guess is it is the Samsung P200 (from the looks or similar like the Samsung SCH S350) ...circa around 2006, popular at that time was the slider phone....clearly had the green (call) & red button (end call)

Samsung SCH S350

@gerrytan8063 Very good sleuth work there. :grin: I thought it looked like a digital cam of years ago(refer pic in spoilers). But it does look like the Samsung phone you mentioned..Of manufacture year 2006, that would mean HK has started keeping track of her work and keeping evidence and stuff for future purposes, since 2006 or thereabout? Or could that be KSY's mobile phone? Or an unregistered one? Intriguing. 




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sometimes in the future if i need a lawyer i want DHK to defend me:lol:

during their face off  inside the courtroom---DHK and BS-----She really know her subject and deliver out the  important detail.......straight to the point.:astonished::astonished:

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NOT BACKING OUT AGAIN RIGHT ? waiting1-smiley.gif

HK  :  Let's Go (holds his hand)
JE   :  What is this about?
HK  :  I'll cook dinner for you.  Let's Go.
JE   :  Uh?
HK  :  I'll make breakfast for you tomorrow ..too.



If it were me,  JE doesn't stand a chance ...in escaping...

Hey there JE    flirty1-smiley.gif

JE:  *gulp*




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10 hours ago, Kehinde said:

Just finished watching episode 37 with 80% eng sub so I missed some information but I have 2 questions.

Question #1: Outside the courthouse, BIL's minion kept inspecting HK's car. What was he doing? Did they put a tracker on HK's car like BIL had done to YK's car in Ep.1?  There was not a lot of info on this one so I don't know may be someone else more knowledgeable could answer this one.

Question #2: When JE's was in his office, he called his father's (family?) doctor. He asked about his father's leg and to see if the doctor could send him x-rays without his father knowing. Why did he want x-rays of his father's leg? This was probably answered during the conversation between JE and HW but some subs were missing (or I probably just missed it). But then he talked to the president of a company(the fire station?)that knew what happened on the mountain. The president said that there was a lot of blood on JE's father's leg after hitting the wall which broke his leg. JE came to a conclusion that there was a physical fight. So did that fight decide who was going to live and die? Hmm...this is very interesting. I wonder what really happened on that mountain.

I believe he was asking for it because he is trying to find out what is the nature of the injury to the leg. It's part of his investigation into the climbing accident. (Though I don't know if he knows it's from the accident since he says himself father doesn't talk about it much.  He certainly finds out it was when he talks to the guy who investigated the accident later on in the episode).

One of my favorite lines in this episode came from the talk between the president and JE. The president asked why was JE asking about an incident that happened over 30 years ago.  The accident happened in 1981.  That's 35 years ago, a very long time indeed.

President: You mentioned your father's accident during the phone call. Which is your father? The person who died? The survivor?

JE: Both of them are my father <--- LOVE this line for some reason even though it's pretty sad  I agree with you.  It was sad.  (what's the chance of that, only in a drama !)

S.N: Was the president one of the rescue workers? He mentioned two other men were there but they are dead.  I know I'm wrong on most of this so please correct me.:) 

Yes he was one of the rescue workers.  He says it was his second call after starting his career.  He was a newbie so he was busy following his sunbaes around in the rescue effort.  He doesn't know what the final report on the accident was.  Two seniors who worked on the rescue are long dead.  When JE says he'd heard that the two men fell by an accident and one of them cut the rope to save the other, the guy said 'that's a 'mee-dam' only the two people know what really happened.'  

Mee-dam literally means (beautiful talk).  He says mee-dam gets created in situations like this to make people feel at ease about going up the mountains again.  Another way of understanding is the western saying 'history is written by the winner'.  By the survivor in this case. He said we could not know if they were trying to save each other or kill each other.  The guy also said the survivor was seriously injured and was covered in blood.  It was obvious he had crashed against the rocky mountain hill somehow. He said the accident was not a middle of winter or in bad weather but a nice day in May (implying no reason for them to have fallen). That's when JE said there must have been some kind of confrontation.  

Going by this and JE's expression everyone could jump into the conclusion the father was criminally responsible but the main point I got out of this conversation was that no one really knows what happened.  Just like MTS said 'only the father President knows the truth' about what happened.  

This is my first 50 episode drama and I LOVE IT!!!  Me too!

@Kehinde I just finished re-watching EP 37.  I decided to respond to your questions because the scene was still in my mind.  Hope this helps.  :D


Not in this scene you are asking about but earlier in the episode, JE learns from his buddy that the two climbers had drunk alcohol before climbing which JE found strange.  Why would someone drink alcohol before climbing a steep mountain like that?  The other thing his buddy found out what that the rope had been badly weakened and damaged.  The company who manufactured the rope insisted it does not happen by regular wear and tear and that it had to have been tempered with.  The rope was purchased less than six months before the accident.  Because it was made of nylon, dirt or sand in them could work like a knife and damage the rope.  This was discussed as a part of the investigation and a suggestion was made someone damaged the rope before the climb but like everything else so far about this accident, everything is left ambiguous.  It's the writer's doing.  


I still feel it was an accident myself.  Every line the writer gives it she leaves room for doubt although JE, HG and TS and JL all seem to think it was the father President's doing.  It's just me.  


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33 minutes ago, trust71 said:

sometimes in the future if i need a lawyer i want DHK to defend me:lol:

during their face off  inside the courtroom---DHK and BS-----She really know her subject and deliver out the  important detail.......straight to the point.:astonished::astonished:


KHJ portrayed a lawyer role also before...that's why the court room scenes really reminds of this previous drama of her.

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20 hours ago, berny said:

The best punishment for this TS is for him to take a truckload overdose of Pudoxin all at once.


@berny, hehe. Love your solution to TS!

Truthfully,, that should be the "yardstick" for the pharmaceutical executives. If you are not willing to take it yourself, or have your loved ones take it, don't produce it and bring it to market.

@Kfan7172, love your thoughts about HK vs YK (page 556). Isn't it interesting, that although they grew up in different households, and did not even know about each other, they have so much in common.

9 hours ago, deandraluv said:

I have mentioned before that I am not a type of person who likes to argue. I am not as eloquent as you and many of you here so I just want to stop here.  (Plus I am a lazy person, it takes me a long time to write)

I just want to enjoy the drama. I mentioned before that I almost dropped the thread because at the time the thread somehow made me lose my joy of watching the drama.  (I'm that sensitive type of person.) I have seen many times how the thread can go back and forth with the same arguments over and over again and I see how different we are.  At the end we will agree to disagree anyway...so I just don't want to argue.  I see you have your POV and I have mine.   If someone else replies me, I would do the same.  It's just my personality.

We are entitled to our own opinions and I am not trying to convince anybody nor make everybody agree on what I post, I just share how I see JE in a different light.   It ticks me off when soneone says "My cheese cake is so good unlike your choco cake......" 

You may enjoy your 'cheese cake' all you want, let me enjoy my 'choco cake'.

@deandraluv, well put.  I really do not want people to drop this thread because it is too depressing for them to come here and read what is offered. That is why we even told new commers that the first 10 episodes are really tough, and if they want they can start with ep. 11, and later go back, or read the recaps.

Personally,  I also don't want to second-guess the writer. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt that she knows where she is headed, and has a purpose.  In the end, the value that IHAL has is based on her script and the hard work of the actors and the rest of the production team. By the end of the drama, we can better evaluate whether we think she did a good job or not.

I think many drama with emotionally charged subjects such as infidelity has people hate it or love it. And that is their prerogative.  No one says that everyone has to love the drama, or agree with what is presented. I do not want this thread to disintegrate  to what I heard Temptation thread descended to - where there were so many bad arguments between the lovers and haters, that it caused people to leave not only the thread but Soompi forums. That - to me, is very sad. It is all our loss to have lost some good participants in our forum. (and some good Soompi friends too)

Regarding the different "camps" so to speak, I think those of us who are perceived to be in JE camp, are really in JE-HK camp and often in HK camp.  We want them to re-unite because of the love they have for each other, as we have witnessed it in the last episodes. Even HK wants JE, so how can HK supporters not allow her to have the love she deserves?

Real life almost always throws us curve balls. There is hardly ever a fairy-tale romance that lasts a life time. Even when it looks like it - there is a story behind it.

I don't know anyone who never makes mistakes.

I have lots of respect for people who have encountered hurdles, either as individuals, or as couples, and were able to work them out, and stick by what they believe in, and by the person they believe in or love; Better late than never, and we have read some courageous and inspiring testimonies on this thread by various of our friends and participants here.

One of my spiritual teachers speaks about what he called "The garbage bag" that couples need to let go of. That bag contains all the hurt feelings and accusations of "he or she did that and that and that to me." When they are in bliss they forget about it, but the minute something comes out to disrupt the bliss they take out an item or two out of that bag and throws it in the face of their mate...(i.e. you did that and that and that).  This is not constructive to any marriage, or happiness.  I am of the opinion, that the past is best left where it belongs - in the past. To be in the present moment (as best we can) is the best we can do for ourselves and our loved ones.


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