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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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According to Wikipedia:: "Adultery (anglicised from Latin adulterium) is extramarital sex that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral or legal grounds. Though what sexual activities constitute adultery varies, as well as the social, religious and legal consequences, the concept exists in many cultures and is similar in IslamChristianity and Judaism".

Adultery has no justification, even though everyone tries to find reasons ....

Jin Uhn, besides adultery is a cruel and heartless person. This character makes me nauseous, why I think writers, director and actor are doing a good job.

On the other hand if Kang Hae at the end of the drama and magic of the writers she stays with her husband, I'll be very disappointed, and would be a waste of drama.

 I agree, I would not want Hae Gang to end up with JE. The drama with a lot of interesting back story but would be so uncool if and if they let HK end up with JE.

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Watching 5 and 6 episodes was a heart felt for me, that left me feeling so sorry for HG and really there's no words to describe how she's feeling regardless the situation of her not crying nor talking about her daughter's death, While she's just sitting their in the rain knowing her 2 timer husband is with that infatuated SR, who wanted to sleep with JE all along to the point where they both made me sick to my stomach, lying there feeling each other's eyebrows, nose, lips ughhh. I was even talking to myself when SR said she wish JE can divorce HG, so she can love him like he supposed to be loved. First of all" HG didn't say she don't love her husband anymore, it just the simple fact that they both isn't on the same level of communicating with one another about the death of their child, in which it makes it harder for them to really understand the hurt they have built up inside of them, as to where JE was trying to express it in the beginning, but to me it wasn't enough. that he ended up looking for comfort outside his marriage and seems not to have a care in his bones about his wife or feelings, and that's something will be in the back of my mind before this drama ends, but would rather see BS with HG as a couple then that Adultery JE. who went to great lengths of taking SR to bed, and probably thinking something good will come out of it, but believe me it won't. trials and tribulations will be knocking on SR door once HG lose her memory, and JE main focus will be on HG wait and see all hell is going to break lose, when JE doesn't give that little girl SR any satisfaction when she needs it. Lastly" I don't like when some people's plays with a wheelchair and there's nothing wrong with them, but I did love when JE sister was in it that it totally had her butt going across the floor to the window, and for a minute I thought she was going out of it lol. Yes this drama indeed is my cup of tea and I love to wake up every weekend to read comments as well as watching it.


Edited by suchadiva42
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Ok 'I'll puy it out there SR is like JE to play with he will shut her out to at some point because she won't be able to fill that void no matter what the new toy do,,

@valsava" Morning Chingu" I agree and I can't even wait until everything that's revolving around those two hit the fan, SR isn't someone JE needs, she's just someone he wants in the heat of the moment and when he's finish with her, she'll be looking in from the outside!!!

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Hae-gang sweeps aside anyone and everyone who dares to block her path, even if it takes abuse of power, as was the case with the girl who committed suicide in ep1 and now with Yong-gi.

She doesn't hesitate to ruin innocent people's lives. Then how can she expect to be happy in her own life? Of course, she won't. You get what you deserve.

It was the first time I've seen her exhibiting joy after father-in-law appointed her as Vice President. but euphoria vanished as soon as she remembered Jin-eon asking for divorce. So, I highly doubt that she is fighting for the sake of family but rather out of fear to lose fortune, authority, etc.

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Hae-gang sweeps aside anyone and everyone who dares to block her path, even if it takes abuse of power, as was the case with the girl who committed suicide in ep1 and now with Yong-gi.

She doesn't hesitate to ruin innocent people's lives. Then how can she expect to be happy in her own life? Of course, she won't. You get what you deserve.

It was the first time I've seen her exhibiting joy after father-in-law appointed her as Vice President. but euphoria vanished as soon as she remembered Jin-eon asking for divorce. So, I highly doubt that she is fighting for the sake of family but rather out of fear to lose fortune, authority, etc.

I've said it before, what goes around, comes around. She was being ruthless in striving after her career, probably not caring what happened to her opponents.  However, SR is also being like HK and not caring that she's hurting someone and going after something that does not belong to her. She's inserted herself into this married couple's life. I'm amazed at how quick she wants to jump in bed and wants him to leave his wife. And SE is listening to her. Just as HK is learning a lesson, SR needs to learn one too---if she doesn't end up pregnant first.

@suchadiva42, I have to say that dramas about adultery is normally not my cup of tea--especially if they try to glorify adultery. However, I don't mind dramas about adultery when they show the person being cheated on, becoming stronger and rising above it. What I don't like if they try to romanticize the affair and constantly dump on the wife or husband.  In this drama, I do feel they are trying to romanticize the affair between SE and SR, but it's just downright unappealing for me. I'm sure there are some that love their affair, but I'm not one of them.  What I do like about this drama is the element of mystery. What I don't like is the fact that it's 50 episodes which means there is going to be a lot of angst. The thought of many more lovey dovey scenes between SE and SR is just depressing. 


Edited by lclarakl
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Hae-gang sweeps aside anyone and everyone who dares to block her path, even if it takes abuse of power, as was the case with the girl who committed suicide in ep1 and now with Yong-gi.

She doesn't hesitate to ruin innocent people's lives. Then how can she expect to be happy in her own life? Of course, she won't. You get what you deserve.

It was the first time I've seen her exhibiting joy after father-in-law appointed her as Vice President. but euphoria vanished as soon as she remembered Jin-eon asking for divorce. So, I highly doubt that she is fighting for the sake of family but rather out of fear to lose fortune, authority, etc.

I've said it before, what goes around, comes around. She was being ruthless in striving after her career, probably not caring what happened to her opponents.  However, SR is also being like HK and not caring that she's hurting someone and going after something that does not belong to her. She's inserted herself into this married couple's life. I'm amazed at how quick she wants to jump in bed and wants him to leave his wife. And SE is listening to her. Just as HK is learning a lesson, SR needs to learn one too---if she doesn't end up pregnant first.

@suchadiva42, I have to say that dramas about adultery is normally not my cup of tea--especially if they try to glorify adultery. However, I don't mind dramas about adultery when they show the person being cheated on, becoming stronger and rising above it. What I don't like if they try to romanticize the affair and constantly dump on the wife or husband.  In this drama, I do feel they are trying to romanticize the affair between SE and SR, but it's just downright unappealing for me. I'm sure there are some that love their affair, but I'm not one of them.  What I do like about this drama is the element of mystery. What I don't like is the fact that it's 50 episodes which means there is going to be a lot of angst. The thought of many more lovey dovey scenes between SE and SR is just depressing. 

@lclarakl" What I mean and should've said this drama is my cup of tea without the adultery in it and can really settle for the rest, because as you mentioned i definitely don't like for husband/wife to be committing adultery. and to the simple fact that I'm married and wouldn't like it one bit if it was me in HG shoes even if it is a drama, I'll still feel the same way about it no doubt. I also agree watching JE and SR makes my pressure go up and with 44 episodes to go I know my pressure will increase before this drama ends.

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According to Wikipedia:: "Adultery (anglicised from Latin adulterium) is extramarital sex that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral or legal grounds. Though what sexual activities constitute adultery varies, as well as the social, religious and legal consequences, the concept exists in many cultures and is similar in IslamChristianity and Judaism".

Adultery has no justification, even though everyone tries to find reasons ....

Jin Uhn, besides adultery is a cruel and heartless person. This character makes me nauseous, why I think writers, director and actor are doing a good job.

On the other hand if Kang Hae at the end of the drama and magic of the writers she stays with her husband, I'll be very disappointed, and would be a waste of drama.

And now I remember, Ji Jin Hee has already represented a husband adulterer in another drama (one warm word) seems to be an expert in such matters :)

Ji Jin-hee is known to be a loyal husband, so I don't think he may be an expert in cheating matters.

@ayselluna     He is just such a good actor, he makes people believe this is who he is...... We need to remember to separate the man from the character he plays.

I think also - it is somewhat "easier" to play the good guy, the hero, the lover etc.  Playing a villain, or a "damaged" person is more challenging, and hence, many good actors choose such roles.  Unfortunately, many of the villain or "anti-hero" roles are too limited in character development, and therefor not as rewarding to both the actor as well as the audience.

I think Ji Jin-Hee chose his roles well. Although we are barely at the beginning of this drama, it appears to me that his character will have depth and a level of complexity.

It just so happens that several of my actor biases chose to play villains this year. I guess when I see how so many people hate their characters, I need to remind myself that they are doing such a fine job as actors.

@Lmangla   You always ask such great questions!   I don't really feel SR is in love with JE. I am not even sure at this point that she is capable of mature love. You find her psychotic; I find her somewhat childlike, and maybe being like that as an adult is psychotic. She is infatuated by him for sure, but she does not come close to knowing him well enough to love him. But in her mind - I do believe she thinks she loves him, and maybe she even thinks she is saving him from a horrible wife and loveless marriage. She justifies her own pursuit of him, in that his wife no longer deserves him.

As much as you feel HK's reactions are normal, I still find them scary. And what's more important, they seem to have the opposite effect of what she is hoping for. If her actions are a desperate cry for help,  JE cannot see that right now, For him - her actions only drive him towards SR. He spent the night with SR after he found SR's apartment flooded and he was able to make the deduction that his wife was responsible for that.

Just as HK came into SR's apartment and claimed that JE could not tolerate to live in a place like this for a month, he also cannot tolerate to live with her outbursts and/or chilling cold, unfeeling facade. He wanted back the wife he married, who was full of love and warmth, and understanding, but she is nowhere to be found. That is why I said earlier, that maybe if she had made the same plea she made to SR, to him - instead - maybe she could have gotten through to him, with softness rather than anger.  Why does she show it to SR rather than to him, in my mind is a mistake on her part.


Hae-gang sweeps aside anyone and everyone who dares to block her path, even if it takes abuse of power, as was the case with the girl who committed suicide in ep1 and now with Yong-gi.

She doesn't hesitate to ruin innocent people's lives. Then how can she expect to be happy in her own life? Of course, she won't. You get what you deserve.

It was the first time I've seen her exhibiting joy after father-in-law appointed her as Vice President. but euphoria vanished as soon as she remembered Jin-eon asking for divorce. So, I highly doubt that she is fighting for the sake of family but rather out of fear to lose fortune, authority, etc.


@ayselluna    Agree again.    I was actually surprised by her reaction. It shows us that she is willing to stick by this unhappy marriage, with a husband who wants a divorce,  for the sake of professional advancement and material gain.

@Misstwilightfan1416   Thank you for that video. It is nice to actually finally see moments of HK-JE married life, when they were happy together and in love.

@valsava   Who can fill in the void caused by the loss of a child? No one.  But some people may help relieve some of the pain of it, at least momentarily.   In reality I hear of many couples who lose their marriage as a result of similar events. A crisis like this can sometimes bring people together, but it can also drive them apart.

‘애인있어요’ 백지원-공형진-나영희-김청 / 아이윌미디어




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There has been some discussion about HK's actions in flooding SR's home.  I have to say that I didn't find her actions scary because I'm not sure I wouldn't have done the same thing or at least thought to do them..........oops! I guess that may make me scary too now that I think about it...:o  It reminded me of the movie Waiting to Exhale. The wife in that movie was hurt over her husband's infidelity and the fact he was leaving her for another woman after she helped him building their family and company together. She took all his clothes after cutting them up, put then in one of his expensive cars and sat it on fire--among some other things.

I can see being so hurt and feeling helpless that you want to strike out at the person who's hurting you.  After losing a child, I'm sure this is the next biggest emotional pain she's feeling. However, after losing a child, I'm sure there is some part of her that feels dead and to help fill that void she threw herself into her work so she wasn't consumed by the loss of their daughter. Now she has this new pain and probably feel like what was remaining of her family is being taken away by this girl who feels she has the right to go with her husband and disrespect her.  Being an attorney, I'm sure the only reason she hasn't pressed charges against SR is because of the "family" business and her husband's reputation.

Seeing the video clip with her remembering happier times, may me feel so sad for her. She's losing everything and doesn't know what to do. There are stages of grief and anger is a part of it. I'm not sure if she ever properly grieved the loss of her daughter. 

For me, at this point in time, JE and HK remind me of my parents. They went through something very similar after the accidental death of my 14 year old sister.  My parents eventually divorced and I have to say I was thrilled for my mother. I love my father, but not the "JE", in your face man he became. So needless to say, I resented him for what he did to a woman who was always there for him but grieving the loss of a child. I will never forget the look on my mom's face when my dad walked out. I came home from college and I saw an expression that I had only seen one other time and it was when she told me and my siblings that our sister had died. I had wanted my mom and dad to divorce, but that's when it struck me the depth of her pain--she felt like something was dying. My heart broke for her.  Although at another level and I'm sure there is more back story to come, I'm relating my family experience to what HK is probably going through.

My mom because such a strong woman and someone I admire greatly. She didn't do any of the "HK" behavior (that I probably would have), but with her classy behavior she put them to shame. That's why the "Fierce Wife" lead female is one of my favorite characters, her strength reminds me of my mother.

I don't know how the story will develop, but at this point I can understand HK. She probably feels her actions are out of character for her too. 


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like @suchadiva42 said, watching ep 5 and 6 was not fun at all. well, the fun bit was when HK's mom poured water on SR -- that was funny and made me cheer. hahaha.... @irilight ~ how did you find JE's meltdown? he finally got the reaction he wanted from HK and they both went crazy destroying the house. and yes, agree with you that SR is not really in love with JE and she does not seem capable of mature love at this point...

it was interesting when SR became the outsider at that point when HK is screaming in the parking lot and JE is holding her. SR got a glimpse into the toxic thread that only HK and JE share from the grief of losing their child. HK's love did not move SR but HK saying that SR cannot fix JE's unhappiness kept replaying in her head. it is going to haunt her over the years and she is going to realize the truth that HK said and it is going to burn her out from the inside. she is probably going to spend all her energy trying to fix that wound and realizing too late that the wound is shared only between HK and JE and there is no room for another because it is their child. she is not capable of the mature love needed to fix that kind of wound.

will there be a time leap? wonder what will happen to YongKi...

Edited by Lmangla
am a zombie!
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I did like how they showed the way SR was looking when HG was screaming to the top of her lungs, telling SR to come back while JE was holding and walking her to the car, and I also wanted to point out and truly feel SR and no one else can take that bond away from JE/HG despite of losing their child because it's always going to be there IMO. 

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@lclarakl, thank you for sharing your story. I feel sad for your family and you to have gone through such a horrible experience.  I think many of our reactions are formed based on our own life events. Frankly, my mom had explosions similar to HK and we all grew up scared stiff of her. (none of us, including my father, did nothing to deserve that. She was very unhappy for her own reasons and horrible personal loss that had nothing to do with us.) That is another reason I wrote that it is impossible to recover from a great loss like this;   Only as an adult when I could sit and talk to her, I grew to better understand her and her motives. Still, I could never live with explosions like this, and frankly I don't know anyone who would. It invites "fight or flight" response, and Jin-Eon chose flight (personally, I cannot blame him.)

@ayselluna, love that photo of Ji Jin-Hee with the puppy... Love his expression, and your comment about it.

@Lmangla, another great observation! I agree with you.. That statement would continue to haunt Seol-Ri  (BTW, I do applaud Park Han-Byul too, for taking on this very challenging role.) I hope we get more Yong-Gi screen time. I like her a lot .

@suchadiva42, I think the loss of that child or - rather the resulting behavior - is what drove them apart, but the actual wound - as you stated - is the glue that could keep them together, once they learn to share their emotions and comfort each other. I also agree with you about his mom with the Cinderella act. Another one who never grew up. And her daughter seems to take after her as well. Crazy couple.






Edited by irilight
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like @suchadiva42 said, watching ep 5 and 6 was not fun at all. well, the fun bit was when HK's mom poured water on SR -- that was funny and made me cheer. hahaha.... @irilight ~ how did you find JE's meltdown? he finally got the reaction he wanted from HK and they both went crazy destroying the house. and yes, agree with you that SR is not really in love with JE and she does not seem capable of mature love at this point...

it was interesting when SR became the outsider at that point when HK is screaming in the parking lot and JE is holding her. SR got a glimpse into the toxic thread that only HK and JE share from the grief of losing their child. HK's love did not move SR but HK saying that SR cannot fix JE's unhappiness kept replaying in her head. it is going to haunt her over the years and she is going to realize the truth that HK said and it is going to burn her out from the inside. she is probably going to spend all her energy trying to fix that wound and realizing too late that the wound is shared only between HK and JE and there is no room for another because it is their child. she is not capable of the mature love needed to fix that kind of wound.

will there be a time leap? wonder what will happen to YongKi...

@lmangla, that's why I'm hoping that after SR and JE have been together for a while that HK doesn't give him the time of day if he comes to his sense or if SR comes to her sense and realize that she can never make him happy; that he's looking for something to fill the void of his lost child and thinks an affair/romance with her will give him somebody to take care of.  Why would HK want SR's rejected goods if she decides to leave JE later and "give" him back to his wife.  I hope HK moves on after she recovers her memory and tell JE to "kick rocks."

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I watching the beginning of episode 6, I can understand HK's anger. From what she was yelling at him, "That mouth that says nothing at home, that mouth that you wield as a weapon to your wife, how could you whistle with that?"  

Yes, SE is being calm and telling her to calm down, but he has that luxury. He's not the one who found his wife riding on the back of another man humming happily. Of course he would want her to calm down because he doesn't want to look bad in front of SR. I'm sure if the shoes were on the other feet who would be differently.

I'm being bias, but when she was destroying the kitchen, he went into "his" room and put on music as if to shut her out--yet again. She went in there and turned off his music--it was going back and forth until she destroyed his entertainment set. He went into "her" room and got back at her by pouring wine on her clothes and after pushing her personal items off the dresser (I wondered if the white dress was her wedding dress). What bothered me was not so much her, but him. He was the person who was caught red handed with another woman and he has the nerve to be angry with her for being angry.

I have to say, the people on Viki are out for blood........so am I.

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@irilight" I also agree JE Step-Mother really needs to grow the up and act like her age not her shoe size, HELL my daughter is 23 yrs old and wouldn't act like that walking around in that dress if I paid her, to a fact that I know her butt wouldn't do it because I asked her before and she said no freaking way lol.

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