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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Thank you to all live recappers.    @andy78@trust71, @tiMadam, @Kehinde@chubbychub1966@jyfan88,

and to everyone who was with us this morning.

@chubbychub1966, thank you for those gifs  love them

@gerrytan8063, Thank you for illuminations....  That del monte orange juice... ouch....

I will post a few more screencaps.

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If I'm not wrong, the ending goes something like..

HK receives a call from the police station, that someone had filed a police report regarding the SIS's company (Mido Pharmaceutical i think) case against HK. HK says that she will cooperate if both she and MH are called to the police station, instead of just herself. I think she mentioned that she has proof that MH is also involved, to justify the reason of summoning MH as well.

Hence, i think the old phone which was kept in the safety deposit box that HK held in the end of the ep, contains evidence of MH's involvement in the case? Probably a voice recording? It should make sense since the phone has been there for quite long (before amnesia) :D 

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6 minutes ago, jyfan88 said:

If I'm not wrong, the ending goes something like..

HK receives a call from the police station, that someone had filed a police report regarding the SIS's company (Mido Pharmaceutical i think) case against HK. HK says that she will cooperate if both she and MH are called to the police station, instead of just herself. I think she mentioned that she has proof that MH is also involved, to justify the reason of summoning MH as well.

Hence, i think the old phone which was kept in the safety deposit box that HK held in the end of the ep, contains evidence of MH's involvement in the case? Probably a voice recording? It should make sense since the phone has been there for quite long (before amnesia) :D 


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16 hours ago, irilight said:


Thank you to all live recappers.   

@andy78@trust71, @tiMadam, @Kehinde@chubbychub1966,  @jyfan88  .

@chubbychub1966, thank you for those gifs  love them


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3 hours ago, irilight said:

Very emotional conversation HK-JE in which she told him she knows of his father/her father

I'm sure JE said "I love you. I love you, Do Hae Kang. The last time I confess to you in this life. In next life, if we meet again , let's live well". I'm not sure what he said subsequently, but it seems he said "wherever you are, I'll be next to you".

This scene breaks my heart T_T

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Episode 40


Some information on Korean drinking culture

Drinking is almost a national sport in Korea

Anju (side dishes that is serve/eaten with drinks) always makes an appearance anytime a Korean is seen drinking. A point taken that must be noted is that when "anju" is serve, it is the liquor that is the protagonist & not the other way around

When alcohol is consume with a meal, then the alcohol is referred to as "banju" (similar to aperitif). But the differences between the 2, however makes little difference as Korea is one of the world's highest level of alcohol consumption countries

Usually for drinks, Korean prefer stew or soup like dishes, the soup is said to soothes the stomach & help avoid acidic stomach problems associated with drinking

Later we seen JE & HK continue the drinking session with raw fish platter after HW is knockout


There is also another option which the Korean will have something raw......dishes like beef or fish. For instance, raw fish is deem a lighter eating than soup or stew as it is not too heavy when drinking. I don't know whether the raw fish-alcohol combination is good or bad scientifically but both of them go very well together 

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9 minutes ago, tambui said:

I'm sure JE said "I love you. I love you, Do Hae Kang. The last time I confess to you in this world. In next world, if we meet again , we will live well". I'm not sure what he said next, but it seems he said "wherever you are, I'll be next to you".

This scene breaks my heart T_T

Thankfully he said this in episode 40. If he says those words in ep 50, I don't know what I'll do to my precious laptop. Ji jin hee cries so well that he could pierce my heart with his tears. :( thank you for all of the liverecappers. You guys are amazing!

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But he is all heart when it comes to little JW. How he can listen when she is sad about growing up without a father, to bring her into a joyful moment of reading together.  He is all heart when it comes to that little kid; And YK notices that too







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REALLY LIKE THE SCENE WHERE BOTH ARE CRYING BEC. OF THEIR FATHERS  ....they better go and live to galapagos like what JE suggest and take the advice of HW to get back together.:flushed:

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Thank you recappers! Awesome work. 600 pages! Congratulations guys!

  • JE was under the impression that he could somehow discover the truth of what happened between their fathers on his own, he suspected his father of wrongdoing, falling into despair when facts he had unearthed seemed pointing more to his father's guilt. So it came as a shock when HK told him she knew all along. HK told him how it would be difficult for them to be together. He told her he loves her but they had to end things. By then they were both in tears (I was sniffling along with them.) You love each other, you are not your parents! Come on guys, just when you're beginning to get over your own problems. *sigh*
  • MH recalling what JE told him at the theater suddenly felt sick, words can kill. It's time to confess JE abojie! It looks like he will finally coming clean in that last scene, oh it's going down and I bet, JE will be front and center.
  • MTS' house of cards has collapsed. What does a king rat do when cornered? Break his nameplate some more? Look for opportunities to survive. He seems to have cornered MH's driver witness after seeing him talk with JE. So, is he going to buy him off and instruct him to lie some more? When bad guys are confronted with the truth, they look for ways to circumvent it.
  • SR being dragged around by HK (first it was MTS, she sure got dragged a lot in these two eps) was a welcome sight. I normally am not that bloodthirsty but she really deserved it imo. I'm interested as to what they discussed in the end, HK seemed apologetic, SR looked suspicious. 
  • Lee Jae Yoon speaks English better than most of the Korean actors I've seen so far, almost as good as Henry in Oh My Venus. The conversation he had with YK was funny, what was that last thing she said to him err beggar? Bigger? Better? She then pointed to Spider-Man to stress what she meant, lol. The scene after was touching though, WJ acknowledging she missed her real father and Dr. Min assuring her while YK was listening in the background, awww...*sniff* 
  • A drunk HW is entertaining as well as earnest. He wanted HK to hold onto JE, he told her of JE's efforts at trying to get her back, his happiness when he found her again. I wonder how they were when HK & JE were still together? HW has the (un)fortunate knack of being at the wrong place when JE & HK are discussing important stuff together. Lol. Btw, that other weasel like minion who's in charge of snooping and installing hidden microphones, why is he still there? He a two faced parasite who should have been gone ages ago.
  • Bromance alert: JE comforting BS. Bringing him books and juice, even letting him drink juice and writing on his cast. Wha did JE write, using bold letters at that? I wonder what they talked about. BS seemed to have told JE that HK's name was really Doko On gi. He mentioned that to HK at the bar, when they both cried. 
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1 hour ago, andy78 said:

@jyfan88HK receives a call from the police station, that someone had filed a police report regarding the SIS's company (Mido Pharmaceutical i think) case against HK.


1 hour ago, andy78 said:



I think it could be MTS's doing.  SIS has not got a chance to meet up with MTS and canceled his collusion with him.  

What an episode!!  Heartwarming and heart-wrenching!! Many characters shed tears: JE, HG, SR, YK, even little WJ, .....(I am glad I had my tissues next to me) Didn't really understand what they were saying but we all understand the language of tears, don't we?

I am worried HG will get framed by doing illegal stock manipulation.  I hope she is very calculative to the smallest details and possibilities from getting caught.  

Can't wait for the eng subbed.  Hopefully, it will be as fast as ep 39! Many touching convos in this episode.  


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