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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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I heard someone on instagram said that JE found out that his dad hires the old rescue worker as his driver. Does it mean the driver knows his secret or he just want to keep the rescue worker next to him for some reason?? that driver seems fishy?

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@Kehinde thanks for posting those instagram recap  photo.....both have admit that they do wrong and JE was very simple man just want to stay beside HK and live a simple life will make him happy.


p.s.    BS assistant has some relation to the reporter who hired by MTS?...i notice that they resemble each other ...after BS called HK that he will go to their company...he quickly grab his phone and called somebody.

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Sunday --- January 17, 2016 --- Afternoon.

Thank you all for really insightful posts on p.580 ---And thank you,  @Kehinde, for those wonderful Instagrams by  jijinhee_holic , this time  --- a first source of some English translations. 

I've already lost my first post of the day, so I'll be brief.  Such insightful posts on p.580 (as far as I've read yet) --- You offer so many thoughts on the events in the episode already --- I'm truly impressed.

A Question:... Is anyone having problems with Viki?  I might have just clicked on a place I shouldn't have.

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Guest my2centsworth
9 hours ago, trust71 said:


I agree with you that the man on the motorcycle that hit BS is one of MTS's guys. And I can't put my finger on it, but I don't trust BS's new male assistant.

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Now I am more convinced than ever that the drama, "Oh! My Venus!", is starting a new "trend" in bed scenes. I think I didn't describe  it very clearly.  And I think our drama, IHAL, is one of the first to give a sweet "nod" to that trend.  In one of the Instagrams, HK & JE agree to "sleep in bed together "just holding hands' "!.       :glasses:

In Episode 8, Shin Min A's character  worries that So Ji Sub's character might have an accident if he drives all the way back to Seoul, so late at night.  So she tells him not to get the wrong idea, BUT "Would you like to sleep with me holding hands?"    ( http://www.dramabeans.com/2015/12/oh-my-venus-episode-8/ )

And this suits them so well they continue the  cute custom until the last episodes where there is a much steamier bed scene! 

The adorable scene is midway down  Dramabean's Recap.  But I do not have the tech skill to do a screen-cap --- With her "invitation" as a caption.     Which I saw done previously  among the "images" on Google, but feared I'd shut down the forum by doing it wrong.  

It's the uber-cuteness of the "handholding between sophisticated characters who are fully capable of having sex that makes it "charming" and a possible "trend".  The way dramas tend to copy each other, & give little "shout outs" to each other in their scripts.  I know, the old "bed scene" trope --- fully clothed, under blankets, etc.  But they seemed to be having a little trendy, 21st Century laugh at that old corny scene, right?       :blush:

Well, that was my impression.  Do put the drama on your list.  Light hearted  & funny all the way!



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Episode 38

Another horticulture lesson

The plant that was place outside HK house & the office carpark is the Nerium Indicum or common known as the Sweetscented Oleander ( 협죽도, 侠竹桃), it is also known as  유도화(柳桃花) in the other drama

The toxicity is all parts of the plant are poisonous if eaten with the foliage may irritate the skin, but from the plant, the toxin substance "oleandrin" is extracted

The Oleander plant, it is said that just one leaf strong toxicity from this plant can killed a person. In the past it was one of the ingredients that makes "sayak" (사약, 賜藥 - poison to sentence a person for treason)

It is also use as a raw materials in manufacturing rat poison

Flowers, leaves, roots & even the stem contain toxic. Poisoning from this toxicity when consume, causes vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty in breathing & eventually lead to heart failure & death

In the drama Queen Seondeok, Deokman (later Queen Seondeok) uses the leaves of the oleander as a poison smoke bomb to flushed out the enemies

In Korea, it is mainly planted in the Southern provinces

The usage of Oleandrin (the toxicity from the sap of the Oleander) is used for treating cardiac conditions in patients who cannot tolerate digitalis. In traditional medicine, the leaves have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, including the treatment of heart diseases, as a diuretic, antibacterial, & against snake-bite. The leaves also show insecticidal activity against sugarcane mite and citrus leaf miner. The roots have been used externally in traditional medicine for treating cancer, ulcers and leprosy. In Western Sahara the ash from Nerium Oleander is mixed with saltpetre to make gunpowder.

A report of the toxicity of the oleander



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OH, DEAR @iamtaken, I am so glad to hear I am NOT the only one having a problem with VIKI.  Started late last night --- I thought I had hit something wrong, which I tend to do a whole lot when I'm wandering around.  I'll "click" on things just to see what they are or where they will lead me!

 I get a page of "script". along the left side of the page.  Even if I go into my "HISTORY" and click on an old  "Viki screen" it comes out the same.  I was going to wait it out & maybe shut down my PC. Then I was going to contact Viki -- But how? when the site won't work?  I'll have faith,(for a while!). Thank goodness, @Misstwilightfan1416 has posted all those fine video clips again!  So much better than some of the sites I use as alternates to Viki.  

And thank you,  @deandraluv, for your translating here on p.581.  I'm still hoping that the Chairman is protecting the memory of his friend, who was depressed & drinking prior to their climb. Didn't his "nightmare" mumblings sound like he was trying to prevent his BFF from "making a mistake"   "I have your daughter here!" even reminding him of his child. And what was the mistake?   Maybe cutting the rope too soon?  The Chairman was the "pro", & knew how to save them, but Dokgo Ji Hoon feared he'd drag them both down!   (Choi Man Ho still must answer for not providing for the twins & their Mother!  What excuse will be acceptable?

SIDE NOTE: --- Fortunately, lacking Viki and minus translations, I can delay the full impact of this episode, I know.    Instagrams are only delivering warm & fuzzy scenes so far.  But that will come to an end soon, too.

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I think there are 2 motorcycle guys.  One of them (the one that woks at the gas station) is SIS's son.  He is the one that left the plant at HK's apartment and threw the rock at her car and punctured her tires.  Then there is the motorcycle guy that bashed BS.  I think it's two different people.  Because there is no reason for SIS' son to want to kill BS, but motorcycle #2 was definitely aiming for BS and not HK.

MTS only found out who motorcycle #1 was (and that this guy even existed) when he found him dropping off the plant at HK's apartment.  And just like MTS, he figures that he can frame SIS' son to kill BS.  That way, now he has something that he can threaten SIS with after SIS has done MTS's dirty work for him.

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@mdj101 I've actually been watching lots of KDs that mention just sleeping together holding hands. Many of them aired years before Oh My Venus so it seems to be a Korean thing? An example would be a Wife's Credentials (same writer/directer as Heard it Through the Grapevine and Secret Love Affair).

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I'm curious about CEO Shin's son on a few account:

1)   Min Tae Seok would think nothing of tricking the boy into  doing  a crime ---As an insurance policy in case CEO Shin tried to back out or to put all the blame on Shin (to save his son).

2)   The son was said to have a very bright future ahead of him before he dropped out of school. But he doesn't seem too smart & is kind of timid. Throws small rocks with poor aim & force. Flatten one tire ---in safety of a garage!  Poison by osmosis? with the oleander plant?

  How scary was that first note around the rock?---- "The sin that becomes a part of daily life, the sin, that you chose and commit on purpose, is the heaviest." --- I don't know what that means, where it comes from, etc

  He doesn't know how to keep a low profile --- seen in the garage by HK  & JE.   He rode away on a motorcycle, but does he even have the strength and skill to swing a bat like that, turn around and do it again?  Didn't look like it to me.

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@kikotaichou ---  How strange!   I have seen each of those 3 dramas, too.  Must be the way they played it up in OMV --- Being a couple of an age to be sexually active and with the guy character running away from a "scandal" in the States with a blonde "bombshell" type of star --- I can see where maybe  I DID see the "message" differently than was meant.  And it only had meaning between that particular couple!   Does sound very likely, and I read too much into it!    :rolleyes:

@tiMadam --- Hi. My Viki problems are on my desktop computer. 

WOW!  &   OMG!...  IMPS and ELVES --- What else could it be?  I decided to give Viki a "check" AND IT"S WORKING!  I have NO IDEA what was going on ---Like so much in my life!  First it was "broken" & then it was "fixed" and I don't know why?  AND I DON'T CARE --- I'm lined up for Eng subs as they come along now!   Hurray!     (9:30 PM on Sunday night --- Jan. 17 !)

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12 hours ago, thegoldbug said:

JE found out that his dad's leg injury included and old knife wound...this was written in English on the medical report he was reviewing with the Doctor (It had a line to the leg and said either old knife or stab wound).  It was shown quickly so I don't remember the exact phrase that was written...I was also caught off guard because it was written in English.

I think the fact that he had a knife wound indicates that there was some type of altercation (causing the stab wound).

I am still hoping that the Chairman is not guilty of murder.
Before he and his friend (HK/YK Dad) went hiking - they had a drink together first, as was mentioned in the records.
They could have been a little drunk, and the accident happened, just maybe ? they were struggling who should cut the rope first? and in the struggle the Chairman got wounded/ cut with the knife, thus the injury.


Plot twists like this, which seem to border mystery, and hint unresolved issues... I hope this will really bring about a "convincing" big revelation in the end.
Because if I still remember it right ? many had been waiting for a convincing big reveal by JE why he cheated, why he committed adultery.  Where a lot of us here had posted pages and pages and pages  of possible explanation and reasons for him.
And all we got as  his big reveal was " BECAUSE I GOT TIRED OF MY LOVE." wow profound...duh 

So now with all these clues dangling about...really ..hopefully a convincing and detailed account of what really  happened in that hiking incident should be given to the viewers.


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Episode 38

Kim Ki Seong, aged 58 (born 17/07/1959)....the chauffeur that was driving MH & SH around in their car, was one of the member of the Fire & Rescue team during the Bukhansan 1981 incident that involve MH with Dokgu Ji Hoon

Medical records of MH injuries....complains of claudication (cramps) & pain in Lt (left) post (post operative) calf....gait disturbance (wide base, lurching).....would have given treatment dosage (100-200mg intravenously/intramuscularly qd - quaque die, everyday) of thiamine...MH had also have soleus athrophy...left post operative calf left him with a 4cm skin scar (surgical car) due to (d/t) stab wound.

JE asked the Professor (who consulted MH after his post operation) whether it was from a knife but the Professor tell him that it is not necessary comes from knife.....the term stab wound can be for any sharp object that had penetrate the body & that MH did suffered memory trauma on that accident...JE goes on a far fetch assumption that his father could have use the knife on himself to make it look like an accident

The hamburger man was a former executive staff of Cheon Nyeon Pharm (maybe for a fallguy for MTS as he just release from prison)....HK had asked him to buy Cheon Nyeon Pharm share on her behalf

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11 hours ago, LHRCN_ said:

And the next questions are: BS will be die??? what happens to the next trial?? will HK have a conflict with the Beak's family? SR will stop doing stupid things upon hearing about her brother??

i trully hope the writer won't make BS die... in my opinion, HG will feel very guilty, coz seems like it her fault to make BS life end up very sad.Also, BS family will also blame HG later for losing their son/oppa/hyung life....

Sincerely hope soooooo ... wish there will a happy ending or BS too

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