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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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conversation of JE and DHK after the hearing and they go for lunch...(excerpt some....)

JE--- But you should make yourself food.......you're a good cook.

HK---There is nobody who cooks well to feed themselves, you cook well to feed others...( after this she  pause.. seem to remember something and she look on JE's face....)

 JE--- I probably won't be able to eat your cooking again, will I?:confused: I should have eaten when you   cooked for me.I should have eaten a lot then.   

before  this JE ask DHK if they can live for just one month? why? (better ask her to stay forever till death do us part) is what were expecting for reconciliation does the writer hinting us in advance?

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@seungshin --- You are correct, it was @shamrockmom who tossed her laptop  along some freeway near San Diego!  And SLA was "my first" too!   :blush:   But just prior to that, OWW had me  "on fire with desire" to share ideas and comments about dramas!  If I had known Soompi forums back then, I would have signed up right away!

Edited by mdj101
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15 hours ago, Lmangla said:

watching ep 36 with subs ~

am I being mean when I don't understand why SR is so upset about losing calcium/bone density?? like seriously? there are terrible side effects to chemotherapy drugs but we don't have people protesting about it. as a drug researcher, she would be well aware that losing bone density is not like the worst of side effects that could happen right? and there are diseases that are much worse like what little WJ is facing... so it is surprising that as someone with a medical background, she is acting like having brittle bones is somehow akin to a death sentence...

at least with my interactions with those from medical background, they have a much more logical and almost clinical approach to diseases that affect themselves or their own family. knew this psychiatrist who found out he had cancer (incurable) and didn't even tell his family -- he decided that he didn't want people fussing and acting like he was dying till he was actually dead. so he just lived his life till he got really sick and then told his family and even then, they were under super strict orders to not tell others -- he didn't want folks coming and crying at his door till well after he was dead....

It does seem that way right?

But it sorta is like a death sentence. SR was diagnosed with osteomalacia. It carries a poor prognosis because her defect lies in bone production or mineralization. Supplementation with Vit. D, calcium and phosphorus simply will not cut it because even with enough stores, the process of formation is defective, so there won't be any bone production. SR is looking at a future filled with severe muscle aches, spontaneous bone fractures which may be fatal especially when her ribcage collapses. As opposed to osteoporosis wherein the defect is a deficiency and by taking supplementation it can be corrected. SR is furious because she knows how everything would end, being in the field of medical research. 

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36 minutes ago, Kehinde said:

Random thought OT...

I've noticed that when we write about HK and JE together in the same sentence, most of us tend to put HK before JE. Hmm...is it because she's central character? It is because everyone is rooting for HK? In other forums, are the females put before the males? Or the other way around?

Just a very random thought that I've noticed that I wanted to mention ^_^

Ha ha...I can only answer for me - it's solely cos I root for HK/YK and KHJ :P I consciously tell myself to put HK first before JE, and not just cos KHJ is the main character, and that IHAL is female-centric. Although I suspect that's the motivation for many others.

Mostly, or rather, culturally, in an asian/chinese setting, it's usually the man/male figure that'll come first, followed by seniority(age, ranking, etc), But hey, this is a forum. A fandom forum :) 

Thanks @Kehinde for clearing my doubt about the scene where HK and JE first met. I can't wait to see it!

@thegoldbug Thanks chingu for your clarification re mountain climbing. Very very informative. :P 

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47 minutes ago, drmjs said:

It does seem that way right?

But it sorta is like a death sentence. SR was diagnosed with osteomalacia. It carries a poor prognosis because her defect lies in bone production or mineralization. Supplementation with Vit. D, calcium and phosphorus simply will not cut it because even with enough stores, the process of formation is defective, so there won't be any bone production. SR is looking at a future filled with severe muscle aches, spontaneous bone fractures which may be fatal especially when her ribcage collapses. As opposed to osteoporosis wherein the defect is a deficiency and by taking supplementation it can be corrected. SR is furious because she knows how everything would end, being in the field of medical research. 

Wow! @drmjs So illuminating! Thanks chingu.

In SR's case, (may be a silly/ignorant train of thought here...) wouldn't stem cell or bone tissue cell transplantation work for her? She's still so young, her bones should still be growing and developing...? Moreover, wasn't it only a year or so that she was in the P-clinical trial? I'm assuming that once she left for US, she has stopped?  

What I'm hoping is ...it's not hopeless yet (health-wise) for SR, right? What do folks think?

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IN premenopausal women -  which SR is - new bone is being formed every day. If she just takes calcium and Vit D and does moderate weight bearing exercises, her bones will reform. She may be at increased risk for osteoporosis post menopausally but her chance of having something terrible happen - I don't think bone fractures are terrible. They heal. - is slim to none. If her doctors wanted to they could give her one of several medications that are given for osteoporosis but since the bone that is formed naturally is of superior quality than that formed with meds, she is better off taking vitamin D, Calcium and doing weight bearing exercises. 

I think there is something up with the minion TS has hired. Either BS' secretary is a planted man or TS' minion is working for BS. Except for JE bringing HG back from the dead Jesus like in Epi 23, IHAL has had makjang in limited amounts so I don't think this is an oversight.

I think JE and HG ending up together is a foregone conclusion. For me the real challenge is to show that they can in this iteration of their relationship actually live with one another without killing each other. For that they have to live and work together for at least some time. They have been working together for a few episodes and  have formed a strategic alliance at work without either of them ever talking about it loud. Now the next big step is to be in each other's personal space or to be exact for JE to be in HG's personal space since I don't think HG is going to JE's house. 

Also they have not had a conversation about what happened 4 years ago. JE explained while HG listened in episode 30 but that was not a conversation which moves relationships forward. That was more the writer telling us what was happening in JE's head in 2011. 

HG the planner is lining up her ducks in a row. She is buying up stocks - the money by the way is the money TS gave her now in 2015. The money from 2011 was probably returned to CMH since HG was presumed dead - and I believe the conversation between HG and TS which is not yet subbed towards the end of epi 37 is important in knowing what is going on in HG's head. 

Although we see her thinking about the conversation she had with JE in the restaurant in JE's office, I think the decision to lean on him was made in the restaurant. When she comes back from the bathroom, she hugs him and then closes her eyes. The hug is very reminiscent of the hug from epi 26 in the rain when she first sees the photos KS had sent her. She decides that she is going to trust him. Now is of course a much  more informed decision than in epi 26 when she could not remember him. For me unless I see them co-existing, collaborating and on HG's part sharing information with JE, IHAL will remain unresolved. JE has always been very open with HG so that is clearly not an issue. He is also now better at recognizing that what HG says and what is going on in her head are 2 different things. I still do not see HG sharing information. She is a loner in her plans. Unless that changes, they are going to end up apart which would be a waste given everything the writer has put them through. 

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52 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

Wow! @drmjs So illuminating! Thanks chingu.

In SR's case, (may be a silly/ignorant train of thought here...) wouldn't stem cell or bone tissue cell transplantation work for her? She's still so young, her bones should still be growing and developing...? Moreover, wasn't it only a year or so that she was in the P-clinical trial? I'm assuming that once she left for US, she has stopped?  

You're right.

In cases of drug induced diseases, simply withdrawing the drug usually helps. But length of drug exposure is variable. Even if you're exposed to a toxic drug for a short time, you can still develop side effects. But in Pudoxin's case, it triggers a cascade. So it means Pudoxin's effect may be far reaching - genetic restructuring etc. (ex. Thalidomide) which makes it unsafe. With the way the writer has depicted Pudoxin, it shouldn't have even gone past animal testing. It'll probably take another 20 to 50 years before we can see definitive uses for stem cell therapy (it's showing huge promise in leukemias though), bone tissue transplantation has its limits, her whole skeletal system is involved. 

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About HK having a mental out look similar to the maxim favored by Admiral Yi Sun Shin, I've read things online (so not great ?intellectual research) that he followed an ancient code of warrior conduct, a different view from many of his peers. 

I read something that made sense, regarding his belief system and his conduct over his entire life.  I read that the Admiral adhered to the code of a  long out-of-favor 10th Century, Silla Society called,  "Hwarang" (or "Flowering Knights & other names) --- some females called  "Wonha" used to be leaders of these groups. Buddhist monks often trained them in martial arts & many other things.

The Hwarang adopted, taught by a famous Monk,  the "The 5 Precepts for Secular Life". (See them in the short article under the Spoiler) The precept I see most meaningful in Hae Gang 's belief system,would be the 4th - ""Never retreat  in battle, & 3rd -"Trust among friends".  The Samurai code of honor seems more harsh --- on the practitioners & on their opponents. I liked hearing the Admiral had such high moral code in all things. Explains why he could endure & overcome!

As of Epi. #37, I believe Hae Gang fully expects to die. So she is giving Jin Eun his "month of beautiful memories".      :cold_sweat:


1)  https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Hwarang

2)  The kind of legend that surely was inspirational to a young Yi Sun Shin:


 3)  Very short & "easy read":....



@irilight --- Thank you for that tip --- for highlighting  poster's names. (p.558)


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16 hours ago, mdj101 said:

As of Epi. #37, I believe Hae Gang fully expects to die. So she is giving Jin Eun his "month of beautiful memories".

:lol: hope not....i will never watch any more dramas this long if the lead is going to die....

imo...he ask him to live together for one month... to fight against MTS...they can lean on others back...two is better than one in fighting your enemy...... and can keep eating what DHK cooked...co's before he say he never eat that much...:D

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2 hours ago, drmjs said:

It does seem that way right?

But it sorta is like a death sentence. SR was diagnosed with osteomalacia. It carries a poor prognosis because her defect lies in bone production or mineralization. Supplementation with Vit. D, calcium and phosphorus simply will not cut it because even with enough stores, the process of formation is defective, so there won't be any bone production. SR is looking at a future filled with severe muscle aches, spontaneous bone fractures which may be fatal especially when her ribcage collapses. As opposed to osteoporosis wherein the defect is a deficiency and by taking supplementation it can be corrected. SR is furious because she knows how everything would end, being in the field of medical research. 



59 minutes ago, drmjs said:

You're right.

In cases of drug induced diseases, simply withdrawing the drug usually helps. But length of drug exposure is variable. Even if you're exposed to a toxic drug for a short time, you can still develop side effects. But in Pudoxin's case, it triggers a cascade. So it means Pudoxin's effect may be far reaching - genetic restructuring etc. (ex. Thalidomide) which makes it unsafe. With the way the writer has depicted Pudoxin, it shouldn't have even gone past animal testing. It'll probably take another 20 to 50 years before we can see definitive uses for stem cell therapy (it's showing huge promise in leukemias though), bone tissue transplantation has its limits, her whole skeletal system is involved


thanks @drmjs for the explanation; was thinking on the lines of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. so it is kind of difficult to understand why a young woman like SR was so upset when lots of old aunties manage just fine even though they are in pain..... is it because we expect old people to have such problems but as young people, it is disappointing to find you have something like that? also, as a test subject, especially one with medical knowledge, can she really blame the company? it is not like regular folks who signed up for a trial who may not have understand that there are side effects to every drug. but here, she comes in with medical knowledge. and yet she seems bit taken aback. there are many trials where the patients do end up reacting badly to the drug. since she is in the field, wouldn't she be aware of the risks and yet she chose to participate.

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@mdj101 As of Epi. #37, I believe Hae Gang fully expects to die. So she is giving Jin Eun his "month of beautiful memories".      


Yes, the battle is on and HG is fully aware of it.  Maybe she does think she is going to die of  TS evil attempts but I also think she knows she might end up in jail (as she previously told BS about handcuffs on TS and her.)  Either way, she wants to create good and beautiful memories with JE, while time lasts. While JE thinks as HG finds the truth of their fathers' past she won't return to him.  Possibly, JE thinks he might be in danger  as he is going to deal with pudoxin case  and reveal TS's crimes and wrongdoings.  He thinks he could die in the process as well

I agree that they have to make alliance because they are actually fighting the same battle!

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32 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

thanks @drmjs for the explanation; was thinking on the lines of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. so it is kind of difficult to understand why a young woman like SR was so upset when lots of old aunties manage just fine even though they are in pain..... is it because we expect old people to have such problems but as young people, it is disappointing to find you have something like that? also, as a test subject, especially one with medical knowledge, can she really blame the company? it is not like regular folks who signed up for a trial who may not have understand that there are side effects to every drug. but here, she comes in with medical knowledge. and yet she seems bit taken aback. there are many trials where the patients do end up reacting badly to the drug. since she is in the field, wouldn't she be aware of the risks and yet she chose to participate.

A drug takes about an average of 12 years to be developed. If it has passed the animal testing phase, it goes on to the human phase with caution, which is why the initial test subjects are healthy disease free individuals, it later progresses to individuals with the targeted disease it intends to treat etc. The safety of a drug to be tested needs to examined then approved by the FDA, so any drug approved for human testing is presumed safe. I assumed SR is familiar with that which is why she was taken aback when she learned of Pudoxin's lethal side effect. 

For Pudoxin, CNP falsified reports on the drug's safety, they carried on the latter clinical trial phases but they manipulated the findings (they even killed off the researcher who wanted to expose the truth). It is true, she may not have much against CNP because she volunteered to take the drug on her own, a contract protects both the pharma and the volunteer. But CNP hid information even prior to the human clinical trials. That has to account for something. 

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@Lmangla --- How smart of you to notice the camera angles used during the twins phone conaversation!  Whose choice, I wonder?  Director? along with the Editors and the Camera men?  Things mostly professional notice --- I just think stuff like --- " wasn't that a good movie?   I didn't always notice the use of music, either, beyond certain pieces or songs I recognized.  But so many BTS videos here make it obvious how large a role even the background music plays in the final product!

WOW! Did Epi.6 /25 min, ever HURT!    :cold_sweat:   Where did Writer Bae get inspiration for her dialogue, let alone the behaviors (ex., Toilet Bowl Lemonade?, for just one example).  What a blessing the hazy film of forgetfulness can be.  Returning to videos of such detail & clarity replaying mentally would drive me insane!

@irilight --- Thank you for the comments from Korean netizens  (What kind of netizens are we? I wonder.  Do we count?)

Love the comments about JJH's beautiful gaze, deep soulful eyes, etc. And now I'll always remember a video clip I saw of him in that reality show called "Taxi" (?).    I think he may have talked about it on a different show that had Eng subs.  But he explained that in that hilarious clip, he was so over-excited talking about something --- He said he was talking with the host & the driver & camera(?) how he waited & waited, more & more anxious, waiting for his wife to call him  after he had given her his phone number --- When she came in to have a graduation picture taken!   And all of us are so goo-goo eyed over him!

EDIT: --- I'm missing so many dramas!  But the forum and  IHAL are such an absorbing combination !  Soon enough I'll be moaning that it all ended too soon!          :frown:


OK. Now to move on to p.560!

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For an overview of the Pudoxin discussion, which is still ongoing pending plot development on the topic  ... and to keep everyone in the loop... (in chrono-order...

On 1/3/2016 at 2:16 AM, gerrytan8063 said:


@my2centsworth @jadecloud

"So if SR has a vitamin D deficiency then is that all that is wrong with her? Pudoxin didn't do that, so why is she going after HK. Or is that just an excuse?

SR suffers from gastric hence she took Pudoxin for the ailment, so her gut is not healthy & this will undermine the influences on how much she can absorbed Vitamin D through her food intake (not that she was having a balance diet when she was staying alone, I bet she went for quick fix meals or take aways), the side effects of Pudoxin might be ailing her liver & kidneys functions too which might play an effect. Vitamin D is the only thing that will help our intestine to absorbed calcium from our food intake. This is why you can see milk products having fortified Vitamin D in them. If you can't absorbed Vitamin D through food or sunlight (skin) then this will means that the our bone health will be undermine hence Osteomalacia in her report

Remember the Pudoxin victim that was picketing outside the office, he had a fracture leg, so it could be from his undermining bone density from taking Pudoxin




On 1/3/2016 at 4:03 AM, drmjs said:

Dramaland's Pudoxin is touted to be a good drug for gastric upsets, but it's side effect may very well be like most anti seizure drugs - vitamin D depletion. There are drugs that directly affect vitamin D metabolism and affect the organs chiefly responsible for its production - the liver, kidneys and the skin. So exposure overtime to this drug can result in softening of the bones called osteomalacia. Aside from producing spontaneous fractures, it can also cause the ribcage to collapse and pierce the vital organs it protected, which is why it's deadly. Also, fractures can produce air embolisms which can cause heart attacks or strokes. What's more, in a progressive country like Korea, vitamin deficiency would be the last thing their doctors would think of as the cause of bone fractures. There is also the fact that CNP hid this side effect from the public so it makes diagnosis extra difficult. :(



On 1/3/2016 at 4:46 AM, gerrytan8063 said:





An article on Vitamin D deficiency in Korea


Test results had shown in a study.....Vitamin D insufficiency was found in 47.3% of males and 64.5% of females, whereas only 13.2% of male and 6.7% of female population had a serum 25(OH)D level of greater than 30 ng/ml. Vitamin D insufficiency was most prevalent in the age of 20-29, with a rate of 65.0% in males and 79.9% in females, and least prevalent in the age of 60-69 in males and 50-59 in females. Those who work usually indoors were more predisposed to vitamin D insufficiency. In the adult population, predictors for vitamin D insufficiency included young age groups, spring and winter seasons, living in an urban area, and indoor occupations.


Vitamin D insufficiency is very common, and it is now a greater threat to the younger generation in Korea. Current recommendations for vitamin D intakes for Koreans are inadequate, especially for the youth.




On 1/3/2016 at 5:40 AM, drmjs said:


@gerrytan8063 - Thanks for the heads up.

Very interesting article from the Korean Herald which was published a year ago. :) Also the journal results reflect the propensity of young Korean women (dare might I add also most Asian women?) opting to achieve the milky white flawless complexions often sported by Korean celebrities. Most of their beauty products contain SPFs >50 and they're scared of too much sun exposure. So, specific deficiencies caused by following trends! 

Well, hehe, SR's age group is predisposed to that particular deficiency even if she's not using Pudoxin. :phew: The odds are surely stacking up against her, fast.




3 hours ago, drmjs said:


It does seem that way right?

But it sorta is like a death sentence. SR was diagnosed with osteomalacia. It carries a poor prognosis because her defect lies in bone production or mineralization. Supplementation with Vit. D, calcium and phosphorus simply will not cut it because even with enough stores, the process of formation is defective, so there won't be any bone production. SR is looking at a future filled with severe muscle aches, spontaneous bone fractures which may be fatal especially when her ribcage collapses. As opposed to osteoporosis wherein the defect is a deficiency and by taking supplementation it can be corrected. SR is furious because she knows how everything would end, being in the field of medical research. 




3 hours ago, jadecloud said:


Wow! @drmjs So illuminating! Thanks chingu.

In SR's case, (may be a silly/ignorant train of thought here...) wouldn't stem cell or bone tissue cell transplantation work for her? She's still so young, her bones should still be growing and developing...? Moreover, wasn't it only a year or so that she was in the P-clinical trial? I'm assuming that once she left for US, she has stopped? 




2 hours ago, drmjs said:


You're right.

In cases of drug induced diseases, simply withdrawing the drug usually helps. But length of drug exposure is variable. Even if you're exposed to a toxic drug for a short time, you can still develop side effects. But in Pudoxin's case, it triggers a cascade. So it means Pudoxin's effect may be far reaching - genetic restructuring etc. (ex. Thalidomide) which makes it unsafe. With the way the writer has depicted Pudoxin, it shouldn't have even gone past animal testing. It'll probably take another 20 to 50 years before we can see definitive uses for stem cell therapy (it's showing huge promise in leukemias though), bone tissue transplantation has its limits, her whole skeletal system is involved. 




3 hours ago, iamtaken said:

IN premenopausal women -  which SR is - new bone is being formed every day. If she just takes calcium and Vit D and does moderate weight bearing exercises, her bones will reform. She may be at increased risk for osteoporosis post menopausally but her chance of having something terrible happen - I don't think bone fractures are terrible. They heal. - is slim to none. If her doctors wanted to they could give her one of several medications that are given for osteoporosis but since the bone that is formed naturally is of superior quality than that formed with meds, she is better off taking vitamin D, Calcium and doing weight bearing exercises. 



1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

thanks @drmjs for the explanation; was thinking on the lines of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. so it is kind of difficult to understand why a young woman like SR was so upset when lots of old aunties manage just fine even though they are in pain..... is it because we expect old people to have such problems but as young people, it is disappointing to find you have something like that? also, as a test subject, especially one with medical knowledge, can she really blame the company? it is not like regular folks who signed up for a trial who may not have understand that there are side effects to every drug. but here, she comes in with medical knowledge. and yet she seems bit taken aback. there are many trials where the patients do end up reacting badly to the drug. since she is in the field, wouldn't she be aware of the risks and yet she chose to participate.



40 minutes ago, drmjs said:


A drug takes about an average of 12 years to be developed. If it has passed the animal testing phase, it goes on to the human phase with caution, which is why the initial test subjects are healthy disease free individuals, it later progresses to individuals with the targeted disease it intends to treat etc. The safety of a drug to be tested needs to examined then approved by the FDA, so any drug approved for human testing is presumed safe. I assumed SR is familiar with that which is why she was taken aback when she learned of Pudoxin's lethal side effect. 

For Pudoxin, CNP falsified reports on the drug's safety, they carried on the latter clinical trial phases but they manipulated the findings (they even killed off the researcher who wanted to expose the truth). It is true, she may not have much against CNP because she volunteered to take the drug on her own, a contract protects both the pharma and the volunteer. But CNP hid information even prior to the human clinical trials. That has to account for something. 




@Lmangla I believe, to be fair to SR, who is smart and medically well-versed, that when she signed up for the clinical trial, it was based on the knowledge that Phase 1 and Phase 2 have gone through with good outcome based on TS' falsified report, and which SR had no idea of. I believe SR then participated from Phase 3 (as seen on the drug packet that HK took from SR's apt during that 'kitchen flooding incident') until perhaps when she left SK for US. So, if the situation is as @drmjs has expanded, and as SR sees it as such, then her 'health' situation is indeed dicey.

Just for a general understanding of how clinical trials are conducted. Not SK-centric...





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21 hours ago, Lmangla said:

but why does JR care who Dr marries? is it just pride? or is it because of her husband's sake? why does she care if Dr marries someone who may have a defective gene? why does she care if he marries a mother of a child? it is not like the inheritance will get diluted..... or does she genuinely care about Dr in her own way?

@Lmangla, I may be reading it wrong, but to me it simply is about JR wanting to throw her weight around. Of course, it does not help matters, that she knows that YK was a "corporate snitch" against PDX.

20 hours ago, liltash85 said:

Agree with you. The way SR is devastated as if she was diagnosed with cancer. and the funny thing is none of her bones already broken (like the dead victim HG was helping before). She still can increase her bone density by calcium intake. As a researcher can she think about that? 


@Lmangla, @liltash85, I agree with you that it is not the same as debilitating disease such as cancer; Still, I recall prior posts by both @gerrytan8063 and someone else, (was it @drmjs?   I think. Forgive me, if I am mistaken) that explained how loss of bone density due to Vitamin D deficiency could possibly cause her whole rib cage to collapse. No fun, for sure.

Sorry, I wrote it before I saw the more recent discussions and @drmjs new remarks about PDX.

18 hours ago, juntan said:

The song by Lee Moon Sae, "bygone love"  is such a nice song even Wo understanding the lyrics .

can I request someone to translate it to Korean  wordings for me. Am trying to source for it in iTunes but no luck so far. 

Maybe the Hangul will help. 


Thanks in advance!

Hi @juntan, page 1 on the thread has the video posted with English translations.

For lyrics only, please check this link.


Someone on this thread also translated it; sorry, I forget who it was.

@trust71, I agree with you about Ji Jin-Hee's acting. He is very intense and emotional when he needs to be.


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@jadecloud LOL chingu no way andwae andwae that i'm ditching my SCU hahaha you made me laugh! btw i luv your avatar, how'd u do that? I luv kim she's one of my faves among the K actresses! oh i've been a fan of JJH even before SCU and their strong resemblance made me like/love the two of them more! :) Oh i will nvr forget IHAL to follow, i just finished epi 36 & what a cliffhanger, he's really v much in love with HG as we can tell! 

I also was having probs with soompi in the past & it was frustrating but i guess they were having some kinda maintenance prob that's why!


The movie Reason for Living i did see that with Song Hye Goo right but SC didn't have a big role there so i wasn't really into that movie! :) by this time i've seen all of SC's projects except the animation, i nvr left any stones unturned hahahaha


wave to you all IHAL fans! keep watching! :) i can't wait for the next epi to be subbed! i hv a lot to read here so bear with me if i haven't been able to put in my 2 cents for a while!

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18 hours ago, Lmangla said:

but why does JR care who Dr marries? is it just pride? or is it because of her husband's sake? why does she care if Dr marries someone who may have a defective gene? why does she care if he marries a mother of a child? it is not like the inheritance will get diluted.....


5 minutes ago, irilight said:

@Lmangla, I may be reading it wrong, but to me it simply is about JR wanting to throw her weight around. Of course, it does not help matters, that she knows that YK was a "corporate snitch" against PDX.


@Lmangla To add on to @irilight's spec, which I agree could also be JR's motivation. The main reason, I believe, is that JR still harbors hopes of matching Dr GS with that 'lottery lady' for marriage. JR wants to hitch onto Dr GS's marriage-and-connection bandwagon to more power and wealth, and where she and TS would have the monetary support to take over CNP. I think :) 

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