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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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1 hour ago, kikotaichou said:


Damn. I totally see your point. I was a bit confused as well and wondered if the writer changed things up a bit because of that beach scene. I mean, YK even saw them displaying all their new found love and affection. I just surprised that after YK honked the horn JE didn't notice that it was HG's car. 


He doesn't notice because HK was driving a rental care that YK stole--of course, YK then hid out of sight; I love her personality..:lol:

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On 1/8/2016 at 10:22 AM, jadecloud said:

Ep 34 - HK and JE Christmas Moment at a korean pension/guest house....  fpL4yxL.gif:P


Mod edit: Do not quote pictures.

NICE !!! without the light

When I think about the Pudoxin...I thought about many companies who have endured recalls ect...almost everyday something is coming out to not use something...the companies rectify the situation but are still able to function ie Toyota ect...so I think the CNP can survive once the situation is rectify...why don't they develop a new drug that help people regain strength in their bones...then they can reestablish the company to be on top but the right way...

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1 hour ago, macaronsandsakuratea said:


Thanks for the kind words, chingu @irilight. The recent episodes have illustrated well our little chit-chat a few days ago involving a biblical passage (1 Cor. 13:4-8) on love and how this was of relation to the main characters. In one of my earliest posts, I mentioned Kahlil Gibran's quote in relation to HK's love, but I didn't spell it out. To amplify what you've astutely observed, I'll be quoting him now.

''If you love somebody, let them go,

for if they return, they were always yours...''

Thanks to you, as well, and to everyone else for sharing your wonderful insights about this drama. I'm learning a lot. I hope you all are having a great day or evening wherever you may be.

Take Care! Happy Watching!

@macaronsandsakuratea Funny you would mention the late great poet Kahlil Gibran ... his special (bday) day has just passed us by (1/6). Love his writings and philosophy. Wise and holy man, deep thinker and such an observant writer/poet/philosopher. Apart from the above golden quote of his, one out of very many, this struck me as being so enlightening:

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”


And this quote too would be so enlightening for both Hae Kang and Jin Eon. In particular, Hae Kang. Hope she will be able to 'break her shell' and free herself from the pain/guilt that's 'eating' her up. 


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@mtm89, thank you for sharing your personal story. I agree with you. I think couples that work out their problems, often become stronger. I also agree that many get into marriage expecting the price/princess story that will hold true forever. Life does not work this way. Life usually presents us with challenges to help us learn our lessons.

@iamtaken, I love your post on page 524, discussing the various characters, and grouping them based on how they respond to temptation. Indeed, life always throws us temptation. What makes a difference is how we respond.

I think we are all eager to find out what really happened there in the mountains with MH and DJH. Was it really just a freak accident on a casual outing of two friends, or was it premeditated on MH's part, so that he can steal the patent from DJH, and build a foundation of his new pharmaceutical empire based on this theft?

@LHRCN_, Thank you for the nudge about "What Happens to My Family."  I have been meaning to watch it, because of KHJ and YDG (He amazed me just as much in JDJ. What a powerful performance.)   I was happy to see KBSW uploaded the episodes. But maybe I'll watch "Twinkle Twinkle" first, since it is also penned by Bae Yoo-Mi.

@kikotaichou, happy you found this forum too  :)

@Kfan7172, insightful post (page 524).  I don't know what I would have done, had I been in HK's shoes, finding out I am working for such a company. Not only corrupt but also engaging in illegal activities, and even murder. She could have quit her job and wash her hands of these guys (although, it would have been difficult, being JE's wife, she could have come up with some lame excuse). Her choice to stay on and gather info. that will bring this company down, was a brave decision, especially in view of her knowledge. Her response to JE in the conversation quoted by @deandraluv (page 518) gives us an insight into what she may be planning, and that take a lot of courage and meticulous planning.

@ymiss,  I too, am loving the HK-JE moments, and their amazing chemistry. I also am loving the writernim's plot and twits, and well layered characters. 

The more I think of JE's infidelity with SR, the more I think there was more to it than meets the eye, (from the writer's POV.) He was not out looking for a romance or an affair with a cute and sexy younger girl. I think he latched on to SR both because of his deep pain at the time, as well as his rage at HK. Does that excuse him? Of course not. But - it gives us an insight into a man who is frail and falls in spite of his love and commitment to his wife (Which we are witnessing now)

@jadecloud chingu,  I am with you. I rather like JE (and HK's) characters because they are not super human-beings heroes. I like their layered characters, who make mistakes, and work to correct them.

Thank you for your thoughts on "A Reason to Live." Another Korean film that deals with forgiveness that come to mind is Lee Chang-Dong's "Secret Sunshine"


It won numerous international awards both for Lee Chang-Dong as the director, as well as for Jeon Do-Yeon who won Best Actress in Cannes for it.
Rotten Tomatoes gave it 93%. Not an easy feat to achieve.


But I found it a lot more difficult to watch and relate to, because of the nature of the crime.  

The theme of forgiveness is also to be found in this writer's other drama that I watched "Scandal: A Shocking and Wrongful Incident." I highly recommend it. It left a deep impression on me.

Thank you also for going into the trouble of doing this incredible research and bringing us the information of Lawyer's privilege in the U.S vs. S. Korea.

The statement that you emphasized, of course, sends me thinking about what may be HK's course of action.


Attorneys are also exempt from the confidentiality obligation when important public interest is at stake or when disclosure of confidential information is vital to the defence of his/her own rights.


7 hours ago, jadecloud said:

To those who seemingly vouch for 'marriage as a sacred union' yet are anti-JE for cheating, anti-reconciliation of HK/JE, and can't/won't see how/why HK loves JE, aso...doesn't this 'sacredness' alone deserve a 2nd chance to make it work? Esp in a couple who mutually love and care?

Beautifully expressed @jadecloud . Thank you for that.

@Lmangla, Thank you for sharing your personal experience.  When you write "a punch in self respect" I can almost physically feel it.
Regarding SR being humiliated by all the other people, esp. from JE's family - I was asking myself the same question, and so far, the only answer I come up with, is that she takes it as "necessary evil" if you will, on her path into JE's family.


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@irilight thnx chingu i'll chk it out, i'm trying to finish their old rom/com drama Ms Kim's Million Dollar Quest

@LHRCN_ i agree she's good in all the dramas be it comedy like in Ms Kim's with our JJH and also how did you like her in Twinkle Twinkle drama? that's one of my faves of her drama!

wave to all while i continue with Ms Kim's drama & thereafter i'll check the latest epi 35! i can't simply put my 2 cents right now coz i hvnt seen the epi yet but i sure will be back to join your discussion about this epi!

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9 hours ago, irilight said:

@lclarakl,   welcome-back-sign-smiley-emoticon.gif.  I thought you went away, because you did not like the direction the drama was going, with JE/HK possible renewed relationship. I don't know if you had a chance to watch the recent episode we were discussing where JE was talking about forgiveness. And we had here a short discussion about that, prompted by insightful questions by @Lmangla.  That might help you, if you have not seen it, better understand where the writer is heading and why.


@irilight, Thank you.  To be honest, I can't say that I've been watching the recent episodes. I skipped so much that I probably saw about 10 to 15 minutes of the last couple of episodes and some episodes I skipped completely.

I am all for forgiveness. I don't think a person's life can be complete, if they are hanging on to grudges and hate. However, I also don't think just because you forgive a cheating spouse, means that you need to take them back. For me, the writer took JE's character and his visceral attitude towards HK in the first 9 episodes to a level where I wonder what woman in her right mind would want this type of man back in her life; why would she want to be mixed up with JE's family again; her mother in law was downright hateful in how she treated HK and embraced SR, JE let his mother do that in front of the woman who was still his wife.  JE was down right hateful to HK. Then to see JE in the pictures that SR sent, he was happy, laughing, and kind--even to stray dogs, but he saved all of his venom for HK.  For me, the writer  didn't redeem him to the point where HK should take him back.

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2 hours ago, trust71 said:

.@macaronandsakuratea.....like reading you insight..continue to share


1 hour ago, jadecloud said:

@macaronsandsakuratea Funny you would mention the late great poet Kahlil Gibran ... his special (bday) day has just passed us by (1/6). Love his writings and philosophy. Wise and holy man, deep thinker and such an observant writer/poet/philosopher. Apart from the above golden quote of his, one out of very many, this struck me as being so enlightening:

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”


And this quote too would be so enlightening for both Hae Kang and Jin Eon. In particular, Hae Kang. Hope she will be able to 'break her shell' and free herself from the pain/guilt that's 'eating' her up. 



Kommawoyo for the kind words, chingu @trust71. Please know that I love reading your wonderful insights too and the way you vibrantly express them on this forum.

Thanks for the special info on the late great Gibran, chingu @jadecloud and for sharing this beautiful quote, this beautiful message. I am in agreeance with what you have said. Hae Kang's pain is a legitimate distress. It's her natural human reaction for all the unfortunate incidents that have had happened in her life. However, it has been eroding her self-worth and wreaking havoc in her relationships. May she indeed soon break free.


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@LHRCN_ thank you for posting videos of Kim Hyun Joo and information about her.  

Without translating and subbing the videos (no time) these are things we learn from the videos (highlight from all four vids):

. As a young girl she dreamed of being someone on TV (well known and famous now she thinks). She remembers hearing the proverb 'When they die, tigers leave their hides behind but human being leave their names behind' and she thinks that might be what motivated her.  She thought of that a lot.

. Her mother entered her into the "National Pretty Baby/Girl Contest" when she was 5 (4 western age) because everyone was saying KHJ was pretty.  She came third.  [just like the adult beauty contest, 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements are known as Jin (truth), Seon (good) and Mee (beauty) in Korea.  So ccoming in third KHJ got the 'beauty' prize].  She points out (from the photo on screen) that she had 'big lips' back then too.  She mentions her lips are smaller now (so her luscious lips come by naturally :).

. She sings well and she learned to play the guitar when her father bought her one when she was young.  The piece she performs in Guru video was her first time playing in public.

. She cried when she remembered her father's death which came one week after the death her close friend, Park Yong Ha who killed himself (He is the famous actor from Winter Sonata).  He was her first friend in the industry.  She regrets she didn't spend enough time with her father or showed him how much she loved him.  She regrets she didn't reach out to her friend PYH.  Perhaps it's her pride that kept her from calling him first as a friend she said.  Since then she's decided she should choose at least one friend in her life she purposely protects.

. She says she enjoying doing anything with her hands.  We see her knitting (very proficient) and sewing and making coffee in these vids.

. She entered a model contest in high school by submitting a photo in high school uniform taken by her friend.  She also applied for admission to a broadcasting company (yearly recruiting process for MBC KBS and SBS to this day) at the same time.  She worried about what to do if she was accepted into both but failed in both. Soon after she got a call for CF from an agency after seeing her photo in magazine.  The agency was not well known but the actress Lee Young Ae (of DJG) beloved to the company.  She looks up up to LYA to this day.

. She tells a funny story of getting 50,000 won ($50 in today's dollars) for her first project (around 1997) and taking her friend (who went to the audition with her and spent the whole day with her) for a meal (tteokboki and soondae) and realized she had left her wallet at a phone booth.  She was so sad about losing her first pay she cried all night.  Her grandma offered to giver her the money but she remembers yelling 'it's not the same money.'  

. She had a meteoric rise in first two years (1997-99) doing CFs, variety shows, DJ work, dramas, movies etc. etc.  Got a reputation for being difficult from her manager which surprised her but thinks she was exhausted from working none stop for about three years.  She lived on 3 hours of sleep a day.  After that she decided to pursue acting exclusively 

. She got her first acting job with writer No Hee Gyung (very famous, her latest project is 'It's ok That's love').  She had no idea how well known this writer was.  She was chewing gum in her audition with her because she forgot to spit it out and didn't know it.  Ironically that's what got her the part because the writer was looking for an ill manner girl!  LOL

. She had success in Glass Slipper and had a main lead in the drama called 'Land'.  She got a good feedback about her acting but the ratings were not good.  She didn't feel good about her work and fell into a slump.

. She took two years off after that and she thinks that was a mistake.  She should have continued on to get over the difficulties.

. The project that got her out of the slump was 'Pretty Insun.'  The first line of the script is "it's ok, it's ok Insun, you are nice, you are pretty, you are great ' (something like this).  She said it caught her attention because that was what she was saying to herself at the time to get out of the slump and to see it in the script made her feel it was something she had to take on.

. She volunteers for charity for unfortunate kids, not too hard she said, and that she does it for herself (she says she is selfish this way) more than the children, though lately she's connecting with the kids in need more.  She says every time she goes on a mission like this she comes back more energized and appreciative of her life.

. as to her future plans, she wants to work on projects with people she loves and to be grateful and satisfied with the work she does.


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@mdj101, Thank you for additional information about "A Reason to Live." The idea of forgiveness as a sin, is certainly thought provoking. I know you will appreciate the film.

@mtm89, I was also afraid that BS will go to the dark side, lead by his step-sister. I am so glad he did not.

@jadecloud, Thank you for beautiful gifs and stills. 

@macaronsandsakuratea, Thank you  for the beautiful quotation from Kahlil Gibran. I am a big believer in that. More importantly, so is HK apparently.

I have said before on this thread, that "Bless him and Release Him" is the way to go....  HK shows the inner strength that SR lacks.

@jadecloud, Thank you for the beautiful Kiss scene....   :wub:  Smiley
Thank you also for the other beautiful quote from Kahlil Gibran. I pray that HK will be able to free herself, and I think/hope that JE will be of help, and possibly also BS, as  a  friend.

3 hours ago, tiMadam said:

so I think the CNP can survive once the situation is rectify...why don't they develop a new drug that help people regain strength in their bones...then they can reestablish the company to be on top but the right way...


@tiMadam, that is a  great idea.  But I think they need to restructure the company first.

1 hour ago, lclarakl said:

I am all for forgiveness. I don't think a person's life can be complete, if they are hanging on to grudges and hate. However, I also don't think just because you forgive a cheating spouse, means that you need to take them back. For me, the writer took JE's character and his visceral attitude towards HK in the first 9 episodes to a level where I wonder what woman in her right mind would want this type of man back in her life; why would she want to be mixed up with JE's family again; her mother in law was downright hateful in how she treated HK and embraced SR, JE let his mother do that in front of the woman who was still his wife.  JE was down right hateful to HK. Then to see JE in the pictures that SR sent, he was happy, laughing, and kind--even to stray dogs, but he saved all of his venom for HK.  For me, the writer  didn't redeem him to the point where HK should take him back.


@lclarakl ,  hi white cloud  of course, forgiving does not mean it is necessary to take a husband who previously cheated back. It is a matter of choice, between the two parties.

I recall, that in the first 10 episodes some of us saw JE as the main "culprit" for the way he treated HK. Some of us saw her as a cold and distancing wife, who drove her husband away.  As I wrote at the time - it takes two to tango. I don't think one party was more at fault than the other, although I do agree that JE had crossed the line for his infidelity while being married. However, before that happened - they had 15 years of bliss and love. Those cannot be erased either.

Too bad, you did not watch the latest episodes, because they gave us also insights to JE-HK's relationship prior to the breakdown, when there was lots of love and trust between them. It is these insights that won many of us into their camp. It is because of these insights into their lives, and love, that he can be redeemed.

Because I have seen another drama from this writer, I do not believe that she had re-written it for JE or Ji Jin-Hee's sake, as you suggested in your other post.  I think her plan all along was to show us the frailty of human emotions, while coming to focus on the strength that people can derive through compassion and forgiveness.  It is not an easy journey for sure.  As to HK putting up with JE's family again - I agree, that is a tough one. I think for HK, she needs to get back there, for a position of power, so that she can fight the evil that CNP has been doing, and in doing so, atone herself and forgive herself.

@chubbychub1966,  Thank you much for OST #3  !
I updated page 1 to include it.

@seungshin,  ooooh.. Thank you much for the information about KHJ.
Oh, when I think of Park Yong-Ha, I still want to cry.  Interesting that she speaks there of regrets, and here, this drama also brings up the issue of regret.
I love her story, of her start, and the projects she did. Thank you.

"I'm a lover, Lee Kyu-han / actor's family


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I like the last OST...

Actually I like all released OST...

honestly, I started watching IHAL because I listened the OST first, I like the first and second OST...then I try to search the drama, then voila I hooked into this drama ...this is the second ongoing drama I watched (after pinocchio) and tempted me  to visit soompi forums...

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On 1/8/2016 at 10:22 AM, jadecloud said:

Ep 34 - HK and JE Christmas Moment at a korean pension/guest house....  fpL4yxL.gif:P


Mod edit: Do not quote videos.

thanks @jadecloud that you brightened  the lightning....:heart:

as you can see both on their eyes how much they longed for each other......really......chincha......".DHK"..... still denying what she feel...if JE  let that moment still and don't say anything,  their feeling will  re-ignite.:flushed:

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On January 7, 2016 at 0:04 PM, jechoi1 said:

Yes!  What is the obsession behind shoes in this drama?  I thought I missed it because I fast-forwarded through the earlier episodes, but JE is also rather obsessed with shoes, shoelaces, and feet.  Can anyone explain?


Hahaha, this post made me chuckle and be reminded me of the obsession with feet in Secret Love Affair.  The YAI character in that drama paid a lot of attention to his lover's feet.  In one of his first meetings he washes her foot after she got stuck in a mouse trap in his apartment.  He makes references to his attraction to her feet in later conversations when they become more intimate.  

When asked about the symbolism of this 'foot fetish' the director Ahn said in an interview that it was a trope he used to express YAI's feeling for his love interest.  He went onto say one could say over and over until cows come home (my words not his) that he loves someone but a drama needs an image that expresses it so that's why he and the writer of SLA chose to use feet as the object of his affection.  

So I'm thinking that could be the reason here (perhaps copying SLA) too.  SR's shoes are worn, JE gives her his shoes and puts them on and when DHG sees it, it expresses a sense of caring, affection and intimacy all in that image which crushes her.  But JE was not washing SR's feet (or anything as intimate) in IHAL so there is an ambiguity about whether he was being sexual or just a professor caring for his student in need which was a message on point here (Unlike SLA).  DHG of course reciprocates (or tries to cancel the deed) by returning the shoes and SR gets totally offended by this.....and on it goes.  But hat scene said thousand words about where the three people were at that time in their feelings, confusion, anger, love, hope, despair.....etc.


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EDIT:  Oh dear I was trying to quote the post by @lclarakl (I'm having problems) so here is the link:


I agree the portrayal of 'love' between JE and SR is unrealistic or may I say it doesn't really exist.  The writer is so 'confused' about this 'love' affair I am not even giving it much thought.  She never really developed that part of the story.  I am not sure I agree it's because the writer is favouring JJH.  In my opinion for what it's worth, I think it's because this drama is not or will never be or never was supposed to be about anything other than a love story between CJE and DHG.  Any other relationship (JE and SR or DHG and BS) is just a trope to test this love story, in which SR and BS are just side characters.

The scenes of the break up between JE and DHG were so horrendous, so much detail, I felt like I was watching 'Misaeng' a divorce version.  An anatomy of the worst possible breakup one could think of.  A 'War of the Roses' revisited.  The thought that came to my mind when watching those episodes was that the writer was making it so bad because she was going to make so good later, when they reconcile  (or will she? Being too hopeful here am I?).

I feel this drama appears to be about how does a couple in love (fated love as K Dramas love to portray), recover, reconnect and re-strengthen their love after most horrible things get thrown at them (or inflict them on themselves).  Death of a child is known to either strengthen or break a couple, more often the latter.  An extramarital affair can do the same.  Here the writer threw in both crises and then some (all that company business).

This drama is interesting in that unlike other 'regular' ones where a boy meets a girl and goes through massive misunderstanding (s) and interferences by second leads and then ends up happy (or not), this one starts off with a couple in love breaking up in pieces..........and then make us go through 40 more episodes to see how they get back..........(or do they?)  We will just have to wait and see.  

With all that said, I noticed the comments about who is more guilty about the affair are brutal on Viki.  I personally don't hold any judgment on SR, JE or DHG.  I've seen all three in real life situations (many times) and I can sympathize with all three of them.  Not that I agree with extramarital affairs but this is a common occurrence in real life and some marriages survive and in other situations the affairs survive.  It all depends on so many factors.  I just feel the affair thing is a vehicle to test the love between CJE and DHG.   Of course I could be all wrong but that is how I see this drama.  

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@chubbychub1966 Thanks :P  Love this OST Pt 3. What a beautiful song! 

Singer Ryu's office's very own tweet regarding the release of his IHAL OST Pt 3, and his website where ref was made to where a snippet of OST Pt 3 was heard....Ep 30

[Digital release start! ] SBS "I Have A Lover" weekend drama OST Part 3 "사랑 하고 사랑해 도 (Saranhago Saranhedo / Korean)"

CR: SBSdrama

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On January 6, 2016 at 9:16 PM, thegoldbug said:

When HK lost her memory she lost her knowledge that SR was a test participant for Pudoxin, she obviously took the tablets and the list of participants for a reason...I think because she wanted to see what was actually going on with it vs what she was told.  I don't think she knew everything.  I don't think she purposely kept the side effect information from SR, I think she was looking into it or going to start looking into it when the accident happened.

HG knew PDX had problems well before she found the pills.  She knew because she had a hand in burying the truth YK husband had been try to get out. After finding the pills she had no knowledge of the fake results she just want the information.  In fact she tried to have SR sent overseas so her taking the information was not related to any health concerns. 

Later she found out about the fake test results.  At the time as she wanted to gather information to use it to kick out her BIL for doing the test results.  Again it does not seem SR was concern. 

The HG back then was concerned with getting higher position in the company, getting back at JE and revenge on SR.  She really was not one to worry overmuch on the victims of CNP bad products.  She used every means  to ensure CNP would win cases against those victims to protect the company for herself.  I am not sure SR health mattered to her as much as the woman who miscarried because of CNP drug and she ruthlessly attacked in court. 

HG now completely different story. 

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1 hour ago, seungshin said:

BTW, I noticed the comments about who is more guilty about the affair are brutal on Viki.  I don't hold any judgment on SR, JE or DHG.  I've seen all three in real life situations and I can sympathize with all three of them.  Not that I agree with extramarital affairs but this is a common occurrence in real life and some marriages survive and in other situations at the affairs survive.  It all depends on so many factors.

Very wise words there chingu @seungshin I finally get to hear you verbalize your thoughts on this matter. I admit I was waiting... When I read your first impression, I felt the 'void' there and I thought perhaps you didn't want to step on any quick sand. Or that you weren't one of many who would magnify the cheating and fuzz out the rest, hence thought nothing of it. Not that that(magnifying the cheating) is wrong, I guess just different strokes for different folks. Anyway, so many factors in play. Indeed!

1 hour ago, seungshin said:

I feel this drama appears to be how does a couple in love (fated love as K Dramas love to portray), recover and reconnect and strengthen their love after most horrible things get thrown at them.  Death of a child is known to either strengthen a couple of break them, more often the latter.  An affair the same.  

Btw, writernim Bae did state in a recent interview, that her 'message' (for lack of a better word now) in IHAL is simply "Reset in Love, Reset in Life, and that it would be wonderful if one can do that or have the opportunity to do that." So you're spot on with 'recover, reconnect and strengthen'. Although it is still unclear if an eventual reconciliation may happen, it does seem pretty clear that the couple will somehow manage to overcome their odds in love and life. 

1 hour ago, seungshin said:

In my opinion for what it's worth  t's because this drama is not or may be never be or never was supposed to be JE and DHG with anyone else (JE and SR or DHG and BS).  SR and BS are side characters.  

Spot on here again. In a good way, I find this aspect to be refreshing and appealing (at least to me). I really like how writernim is so focused on her main characters, and the love between them, with flashback after flashback to show viewers here is a couple who has been through so much since college days, who has been so in love, though not the manifestation of love necessarily (HK being the less expressive of the two), but the emotional and emotive aspects of love borne out of their togetherness, their toughing it out in life, their support of each other, and which lasted them for over 15 years till the death of their only child broke their bond. Later, despite separation, accident, amnesia and travesty, their paths crossed and they are brought together again to face and fight their demons. 

Isn't it quite a parallel to MLED? Of a man whose love is steadfast and strong, and whose hopes stay alive over 2 decades? Except that, unlike IHAL, there was also a love rivalry and a husband in play, not to mention an evil adoptive dad.

                              SAGUNIN News: Kim Hyun Joo with sunny smiles :P 

                                                    (She's so lovely and happy.)


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