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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Geeez! SR needs to grow up! She really have to blame HK for not warning her about the drug, she claims HG knew it all along. Even if HG knew it or remembered it, why would HG tell her? Hell no! I wouldn't! At that time HG was so mad at her for stealing her husband. Pudoxin's toxic effect probably didn't even enter her mind when she saw SR taking the drug. Now she wants revenge. TS would be glad to let her think he would help her but I think she'll end up in the dumpster too. In his mind, "nobody blackmails MTS". 

JE can't see SR being a manipulative b***h! Does he? In his eyes she is a victim? That's why he was mad at HG for a while? Uhmm... You're minus 5 points JE. :) I thought your loyalty wavered at that moment. 

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36 minutes ago, myonenonly said:

Geeez! SR needs to grow up! She really have to blame HK for not warning her about the drug, she claims HG knew it all along. Even if HG knew it or remembered it, why would HG tell her? Hell no! I wouldn't! At that time HG was so mad at her for stealing her husband. Pudoxin's toxic effect probably didn't even enter her mind when she saw SR taking the drug. Now she wants revenge. TS would be glad to let her think he would help her but I think she'll end up in the dumpster too. In his mind, "nobody blackmails MTS". 

JE can't see SR being a manipulative b***h! Does he? In his eyes she is a victim? That's why he was mad at HG for a while? Uhmm... You're minus 5 points JE. :) I thought your loyalty wavered at that moment. 

MTS wants to eliminate JE and HG, so he has no reason to refuse SR offer but what she is not counting on is that MTS would reserve an extra cadaver bag for SR because she dared to blackmail him. 

If she thinks she can still stay safe after threatening to reveal the content of the recording to either JE and HK if MTS doesn't cooperate, then I think an unknown side effect of pudoxin is that it affects the takers ability to reason. 

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After they kiss on Christmas eve..DHK say is just a mistake and she just carried away by her emotion and longing for their past.

JE response: I didn't realize that, I almost made another mistake that I wouldn't have been able to take back.

             what does JE want to imply...what mistake has he done before that he cannot redo it.:rolleyes: beside cheating on DHK

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46 minutes ago, trust71 said:

After they kiss on Christmas eve..DHK say is just a mistake and she just carried away by her emotion and longing for their past.

JE response: I didn't realize that, I almost made another mistake that I wouldn't have been able to take back.

             what does JE want to imply...what mistake has he done before that he cannot redo it.:rolleyes: beside cheating on DHK


I have posted my take on what JE meant by irreparable mistake.  It could be a pregnancy? :D

If  they slept together amd she got pregnant (as many of us wished), it can't be undone.  Or plainly to him, sleeping together without love would be a big mistake?

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11 hours ago, irilight said:

... thank you for the laugh...laugh3-smiley.gif?1292867631  you are a good strategist, chingu...

:D...my pleasure

11 hours ago, irilight said:

@zagigirl, me too...

But then, we will need an answer why was TS able to essentially blackmail MH with that information?  Maybe MH was only afraid about the theft of the patent, and that is why he thinks now to give half his company to HK (who is really the rightful heir, but so is her sister.. and YK knows something, because she heard the conversation between TS and her grandma long time ago)

He does feel guilty his friend died...even if it was only accident...it's in people's nature...well in normal people...always feel guilty if someone died and they survived...they wonder could of they done something to save them...that and stealing the patent...IMO


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1 hour ago, chubbychub1966 said:

Hey all! I believe this is the Japanese ver. of IHAL OST 3. Correct me if I am wrong :P You can listen and download it here. 


Cr. Facebook Vietnamese Fanpage 


That doesn't seem japanese to me chingu...more like chinese or something...i might be wrong ;)

I don't think its that new sad OTP song...when will this one be out...i like it very much

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Hi Friends,,,, I'm still on ep 34, and i feel so suffocated.....

Part of me cheering for HK and JE, but other part is breaking to pieces to see how BS keep on defending and be there for HK. The part where BS wait for HK with his spaghetti and even go as far to fetch her, but on other part JE and HK kissed.... torn me apart.... 

BS said he's there for HK to repent and paid for his sin because he "mistreated" HK as Yong GI... but this is too much.... :'(

Forgive my rumbling thought over this... and thank you for allowing me to join you all...

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2 hours ago, myonenonly said:

Geeez! SR needs to grow up! She really have to blame HK for not warning her about the drug, she claims HG knew it all along. Even if HG knew it or remembered it, why would HG tell her? Hell no! I wouldn't! At that time HG was so mad at her for stealing her husband. Pudoxin's toxic effect probably didn't even enter her mind when she saw SR taking the drug. Now she wants revenge. TS would be glad to let her think he would help her but I think she'll end up in the dumpster too. In his mind, "nobody blackmails MTS". 

JE can't see SR being a manipulative b***h! Does he? In his eyes she is a victim? That's why he was mad at HG for a while? Uhmm... You're minus 5 points JE. :) I thought your loyalty wavered at that moment. 

That to..and beside he said to SR long time ago he likes and admires HK...and its the truth even if she is his enemy now

Well it was a wrong choice but SR made it...we'll see will HK be guilty for that too...poor SR

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15 hours ago, sunshinefate said:


Hi. This is my 1st time posting on this thread as I'm not an active member nor an active reader. This is also my 1st time posting on soompi forum since My love eundong. But this drama really lures me back to being a kdramaholic and also an active reader. OMG if I tell you how I could come to know about this drama's existence, maybe some of you would get mad at me lol. The first time I knew about this drama was about the first time this drama was being mentioned by some popular blogs and I was like "OMG this kind of plot is still being recycled ckckck. Separated twins, amnesia, second chance of love."

Although I like amnesia themed story, but I was annoyed by the separated twins kind of plot. Then, I saw the article about ji jin hee taking part in the drama but as I was not a fan of him, I just let it pass. Suddenly last month my curiousity aroused while I accidentally watched the listening-music-together-through-earbuds scene in ep 15 and saw the sparks between them anddddddd taraaaa I was hooked and decided to watch it from the beginning.

Normally I am a person who will avoid weekend drama as I always find them too long, annoying, exaggerated,  and so makjang. But while watching this drama, 1 episode is just like 20 minutes. Kim hyun joo and ji jin hee OMG I could not describe how great they are as actors. Their chemistry is sooooooo gooddddd. No wonder they won the Best couple award. So happy for them. Ji jin hee's eyes really ache me everytime he looks at kim hyun joo with pain, longing, and sadness. 

Seol Ri really gets on my nerves. So sorry to park han byul but I really hate seol ri. OMG every time she comes out on my screen, I really want to smack her. The first 9 episodes were really torturing as Jin Eon always took her side and I always cried everytime Hae Gang cried because of them. But after their first encounter in 4 years in ep 10, I was sold to them although I felt bad to baek seok. He was really nice and gentle to Hae Gang. 

Ep 35 seems not having romantic scenes hiksss. The kiss scenes in ep 34 are not enough lol



Hello and welcome to IHAL fam @sunshinefate Glad you jumped in, to watch IHAL and to join us here :P I remember you from uri Eundongie fam too. Ahhh... fond memories. Btw, nahhh don't think anyone has or will get mad at you. It's true that a drama or a cast and crew can grow on one, and may not be 'love or addict' at first sight/read. Look forward to more from you chingu :) 


14 hours ago, DelroyB said:

4 years ago JE had nothing to do with the company.

HG was the one that prevent the truth from coming out about podxin by destroy YK. Husband.  If the truth came out then no new testing.


14 hours ago, DelroyB said:

Because it was a lie.  Risk vs lie.  The testing of drug should have been halted.  It was continue because HG DESTROYED YK husband to Bury the truth.

at the time YK. Did not know the test were faked but she did she of knowledge of it has harmful effects.


@DelroyB I disagree HK was the one who destroyed KSY. HK wasn't the top of the heap in authority at CNP. It was MH. Just like in MIDO Shin's case, we now know MH was the mastermind after all. So, SH was fed lies by MH, and so she spouted lies and we heard/seen lies. In effect, MH was responsible for his own grand-daughter ES' death. I can't believe he had no remorse thus far. We saw none with regard to ES, only nightmares for his late buddy/twins' dad, only because of JH's fall to death(accidental or murderous, still don't know) and how MH'd forged and stolen SHS patent to build his empire. I can't imagine how HK will feel when she realized this fact, when she could remember the convo she heard between MH and TS just as she was about to prep for her trip to China. Even more so unbelievable will be how JE will feel. ES' death was like a domino effect on both the lives of JE and HK, where things happened one after another, all that we have seen thus far.

Re KSY's suicide/murder, the fact that HK had no knowledge of how(besides just knowing he committed suicide) he died meant she had no involvement in it too. It's true that she has the goods on TS' forgery on the PDX test results, and knew with relief from TS that KSY had died via suicide, and was instrumental in court, winning the case which indirectly caused that young lady's death by 'jumping from the courthouse' suicide, and who-knows-who-else in the woodwork. HK was, IMO, at best an accessory in so much as she was the legal counsel of CNP. I believe it was work ethics and work goals, fueled by wild ambitions and favors/motivation from MH, that drove her in those years, from 4 years back to when she joined CNP. 

My point is, HK does not have a black and evil heart. Unlike MH and TS, even JR, and SR too. HK would not have ordered murder, nor would she have stood by or ran away if she were to have seen SR or any fam member being stabbed under her nose. We know HK was kept in the dark of many impt/destructive BTS matters. and she was willing to bet on gaining control of CNP before turning the course to what's right, just as she told JE in ep 35. Her reasons actually moved a JE who was fuming mad thinking how could HK be like that? (err much like you @DelroyB perhaps? Is it a 'Man from Mars' thing? time for your high-five with JE perhaps? kkk...jk chingu. no offense :)). 

I want to believe that somewhere, somehow, a wild card will surface, that which has been in writernim's plot. HK made sense in what she said, and hence what has been pushing her. Again, this writernim is a master at showing the obvious to lead peeps to a certain obvious conclusion, only to spring her now infamous jack-in-the-box twist. I beliieve writernim's wild card for HK would show us, that just as HK was collecting info re SR's trial participation, and evidence against TS, perhaps even MH(after HK heard that convo between MH and TS), that HK has been plotting to right the wrongs since way way back.


14 hours ago, zagigirl said:

I don't think he was waiting for HK...in his mind was SR and their talk....wasn't their kiss which started everything in that elevator?...he does feel guilty and sorry for SR

@zagigirl I believe, like @drmjs that JE was waiting for HK. Every time the elevator opened, he was hoping to see HK in it. Btw, that's the CNP corp building elevator, and if my memory serves me well, the 'kissing LOL' elevator was the one at the univ lab where both JE and SR worked. 

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Episodes 34 with subs. IHAL IMO POV overview

HK ES Killer confrontation early EP 34 --Great acting and drama - HK needed this and now has been able to release some of the 5+ years of suppressed pent up anger towards the killer of her dear child.  A critical step in her healing process.  To the extent that any mother could heal in this situation- HKs heart will always hold ES.

HK outside courthouse with BS walking behind - she stops and has a flashback from EP 1 court case and the young woman falling to her death right in front of her-- This reflects the level of guilt HK feels for her past actions and the importance for her to have Pudoxin revealed to the world as a harmful drug produced by a corrupt company.  HK knows what she did in the past as CNP Corporate Lawyer and whether or not she crossed any legal lines - be it yes or no, it is only a sub set of her guilt feelings- IMO her primary feelings of guilt is based on her knowledge that as an attack dog for CNP her only thought was win at all cost with no human regard for the impact her court actions would have on others lives -- This does not imply that she should have not worked hard to win, but in winning, a decent human would have at least thought of the impact on others, HK knows she never had that thought.  
Only through these type actions (Pudoxin case and arrest of TS) can HK reach a point to ask for forgiveness and most important to forgive herself -- then she can begin to rebuild a new better life for herself.  OF course her and JE also need to openly speak of ES death and their feelings about ES - this is another critical, perhaps most critical, action for HK to resolve before she can move forward in her life.

HK JE -- The writer continues her "quick March" towards having HK JE reunited-- I will continue to accept HK POV in her love for JE and watch how they are reunited.  
-- Sub Note - In this episode in which HK believes (I understand this is JE plan) he has once again been exhausted - yet her love remains strong no matter what JE does - the writer is doing a good job showing this is an all powerful love HK has in her heart for JE-- it seems nothing can diminish this love.

YK Dr Min relationship grows each episode and is a joy to behold.  They are two people who have faced there share of sorrow in life, but maintain a healthy mindset.  YK  WJ have brought a joy of life to Dr Min and in return YK has found a man who loves her and WJ a father who loves her.  YK Dr Min both accept people and each other for who they really are, not what society or others tell them who they should love.  
--sub note-- TS will likely lose his brothers respect and love/fondness if he tries to disrupt there path to happiness or harm YK WJ.

BS -- Continues to be a true friend to HK.  He is not as smart a lawyer as HK, but he is determined to see justice done and truth known- because that is what he believes in.  He will do his best to win.  You can not ask more then that from any person.  BS is the lawyer that HK has chosen  to bring the Pudoxin lawsuit.   
--Sub Note -- Pleased and a bit surprised the writer continues to IMO portray BS as a basically good man.  Writer it is now time to bring in a smart, dedicated top of the class, female lawyer, who shares BS sense of justice to help him win this Pudoxin case against HK/CNP ---a side story love line for BS and new lawyer would also be nice to see---I really hope that this is the meaning in the last BOLD LINE of his page 1 character description AND NOT that he falls in love with HK again!!  I already did too many postings defending him as a basically good man, when others were making him into another SR.
--Sub Note -- IMO BS is the only character in this drama who the writer has continued to reflect true to Character descriptions on page 1 of this thread - he was bottom of his law school class- but did graduate through hard efforts.  To this day works hard as a lawyer, but is not the best of the best - but always remains true to his client- no big money/powerful corporation can influence his sense of justice.
--Sub Note -- All the other character descriptions ended when EP 10 began -I mean not even close (except HK JE re love) to story we have seen and enjoyed and that is OK- the writer/production team changed the story, I could guess why, but it is what it is, and the writer has/is giving us a great drama.

GN -- What --- She thought HK YK father developed the Ssangwasan drug that was the foundation of CNP success -- but believed MH when he said no he developed.  Just like earlier episode she accepted TS story that bringing back HK ashes from China was a misunderstanding.  GN is naive and gullible, can see how she would have great difficulty in the real world of making a living for her and HK.  It is easy to see how she would end up in debt after being cheated or taken advantage by someone.  I get the impression that MH likely helped her for awhile after the death of HK YK father.  But once he introduced her to a man who she then married, that MH then just forgot about them -- only again helping GN after HK JE started dating and/or after the HK JE marriage when MH became aware that GN was HK mother.  HK difficulty in her youth and past attitude towards her mother, along with her previous desire to get ahead in the world, seems to be further validated in this episode, that is she could only count on her own strength, her mother was not a source of strength.  Looking forward to GN reaction when she founds out what MH is really like, not that great man who helped her and HK only out of the goodness of his heart, that she always thought he was.  There has to be more to this story - awaiting additional episodes/information.

MH-- Is really the evil spider sitting and manipulating events from the top of his corrupt CNP empire-- as TS basically said/implied in earlier episodes to my recall -- that he and HK are MHs disposable hunting attack dogs who once no longer needed can be sacrificed-- this episode brings support to TS earlier remarks.

TS-- Stays true to his evil character and is even now becoming more evil.

JR-- ALWAYS glad to see you and your spiteful, but somewhat true words in each episode.

SR -- Continues on her downward path to self destruction.  Her hate of HK is getting worse and will only result in accelerating her downward spiral.



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1 hour ago, trust71 said:

After they kiss on Christmas eve..DHK say is just a mistake and she just carried away by her emotion and longing for their past.

JE response: I didn't realize that, I almost made another mistake that I wouldn't have been able to take back.

             what does JE want to imply...what mistake has he done before that he cannot redo it.:rolleyes: beside cheating on DHK


1 hour ago, deandraluv said:


I have posted my take on what JE meant by irreparable mistake.  It could be a pregnancy? :D

If  they slept together amd she got pregnant (as many of us wished), it can't be undone.  Or plainly to him, sleeping together without love would be a big mistake?

To add on, I believe what JE meant as 'irreversible or something he can't take back' would have been 'giving out his love to HK' as in errmmm 'doing the deed'. Because that cannot be reversed or taken back.:blush:

We all, well, most of us, know JE loves HK deeply, and this renewed love is all the more precious to JE, I believe, esp when he now knows he is not one-sided in his love. Still, he wants HK to admit she loves him before ermm...'the deed'. And yes, also about the 'pregnancy possibility'. Although I believe it's more of the former. 


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8 hours ago, hibiscus23 said:

@trust71 i hv to come here & pause this part i'm watching now when JE after their kiss sort of pleading for HG to admit that she still loves him & woah HG says 'i made a mistake' i cld kick this woman! come on he's already making himself to the point he's stooping to her, give him a chance & don't play with him! if she doesn't really like him anymore then end it but don't build up his hopes, then he says to her 'i'm tired, i will sleep first'! i must admit when i started watching this in those first few episodes i really want to hate JE so much for what he's done but he's trying now his best to redeem himself, and if she can't forgive him, then forget about him! (we're here for him right guys?) just kidding coz i'm a bit frustrated now with HG! let me continue epi 34, i just had to let it off my chest! hahahaha

I would call a taxi for her if i were JE 

I do understand how he got tired before...

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2 hours ago, chubbychub1966 said:

Hey all! I believe this is the Japanese ver. of IHAL OST 3. Correct me if I am wrong :P You can listen and download it here. 


Cr. Facebook Vietnamese Fanpage 



39 minutes ago, zagigirl said:

That doesn't seem japanese to me chingu...more like chinese or something...i might be wrong ;)

I don't think its that new sad OTP song...when will this one be out...i like it very much


@chubbychub1966 I agree with @zagigirl it's not the same song, which sounds like a viet song? The RYU 'Hollow Lips' OST that will be released sometime upcoming, is not that. but this...only one minute of sample available...

http://music.bugs.co.kr/album/510656?wl_ref=list_ab_03_ab (Click the #8 track)



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11 minutes ago, jadecloud said:


@zagigirl I believe, like @drmjs that JE was waiting for HK. Every time the elevator opened, he was hoping to see HK in it. Btw, that's the CNP corp building elevator, and if my memory serves me well, the 'kissing LOL' elevator was the one at the univ lab where both JE and SR worked. 

Yes...you r right...he was under impression of SR's Pudoxin problem...felt sorry and wanted to ask HK if she knew 

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19 minutes ago, Linh Nguyen Ha said:

@Linh Nguyen Ha Hello and welcome! Yes that's the one! Thank you :P 

@valsava Welcome back! :) Where have you been dear? Been a long time. Glad to see you back. Catch up and join us again. Miss you ... 

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 hello guys! Thank's for the warm welcome from both of you. Jadecloud, yeah thankfully I found this drama that could make me jump into this forum again after a long absence since there has not been any dramas that caught my interest. Now I'm having a suffering syndrome from waiting for the next episodes. I just wish there would be more romantic scenes. It always irritates me everytime seol ri comes out on the screen. Why the hell the writer writes such character. I really don't get it what is in seol ri's mind. How shameless she is. She already knows jin eon doesn't love her then why the hell she keeps on clinging to him as if there is not another men left outside. 

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14 hours ago, zagigirl said:

Girls i see your point...but in a way he do have something to give to them...wonder what would happen if young girls with mother who had problems got a patent...

...and i still like to think sister's dad death really was an accident and not murder


I would like to think Yong Ki's father was an accident too, but why go through all of that just to steal a patent? Why did he let his son in law bribe him over an accident? The father stealing patent's is nothing new.  At the time when he was being bribed, Tae Suk didn't know that his friend was Hae Kang's father too.  If it was an accident, then why not take care of his friend's family instead of letting them suffer. His nightmares seems more than a guilty conscience over a stolen patent which is what his company is built on.

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Wow, i didnt read the thread for a day and i have like 5 pages to catch up!

@sweetpeaga regarding Es's age, i believe she is supposed to be 4, that's why when they see WJ (who is supposed to be 4, but clearly played by an older child), both HK n JE are very emotional.

The 10year old in the subtitle could be a translation mistake because 4 and 10 can sound similar in korean.

@koreanczazzy agree that if SR loves JE, she wouldnt have gone in to ruin his marriage or if she only realise later on that he love HK not her than she should let him.

Anyway, i think the writer has a complex task of threading everything together so she didnt develop SR's character properly.


Can i start the "shallow" topic of analysing the kiss in ep 34? I find the lighting a tone too dark, instead of focusing on the woman's face like most drama do, the director focus more on JE's face. And the angle is such that i dont see the lips but only like two pancakes coming together. Lol.

I hope in the later reconciliation kiss, they can show the lips proper.

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