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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@ayselluna  ---Add a huge "WOW!"  from me, too. Your post on p.416 ---Nothing for me to disagree with at all!  I am in awe of the way you have pulled it all together, from the painful first 9 episodes & right up to here & now!--- Waiting for final subbed episodes, anticipating what twists & turns each week-end's episodes will bring.    

@Katrina Abdul Talib --- I am deeply moved by your sincere  & serious posts on P.416.  Thank you. And I wish great success to your sister and all the others who are engaged on such a worthy activity --- a life or death issue for so many who have so one to support and help them.  

 I've enjoyed your comments about Jin Eon, a fiction, "never was a real person" --- And we know that.  You've taken some really funny opening shots at him, IMHO --- And I enjoyed the light, humor in your approach.  But in the "Real World" it's really not a laughing matter. You are absolutely Right!        


Once more, I must say ......Insightful posts are flying all over the pages!  And the humor!  Still wishing Soompi will get some "buttons" to let us show a little more than just, "Like This".  I could show more "Agree" or "LOL".... and so on, and so on, ...ad infinitum!   My lists of "posts to applaud", to "agree", to "second that idea", ...... just too long!    :o     I'd prefer to "STAMP" my  "seal of approval"  immediately after I read the post!  Before I read the next post.  B)   

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2 hours ago, iamtaken said:

I am going to go on a limb and say that HG has already forgiven JE. Watch her face when he is holding her in the arm-lock in the hotel room or during the scene also in the hotel room when he is talking about digging ES out of their hearts and letting her leave properly and HG's inability to sleep once she kicks him out of the Buamdong house. She is complicated enough to take satisfaction out of being able to fling everyone of his cruelties at his face but I honestly think that monologue outside BS's house where she basically tells him, she is going get over him by moving on to BS hurt HG as much as it hurt JE.

She is doing what she is doing for a number of reasons that all of us have delineated. I think the big roadblock for our OTP is going to be talking about ES's death and HG's difficulty in forgiving herself for it. Last time she punished herself by distancing herself from JE rather than opening up. She is still not ready to talk about it although you can see Woo Joo is making her shift her perspective a little bit. 

Of course JR and SR are brewing their brand of venom to try to permanently split those 2 up but I think forgiveness for the cheating is over and done with. She may want to hit him a few more times just for good measure because she can, but did you notice the lack of conviction in her slap in  epi 30? Compare that to the slap in episode 5 where she meant to hurt him - the more the better -  and the intermediate strength of the slap in his office when he kissed her after the picketing scene. You can gauge the strength of her anger with the force behind those slaps. 

@lenet@aysellunaJE and BS are the same height. To me JE actually looks taller than he is until you see him with HG which is when you realize that he is not very tall. The actor who is much taller than KHJ is the one playing the role of the doctor who is accurately described by YG as a mountain- tall and body builder built. 


Dr Min (Lee Jae-yoon) is 6'2" (1.87 cm), much taller than Kim Hyun-joo...

Yet again, whether one is tall or short is a relative concept, because someone who is 1.95 cm may consider Lee Jae-yoon not that tall, while someone under 1.70 cm may dream of being as tall as Lee Kyu-han and Ji Jin-hee.

So, it depends on one's perspective ;)

By the way, personally I think the height difference between Ji Jin-hee and Kim Hyn-joo is just ideal, agree with @lenet:)




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@LHRCN_ --- Thank you for all those video clips of "Cruel Palace" (p.418).  The Viki scene that I came upon  (Epi.5 /00:00 to 07:50 mins.) must be what happens immediately after the last video clip in your post.

What a despicable woman as the character is written.  She used and ruined that truly pure and innocent young man.   But I'll stop myself from cursing her out , as I'd prefer!  It's "only a drama" after all, right?  But I see her as a terrifying mix of Seol Ri and Hae Gang (HK1 & HK2).    :angry:    :tears:    My imagination has me reeling at what such a woman would be capable of doing to all around her!  

A drama from 2013 ---- Now it seems obvious why PD Hong chose KHJ without any hesitation!    I had been curious how well a Director could know who would be able to deliver the performances he wanted --- When there were so very many fine actresses to consider?  Got my answer right here! 

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2 hours ago, Lmangla said:

aaah, okay... interesting way of looking at it.. so if she had met his preset expectations, would he have been more understanding after ES' death? do you think he reacted more negatively than he would have because she had not met his expectations earlier?

When their doter died had HK mourned together with him and the way he expected her to, I will say JE will even go an extra mile to LOVE her even more.


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@ayselluna --- "The Slap:...How it is used to great effective in Korean Drama." --- An analysis just waiting to be done by Odessa Jones, the blogger who wrote so well, so seriously, about "man tears", "kisses", and "angst".


I like that you picked up on the subtle differences in those slaps.  The Director's influence? Probably with some input from the actors & others.  Attention to detail is so evident in this drama production.  Back in Epi. 5, I was also marathoning "The Fierce Wife" at that time.  So I compared HK's slap to SR, then immediately thereafter a slap to JE,   to the slap delivered by the wife to the adulterer aka "dear cousin" in TFW --- a powerful, forceful blow!  In the lobby of her husband's work place.   Normally she was the PERFECT model of a compliant Joseon-style wife!  But she, like HG,  was "out of her mind". Unlike any slap I remembered seeing in a drama!

Thank you for bringing out the way the director & the actors have used this simple idea to convey even deeper meaning into the characters' behavior , feelings, motivations.

But I learned a good lesson after TFW --- NOT to watch too many serious melodramas at the same time!   And "Cruel Palace" is one I'll watch at a later date, for sure!:dissapointed_relieved::anguished: :cry:        :glasses:


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10 hours ago, ayselluna said:


Among the reasons mentioned in my previous post, which probably caused Hae-gang to hold onto Jin-eon no matter what, that is, love, guilt, and desire to gain victory over Seol-ri, I think self-reproach was one of the strongest ones. 

In the hospital ward, after the lab explosion, Hae-gang said, addressing (unconscious) Jin-eon: "What is all this? Why did we become like this? I could have just held you like this. If I couldn't hold you with one hand, I could have used both hands. Why did I.. I was too sorry. I was too sorry to you. I was sorry to Eun-sol, so I ignored it and acted like I was fine. I was bad. I did wrong, so please get up, honey".

After questioning 'Why did we become like this?' (referring to everything they'd been going through lately), Hae-gang stated what she could/should have done but didn't. She did not mention Jin-eon and what he could/should and should not have done.

And her remark about not having held his hand, shows that she blamed herself for not having been there for him earlier. She considered herself, her actions as the primary cause of all their problems.

She explained further that the reason why she'd behaved the way she did was because she was sorry to Eun-sol and him, and just acted as if she  was fine. 

I think her having put on a mask of indifference to Eun-sol's death and Jin-eon's pain could also be motivated by her wish to help Jin-eon cope with the daughter's death easier. She may have thought that if Jin-eon had seen how strong she was, a mother and a woman, it would have revivified his spirits...

She then said she was bad and wrong, and now that she admitted her faults, she wanted him not to take offense at her anymore and get up.

Later she admitted her blunders to her mother-in-law as well, saying if she'd helped her and had given her another chance, she (Hae-gang) will and can do better, that he can love her again and they can start all over.

And after a while, she made a similar confession to her father-in-law, saying that she was wrong and she sincerely apologized. She was arrogant and thought because it was her husband, he would be understanding. Even if she didn't say anything, she thought he would know how she felt. That she would always be everything to him, and that he would always wait for her.

So, given this, I think her willingness to wait for Jin-eon was conditioned not only by love but also by self-condemnation.

And however weird it may sound, but maybe the reason why she still wanted to accept him, although he hurt her and was cruel, was because she thought she 'deserved' to be mistreated.

Yet again, regardless how much Hae-gang/Yong-gi2 loved Jin-eon and held herself responsible for whatever trouble they faced, she was still extremely resentful and angry with him, which resulted in her serving him with toilet lemonade and dipping his toothbrush in the toilet bowl, something I would not have done even to my enemy.

Hae-gang was ready to take Jin-eon back out of self-condemnation and love, while Yong-gi2 "forgave" him just because she had no memory, which was what she told Seol-ri after the latter sent her the photos:

"Why did you send the photos? To shake me and shake our relationship? Merely with those two photos? Since I don't have any memories, I don't have any scars that I received from him. I only have the love I'm receiving. So those photos you painstakingly sent me aren't that hurtful or painful".

Yet again, when Seol-ri mentioned that the photos were taken on the same day Hae-gang was dying away, while Jin-eon was with her (Seol-ri) that way, Hae-gang's facial expression changed, which, by the way, could be observed before she heard from Seol-ri how 'hateful' she had been to Jin-eon to the extent that she'd wanted him to die in the fire...

And now that Hae-gang seems to have regained all the memories, which are not based merely on two photos, the old sores must have been reopened and the scars must have started to bleed again.

The reason why the old Hae-gang wanted to give Jin-eon time to come back to her, and begged him, Seol-ri and everyone else, was not because she had no pride and self-esteem, but because she felt she had a huge share in the dissolution of their marriage.

However, after she remembered everythiing, including her numerous attempts to save their relationship, I think she won't be as self-condemning as before, except for the death of Eun-sol, so she is going to have both her memories and self-esteem intact this time around.

This doesn't mean she won't (be able to) properly forgive Jin-eon, which I hope is the writer's intent, but this is how I see Hae-gang right now.

Actually, regarding Hae-gang's readiness to accept Jin-eon  after all he did 4 years ago, I had this 'crazy' thought passing through mind...  

I think one of the incidents where Hae-gang was hurt by Jin-eon rather seriously, was when he told her he was thinking of a divorce and that she just had to be ready, as well as that he ended it, and already erased her.

Yes, she saw the divorce papers in his backpack the day before, so she wasn't surprised, but the way Jin-eon put it sounded rather too offensive.

His decision was essentially a fait accompli, which is why she replied that starting can be done by one person, but the end must be made by both of them, and added: "I am going to end my relationship, I am! I'll race hard towards the end. I am curious about our end".

So, my thought...

Given her offence and arrogance, which Hae-gang herself confessed was one of the factors for their split, and her saying to Jin-eon that she was going to be the one who would end their relationship, I wouldn't have been surprised if she had accepted him 4 years back just to drop him shortly afterwards...

As for Hae-gang's relations with Baek-seok, unfortunately, I am not as sure that she will never be his lover as you.

I know, the second male lead rarely gets the first female lead, and the story seems to be about forgiveness, but forgiveness doesn't suggest she has to reunite with her ex-husband. 

This is why I have this lingering feeling that, eventually, Hae-gang will come to realization that the happiness she's been searching for, was right next to her all along, that is, next to Baek-seok.  And that could be another unexpected twist from our writer. 

I would be happy to be proven wrong though...


So I have different. 

The problem with HG is just like I love you has she ever said any of these things to JE?  As pointed out she drove him away.  At no time during the break down of the marriage or affair does she directly tell him.  I love you and I miss our daughter.   

I do belive she used JE to punish herself she knew him and how much he cared for her and what his reactions to her actions were and in way  she welcomed that reproach.  The main issue was she knew JE was not going to get over it. 

The affair let her vent she could take out her frustrations on SR. HG was in attack mode pre elevator.  She kicked it up a notch afterwards.  She took JE existence in her life for granted.  Because he was always there, because would endure his entire term in the army with out her visiting.    She thought he would always wait like he did during their 15+ years.  However what JE need most was one kind and honest word from HG.  HG miscalculated, like the first time she was going to confront JE about the affair.  She instead of being emotional she was so detached.  In fact she comes close to saying don't get caught.  It not about I love you and need you but about his potion in society.

The suicide episode was HG coming to realize , maybe JE could leave her, her plans  were gone and worst she might have really face ES  death alone. The wall she had built up for last few years of guilt, grief and anguish came down.

Yet JE gave her hope.  Not in the rescue of her but as he has done the past his care of her.  Look at HG face as she takes in the scene.  She knows that JE has taken care of her still.  She know from the things arrayed around her he has been up all night make sure she is safe and healthy.  This was a lease a glimmer of hope.  That why JE words just do not  matter to her.

Does she take that time to try and deal with things direct to JE , nope  she again goes after removing SR.

So my take is the reason HK wanted to wait on JE.  Was because she realized the both needed time way.  HG knew that in the end JE was always there for her.  She knew that in time he might come to regret  and when that time came she could be honest and open with him.  She could tell him about SE.

In their relationship JE was always the one to wait for her.  Now she could endure and hope JE would return.

JE and HG have bond.   Sometimes when things are broken they can never be repaired.  Other time the mending is stronger and last long then the original.

So my take is HG years ago looked at her actions and thought that the some the fault lie not in the stars but with herself.   Through her accident she ened up living the life JE asked her todo.

Also the conversation with SR.  She did remember the betrayal.  That why she walked away and cried, why she got mad.  She had known about it before but she felt it then.  That when she told JE to forget about other women kisses.   

This why her current behavior to over the top. 

Also before the affair.  Did JE deserve to have partner that knew his pain and ignored it?  Did he deserve in the one place he could let her guard down to be in an unfeeling detached ice place.  HG was surprised that JE could function outside the house.  That tells us 3 things 1) She did not think JE could separate work and private life, 2) she was kinda hoping he was miserable all the time. 3)HG thought JE could only be happy with her.

So think anther reason she went all out on SR was because SR was a true threat to her.  Her JE was no longer just her and ES.  She kinda knew she needed to change but she just could not at that tine.

So her waiting was not just about the changes needed in JE but she knew she really need to change if there would be hope in the future.  She was aggressive and assertive with everything in her life except JE.   I think she knew that part had to change. 


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ANNYEONG LOVER'S GOOD MORNING......It's really  interesting to read  all your knowledgeable insightful....:heart:

@yunra89..the photo of past and present of our OTP....thanks for compiling it.....:cookie:


JE life is doom to be punish...but HOW LONG......only when HK is ready to forgive him.......after she regain her consciousness in the early scene of EP.29.......it was how JE treat her that always playback in her mind even when she response to the invitation of her FIL...on her way up to their house still JE's mistreatment that kept flashing back...up to the day she stamp the divorce paper.....

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44 minutes ago, trust71 said:

ANNYEONG LOVER'S GOOD MORNING......It's really  interesting to read  all your knowledgeable insightful....:heart:

@yunra89..the photo of past and present of our OTP....thanks for compiling it.....:cookie:


JE life is doom to be punish...but HOW LONG......only when HK is ready to forgive him.......after she regain her consciousness in the early scene of EP.29.......it was how JE treat her that always playback in her mind even when she response to the invitation of her FIL...on her way up to their house still JE's mistreatment that kept flashing back...up to the day she stamp the divorce paper.....

HG is the only one who can forgive, punish and love JE.  More importantly she is the only one who can forgive herself for her part in SE death.

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Now for some fun. 




Now for something completely different:

Maybe the best pairing is BS and SR.

1. BS will actually love a woman he knows not made up or one idealized from the past

2. SR can come home and take care pf the children she loves forever and may change the 20 and out rule so everyone is happy.

3 The too obsessive people can obsess about each other. 

4. They have cute children of there own

5. SR smart and has money so BS  and co will eat after losing the true star of his law office YK2/HG

6. They can mend each other broken heart.

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6:30 PM 

QUICK COMMENT: ---I just finished a second "raw" Epi. 30 (<20% subs when I started).  And now at 43% at 6:45 PM EST NE U.S.         

So busy looking at faces and filling in the blanks (i.e., guessing) after so many translations here in the forum.   I only noticed one thing --- at 58:22 mins. --- Jin Eon now has the same clear nameplate, even same 2 dragons, on his desk!  As if it wasn't so obvious ....but I was able to sound out some basic Hangul to check --- Yes!---  R & D --- Choi Jin Eon.    (Insert sound of me patting self on back! for Grade 1, Elementary School & the Alphabet! )    :P 

Off to do some grocery shopping.  Bye now.



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1 hour ago, chubbychub1966 said:

The advertisement for LG phone on IHAL is just amazing... BRILLIANT! ahaaah-onion-head-emoticon.gif

Just watch the phone fly! uhuhuh-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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Still works! 100% fine! hell-yes-onion-head-emoticon.gif

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TIME TO GO BUY A LG PHONE EVERYONE!!! happy-onion-head-emoticon.gif

OMO! I have thought and noticed the same thing!  One more thing: JE's mom once put the phone in the fridge.


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What will happen to this 2...KSL...JR..?  Their word will boomerang later to them (excerpt some of their conversation)

KS; I'm going to get rid of that woman by wrecking her.(CAN YOU DO IT?) I make her stink like trash and shove her into dumpster(She's more fierce than you how can you make it?)

JR; You want to have him then?What is the point of having someone who's a wreck. That's not true. He's worth a millions.I see now,why you keep staying around like this, your life depend on it.(GOOD THINKING JR.)

KS; It would be nice to have SUNBAE and his millions, but I don't care If i don't get it.That woman, as long as that woman doesn't get them, that all that matter , as long as DHK doesn't get them.( But what to do KS ,.DHK will have them both, in the first place she and her twin  was the original owner of the medicine that made JE father a fortune.)

JR; I feel sorry for you , for the first time. You were at least cool before, even though you had no manners. Now you're not even cool or hot. You're bland. You're bland and empty. There's just a shell.  Do you know why that is.  Your not you inside. You're inside are filled w/ DHK. The one who's in -charge of you is not you, but DHK.  Do you know what you should watch out for? When you hate someone? You have to make them sensibly. If not, not like  you can become a slave to the person you hate. You have no chance of winning. How can a slave win against the owner, unless you kill the person. I will win for you just follow meGot it  DHK SLAVE.( good advice and bashing JR...give me high-five:lol:.

the highlighted word make's me wonder if JR will do something that un-imaginable.:mellow:

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17 minutes ago, trust71 said:

What will happen to this 2...KSL...JR..?  Their word will boomerang later to them (excerpt some of their conversation)

KS; I'm going to get rid of that woman by wrecking her.(CAN YOU DO IT?) I make her stink like trash and shove her into dumpster(She's more fierce than you how can you make it?)

JR; You want to have him then?What is the point of having someone who's a wreck. That's not true. He's worth a millions.I see now,why you keep staying around like this, your life depend on it.(GOOD THINKING JR.)

KS; It would be nice to have SUNBAE and his millions, but I don't care If i don't get it.That woman, as long as that woman doesn't get them, that all that matter , as long as DHK doesn't get them.( But what to do KS ,.DHK will have them both, in the first place she and her twin  was the original owner of the medicine that made JE father a fortune.)

JR; I feel sorry for you , for the first time. You were at least cool before, even though you had no manners. Now you're not even cool or hot. You're bland. You're bland and empty. There's just a shell.  Do you know why that is.  Your not you inside. You're inside are filled w/ DHK. The one who's in -charge of you is not you, but DHK.  Do you know what you should watch out for? When you hate someone? You have to make them sensibly. If not, not like  you can become a slave to the person you hate. You have no chance of winning. How can a slave win against the owner, unless you kill the person. I will win for you just follow meGot it  DHK SLAVE.( good advice and bashing JR...give me high-five:lol:.

the highlighted word make's me wonder if JR will do something that un-imaginable.:mellow:


Kang SeulRi never gets JE heart. He just used her to get a divorce. He never love her that is why after 4 years, she only get to call him Sunbae. but serve her right as she is the start of the problem. i feel like strangling this SeulRi richard simmons rather than slap the evil fugly sister of JE. 

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random thought: wonder how much of one's professional training affects one's attitude to relationships... JE is a medical researcher and it can take up to 20 years to develop a drug. since his job is such that it takes years before there are any results, would he not have the mental capacity to wait for years for HK to tell him of her love? similarly, wonder if HK's lawyer training affected how she viewed MH's offer to go to china. even if you lose a lawsuit, you can always appeal after a certain period of time and re-try the case. is that how she looked at it? wait for a period of time and then go for a re-trial/appeal of their marriage?


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3 hours ago, deandraluv said:

OMO! I have thought and noticed the same thing!  One more thing: JE's mom once put the phone in the fridge.


Yeap, LG phone seems like a good product, it pass the drop test, low temp test and endurable to use, most important is our OTP using this phone, but may I know which model they are using, I cant recognize it, I want to have one two after I saw your ad.

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9 hours ago, LHRCN_ said:

@mdj101 Cruel Palace is a well writen drama,it was one of the best drama of the year(2013) but Kim Hyun Joo as Concubine Jo is too cruelly and crazy. though I am a diehard fan of Kim Hyun Joo, i cant stand seeing her onscreen. She is so scary, is hungry for power that she can kill her children.

Jo Yam Chun changs from a lovely girl into this scary Concubine Jo


I just watched the drama for Kim Hyun Joo, and i did love the scenes of Kim Hyun Joo and Ha Ji won's baby brother. 

Cruel Palace- Lovestory of Yam Chun and Nam Hyuk

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Cruel Palace- sad memory of Yam Chun and Nam Hyuk

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credit to JTBC


Actually I was attracted by KHY after IHAL and right now I am watching cruel palace as well, but she is big villain there, her acting is too good and I hate her so much there, I think I cant finish this drama.

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Here is what I found in Naver today regarding IHAL, the news is talking about how KHJ play her role as HK in IHAL, how she transform four different roles in there.

애인있어요 김현주, 소름 돋는 카멜레온 열연들 '1인 4색 도해강'20151216_083812000.jpg

#1. 범접 불가 불꽃 카리스마 변호사 도해강, 내가 제일 잘 나간다고 전해라~!

#2. 같은 사람 맞아?! 정의의 사도 독고용기(도해강)로 다시 태어나다!

#3. 독고용기와 도해강 사이, 용수철 감정 폭 흡입력 폭발!

#4. 얼음마녀 도해강의 컴백! 지난 4년간의 기억을 소름 돋는 연기와 맞바꾸다!


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12 hours ago, LHRCN_ said:

So IHAL is nominated for sbs drama awards but for which category? for best drama of the year???


@jadecloud dear chingu, I love her down to earth self when she is in real life. Have you watched those videos of her volunteer in Bangladesh, Phillippines and Afria? she slept in the tent with the kids, she ate with the kids, she played with the kid, she cried for them. She is honest in real life. She is a truely friend( said her late friend Yoo Chae Young). I love SJS and KHJ together too. old pics of these 2 together

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Ji Jin Hee+ Kim Hyun Joo ( from Miss Kim making 1 million quest ): I love the way she called him Park Gun and I love it everytime he called her Misse Kim, Misse Kim. 

some NG and behind the scenes videos from sbs 2004 Miss Kim

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I have watched Miss Kim making 1 million already, I just loved their chemistry there, JJH and KHY was so funny there, so I really hope they can have a best couple this year in IHAL, but seems that all the best couple awards used to go to those idols couple.

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