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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@jadecloud:... Thank you for the alternate translation of JE's "proposal"!  What a powerful, passionate confession of love that was as you brought to us.  That passionate love was in JJH's voice and in his delivery, as well!  But see what I will always miss in translation!   :(   The actual meaning of JE's most sincere declarations are always eluding me!  No wonder I feel i don't understand what he expected from HK.

@Lmangla: even in the example you gave, the line from that film:..."from this moment, you are my property/wealth" --- It came to me that "you are my greatest treasure" might have fit well!  But that's how it is with subbing --- the best one can do at the time.    B)

And thank you @jadecloud, for posting the visual that followed that fiery love confession. Stark, painful contrast, indeed. And compounding that pitifully sad Hae Kang in that long rainy reverie is the very next scene --- a couple minutes of a flashback to HK/JE in their yard' anticipating the birth, and the sex, of their baby, while he compares their young love with the mature love they had then.  All of this in the first 6 minutes of Episode 7. I wanted to cry! And then to strangle Jin Eon!    :tears:   To Hades with SR! And to burn in the deepest depths , too.


makes sense @mdj101! don't know why I didn't translate the line as treasure. in my language, property is treasure and given the ridiculous land prices and # of people per sq km, getting a good property is not easy. but in english, because of the historical context of slavery, saying someone is your property gives off that master-slave vibes. so while it was a dreamy line in my language, if a guy said that to me in english, I would probably slap him! hahahah..... @jadecloud ~ the csubs you mentioned has him talking about ox and ox tail soup. since ox is a farm animal for work and ox tail soup is nutritious, is he saying something like "I will work hard to provide whatever you need and will ensure that you are surrounded in goodness"?

"I love you DHK. I'm saying I love you. I'm saying I love you, fool. Marry me please. Marry me!  

Work me like your ox. Use me up like you would stew bones for all of its goodness.

I will protect you. I will always stay by your side.

Your life, every day of DHK's life, I will  purpose as treasures and fill up my life."

(Translation/X-ref : TSKS csubs)


In the asian culture context, this is my take:

An ox is viewed as a very hardworking, tough and useful animal that can be pushed/made to work as hard as the owner/farmer wants it to work. So in that sense, JE meant for HK to use him to achieve her dreams, to complete her tasks, to do whatever she wants to do, as much as she wants to or needs to.

About stewing bones (JE referred to bones in general), the process of stewing is one which is meant to draw out all the richness from the bones. JE meant for HK to do that to him, as in draw out all of his goodness, usefulness (over time) to serve her goals and needs.

Hmmm...do I make sense? LOL. am getting 'intoxicated' by the beauty of writernim's words :) 

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This is my favorite out of all the currently airing dramaaaaaas

It will be a crying shame if they cut it less than 50 episodes. Darn it, the chemistry is fantastic. The episodes are tight -- there are no loose or fill-in episodes. Every episode, every scene matters. BUT THE tension and the growing LONGING of Jin-eon for Hae-kang is getting STRONGER and more DESPERATE. Darn this. Daaaaaaarn. It is something my little heart cannot handle.

Jin-eon and Hae-kang, what a match in heaven you are. Fate may be desperate to tear you apart, but the heart simply cannot lie, can it? Ah, Ji Jin-hee and Kim Hyun-joo, you are... you just are...


You are so into your roles, played veeeery magnificently. Please make a reminder for me to think that THIS IS JUST DRAMA. It is so gripping and immersing, you are so into each other, soooo into your roles.

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After reading and ponder all your opinion and discussion, I've come to one conclusion,give time to your partner(SPOUSE).i know that having a work is necessary but you have pay attention to each other need.INTERACTION IS NECESSITY.

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2015/11/03 TENASIA:

JJH: IHAL's CJE - He's the best choice of my life as an actor!


Really, Ji Jin-hee?

How about your mega, super hot, sizzling MIN JUNG-HO from Dae Jang Geum?
But I cannot complain, Choi Jin-eon is immensely hot, just massively foolish for letting temptation get the best of him.

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Guest my2centsworth

@DelroyB:... Appreciate your additional insight re: JE's and HK's failed efforts to resuscitate the dying marriage. As well as a look at how JE perceived SR initially --- and we saw how that concern evolved.

@my2centsworth:... I would love to see the twins  bring that precedent setting law suit back to BS.  Each twin has found their own support, protection,  and friendship in a relationship with good hearted  BS.    I wish for a law firm &/or satellite office (specialty in Labor Law for the Little Guy)  for BS and some kind of  "Life / Legal Coach" relationship with Lawyer Do Hae Kang later.   BS can grow!  Look at him --- he's maturing and evolving as we speak!

Love it! Nothing would be more satisfying to see BS have some type of relationship with both twins.

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Hmmm...i think that, in general, that men still have a need, or think they need to be stronger then women, by nature and to be the main one to protect...even if they're aware that women did get stronger and stronger over the years, i think that this will never really change...and they do have kind of a fear of strong woman

As for JE...in this i think he was, coz of his pain, the opposite...he needed HK to find comfort for his deep pain...but as HK wan't able coz of her own nad as strong as she is...they get drifted away...JE's pain and need turned to disappointment and anger...when HK realized it...it was to late

thats why I called my question dicey @zagigirl ; in this day, a man expressing his protective instinct can seem oppressive but is it really wrong for a man to feel protective about a woman?

was thinking of this date where it turned out to be friendly instead of romantic but I was extremely happy to meet a nice lovely man. at the end of the coffee, he asked me to text him once I reach home. this was my reaction ~ :blink::blink:, I was thinking to myself that am in my 30s and why on earth would I be texting him when it is 7 in the evening, peak traffic and it is not like the roads are deserted or something...; now I have had women friends also request the same and I have reluctantly complied out of friendship but with this guy, his request seemed silly even though I knew he was just being a gentleman.....

anyway, HK is a strong woman and it makes me wonder if she emasculates both BS and JE because she can just be fine on her own really. if she had allowed JE to express his protective instinct, would he still have sought the comfort of another? or now that she is able to admit that he makes her nervous as well, has she evened out the playing field for him in some way?

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 @jadecloud:.... Like the fullness of your final interpretation  of the ox and the ox stew. Looking back at the originally subbed version:... "Take me and use me...etc."   Sad for me to see how much i will never understand about JE, the idealist, visionary,  the poet!  I'll always feel that he is not being clear in expressing himself!  

 While HK, the realist, the intellectual, the logical & pragmatic wife will always be be more direct, connecting cause and effect to explain her ideas and plans.

In some other drama forums, one or two members had that extra skill in interpreting in addition to straight translating. Plus they knew how the context was affecting the best way to say in English what the Korean dialogue meant.   I had no clue that this drama would have a character's speaking style so lyrical & poetic that straight subbing could not do justice to the Writer's creativity and artistry.     :o

I don't want to overwork @jadecloud. Feel free to chime in with a better interpretation of the subs, please, anyone who sees where the subs need some polishing up!  Look what was hiding under the subs in the dialogue we  had here.  Who knew?(Unless you know Korean lang.). Thank you in advance to any brave soul who sees something good!:)

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Hmmm...i think that, in general, that men still have a need, or think they need to be stronger then women, by nature and to be the main one to protect...even if they're aware that women did get stronger and stronger over the years, i think that this will never really change...and they do have kind of a fear of strong woman

As for JE...in this i think he was, coz of his pain, the opposite...he needed HK to find comfort for his deep pain...but as HK wan't able coz of her own nad as strong as she is...they get drifted away...JE's pain and need turned to disappointment and anger...when HK realized it...it was to late

thats why I called my question dicey @zagigirl ; in this day, a man expressing his protective instinct can seem oppressive but is it really wrong for a man to feel protective about a woman?

was thinking of this date where it turned out to be friendly instead of romantic but I was extremely happy to meet a nice lovely man. at the end of the coffee, he asked me to text him once I reach home. this was my reaction ~ :blink::blink:, I was thinking to myself that am in my 30s and why on earth would I be texting him when it is 7 in the evening, peak traffic and it is not like the roads are deserted or something...; now I have had women friends also request the same and I have reluctantly complied out of friendship but with this guy, his request seemed silly even though I knew he was just being a gentleman.....

anyway, HK is a strong woman and it makes me wonder if she emasculates both BS and JE because she can just be fine on her own really. if she had allowed JE to express his protective instinct, would he still have sought the comfort of another? or now that she is able to admit that he makes her nervous as well, has she evened out the playing field for him in some way?

It's not...and they have to be and usually are when we talk of physical strength...but matters of heart and pain is different matter...my husband is much taller and stronger then me and i do feel secure with him...but when we come to situations with real and hard problems, stress and pain i'm stronger psychically then him ...and i usually have to calm him down...

<<  "I love you, Do Hae Kang.  I love you.  Me, You. I'm saying it's love, silly.  Marry me.

Take me and use me for whatever you want and need. I will protect you. I will watch 

over you. All your life, every day of your life. I will happily take care of them and

keep them preciously in my life" >>

As for JE from the very start, as a man who had to be stronger, he really did mean it...but as for their daugther's death...i think he was the weaker one :(...he needed help

If you look at SR...the way she was then...she didn't need protection neither


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Guest my2centsworth

Another POV on the end of HK JE marriage.

I will say up front that clearly the lack of communication between them and the death of their daughter was the point, that finally accelerated the end , with the subsequent cheating by JE that ended the marriage. 

But I feel IMO based on what we have been shown in the episodes aired to date (end EP 20), that the marriage was already going downhill.  That JE had already given up, and that his great love was turning into being just OK.  We will only know for sure when/if the writer tells us.

I base above POV on the following scenes as I recall them.  If my recall is totally off base, I will go back over episodes and try to find the actual scene.

-- JE basically talked about having wanted to protect HK from going any further down the wrong path, but was unable to.

--- HK did not became the high level ruthless, unethical company layer Nicknamed the executioner in the short period of time after her daughters death (approximately 18 months??)   If we go on what we heard to date (not seen) her daughter died as a result of a man who felt he was falsely convicted and ruined by HK, who then after release from prison tried to run down and kill HK.

--- This leads me to believe that JE was either unsuccessful in trying to help her from not becoming that type of lawyer, never tried, or who paid no attention as this change in her occurred (he was too busy in his lab and happy not being pressured to join his fathers company, after all MH was happy having HK protect the company.)

-- I think it has been well documented that JE is a person who likes to care for people that he sees as needing protection.

--- After the birth of his daughter, and seeing how HK the lawyer already was (to him that is a person either no longer needing or deserving of his protection),  He then shifted all his love and protection to his daughter and basically gave up on HK.  As part of protecting his daughter he still wanted her to have her mother close.  So while he no longer had the great love he felt for the young innocent HK, he also did not have any great hate for HK.  

--With the death of his daughter came the great hate and feeling that the marriage was no longer needed -- no daughter, no marriage, move on to someone who needs his protection -- hello SR.


What drives this need for JE to protect people that he feels needs his protection?
I think it goes back to his younger days in his family -- A discussion between MH and SH tells us that the discord between him and his father started at a young age (we don't know why, no scenes shown). He may have felt he had no one to protect him and this drives his desire to protect others?


I agree.  I would add that for a year JE had tried to get HK to open up and grieve.   HK would not and his view of her really changed then.

As I have said those we love and know the most are the ones hurt us the most.  HK knew what JE needed and what she needed.  However, I also think she did not listen or grieve to punish JE in small way for blaming her.  However, think she was also punishing her self.  She is emotional but like the seen where think about letting it all out to JE but takes the path of  coo, calm collected. Denying herself and JE the real person.  JE also fid not want to intimate  HK.  They lost all their closeness, physical, emotional, sexual.  Theres was marriage in name only.   Now we have the juxtaposition    4 years later where everyone see them married in spirt but not in name.


SR was a girl to JE at first.  It him giving shoes to protect like a kid.  She became his object of care.  HK in trying to protect her marriage drew him further away as she attacked what he cared for.   There is a lot more for both HK and JE to do for each other until they can be truly reconciled.


There is nothing worst in this world that to suffer the lost of your child. I can understand how JE and HK felt. Right out of high school, one of my best friends married and had a baby. Her son died of SIDS when he was 4 months old. I saw my friend and her husband grow farther and farther apart. After the grieving period their communication stopped. They couldn't understand why and the fact that to two of them both grieved differently.. A year went by and soon divorce came. So , I see where the writer had HK and JE go thru something similar 

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Guest my2centsworth


11/04/2015 NEWS JOINS - What's with the early ending talk for the drama?

Talks of early broadcast ending of IHAL due to low ratings, and of another well-known writer Kim Soo Hyiun's upcoming new project possibly taking over its time slot,  were dismissed by SBS. 

An official from SBS, on the 4th,  said there will be no change in the plan for a 50 episodes run. That is for certain. Moreover, there is still so much for viewers to look forward to - the relationship journey of CJE and DHK, the heartbreak of BS, the anger of SR on CJE, the relationship line of DYK and MGS, etc. These are plot developments that will stimulate the interests of viewers, and bring about possible huge increases in ratings.

(oh wow! the main takeaway for me from this article, that GS and YK will have a relationship (love?) line....ohhhh can't wait! :) )

Love...love...love :wub:...that's it...give me those love lines...spice it with SR's anger and i'll be happy :)...and if writer can maintain the drama this intense even better

It angers me when a drama comes on for 20, 50 or even 100+ esps and when things don't go the way the network wants it to and then they have what I call a "forced ending". That is where the writer has to come up with an ending that sometimes makes no sense. It really screws up everything, especially the storyline. It takes so much away from the drama. It hurts the drama, cast and crew, writer, director. It's terrible. That is one of the reason I started watching completed dramas. That way I could fast forward and know it I wanted to continue to watch. "I Have a Lover" is the first drama I have watched in a long time that is aired every week.  I am even watching others. This drama got me to join Soompi. I enjoyed reading all of your comments so much that I wanted to be a part of it. It is great news that this drama will continue for it's planned 50 esps. I will stay glued waiting for each esp to air. It comes on a local Korean station here but it's 2 esps behind. So I turn to the net for my viewing. One last note about this drama. Now that the full 50 esps will air, did you know that the last esp will air on Feb. 14, Valentine's Day. A perfect day for a great drama to come to a happy ending. (It better have a happy ending)  LOL

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Looking back at that scene  where LE and HK were so happy and being playful  in the front yard, anticipating the baby's birth, while they look back to their dating days and talk about their deepening love  ----  with the imagery of snow & the earlier "use me like an ox" pictures ----all that we discussed about the accident and their grief still doesn't feel like the immediate cause of the  rapid disintegration of the marriage. I not so sure anymore that Eun Sol's death directly led to the collapse of the marriage in only 18 or so months after the accident.   I have a new theory!

I have a feeling that some cataclysmic event  triggered a sudden collapse, an implosion, of the already slowly weakening relationship  between the couple.  If I had to guess, a legal issue, with millions or billions of dollars to be lost --- maybe involving jail time, too?  Only external  pressures from the business practices could put that much pressure on the marriage.  What do you all think  about this idea?   Similar to the destruction of Pompeii by Mt. Vesuvius in the eruption in 79A.D.  POOF!  WIPED OUT! SUDDENLY and WITHOUT ANY WARNING!    

Good Night, Everyone!

Edited by mdj101
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11/04/2015 NEWS JOINS - What's with the early ending talk for the drama?

Talks of early broadcast ending of IHAL due to low ratings, and of another well-known writer Kim Soo Hyiun's upcoming new project possibly taking over its time slot,  were dismissed by SBS. 

An official from SBS, on the 4th,  said there will be no change in the plan for a 50 episodes run. That is for certain. Moreover, there is still so much for viewers to look forward to - the relationship journey of CJE and DHK, the heartbreak of BS, the anger of SR on CJE, the relationship line of DYK and MGS, etc. These are plot developments that will stimulate the interests of viewers, and bring about possible huge increases in ratings.

(oh wow! the main takeaway for me from this article, that GS and YK will have a relationship (love?) line....ohhhh can't wait! :) )

Love...love...love :wub:...that's it...give me those love lines...spice it with SR's anger and i'll be happy :)...and if writer can maintain the drama this intense even better

It angers me when a drama comes on for 20, 50 or even 100+ esps and when things don't go the way the network wants it to and then they have what I call a "forced ending". That is where the writer has to come up with an ending that sometimes makes no sense. It really screws up everything, especially the storyline. It takes so much away from the drama. It hurts the drama, cast and crew, writer, director. It's terrible. That is one of the reason I started watching completed dramas. That way I could fast forward and know it I wanted to continue to watch. "I Have a Lover" is the first drama I have watched in a long time that is aired every week.  I am even watching others. This drama got me to join Soompi. I enjoyed reading all of your comments so much that I wanted to be a part of it. It is great news that this drama will continue for it's planned 50 esps. I will stay glued waiting for each esp to air. It comes on a local Korean station here but it's 2 esps behind. So I turn to the net for my viewing. One last note about this drama. Now that the full 50 esps will air, did you know that the last esp will air on Feb. 14, Valentine's Day. A perfect day for a great drama to come to a happy ending. (It better have a happy ending)  LOL

I agree with you chingu :)...me to prefer finished dramas...but from time to time some dramas comes along that i find worthwhile suffering ;)...and if company that shares your suffer is great even better...i'm glad you joined here :)

As for ending on The love date...and happy end...i agree as well...but i'm not sure we all here share the same idea of what a happy end look like ;)

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Looking back at that scene  where LE and HK were so happy and being playful  in the front yard, anticipating the baby's birth, while they look back to their dating days and talk about their deepening love  ----  with the imagery of snow & the earlier "use me like an ox" pictures ----all that we discussed about the accident and their grief still doesn't feel like the immediate cause of the  rapid disintegration of the marriage. 

I have a feeling that some cataclysmic event  triggered a sudden collapse, an implosion, of the already slowly weakening relationship  between the couple.  If I had to guess, a legal issue, with millions or billions of dollars to be lost --- maybe involving jail time, too?  Only external  pressures from the business practices could put that much pressure on the marriage.  What do you all think  about this idea?   Similar to the destruction of Pompeii by Mt. Vesuvius in the eruption in 79A.D.  POOF!  WIPED OUT! SUDDENLY and WITHOUT ANY WARNING!    

I don't think so...i think they wouldn't love each other this much still...if that was the case...don't know...we still miss period from daughter death to moment we joined

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Just to answer your question, I'm from Europe, Ireland to be more specific and my family and friends think I'm cray cray to be watching Korean Drama. :D  But I love it, the makjang aspect is sometimes better than what is on soaps here. But I have an eclectic taste in what I view on tv anyway so it's no surprise to anyone that I watch them. 

Good point with the grandmother, you'd think after going to school together and how close they were that BS would recognize her. It's just another one of those plot holes we have to accept. Or perhaps it's cultural. I know when I went to school I knew all my friends parents from staying over or even to meet on the street. Maybe they do it differently in Korea.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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@lclarakl :... I didn't remember that scene with MH angry & yelling at JE.  I went back to Epi.10 to see the Preview of #11, but landed at 19:00 mins., where in HK's nightmare she seems to be calling to her daughter at the scene of the accident: ... "Get up! Get up!"      And in Epi.7, JE calls to Eun Sol in his nightmare, "Don't Go!".  Can't tell if he was at the scene or in the hospital.

                   I wonder if they were together with Eun Sol when the child died?  Or did they both witness the accident, with the child dying right there at the scene?  Will the Writer take us back and show something that explains a little about how different they each became  following that horrible experience?  So far , only JR has given us actual information about the child's death.

EDIT:... wonder what MH knows that makes him advise GN "Not yet" about revealing info. aboutYK1.

I've wondered the same thing as well about HK and JE being together at that time. I hope the writer shed more light in future episodes.  I've always wondered if something was going on in their marriage before the death of their daughter.  


IMO, I understand that we feel JE and HG's towards each other feels rushed and sudden, but I think the writer does so because she needs and wants to lay the groundwork for the future episodes because the big storms are coming to them.  HG will regain her memory and will find out about what MH did to her family.

If the writer hasn't shown these strong love and feelings, we will find it even more absurd if they stand for each other and hold on to their love.  How could they face rocky and difficult times when they don't even realize they love each other so strongly?  I can see that since JE regretted his foolishness and realized how much he loved HG, he will be able to bear and endure the cold treatments and rejections from HG, I think.

The problem is the writer really took the time to show what a heartless jerk and cheater JE was in the first 9 episodes and then have this immediate attraction/heart hurting by HK for a man she doesn't even recognize. To say her heart remembers is a little far fetched to me---even if it is subconscious.

If I take the first 9 episodes, I can say I see a clear progression of how things came about. If I take episodes 11 and move forward, there is no development progression--things just happen.  The whole wall scene that I thought was beautiful, came out of nowhere; there was no real build up to it. He remembers their pass, but she doesn't. She doesn't have any real warring of conscience for her actions either--she says one thing then do the complete opposite. It reminds me of the drama Temptation where the husband would show this concern for the wife behind her back to others, but then use her to help his girlfriend--I hated him most because his words and actions meant nothing (the writer made a mess of that drama to the very end which was unfinished on so many levels).  It just seems like random things coming together quickly, too quickly. 


What I don't understand about JE's character is I never saw him as a person who tried to protect HK. He could have done this by joining the company. As the person in charge of it, he could have changed its direction. He called his father a peddler of medicine because he waited for patents to end on drugs that had been developed by others, then he would rebrand, up the price and take credit for creating it.  HK encouraged JE to join the company and change it so it's not a big medicine peddler. JE didn't want to because he wanted to make medicine. HK told him then she would protect his position. He could make the medicine and she would sell it. He looked at her as if she was some strange creature--disgusting. I find it ironic that he wants HK back in that position and he make the medicine. He saw the wrong that was being done, but turned a blind eye.

I find it interesting that the writer didn't start this drama immediately following the death of their child. Didn't show how this married couple grieved the death of their daughter. Instead, she's picking up a year after the death of their child with a still grieving JE who's very angry at his wife. A wife who treats him as if he's the weaker vessel in the house; which he does come across that way. You have a wife who has blocked off her emotions in an effort to cope with her own guilt and a husband who is wallowing in his grief. She's trying to get JE to move on with life (which he does outside of the house) and he's wanting her to commiserate with him. One is trying to pull the other one forward, while the other one is trying to pull one back--stuck.

I'm having a hard time even liking JE's character. When HK caught him giving SR a piggyback ride, he had to physically restraint HK and help her get in the car. He saw how hurt she was by his actions. She asked him how he could do that to her---'how could you whistle?  that mouth that you wield as a weapon against your wife at home, how could you whistle with that?' He saw her and that didn't stop him. She later went to where he and SR was staying and heard him happily, playfully asking SR to come back and lay with him for another few minutes. She was so upset that she tried to kill herself. That didn't stop him from moving on with his affair and life.

Three days of JE mourning the death of his ex-wife mainly due to his guilty treatment of her doesn't impress me. It would be different if he was mourning her because he lost the love of his life, but a lot of his morning and being on his knees all day is to ask for forgiveness for the way he treated her. When he found out his father and BIL may be responsible for her death, he got out of bed and went to work in order to solve the mystery. 

So the writer building this ballon of angst and frustration to the point of explosion only to let the air out quickly and very quietly just doesn't placate my sense of justice or fair play.

I also I think because HK tried to kill herself, he drove her to that, they don't need to be together. Their relationship was toxic. They should part ways in my opinion. If I was HK, now that she had a break from the relationship, I wouldn't want to go back to that life. It wasn't one of laughter or joy.

Edited by lclarakl
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Another POV on the end of HK JE marriage.

I will say up front that clearly the lack of communication between them and the death of their daughter was the point, that finally accelerated the end , with the subsequent cheating by JE that ended the marriage. 

But I feel IMO based on what we have been shown in the episodes aired to date (end EP 20), that the marriage was already going downhill.  That JE had already given up, and that his great love was turning into being just OK.  We will only know for sure when/if the writer tells us.

I base above POV on the following scenes as I recall them.  If my recall is totally off base, I will go back over episodes and try to find the actual scene.

-- JE basically talked about having wanted to protect HK from going any further down the wrong path, but was unable to.

--- HK did not became the high level ruthless, unethical company layer Nicknamed the executioner in the short period of time after her daughters death (approximately 18 months??)   If we go on what we heard to date (not seen) her daughter died as a result of a man who felt he was falsely convicted and ruined by HK, who then after release from prison tried to run down and kill HK.

--- This leads me to believe that JE was either unsuccessful in trying to help her from not becoming that type of lawyer, never tried, or who paid no attention as this change in her occurred (he was too busy in his lab and happy not being pressured to join his fathers company, after all MH was happy having HK protect the company.)

-- I think it has been well documented that JE is a person who likes to care for people that he sees as needing protection.

--- After the birth of his daughter, and seeing how HK the lawyer already was (to him that is a person either no longer needing or deserving of his protection),  He then shifted all his love and protection to his daughter and basically gave up on HK.  As part of protecting his daughter he still wanted her to have her mother close.  So while he no longer had the great love he felt for the young innocent HK, he also did not have any great hate for HK.  

--With the death of his daughter came the great hate and feeling that the marriage was no longer needed -- no daughter, no marriage, move on to someone who needs his protection -- hello SR.


What drives this need for JE to protect people that he feels needs his protection?
I think it goes back to his younger days in his family -- A discussion between MH and SH tells us that the discord between him and his father started at a young age (we don't know why, no scenes shown). He may have felt he had no one to protect him and this drives his desire to protect others?


@kfan7172,  I enjoyed reading your POV,

Yes it's clear that the communication broke down in that marriage and HK being the type of person that we was shown in the beginning may have consumed herself in work instead of her family.. BIL seems to have caused a lot of problems for the company which in return affected they marriage and maybe HK felt that nothing could rock her boat after the child was born and became withdrawn due to the after effects of having the baby.. HK seemed to have only think of herself afterwards and maybe trying to find the old her before marriage, But the loss of they daughter did send JE over the edge.. He felt the need for both of them to mourn together but she wanted to be hard and show him maybe it was ok and we could get through this he he felt it wasn't enough coming from the mother making him think she never cared about the child    

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@my2centsworth your posting on page 209 discussing BS capabilities as a lawyer--- thanks for your post and I agree with your assessment of his abilities as lawyer.

-- BS is clearly the last in class when graduating from school.
--- As we start the Drama we know HK JE are in their mid thirties- so BS is likely also this age -- and just now starting his career as a lawyer - kind of old just to be starting a career in law (highlights his last in class standing)

-- BS is to nice and trusting of human nature to be in the highly competitive cut throat world of law -- particularly with his low skill level as a lawyer.

-- This is why, whenever I discuss BS the lawyer -- I can only use words such as "best effort"' honest, believes in justice for all, try's his best, etc.

BS is a man who is basically good and caring  -- he is better suited for just about any other occupation.  

You are right, without HK/YK2 to do the research, drafting of court documents, etc His client list will fall and he would likely be back to a one man office.

Twins patent court case will need HK the lawyer to win -- but now one who depends on her high level of knowledge and not tricks untruths to win. BS would be a great co-chair for the case and learn from HK how to be a smarter, skillful lawyer.


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Looking back at that scene  where LE and HK were so happy and being playful  in the front yard, anticipating the baby's birth, while they look back to their dating days and talk about their deepening love  ----  with the imagery of snow & the earlier "use me like an ox" pictures ----all that we discussed about the accident and their grief still doesn't feel like the immediate cause of the  rapid disintegration of the marriage. I not so sure anymore that Eun Sol's death directly led to the collapse of the marriage in only 18 or so months after the accident.   I have a new theory!

I have a feeling that some cataclysmic event  triggered a sudden collapse, an implosion, of the already slowly weakening relationship  between the couple.  If I had to guess, a legal issue, with millions or billions of dollars to be lost --- maybe involving jail time, too?  Only external  pressures from the business practices could put that much pressure on the marriage.  What do you all think  about this idea?   Similar to the destruction of Pompeii by Mt. Vesuvius in the eruption in 79A.D.  POOF!  WIPED OUT! SUDDENLY and WITHOUT ANY WARNING!    

Good Night, Everyone!

I just saw your comment. I just mentioned something a little similar. Was there something else going on. In none of the synopsis that I've read have they ever mentioned the death of the child. Why wasn't this mentioned to help paint the picture of a couple in love that broke up because of their child. Instead of was painted as the other woman and the wife changing. In the drama itself, we get this information from JR. However, SR was there when their child died. She remembers how JE used to be and how he changed, but she never put it together that it was due to the death of his child? It took  JR saying that to her to make it clear. 

This girl is extremely smart and has to have taken classes in psychology, but it seems like she nor JE knows anything about the human mind. How can they make medicne?

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Guest cliff_heaven

I watched the first two episodes and then half of episode 3 before skipping to episode 9. Episode 9 is where it all started to get good. So far, I'm halfway through episode 13 and gah, my heart is going to break when Hae Kang leaves Baek Suk. Why can't the two be together? I really dislike Jin Uhn and I really like Baek Suk. He's sweet and knows when to be respectful and give her space when needed. 


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