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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Hello all! Finally caught up with this drama. 

Gosh I feel for my girl KHJ's character HG. I'm married & would definitely fight for what is mine. I have this love-hate feeling for JJH's character JE. Sorry PHB but right now your character is my least favorite. :) 

This drama is really good. I'm loving it & would hate it if JE & HG won't get back together in the end.  :( 

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Losing loved ones can be a livelong trauma, difficult to shake the memory off. So this will be SR's nightmare too when she marries JE. JE will snap out suddenly and realise that HK also is suffering the same in her own ways.

With this he will feel guilty of not being beside her to share their common grief, instead broke her further with his affair and divorce.

In the meanwhile HK meets a carefree jovial BS which helped change her cold and stiff ways. BS seems to appear very caring and compassionate person. Should her fell in love with HK, I am sure he will let ho of her.. after learning that HK still loves JE.

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Right now i  really hate JE and my  point of view is not objective!!!Even if they will not end together i won't feel i wasted my time...The story is really great...I can't wait to meet the new YK...See her new life ,maybe knowing more about her past...we  know that JE will change too...and his change won't be a positive one!!!

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Right now i  really hate JE and my  point of view is not objective!!!Even if they will not end together i won't feel i wasted my time...The story is really great...I can't wait to meet the new YK...See her new life ,maybe knowing more about her past...we  know that JE will change too...and his change won't be a positive one!!!

Am wondering what actually is going to happen to the twin YK? She just took off with a stranger's car, with documents inside etc. Did she just abandon the car and carry on with her life as if nothing happened? She hashas all details from the divorced papers?

And the twins dont seem to be living too far apart. 

Or is she going to run away and assume HK's identity living secretly someplace else with her baby?

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Am wondering what actually is going to happen to the twin YK? She just took off with a stranger's car, with documents inside etc. Did she just abandon the car and carry on with her life as if nothing happened? She hashas all details from the divorced papers?

And the twins dont seem to be living too far apart. 

Or is she going to run away and assume HK's identity living secretly someplace else with her baby?

I think you are right since she has those papers, she may run away and assume the identity as a divorced woman being that she is pregnant.

Edited by zenya22
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Right now i  really hate JE and my  point of view is not objective!!!Even if they will not end together i won't feel i wasted my time...The story is really great...I can't wait to meet the new YK...See her new life ,maybe knowing more about her past...we  know that JE will change too...and his change won't be a positive one!!!

I don't think his change will be a totally negative one...i think that with time he'll come to right senses...he might get with the flow for some time...if he marries SR and she with his mum starts to plot...if HK vanish without trase...but i think that he will do serious reflaction on all that happened

YK could disappear for a while to keep her save and have the baby...HK will take her place...and after a while they will meet...i hope nothing bad will happen to YK

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Watching ep 3 with sub...father vs son scene is awesome!!!You won't win against me you never once fought You've never put everything on the line ...someone who had nver put everything on line not fearfull of life and death could never win against a fight with me ...the old jerk has right...his son is just a coward...He is the heir... hates what his father and sister do....he should work the company  and try to change things,...take his father position and run the company the way he wants...but the man is not even able to fight for his marriage....he always takes the easy road...Right now JE is a disaster,a pathetic excuse for a man...

“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy.”

Edited by andy78
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The next scene with his wife is also great...HK is so strong ...she asked him to be a a team...i loved her!What a woman!!!Ready to fight his war!!!


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Edited by andy78
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@andy78,   @zagigirl       thank you so much for recapping and morning conversation.



@irilight,  I think we been reading HK all wrong from what we see of her from the outside as a cold heated person that show no emotion or remorse for her actions and so do her husband view her the same as we do but I think HK herself died the day her daughter died and this is how she choose to live from that day on as a dead person also but she forgot there is another person also next to her that she can't live this way and that's her husband.. Granted she talks to him and even makes advances toward him but she still cold as ice on the inside and this man can sense that like sleeping with a stiff and she had shut him out for a while.. So now she knows it's wrong but a little to late because he found something that's live and peaks his interest like the way she used to be..   


@valsava  maybe...but if he knew her he should at least give her more time to be with him as before...as he is the 2nd baby and she should of snap out just for him coz he needed it...he could of cry, yell...they could fight more...but he just pushed her away...i don't say that she's without fault but he's too selfish


@zagigirl,  That's the key timing is the big factor here, I don't think JE understand that there is no time limit to grieving for one's child she hurts everyday but she choose not to talk about it thinking it could be helping him to heal when they should have talk about the issue of death and how they both process death and then move on to the death of they child he may not wanted to talk to her about it and she him but death doesn't make the marriage issue of acceptance go away..  think they both needed time maybe even seen a therapist because they were dealing with it so badly and not in a healthy way for the both of this death hit right at home. No parent wants to out live they child.. I understand your meaning about them fighting and yelling and his sarcasm towards her is his fight and her coldness is her response.. They really need a minster and counseling to help them get over this tragedy in order to save themselves and they marriage        

@valsava   I agree with you, absolutely.  He also does not know that his family nags her to have another baby and keep reminding her that her biological clock it ticking. She really has plenty on her shoulders, and she spares him (unfortunately) the knowledge of what his family does to her) - so in his eye, she appears heartless


@andy78" Thanks Chingu for recapping today as well.

You know when you lose a Love one especially your own child, it's very hard to swallow that he/she is really gone until it finally hits you. that you can called their names, go in their rooms, but you can't see or hear them responding to you at all, and I'm think that's what's going to happen with HG as this drama continues, as to where of hoping JE and HG do find they're way back to each other regardless a 3rd party (SR)was indeed involved in their lives. 

People are different...they deal with their life tragedies differently...maybe she'll never be able to talk openly about her dead daughter...maybe this will for ever leave mark on her and her atitude...but what's important that regardless of this change JE realize she is sorry, she is hurt as much as he is and that she loves him...for now he does not see  not understand that


@zagigirl  I totally agree.   I think that not only JE does not give HK the time she needs, but also he does not think about the fact that she may be grieving too, as @suchadiva42    pointed out, her pain is deep too, but shows it differently than him.  I actually hear of many couples who part ways after loss of a child. Each of them is grieving, and their pain is so intense, they forget how to communicate it. He only sees his pain, and she sees his pain, but is too numb to respond the way he'd like her to. I hope , as you say - that JE will come to understand that.


@andy78" Thanks Chingu for recapping today as well.

You know when you lose a Love one especially your own child, it's very hard to swallow that he/she is really gone until it finally hits you. that you can called their names, go in their rooms, but you can't see or hear them responding to you at all, and I'm think that's what's going to happen with HG as this drama continues, as to where of hoping JE and HG do find they're way back to each other regardless a 3rd party (SR)was indeed involved in their lives. 


@suchadiva42,  SR can't reach JE to heal him he's just as numb on the inside just like his wife SR is only there for him to try and fill that void of losing his daughter it's not going to work no matter what she do.. Sleeping with him isn't the answer would he have sleep with his own daughter I think not he can't love her and shows his feeling to her like his daughter. So she's in for the emotional ride that she will never be able to enter the only person who can endure that ride with him is HK because she's the child mother they both have the sane feels for if not HK has more because she has been connected to that child since the day she found out she was growing inside her..    

@valsava , @suchadiva42 - Exactly. Truth be said - SR can continue to claim she loves JE, but she doesn't. She is infatuated by him,  and maybe even likes the "stolen fruit" idea - but she does not know him at all, and she has no idea what he is going through emotionally - so of course, she cannot even begin to support him emotionally.

@tunquat, me too! Surprised and delighted with the ratings. I hope it's for real.

@Misstwilightfan1416   Thank you for videos

@myonenonly    welcome to the thread...:).   Yes, I think most of us  want to see JE and HK back together in the end.

Am wondering what actually is going to happen to the twin YK? She just took off with a stranger's car, with documents inside etc. Did she just abandon the car and carry on with her life as if nothing happened? She hashas all details from the divorced papers?

And the twins dont seem to be living too far apart. 

Or is she going to run away and assume HK's identity living secretly someplace else with her baby?

I think you are right since she has those papers, she may run away and assume the identity as a divorced woman being that she is pregnant.

@Katrina Abdul Talib     @zenya22          That's an interesting thought - that each sister will adopt the identity of her twin. But is that really possible, since YG is pregnant and HK was not pregnant? Of course, real YG has the advantage of remembering.

oh,, @andy78,    - I love this poem "The Road not taken."

  Our drama is picking up more followers on Viki - now over 7,000!

Viki also subbing faster. Ep. 3 is now at 96%

Ep. 4 at 24%

Heading now to ep. 3.





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Guest ororomunroe

Subbed episode 3 is out :)

Please don't post illegal sites...

In what way are they illegal?

Any site that isn't Dramafever or Viki is illegal as their subs have been taken from either of these two sites. 

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Subbed episode 3 is out :)

Please don't post illegal sites...

In what way are they illegal?

Any site that isn't Dramafever or Viki is illegal as their subs have been taken from either of these two sites. 

I see

Subbed episode 3 is out :)

Please don't post illegal sites...

In what way are they illegal?

@ayselluna" I think what they saying is the site u posted are getting their subs from Viki, and Dramafever that are legal.

Now I know, dear :)

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Episode 3 is interesting and confusing. It seems there is much inter-love affairs between the characters. Man Ho the father of JE went to visit HJ’s mom Kim Gyu Nam to offer help and she refused and said to forget about her that sinning once while she was with the father of her children was enough. It was not fully subbed but my take of her statement is that she had an affair with Man Ho. Like father like son? He offered to give her a house or a market whatever she chooses and she said no. He said he was doing it for JE. Maybe that is why there was so much opposition from the families of their marriage especially JE’s mom, Miss Korea ’75, who has said in the earlier episode that she is the 2nd wife. In that case JE is not the eldest sibling and he is a half-brother to that mean sister. JE has daddy issues, he disapproves of his father’s unethical business practices and he is vocal about it. His father thinks of him as an entitled wimp who can’t take care of his responsibilities. As the only son he is expected to be the heir of his father’s fortune. His father does not think he can handle it as he also thinks he cannot even take care of his own family as in his mother in law who is walking the streets peddling massages and lives in a tiny room. Man Ho, from how he describes himself, built his company working and fighting in the corporate trenches. JE has no interest in business and in taking over his father’s company. He is the chemist at the pharmaceutical department of the company, a scientist who delves in formulas and drug production. In contrast, HJ the daughter in law, is a highly skilled and competent corporate lawyer, ambitious and dedicated. The father in law favors her more than his son.  After the dinner fight with his father, HJ was tending to JE’s wound and told JE not to fight with his father and encouraged him to make the drugs faultlessly and cleanly the way it was supposed to be done and she will take care of the marketing. She is trying hard to keep the peace between father and son and help her husband keep his position in the family succession order. But, except for his mother, it seems that JE has already detached himself emotionally and mentally from his family including his wife.

The mean sister was proudly talking about how her husband sold the most of the drug Pudoxin which is will surpass the sales record except that it was the drug that was in question whom Jong Ki's husband was whistle blowing becausi it was a dangerous side effects. If the drugs were proven to be faulty then the company could lose billions of won.

In the meantime MS Korea 75 visits the a famous poet who happens to be the father of Baek Suk and Sul Ri. He has a baby on his back and 4 other smaller children. Not sure if these are the poets biological children or he adopted them including Sul Ri. He said to Sul Ri that she was sent to him as a newborn In a box with umbilical cord still attached. He had called the police and sent her to an orphanage and when she was 10 years old she was returned to the poet. So is Sul Ri a foundling or was the poet her biological father and who is her mother? Are Baek Suk and Sul Ri biological siblings or is Baek Suk also adopted?

There are only snippets of secrets being revealed it is hard to form a whole picture.  In the meantime we see Jong Ki finally opening the files in her husband’s computer and we hear the revelation of a drug being made and distributed for sale despite the serious side effects. He was killed because of it.


Edited by zenya22
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OMG!!! in episode 4,It looks like HK is in a full blown, take no prisoners revenge mode  starting with the nasty toilet water and the toothbrush... and JE drinks it . Would not that smell or taste funny? gross but the ending of episode 4 and the preview shows her playing both SR and JE and SR doing exactly what she expected her to do. Did JE get sick because of the toilet water and was he semi conscious while she was slapping him? She even kneels before SR in the preview but I am thinking she staged that scene. The woman is scary and if SR had a even a bit of common sense she would run, fly as fast as she can away from there. She is lucky that HK "died" and lost her memory or I think she would have suffered the pangs of hell. HK is no joke!!!

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Can anyone enlighten me, please, as to why Baek-seok's father asked Seol-ri not to come to his place again as well as about why those adopted children are supposed to leave the house as soon as they reach the age of 20? 

I didn't quite get it...

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Watching ep 3 with sub...father vs son scene is awesome!!!You won't win against me you never once fought You've never put everything on the line ...someone who had nver put everything on line not fearfull of life and death could never win against a fight with me ...the old jerk has right...his son is just a coward...He is the heir... hates what his father and sister do....he should work the company  and try to change things,...take his father position and run the company the way he wants...but the man is not even able to fight for his marriage....he always takes the easy road...Right now JE is a disaster,a pathetic excuse for a man...

“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy.”

I don't justify Jin-eon but I can't deny the obvious either. 

He did fight... His biggest fight was for Hae-gang, when he married her disregarding all objection from his family. 

And he still fights against his father, defending his own views and beliefs. Again It's quite another matter whether he'll win or lose. 

In fact, the real coward is Jin-eon's father, who can't even stand his son's stare. and whose strongest argument is resort to violence.

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