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[OFFICIAL THREAD] So Ji Sub ♥ Shin Min Ah - Oh My Venus Couple - SoShin/Scarf Couple


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Mrs So Ji Sub #soshinshippersgoal

Damn she's so gorgeous. I bet she would be the most beautiful bride in the world when she got married to SJS.

i've just watched running man where the guest was SMA, and she's soooo adorable! i fell in love with her smile, her laughs, the way she talks, the way she acts. If SJS never fell in love with this girl he must be gay. Or im turning gay right now for falling in love with this girl :D

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Thanks @zeppy10 for translating!! :wub: Take your time translating the rest. His day does sound boring. Like a cycle. And I'm SO jealous of his office staff!! Imagine going to work and see this man everyday!!! Dieee....

Ommo, he is ready and yet a little afraid...hmm, no worries, Oppa. SMA radiates brightness wherever she goes...*thumbs up*

@xxnoir Aww chingu, you made me blush! Komawoyo!  I look *cough stare cough* at it for the whole 5 mins!! Let's see, they both sucked each other's lips and released and suck again. He sucked harder than her. That motion caused him to swallow. Ok, this involves exchanging of saliva which arouses both of them. She almost look like she doesn't want to let him go (with that neck hold)....kekeke. I bet ya she would lick her lips again...lol. *ah, it's hot in here* *fan self* 



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11 hours ago, linnieluu said:


cr: sojisubar weibo


okay i saw a lot of "Oh My Venus" :D now just wait for the translation ;)

My translations below. It may not be exactly correct but i try my best. 



So Ji Sub chose a sweet and gentle drama this time round, besides healing the audience, in the process, also healed himself. What production will he choose for himself next time? So Ji Sub is now slowly choosing his next work/production and this time, considering acting in a movie, to display a totally different image, do await for his transformation. 

Q: Even like this, wouldn't SJS usually after the drama ends, will take a break and mellow down to rest? What will SJS, who will leave the filming be like after filming wraps up? What will SJS's daily life routine be like?

A: Using a normal day as an example, after waking up, i will make breakfast, exercise, go to office, then back home. Sounds like that's all, it's always home -> exercise -> office -> home. Whenever there's no filming, it's always the office. (OKAY I WANNA PARK MYSELF AT 51K office the next time i go to SEOUL! muahahah)  

Q: Even though you are the boss, don't you think you are way too hardworking? What is the reason for you to be so hardworking? Your staff had to work really hard until you go for filming schedules? 

A: Because it's my company, so whenever i go there, there's always something i need to say. Mainly to speak to my representatives. The rest of the staff has their own department to take care of but if there's anything they need to say to me, they are free to speak to me. But whether they liked saying it to me or not? i do not know.. hahaha. Although they may not always be happy about it but i guess most of the time they like it? hahaha.. 


Q: Besides, exercising/work out seems to be his thing.."he said: if he doesn't work out, his body seems to ache and be in pain"

A: Those who has worked out for long, as time goes joints tend to ache. Me too, i get aches here and there but because to fix this problem i had to even exercise even more. So others tend to ask, " why work out if you are already in pain?" It's exactly the more pains you feel the more you have to work out. Thru working out those area, you will get better. Instead of treating working out as something to keep myself fit and look good, i treat it as a routine.


Q:So Ji Sub's figure is what many celebrities term as "wanna be" (like him), looking at SJS closely, indeed there are hardly any flaws, how does SJS keep his skin good?

A: Skin? honestly i didnt do much. Some time ago, i did use face masks. Other then that, i did go for regular facials.. I really didn't do anything special.. Sometimes go for massages as well but not that often too. I didn't really pay special attention to my skin.. I guess it's all thanks to my parents genes. 

Q: What about diet? Is there anything different from others? Do you eat something that is specifically good for your body or any special recipe?

A: When i am home, i always make my own food. Food like Fried chicken and pizza, it will be tough for me to make at home so i usually place orders for delivery. The rest of the time, i make my own food. it seems like the more i eat, the more i can make these food too.hahaha.. I've even speed up on making these food. But while filming OMV, due to the requirements for my body, i brought my own food on set to eat. 


Q: What are your plans and resolutions for 2016?

A: This year, i would like to foster juniors. It seems to reach a time where i don't have to be the only one to be acting and bring in the money anymore. Whether you are already in the industry or brand new artistes, there's no set rules yet. Just wanted to try to foster juniors who are young..

Q: Besides all these talk about work, juniors, office.. what about SJS as a man? what is your new year resolution?

A: Oh? Include my love life? It's been a while since i've been in love. Now, i need to fall in love..If i do meet someone that is suitable? I also want to marry. Want to fall in love, want to marry. I also like kids. If I do get married, i would like to have many kids. However, those around me, half of them who were married are now back to being single. This can be abit of a problem.. hahaha.


*PARDON some of the bad english translations. Doing this in a rush too.. 


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11 hours ago, linnieluu said:



okay i saw a lot of "Oh My Venus" :D now just wait for the translation ;)



Q: Starting from tomorrow onwards, when you wake up, cooked rice and make your breakfast, you will realise that this is a brand new day and since filming has ended, you will be going back to office.

A: Because it's my company, if there's no filming, I basically go to work  5 days a week Sometimes i exercise then i go to work.. sometimes vice versa. Regardless, it's something that is part of my routine and doesn't change.


Q: After seeing SJS who has just finish filming KBS2 (Oh my Venus), he said till now, the feeling of the end hasn't set in. It could be due to SJS after saying goodbyes to all the cast just pretty recently, the feelings of goodbye has yet to set in.

A: I guess only after seeing that OMV finished being broadcast on TV, then the feelings will set in. Currently, i still have the fuzzy feelings.


Q: Through his drama, SJS has again once proved that he is one of the best actors for Romantic Comedy genre, Just like the perfectness of So Ji Sub's body and Shin Mina's perfect and sexy lips, who will reject him? Besides seducing the audience with the perfect body/figure, the low sexy voice, eye expressions to teasing mouth expressions? The freedom of SJS's acting and role, made all of us audience heart beat fast and touch many of our hearts as well.

A: Oh my venus is a drama that is happily filmed, a little different from other dramas (there's this part i find it hard to explain.. something about the drama is lacking in makjang or climax i think? ) and there's this diet part that is added into the drama. "Was it possible to just use the lead's love line to complete 16 episodes?" Initially I was also a bit worried but as we filmed it, we received many feedback that It was pretty good with some thought-provoking lines.. so we also filmed it happily. (this is me rephrasing it as it's quite hard to literally translate..but the overall feel is that feedback from others were that it's still good although there's lack of meaty plot or climax...) 


Q: No matter what, you and SMA's pairing and acting the scenes of Heart pain and all, the chemistry is in-describable. Audience has followed the pair throughout the series with laughter and crying. 

A: Wanted to say to SMA: " You've worked hard...." Really worked hard...epecially the special make up. Initially was tiring but as time goes on.. she got used to it...., Looking at her filming those scenes happily and with joy, I find her pretty. Including myself, speaking to the crew and discussing about it, we all find her rather cute.


I'll translate the last 2 questions later. need to attend to son.. haha.. ENJOY! sorry i am not able to be AS accurate as possible but the geist is there... hope someone who is better in the chinese language can do a better job than me!!  My chinese is not the best!! In fact i am struggling to translate..but for my SJS.. i will do it!! hehehehe 


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11 hours ago, linnieluu said:


cant seem to get rid of this quote so anyway.. from what i interpret..@sooyoungdaebak i think he is indeed single now.. and for a while... so the previous rumours wth idol ah hem have probably ENDED. It has to be someone whom he felt he is going to marry before he reveals who he is seeing.. and at this point i think he isn't seeing anyone.. and he has those feels when acting with SMA....


And i saw belmakang's recent Instag...(SMA's stylist) .. look.. there's a HEART BREAK emoticon. Am i reading into things too much??? hahahaha.. could be my SOSHIN mind overiding my sane mind.. whahahaa .. Did someone "broke up"?? 






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3 hours ago, zeppy10 said:

Ill try to translate it later if no one has translated yet... as I am rushing somewhere but I'll share the important ones Here first.

He said he wants to fall in love cus he hasnt been in love for a long time... he wants to get married and likes/wants kids too... but he also gets abit undecided as half of his friends who were married are now back to single (ie. Divorce )...ha ha. 

He also mentioned SMA really suffered alot....  he felt bad about it but as time went by.. he also (erm this part i dunno how to explain..let me think about it first.).... but he said he finds her pretty even in that state and he also talked abt it to the crew and including himself... find that she looked cute like that.   

Not much abt sma..  I'll translate others later...

His daily routine is wake up, eat breakfast that he made, go office, go exercise...  go home.. or go exercise first then go office.. always the same... 


Sounds boring to me.. hahahah...  




It is incredible how he can follow always a routine. He has a lot of willpower!!!

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5 minutes ago, Belsis said:

It is incredible how he can follow always a routine. He has a lot of willpower!!!

Didnt his hyung SSH said that SJS is a boring person?!?! hahaha.. i think he may be right!!!


@sooyoungdaebak your detailed anlysis of the kiss is DAEBAK!!! carry on.. your 5 min staring is pretty good.. try 15 min.. your analysis could be a thesis long!!! hehehehehehehe 

and yes... i feel that he kisses harder.. could be cus he was in the top position.. and SMA was like smile-kissing... awwww.. those feels... 


@rafaelle yep.. he had to say it to SMA in the interview.. he said it too during his acceptance speech.. he really admires her for her sacrifice ... i think he sees her differently.. as you know... he is someone like KYH too.. who look at the INNER.. not just OUTTER. ;)

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@zeppy10 thank u chingu! another trans on mina part, what do u think is it  the same?

wanted to say "thank you for your hardwork." to Mina. It's really tough.. she felt a bit tiring at the beginning of shooting, but as the  time goes by, she get used to it and able to enjoy herself in the shooting. She is very beautiful when she works while enjoying herself in the set. She is very adorable when she give suggestions on this and that with staffs(include me)

trans zhu zhu 


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8 minutes ago, Reyko said:

@zeppy10 thank u chingu! another trans on mina part, what do u think is it  the same?

wanted to say "thank you for your hardwork." to Mina. It's really tough.. she felt a bit tiring at the beginning of shooting, but as the  time goes by, she get used to it and able to enjoy herself in the shooting. She is very beautiful when she works while enjoying herself in the set. She is very adorable when she give suggestions on this and that with staffs(include me)

trans zhu zhu 


yup.. similar.. this is definitely more detailed!!! :D but there's more rephrasing in this trans.. hahha.. i don't think the lines are that long.. wahahah but okay.. the geist is there... :D

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My delulu mind is saying Belmakang meant SMA whose heart is broken now. The model easily resemble her, no?! Maybe she decided to end her relationship and of course hearts are broken.

You know when you have that sister who has a huge crush on this namjha for years, they get to meet from time to time due to work and she never stop gushing over him. But since he's an introvert and they are both shy, no phone numbers were exchange. Then years later, work make them come together and they both get to be close to one another for months! Together they went through the ups and down of their job and feelings were secretly exposed. Their real self took over their reel self. So now here you are, as a sister, wishing she would make the right choice and go with what her heart wants. If by achieving it she has to break another heart, that is a decision she has to make without any regrets. 

I love how SJS still has that fuzzy feeling! Those kisses ain't lying!!! He is 100% single or else he wouldn't suck the life out of SMA!! :lol: Btw, I don't think he ever said that (feeling fuzzy) after any drama (I may be wrong). Gahhh....so happy!! 


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23 minutes ago, zeppy10 said:

Didnt his hyung SSH said that SJS is a boring person?!?! hahaha.. i think he may be right!!!


@sooyoungdaebak your detailed anlysis of the kiss is DAEBAK!!! carry on.. your 5 min staring is pretty good.. try 15 min.. your analysis could be a thesis long!!! hehehehehehehe 

and yes... i feel that he kisses harder.. could be cus he was in the top position.. and SMA was like smile-kissing... awwww.. those feels... 



Kekekekekeke....aigoo, don't tempt me, chingu yah!!! I may stare at it for 15mins ;) lol. I find SMA is sensual woman and there's nothing wrong with it. She is open about what she finds lustful and "what turns her on and off". That day on the set when she saw SJS in a robe, that was purely her not KJE who gets turn on. It is imprinted in her mind till she even brought it up at the award show. Sometimes when you watch her kissing scene with SJS, she has that dreamy look. Maybe she wish if only they are not in front of hundred of staffs! ;) kekekeke. I like that spunkiness in her. She's not afraid to explore her taste and go for what she likes (tall man, broad shoulders, lean long shaped face, deep voice and good looking). Daebak!

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Alright... last 2 questions... (damn it's long! argh.. my eyes are going bonkers!)

Q: While acting in the TV, no one could tell SJS's actual age so when acting with the younger boys in their 20s, SJS at most looked like 3 to 4 years older than them but in actual fact, SJS is coming to 40 years old. Having started off in 1995 as a model for STORM, and 1997 being cast to act in 3boys 3 girls, so SJS has been in the industry and k-circle for 20 years. So how does SJS feels about this?

A: 40 years old.. don't feel any changes or difference. I do enjoy the process of getting older/senior.. From an actor's point of view, there's no need to have to "say certain things".. can just act as natural and don't need to care? for too many things?? But the people around me say to me.. "you're coming to 40 years old..." but honestly, I don't feel age is important. (SOMEONE SAID THIS LINE TOO!!) 


Q: Since age is not a factor, SJS in recent years acted in Rom-com such as Master's sun and Oh my venus, showing sweet and romantic side as an actor compared to when SJS first started out with the dark roles and heavy roles.. It seems these few years, SJS has walked a different type of route.. choosing sweet, happy, romantic type of productions.

A:And there are those youngsters who think i am still a young, happy actor. As for Master's Sun and Oy My venus productions, the reasons I chose these has got to do with my current feelings/moods these days. As before, i've been acting those heavy and dark roles, it made me have those feelings as well.. (OK the following two lines is abit too difficult for me to translate so errr,, mianhae.. next better player please!! :P )

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