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1 hour ago, zeppy10 said:

Little action? i thinK SWP is one drama that doesn't have much climax either.. it's just sweet and fluffy and just a company winding up issue.. nothing makjang but for some reason, it did well in ratings.. 

Personally i like SWP... for its fluffiness!! and i like OMV for the same reason... Maybe i just like light-hearted, no makjang kind of drama that doesn't make me pull my hair out.. but koreans love those family-quarrels type of makjang dramas.... 


I am just very puzzled.. how do they get the ratings calculation?? Is there someone who can check ONLINE ratings? 

I appreciate SWP for keeping the female lead's physical characterization intact during the airing, but the treatment towards the second male lead got me frustrated because he was the person who totally saw the real her, maybe not from when they were still kids but the depth of his affections towards her was utterly sincere.

On the other hand I love how Oh My Venus projected belongingness as part of our humanity. I see male characters showing weakness and wanting affection, and females who don't dehumanize men for showing what they need.

And maybe there are still Koreans out there who are not ready for this type of story, but a part of me is doubting it considering how R88 is owning massive viewership for a cable drama surpassing Twenty Again.

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I loved the ending scene, how JE -of course- was by KYH's side... But also JW and JS in the back. Even though they were shadowed by the body guards (why do we need them there anyway?) , it felt as if they accompanied him, rather than just watching him. 

JW's curious face was on point!


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11 minutes ago, luv2skulz said:


Yes! I think JK does hear dad's concern, which is why he actually addressed him as father in response. 

Thank you for pointing out all the little bits I wanted to say!!!

One more thing though: did anyone else spy arranged marriage pharma girl seated at JK table at banquet?!?!


 yup next in the agenda of writer-nim under "conflicts" probably ep. 14??  rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009

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I don't have to worry about Grandma introducing the pharmaceutical company's daughter to the public, as YH's date, during the inauguration ceremony, right ? The whole bunch seems happy during the preview... I hope Grandma will not keep them apart! Argh

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So Ji Sub’s Hands and Shin Min Ah’s Face at Center of Hot Debate

So Ji Sub’s Hands and Shin Min Ah’s Face at Center of Hot Debate

Photos of actors So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah from the current KBS 2TV’s drama “Oh My Venus” are the center of attention on SNS these days.

Scenes of So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah’s romantic scenes from the drama are spreading across online communities everywhere. Seeing So Ji Sub’s hands closely held against Shin Min Ah’s face, netizens hotly debate whether he has large hands to begin with, or Shin Min Ah has a very small face.

shin min ah- so ji sub1

So Ji Sub noticeably has long fingers. Whenever he picks up an object, you can barely see what he’s picking up since his hands cover it up. This also happens when he holds Shin Min Ah’s face.

Netizens conclude with laughter, “Whatever the case, they’re both handsome and pretty.” The explosive responses by fans online reflect their steady popularity as actors and their chemistry in the drama.

shin min ah- so ji sub2

shin min ah-so ji sub3


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13 minutes ago, ka77 said:

I loved the ending scene, how JE -of course- was by KYH's side... But also JW and JS in the back. Even though they were shadowed by the body guards (why do we need them there anyway?) , it felt as if they accompanied him, rather than just watching him. 

JW's curious face was on point!


#PowerCoupleGoals :wub::wub::wub:

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since i cant be here today , i have to say one things at last , the grandmother really on my nerves now:naughty: and  what they call it ah " MONSTER PARENTS " that what she now for me , while pretend you love your child so much , you trying to protect him from every things and everyone  even from himself , so you cant even see that you the one hurt and force him to do what he dont like , while pretend to know your child so much you just cant get that you dont know anything about him and that you just trying to control him , to make him be the one you imaging not the one he is ,:rage:

how dare she :rage:, dont get me wrong , i know she just had few scenes in ep 11 . so you all may wonder why i am so angry from her now???? , cause in that one scene i just get that feeling " monster parents" , she calmly know everything , pretend she didn't know , she was playing and just wanted to let things go for a while , just to make sure that KYH take the work, after that she wanted him to move on and to make it clear for him that she want him to marry that girl only ( by the way the date girl was on the part , and she looked at the empty chair beside her , when they were looking for KYH so the grandmother was planing something in the party ) ( the step mother wasnt on the party , did the grandmother ask her not to go ??):scream::scream:

what make me angry that she talked about her child all times , but never ask how he feeling ??? she just want to know everythings to control the damge :unamused: ? MIN was about to say something to her , but she looked at him with that scary look "to do just i as said !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :cry:

just hoping she start to stop on her limit:angry: cause i cant take any  more of her controlling everyone behinds that kind smile , and poor grandmother look , i will pray for tonight and the two next weeks for her to stop , by the way i would like to see KJE and MIN talk back to her , sure I need KJE to make sure that the grandmother get that she dont even know anything about KYH and that KJE will make sure she still with him and dont care about the grandmother order ( just gave me and everyone suffering here  in this drama that last wish . i just hope to see someone scolding her :mrgreen:, for the sake of the  father , step mother , step brother , KYH and for me and my friends here and  for anyone who suffered under her control in her long life  )

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1 hour ago, ireumimolla said:

Episode 12 still:


Apparently SJS was concerned for SMA as they had to film this scene at a place without proper heating and SMA was only wearing a dress (no outerwear). And SJS helped to warm SMA's foot by holding it in his hands (I think this scene is part of the episode tonight).

And the staff also made fun of this scene, saying that after her 'Feet bed scene', now it's time for her feet to suffer, causing laughter on set.

Awwww.. he is truly the gentleman we all know.. concern about SMA being cold.. wearing too little... :D

1 minute ago, ka77 said:

Love how KYH was insecure about JE's ring (that he even noticed!), how he was straightforward in asking her about it, and she was honest in the explanation.

Ahem. I wonder if we will see KYH offering her a ring at the end of the show?...

I didnt think that KYH was insecure about the ring.. he was curious cus he is the new BF now and the GF is still holding on to the ex-bf's ring.. it's a question that i would think he can ask. 


Furthermore, he didn't look that jealous actually. He seems quite confident of himself.. heh.. i think he just wants to know exactly what KJE is feeling about that. I didnt feel a tinge of jealousy when he asked it... 

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Just now, meliffic said:

I forgot to add in my previous post that this drama as I've read a few weeks ago is doing well in streaming and in downloads...

I think they should add that the 'RATING' is for AHJUMMAS only. It's outdated and inaccurate.


From what i understand, this drama is super HOT.. !! It's trending better than say Six Flying Dragons or Glamourous Temptation. 

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 Chief Min say; 

People care more about whether or not they know more than  concrete facts, after all. The more people know and talk the more it became reality.



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32 minutes ago, funnyhunny07 . said:

Agreed @keylimeshi I think Young Ho's knee bothers him like an anxiety attack...but i see a revelation to it on the horizon..MAYBE

Some thing ive been dying to come on here and talk about but ive been so busy that my fan level is at Super Casual...

I've always enjoyed watching dramas and didnt care about who subbed the drama or movie i just know i need em asap. But the thing is because the Korean..or any Asian culture is so different from what i've grown up with, certain translations don't do the show justice. For instance, Hyun Woo's nanny she has for her son, according to a certain site i always use, she was her mother-in-law..aka Min Joo's grandma...or so i assumed. But when i watched ep 11 on this same site she was labeled as Min Joo's NANNY. On this same site i remember reading a comment that said "love the show, but the subs are "well you get the point". :huh: I didnt give it much thought but now i do because this is not the only time..from episode to episode the translations change. So sometimes my assumptions are wrong about whats going on or what might happen later because of misinterpretation. I wish that subbers would clarify certain cultural differences in their subs. I'm not trying to be a complaining customer because i could be no means do what subbers do, i would just enjoy watching more if the subs were politically correct and constant. Sorry, it's my American upbringing that made me this way. :vicx: :mellow:

Despite the subs i enjoyed ep 11, not that i doubted i wouldn't...I was too happy when Young Ho moved in..i mean the pretense of an erotic night was enough for me to say "move in forever!" The open robe, the smirk and the whole pulling up the sleeves like he was in a clothing CF && the smirk :wub:. I would have jumped his bones myself. I swear Kang Joo Eun is my spirit animal, her Freudian slip was priceless :w00t:, Yay you will get a bed scene if Richard-blocking Chief Min didn't ring the doorbell :sweatingbullets: but i love him anyway, he is a shipper..undercover but still a shipper. 

I truly feel sorry for Young Ho's step-mother, she doesnt appear to want anything but to be acknowledged, her husband left her at home for the anniversary party.  guess she thought they were going together. did the short conversation they had mean nothing or did it go in one ear and out the other like a nagging wife asking you to take her out more...... and the grandmother treats her like a painting :tears: just hanging there for decoration and by no means any other use. It seems its nothing new and i know shes a strong woman but still its sad..... HIMNAE AJUMMA!! :)

Soo Jin ohhhh Soo Jin some times i want to give her a high five..to the face. Shes so bitter, :(she needs a life coach someone to motivate her that there is more to life than having "it all", i truly hope she can find her sweetness in life soon because chocolate is not cutting it. But i am proud that she can stay professional in the situation with Wok Sik and his slim ball ways of doing business. It would have been so easy for the writers to make her out as a corrupt lawyer helping her boyfriend take down her client by slipping him info or ignoring his illegal acts. She was truthful about not mixing personal and business and when she told him to get out:w00t: ....but she doesnt waste a chance to jab Joo Eun bout something that is none of her business. 



If SJ would stop picking needlessly at JE, I think more of us would respect her character outright...  I think she has a lot going for her-- there are glimmers of self-respect that prevent her from being led to desperate depths like some #2s in other drama, as you point out. But just when I really want to cheer for her, she says/does something stupid and immature to try (unsuccessfully)  and ruffle JE. I really wonder if she will end up with WS. He looks weaker and weaker to me in comparison (and that crazy jacket at the banquet is not helping).

I think few folks here actually sub for some of the sites you may visit, and they can weigh in on the process. It's not an exact science (different criteria) and I have enormous respect and thanks for subbers. But yes, sometimes they do flat out get it wrong or are inconsistent. They also sometimes opt for simpler yet less accurate translations to make things understood for as large a public as possible. So for instance, in scene with Korea Snake backstory, JK asks to be called 'hyung' instead of mf-er (reasonable, request, no?:)) but the site I watch then translates 'hyung' when Korea Snake says it as 'sir'. They don't usually translate words like this because the connotations don't fit direct translations. But it's sad to lose that because I thought in this case esp that emphasized how touching the scene was. JK was putting Korea Snake in place and demanding respect owed to him as 'hyung' but he was also defining their relationship and letting Korea Snake know that he now had a 'hyung' to teach him, to Rely on, etc.  "sir"  means none of that. They def work hard, but inevitably things will get lost in translation.

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7 hours ago, szne09 said:


Cutting with pro-forma apology.

Hushhh in Blue.

I find the more satisfying an episode is the less time I have to take notes because I am enjoying it as a whole. I love the growth in the OTP relationship especially as it has an underpinning of respect and "adultness". 

Other things I love about the episode: 

- YH getting jealous on JE's couple rings and how he doesn't force JE to let go of her past so easily. I do hope she'll be able to do so in the near future. The subtitles on this moment was my all time favorite of the episode. [even though I really don't like the way this subtitling group clean out the "Koreanness" I heard YH say "couple" ring and the translators translated it as "ring". We westerner got the concept I'm sure, but I like the "Koreanness" couples ring.]  

JE said WS gave it to her and she wore it for 15 years so it feels like hers, but she'd throw it out if YH wanted her to. YH said not to throw it out unless she wanted to because THERE WAS NOTHING ABOUT HER HE WANTED TO THROW AWAY. --Swoon. I love it because embedded in what he said was the recognition what her past experiences and relationship contributed to making her who she was.

When WS got the go ahead to pull the trigger with Tabloid Go, I really appreciated that he looked conflicted. To my mind if WS is an all out heel it reflects poorly on JE choices and her ability to evaluate people and their motivation.  WS has to have some good qualities that justifies JE sending 15 years of her life with him.

- YH and Minjoon bonding time haha Yup--I notice Kdrama love chubby kids but not chubby adults.

- JE and HW's friendship (so so love them!) Yup

- So funny how JE had to eat her own words with being all modest and then in the end she could no longer take it :D (which makes us believe this drama would not end without that comfortable and erotic night)

- Fave convo: "Are you going to take responsibility for my abs then?" "Your abs are mine. You can't say no.".....And YH's reaction A little turn about is fair play to take off the patriarchal edge of the way the term was used before.

Stuff that are still in the air (that I hope get resolved or addressed) 

- Reason why JE keeps her bandaids I think this is cute-ish but every time I see them, the practice strikes me as unsanitary.



I am 

1- Amazed and happy that SJ is responding as if being a good lawyer is important and not just selling out her client for personal relationships I.e. WS.

2-I'm worried about SJ who is so depressed. The only thing we've seen her eat or drink are chocolate and wine and the tiniest nibble on watermelon. She is so depressed that even tormenting JE gives her little joy.

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16 minutes ago, plappi said:


I'm busy by translation, but quickly looked for and while there was nothing. I'll look better later. 

Sorry..... it was your posting of the p.6 OST by kei I was asking if english subs were out (only now I noticed the title of the song was not included in the quote)... .I saw "Such is Love" as the english title but no english subs yet to the song..... tks @plappi

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