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2 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Thanks for the compliment which I can return!! Because you pointed out something I had forgotten.

You're right. The pervert acted as nice, well-mannered and helpful, just like Yoo Jung who keeps smiling! But there are differences in their behaviour and comments as well.

YJ never expressed his thoughts like the pervert. Remember the scene when the latter meets KYJ and his lover, he is already making bad comments about them. He can't almost help himself for insulting them which reveals that he is much more impulsive! His actions are more influenced by his emotions. YJ is different. First, he will never express his thoughts, he is much more reserved and he is controlling much more his emotions. He waited a certain time to punish Seo or MS.

Besides, Yoo Jung isn't that active like the pervert who offered to help Seol! Yoo Jung is for example pushed to pay for dinner, pushed to do more for the presentation, Yoo Jung is invited to play at the basketball game so that his team can win! Yoo Jung is generous but he isn't the one who will offer his help to everyone. He allows people to use him as a pushover which makes his life less complicated or he really wants to help someone, but he will do it more in the secret! The pervert is walking around offering his help and he isn't really forced to do it! He helps in order to come close to the person and judge them! Yoo Jung keeps more his distance to people!

I would like to add that the pervert is just a hypocrite, while I judge Yoo Jung's behaviour differently. His help is sincere, but if he is a pushover, he doesn't mind as long as he is left alone! 

And this example shows how Seol is still prejudiced about Yoo Jung. Yet, I can understand her because YJ isn't someone who talks a lot! Nevertheless he asked her out so nicely that she had the impression he was setting up a trap for her which wasn't true at all. She doubted him so much that she couldn't distinguish his honesty from his fake behaviour! Yet, she has changed. In the episode 9, even after the quarrel, she doesn't think so badly about him. Her doubts have almost disappeared, especially when she is confronted with the picture of In Ha and Yoo Jung together! 

I would like to add that, as you pointed out YJ doesn't lie. When he doesn't like some he ignores them (like he ignores Seol the whole first year) and doesn't go around faking his interest or good character (like the panty thief did fake his sympathy for his victims).

The other difference, between the two, is the apparent delusional observation of things of the panty thief. He sees whatever he wants (Seol's apparent bad character because she invited various males to her apartment --> YJ and Jun) and his Need to punish "bad" behaviors. YJ doesn't give a xxxx about things if it doesn't concern him and will only punish people if he feels wronged by their actions? He just doesn't want to get get involved/ get his hands dirty because otherwise his whole "pushover person" will have no effect.

In fact Seol is the only person he felt the need to protect till now.

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13 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Thanks for the compliment which I can return!! Because you pointed out something I had forgotten.

You're right. The pervert acted as nice, well-mannered and helpful, just like Yoo Jung who keeps smiling! But there are differences in their behaviour and comments as well.

YJ never expressed his thoughts like the pervert. Remember the scene when the latter meets KYJ and his lover, he is already making bad comments about them. He can't almost help himself for insulting them which reveals that he is much more impulsive! His actions are more influenced by his emotions. YJ is different. First, he will never express his thoughts, he is much more reserved and he is controlling much more his emotions. He waited a certain time to punish Seo or MS.

Besides, Yoo Jung isn't that active like the pervert who offered to help Seol! Yoo Jung is for example pushed to pay for dinner, pushed to do more for the presentation, Yoo Jung is invited to play at the basketball game so that his team can win! Yoo Jung is generous but he isn't the one who will offer his help to everyone. He allows people to use him as a pushover which makes his life less complicated or he really wants to help someone, but he will do it more in the secret! The pervert is walking around offering his help and he isn't really forced to do it! He helps in order to come close to the person and judge them! Yoo Jung keeps more his distance to people!

I would like to add that the pervert is just a hypocrite, while I judge Yoo Jung's behaviour differently. His help is sincere, but if he is a pushover, he doesn't mind as long as he is left alone! 

And this example shows how Seol is still prejudiced about Yoo Jung. Yet, I can understand her because YJ isn't someone who talks a lot! Nevertheless he asked her out so nicely that she had the impression he was setting up a trap for her which wasn't true at all. She doubted him so much that she couldn't distinguish his honesty from his fake behaviour! Yet, she has changed. In the episode 9, even after the quarrel, she doesn't think so badly about him. Her doubts have almost disappeared, especially when she is confronted with the picture of In Ha and Yoo Jung together! 

Yes you are right.There are those important differences b/w the pervert and Jung. The pervert is itching to find a fault with others and use it to feed his delusion. In order to do so he puts up a nice front and approaches others. Jung on the other hand just wants to be left in peace most of the times. He doesn't want to get close to others to interfere in their lives or to find out about their faults to use later on. Most of the instances that give him information about someone's misdemeanors have happened accidentally.........Jung accidentally witnessed San Chul and TA Heo thieving, same also for getting a glimpse of MS's phone wallpaper and Sul comforting YG. Jung can also be said t be mostly reactive whereas the pervert is active in creating a reality for his delusion.

I agree so much with your last paragraph. It is as if we the viewers are progressing on this journey of understanding Jung along with Sul  (though I'd say we are way ahead of her ;) ...even with all our romantic feels for Jung :wub: )

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@coffeeboy and @littleloony Thanks a lot for the contributions to my analysis about the pervert!! :)This is why I always would like to get some feedback, because I am quite sure, I miss something important.

Both of your points were really good! First, YJ doesn't lie that's what I like about him! Secondly, he might set traps, but the person is always put in front of a choice. The person can choose if she keeps doing her misdeed or not. For example:

- YJ gave MS some advice (episode 10) to stop her behaviour, she didn't get the message.

- YJ gave her the link for the presentation, but he never forced her to plagiarise Seol's work. She could have worked on her own.

- YJ gave Seol the opportunity to apologise to him for thinking he was the one behind changing the time schedule. She could have ignored it and kept saying, he was behind it. But no she recognised the truth and she admitted, she was wrong! She had misjudged him.

The pervert never puts his victim in front of a choice or an alternative. They suffer from his punishment without giving them the opportunity to redeem themselves (recognise the wrongdoings, change the behaviour, apologize!). With YJ, they have always an alternative! Seo was put in front of a choice, even if it wasn't said explicitely: if he had refused the deal, YJ could have reported him!

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About Min Soo's copying of Sul's work........ Can anyone clarify something for me? Sul said that she sold her ppt/ work online. So does she still have any intellectual property rights over it or does the site to which she sold it has it? Put another way..... does Min Soo have to give credit or reference to Sul for using the ppt or can she simply back reference to the site from where she took it/ purchased it?

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59 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@coffeeboy and @littleloony Thanks a lot for the contributions to my analysis about the pervert!! :)This is why I always would like to get some feedback, because I am quite sure, I miss something important.

Both of your points were really good! First, YJ doesn't lie that's what I like about him! Secondly, he might set traps, but the person is always put in front of a choice. The person can choose if she keeps doing her misdeed or not. For example:

- YJ gave MS some advice (episode 10) to stop her behaviour, she didn't get the message.

- YJ gave her the link for the presentation, but he never forced her to plagiarise Seol's work. She could have worked on her own.

- YJ gave Seol the opportunity to apologise to him for thinking he was the one behind changing the time schedule. She could have ignored it and kept saying, he was behind it. But no she recognised the truth and she admitted, she was wrong! She had misjudged him.

The pervert never puts his victim in front of a choice or an alternative. They suffer from his punishment without giving them the opportunity to redeem themselves (recognise the wrongdoings, change the behaviour, apologize!). With YJ, they have always an alternative! Seo was put in front of a choice, even if it wasn't said explicitely: if he had refused the deal, YJ could have reported him!


@bebebisous33, @coffeeboy and @littleloony, I enjoyed reading your posts and agree with you whole heartedly.  As I started re-watchihng this drama, it dawned on me how the writer has scripted this drama. Jung is introduced to us under this air of mystery. We're informed by other characters that he's hiding a different personality and he's feared by people.  I remember writing that I thought Jung was a little weird because I was seeing him through Seol's eyes and her impression of him.  Then with each episode, we learn something new about Jung and facts about situations that we thought we understood previously. In every situation that I originally thought Jung was guilty of, it was later proven that he was innocent or he had a good reason for his actions. He has on a number of occasions let people think the worst of him instead of ratting on the real culprit.

Just as we're learning Jung's real personality, Seol is also on this journey. Before when she first approached SC and Jung to confront them about their role in YG liking her, she immediately was ready to believe Jung was at fault. This time around she was doubtful, even after seeing the texts. She then asked Jung about it but not ready to believe it. 

Also, the analysis about the pervert is spot on. Loved the analysis!!!

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I thought this drama was 12 episodes I was so excited for the final episodes but it's actually 16! I do enjoy watching it but this whole breaking up, misunderstanding, lying and making up is so frustrating :crazy:  And isn't it a bit too late for BIHo heart to start beating for Sul, gosh I don't understand the need for one sided love at this point. To me they should be friends and nothing more, coz I love their carefree banter. I love Park Hae Jin and Nam Joo Hyuk so I can't stop watching lol I don't normally watch these kind of dramas cos there are barely fun moments ( apart from the main couple cute moments). 

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3 minutes ago, Emmy11 said:

I thought this drama was 12 episodes I was so excited for the final episodes but it's actually 16! I do enjoy watching it but this whole breaking up, misunderstanding, lying and making up is so frustrating :crazy:  And isn't it a bit too late for BIHo heart to start beating for Sul, gosh I don't understand the need for one sided love at this point. To me they should be friends and nothing more, coz I love their carefree banter. I love Park Hae Jin and Nam Joo Hyuk to stop watching lol I don't normally watch these kind of dramas cos there are barely fun moments ( apart from the main couple cute moments). 


Baek Inho's love did exist in the webtoon though not so developed. I think transition from webtoon to drama somehow needed the love triangle. The medium is not same, the writer is not the same(thus the story and the way of telling this story) and the audience also is not the same.

@lclarakl Thank you for you appreciation.

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1 hour ago, littleloony said:

About Min Soo's copying of Sul's work........ Can anyone clarify something for me? Sul said that she sold her ppt/ work online. So does she still have any intellectual property rights over it or does the site to which she sold it has it? Put another way..... does Min Soo have to give credit or reference to Sul for using the ppt or can she simply back reference to the site from where she took it/ purchased it?


@littleloony, those are good questions.  I think you have to give credit to the author if you're going to copy their work or it's considered plagiarizing.  It's one thing to use some of the information as reference material, but another for you to copy and "change the fonts" and stick your name on it.

I've been thinking about this scene quite a bit.  Why did Jung guide MS to that site? I'm sure he knew that she would copy the document because he knew she would take the easy way out. A part of me wonder if he was doing it for Seol--to help her stand up for herself.  What I mean is we see her questioning herself, wondering if she should say something or just let it go. If she nor her friend had said anything, no one would have known that MS copied her work and MS would have continued with her ever-growing arrogant, self-righteous attitude.  Seol speaking up in the class was the beginning of her putting MS firmly in he place later.  Again, something that Jung helped orchestrate.  I don't think there's any doubt from her classmates that Seol can stand up for herself. This is a different girl from the one who decided to take a break from school to avoid people she didn't know how to handle.

On a different note, although YG is crazy, I have to say that I like the way the actor is portraying his character.


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14 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


@littleloony, those are good questions.  I think you have to give credit to the author if you're going to copy their work or it's considered plagiarizing.  It's one thing to use some of the information as reference material, but another for you to copy and "change the fonts" and stick your name on it.

I've been thinking about this scene quite a bit.  Why did Jung guide MS to that site? I'm sure he knew that she would copy the document because he knew she would take the easy way out. A part of me wonder if he was doing it for Seol--to help her stand up for herself.  What I mean is we see her questioning herself, wondering if she should say something or just let it go. If she nor her friend had said anything, no one would have known that MS copied her work and MS would have continued with her ever-growing arrogant, self-righteous attitude.  Seol speaking up in the class was the beginning of her putting MS firmly in he place later.  Again, something that Jung helped orchestrate.  I don't think there's any doubt from her classmates that Seol can stand up for herself. This is a different girl from the one who decided to take a break from school to avoid people she didn't know how to handle.

On a different note, although YG is crazy, I have to say that I like the way the actor is portraying his character.


But like I said before, it is YJ's way to deal with problems: he put them in front of a choice or alternative. The presentation for MS was a trap, but she could have avoided it. MS had again a chance to escape if Seol had decided to stay quiet. YJ gave Seol the opportunity to choose if she would reveal MS' plagiarisation or not! So both persons in his plan had the occasion to make a decision how to act!

I have just finished watching the episode 8 and here again, we see how YJ is dealing with In Ho. He asks him if he wants to play the piano again. He offers In Ho the opportunity and that's his decision, but In Ho rejects it. IF YJ had told her about his plan with MS, I am quite sure, she wouldn't have accepted it! Nevertheless, YJ was less manipulative with Seol than before (deal with Seo) as she couldn't say no for the scholarship. She had no idea about his manipulation.   

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26 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


@littleloony, those are good questions.  I think you have to give credit to the author if you're going to copy their work or it's considered plagiarizing.  It's one thing to use some of the information as reference material, but another for you to copy and "change the fonts" and stick your name on it.

I've been thinking about this scene quite a bit.  Why did Jung guide MS to that site? I'm sure he knew that she would copy the document because he knew she would take the easy way out. A part of me wonder if he was doing it for Seol--to help her stand up for herself.  What I mean is we see her questioning herself, wondering if she should say something or just let it go. If she nor her friend had said anything, no one would have known that MS copied her work and MS would have continued with her ever-growing arrogant, self-righteous attitude.  Seol speaking up in the class was the beginning of her putting MS firmly in he place later.  Again, something that Jung helped orchestrate.  I don't think there's any doubt from her classmates that Seol can stand up for herself. This is a different girl from the one who decided to take a break from school to avoid people she didn't know how to handle.

On a different note, although YG is crazy, I have to say that I like the way the actor is portraying his character.



I think the reason behind YJ giving the link of this website to Minsoo was that he knew Seol had worked on the subject last year. Minsoo being minsoo had a tendancy like Sangchul to want the easy way to sucess (i think back to her not working seriously on the group project where Seol's group got a D). YJ recongnized this and baited her.

But why the group presentation was chosen as her downfall stage ? I think it's because she had began using public's sympathy against Seol, with the help of YG and his GF, si her downfall had to be public. So that she could not twist the public opinion afterward by playing a victim. 

ETA: Dis you guys notice that before ep 9, every time YJ hugged Seol it was always a one-sided hug (she did not put her arm around him). At first i thought it was a kdrama thing (i have observed it in a lot of dramas)  but than in ep 9 she hugged him back.

Do you think it (hugging back or not) shows her level of involvement in the relation ship or not ?

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New behind cuts from drama 'Cheese In The Trap' released

New behind cuts from drama 'Cheese In The Trap' have been released.

On February 7th, the production team of tvN drama 'Cheese In The Trap' released new behind cuts of Park Hae Jin (playing as Yoo Jung), Kim Go Eun (playing as Hong Sul), Seo Gang Jun (playing as Baek In Ho), and Nam Joo Hyuk (playing as Kwon Eun Taek).

The photos show the four lead roles monitoring their scenes, and discussing about their scripts.

All of them always run toward the monitor after each take in order to monitor their scenes, and always go through thorough discussions about their scenes. They are participating in every shoot with undying concentration and passion, and many fans and netizens are showing hot reactions for the lead roles' phenomenal professionalism.

All of the lead roles are receiving a great number of compliments from viewers for their fabulous performance, and many viewers are showing huge anticipation for more fabulous teamwork that they will show in upcoming episodes.

Meanwhile, 'Cheese In The Trap' airs on every Monday and Tuesday at 11 PM.

New behind cuts from drama 'Cheese In The Trap' released


/Reporting by Kim Dong-Joo en@starnnews.com



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58 minutes ago, coffeeboy said:

ETA: Dis you guys notice that before ep 9, every time YJ hugged Seol it was always a one-sided hug (she did not put her arm around him). At first i thought it was a kdrama thing (i have observed it in a lot of dramas)  but than in ep 9 she hugged him back.

Do you think it (hugging back or not) shows her level of involvement in the relation ship or not ?

Totally shows her level of involvement in the relationship and how it is progressing along

From all kinds of awkwardness like when she first gifted him the watch...



To all kinds of feels with the upcoming reunion and epic hug:wub:...


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Okay, I tried to hold it in (varying opinions and all, talking to wall and all) but my personality just ain't like that (shout out to you who said I can be blunt in not so good ways ;)) so imma say what I need to say and let ya'll come for me (cause I already know them will). There is just a little too much being on Jung's clit and loving and understanding and defending and all that going his way that is not being directed towards Seol that's for me is like, jump back...

Why we acting like Seol does not have perfectly good reasons to not be trusting, understanding, believing, blind faith-ing, etc, etc of/with Jung. THIS THE DUDE THAT A YEAR AGO TORTURED HER SO BAD THAT SHE WANTED TO LEAVE SCHOOL!!! We seen Seol, we know how she feel about school and getting her education and degree. For her to want to take another year off school.... IT WAS BAD!! It doesn't matter how you and I as an audience saw it or felt about it, it matter how she the character saw and felt about it and IT WAS BAD!!! I for one I am so proud of Seol for actually being good hearted enough and open minded enough, to despite all of that see how Jung had changed from then and continue to try to change from them, (because it wasn't all simply her prejudice against him!) to have given him a chance not only at some kind of friendship but to go with her feelings and put some kind of trust and faith him enough to date him. To date someone (imho) is being open to them and giving them allowance to potentially break you heart and for Seol to have trust in Jung after everything enough for him to maybe do that to her..I LOVE YOU HONG SEOL

Seol does want to trust Jung and have faith in him and believe and be closer to him. Girl herself said "I want to go closer to you but I can't..." She want to get closer to this boy, but she can't for so many reasons but I am going to keep it to HIS ACTIONS AND HIS BEHAVIOR AND HIS MANIPULATIONS AND HIS CUNNING AND HIS SECRECY HIS AVOIDANCE TO TALK ABOUT THE PAST AND THE THINGS HE DID TO HER AND HIS DECIET, YES DECIET BECAUSE SHE WENT UP TO HIM AND ASKED HIM AND HE LIED THOUGH OMISSION ABOUT YOUNGGON IS WHY SEOL CANNOT GET CLOSER TO HIM AND WHY THEY ARE WHERE THEY ARE NOW!!

I applaud Seol for all of this because it shows me she is not an idiot who is so in love or blinded by love that she is willing to excuse, justify, dismiss, or whatever the very problematic traits that her boyfriend has. Seol's ability to see, see and call Jung out on his richard simmons is what keeps their relationship from potentially becoming an abusive and toxic relationship. You know the kind where the girl puts the blame on her self and starts to say things like "if I didn't make my boyfriend so angry he wouldn't have hit me" and "he brought me flowers and chocolate. He apologized and promised this will never happen again" (mean while this is the 5th time he has beat her and the fifth time he has done the whole flowers, candy, and apology bit). The very fact that Seol told Jung, "you haven't changed" and she understood his point of view but still called Jung out on his actions and told him "so I just have to come to you" is why I can keep shipping them! 

Seol is a very intelligent and level headed girl. Despite how much she can at times be all forgive everyone and everything, I am so glad to see a heroine who will not allow her boyfriend to emotionally manipulate her and just do her wrong in so many ways and have her be all "It's okay, It's love" about it. This ain't no 'Secret'! I am so glad that while Seol is willing to try and understand Jung and try accept him as is.  She's not going to allow that to undermine her core beliefs and values and moral codes of right and wrong. It's not going to blind her to the to the cracks and fractures and damages she sees in their relationship and the things she knows they have to work on so that they have a relationship where traps won't be their undoing because it isn't really about the traps!!

Both Seol and Jung have so much to work on and it's killing me that I am seeing more and more on here that all the fingers are being pointed at Seol and not enough on Jung and his richard simmons. Jung is not Batman, he is not a vigilant bringing down the villains of Gotham. He is just a boy in college having to deal with some very shitty people! I myself have encountered so Minsoo's, San Chul's and TA Heo's more than once in my life, but I am not handling them the way that Jung chooses to. As my mother would say "just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you have to do it too.!!"

Also let's put ourselves in Seol's shoes...if I was in real life dating a guy who is so nice and perfect and wonderful to me but many people outside of me can't spare him one kind word, only negative things seem to always be said about him, negative situations. I too would take a break and reevaluate everything I think I know about this guy. If it were just one or two people or one or two situations, I would ignore it all and continue to trust in what I see. The problem is that including the things he (Jung) in the past had done to me (Seol) and everything else. It is not just once or twice. It's constant, one after the other, repeat behavior, repeat occurrences. Anyone and everyone with half a brain should pause and ask themselves  WHO THE richard simmons AM I DATING!!?!?!! The first time it happened with TA Heo, Seol reasonably and understandably walked away, thought on it all, and decided to continue to trust in her feelings and trust the Jung she sees now and not of them. She came back to Jung, she made the first move of reconciliation (which she had to since she was the one to walk way BUT HE LET HER!!) and she puts her trust and faith and belief in team Jung. She let's him know she thought of it and could understand him and his sentiments but is forgiving him once and to talk to her and let her know these things before doing these things.

Then she gets another doozy of news (and have you guys noticed that each time this happens, Seol tries to rationalize and not immediately give into accusations. It kills me that you can see in Seol she wants Jung to tell her "no", that these situations are lies and he hasn't done or didn't do the things he had been accused, and what a devastating blow each time that he says "yes", it was him. MY WOLRD WOULD SPIN!!) that he had a part in the Younggon situation which is still very much haunting her today. Younggon unlike the others, is very much in the present. Maybe she could let go the others because that was in the past, but this stuff, Younggon and Minsoo is the present. How can I believe you have changed from a year ago or not the same man, when in the NOW you are behaving like and doing much of the very same things that you did of year one torture??? To top it off Jung freaking lied through omission when she confronted him about it then, then he does the same when she confronts him about it now (richard simmons that he didn't know Inha well enough to have known the potential of her taking it far. richard simmons on how he can't admit to her the amount of dislike he had for her to have done what he did, a major reason this is hurting Seol so much is that. The feelings that were behind the action) and thank kdrama gods she doesn't accept any of it.

I have said and will continue to say that everything happening is a two way street. Neither Jung or Seol are solely responsible for the standstill their relationship is in now. Both played a role and both have equal share of blame and finger pointing that could be done. Both need to work on a lot of things as individuals and as a couple in order to have the relationship they crave and I know they can have. Let's stop putting it all on Seol and acting like it's the amount of time she spends with Inho, or how she understand others and is empathetic to others, her lack of communication and inclusion, her huge demands (which are not big demands at all and is something we all ask or should ask our partners to give if we want a healthy relationship), etc etc that has them where they are. It was both, it continue to be both, so can we please judge and criticize both and stop with the "oppa is misunderstood and didn't mean it or had his reasons' and the "bad unnie" that always seems to happen when watching dramas. 

Ya'll can come for me now. But I am always going to be a member of the protect my precious cinnamon roll Seol squad and team Jung ride or die chick. I love both characters equally (okay I enjoy watching and analyzing Jung more) and hate to see either one judged too harshly but especially hate to see a female character seem to be always judged much harsher than the male ones and a male character like Jung with a bunch of richard simmons out and unapologetically open on display....kdrama gods, take the script (unless ya'll gonna do me dirty again).

ETA: @coffeeboy *le sigh* Seol is a very very awkward girl. I don't think she would even know how to properly hug her parents (since it's never happened with them) let alone the boy she very much likes but at the same time, is very much confused on. I guess some were too busy noticing all of Seol's faults that they missed seeing the smile in his shoulder (PHJ is tall okay) during the watch hug and the only other time I can remember them hugging is the waterfront one where she held on just as tight and didn't want to let go neither. 

I think waaaay to many people have become used to the drama illusion that relationships start off gift packaged right and perfect without any awkwardness, mistakes, fumbling, nerves, doubt, getting used to, learning, adjusting, growing, etc etc. It is starting to feel like Seol will never do/does anything right. Everything is dissected with her, and she is damned if she does and damned if she does not (the same sad treatment I feel Jung gets outside of here)

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@honeywell (and others who may have seen the drama) doesn't Jung's character (the way he dresses and everything) remind you of Lee Joon's Han In Sang from Heard It Through The Grapevine? I feel like Jung is a grown up In Sang who never met Seo Bom (and have her and everything including her family shaking his world) but continued to live in his parents world and through his father's teaching and manipulations, he could have ended up like Jung (well him with more intelligence and being screwed over by those he though friends that is.). In so many aspects Cheese reminds me of Grapevine down to the girl who could potentially change every thing and bring the boy into a world he never really known or been allowed to experience. 

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3 hours ago, coffeeboy said:


Baek Inho's love did exist in the webtoon though not so developed. I think transition from webtoon to drama somehow needed the love triangle. The medium is not same, the writer is not the same(thus the story and the way of telling this story) and the audience also is not the same.

@lclarakl Thank you for you appreciation.


Yes! Although the drama may be following the path of the webtoon, it is very challenging for the PD to add the scenes ( which webtoon readers wish  for) and put it into 16 episodes. Which is why I am glad I am not following the webtoon. Less expectations of what could be missing. 


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BINGO! You have hit the nail on the head. I love YJ but he was the guy for almost made Seol drop out due to his behaviour. [I know some people are going to say she could have just ignored it but have you been bullied? Not physically but psychologically?] If the incident at the bar didn't happen and YJ began to become interested in her , she would have taken the semester or year off. Trying to understand all the characters but not to ignore the weaknesses of each character as well. 

The conversation they had in Seol's room (more of this please!) also showed how YJ felt about his relationship with his father. These are the moments I love between Seol and YJ. When they are talking to each other and getting to know more about each other. Hopefully the prejudices will fade and they can move on. 

When YJ started thinking Seol was similar to him, maybe then...


*EEP... I have to go. It's visiting time! GONG XI FA CAI to all Cheesy Lovers! 



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I think you're right and we need to evaluate Jung and Seol as fairly as we're able to. But I suspect a lot of commenters are reacting to a lot of negativity about Jung that they've seen in the past maybe here and elsewhere.

It's has been a lot easier to be negative about Jung .But now I think we're now seeing a rediscovery of his character and looking at things from his perspective.

But hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to work I go.

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