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"It's definitely not a big deal that he might have suggested it to YG that Seol might be liking him. (He didn't send it though, but was contemplating)" 

He sent this text..that Seol must hv liked YG (from Seol's confrontation with SC and Jung shown, it seemed like he also said so directly..probably to dismiss YG since he could be annoyingly pestering). Then the rest was sent by Inha...but he didn't know nor care (though some first texts sent by Inha was done in front of him). It's true that he didnt know YG would go to such length since he really doesn't care about people he doesn't care about.. It's part of his flaw, imo.. fails to think through of the consequences of his deeds. He needs to reflect about this U_U =]]


" But most importantly, why didn't he tell her anything? That puzzled her the most. "

He doesn't like making fuss and explain himself. And to some extent, he doesn't know how to.It's partly related to some of his insecurities.. PHJ said he interprets Jung as 'child-like'...he doesn't like ppl take his 'things/people', so he must get it back --> further caused him having this 'eye to eye' mentality and approach to problem. The drama hasn't touched this issue but in the webtoon


from my understanding... he's easily mistrust someone..or doesn't trust people so easily... Like what he said, he knows people approach him because they want something from him.. That's why he's so distant and emotionally detached. Also,thats why he grows some interest to Seol cuz she's "different from those people (who use him)" He's sincere to people he trusts and considers 'deserve' it.

But at the same time, he has some insecurities "what if they betray me" "what if I show them my true self/be honest, they'll leave me". Part of the reasons of his fallout with Baek siblings was because he trusted them..but they tatletale him to his father. He counts this as 'betrayal'. Plus, he thinks that they take everything for him, particularly love from his father.. because no matter how hard he works, his father just acts like 'it's a given. you're supposed to do that anyway". Not helping when after the fallout or after he shows his anger or express it honestly, people will label him as "fake" "two-faced" "evil" etc. You see how Inho goes around Seol while saying "Dont trust him" "he's not as nice as his look" etc? That after the fallout and he's kinda cold to Inho.

That's why he holds some 'truth' from Seol.. That's why he are reluctant to be completely honest... Especially after their fight because of TA Heo..he was like "I already tell you the truth, but you're still angry..." then erase Seol's messages cuz he thinks she leaves him already.

In later part of webtoon..when Seol came to his apartment.. even after Seol said he likes him and told him to tell her ANYTHING.. he is still "but if I am being completely honest...won't you run away from me..will u still stay with me" etc. He did tell her that though during their talk..that he's afraid she'll run away if he shows his true feelings (what happened was: he was flipping mad and jealous abt Inho and Seol's closeness..cuz again, he felt 'one more my precious people is being taken away from me!!' then he ignored Seol for days.. When Seol confronts him, he was like 'I'm just busy' instead of telling her the real reason. Fortunately, she didn't buy it lmao.. and said "You can just say 'I dont like you being close to Inho!!'")




After she found out about his family, he leaned over and she closed her mouth.. then she paused.. she said to herself, if I let him go like this.. I am a rock, a rock "

I think she's implying she's stupid if she just left..esp because Jung looked a bit hurt and felt rejected.. She's not someone who'll treat him differently just because he's chaebol heir :phew:



Hong Seol's wardrobe is sold on Taobao http://world.taobao.com/search/search.htm?_ksTS=1454845669865_54&spm=a21bp.7806943.20151106.1&search_type=0&_input_charset=utf-8&navigator=all&json=on&q=%E5%A5%B6%E9%85%AA%E9%99%B7%E9%98%B1%E5%A5%B3&callback=__jsonp_cb&abtest=_AB-LR517-LR854-LR895-PR854-PV517_2373-PV895_2462

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@MrsSoJiSub thanks so much for the post on "victim mentality". Gives you some to think about. Ever since they showed in the webtoon about Baek grandpa's analysis of little Jung as having victim mentality I was wondering about it. It is also interesting that Jung himself uses the term to define Min Soo's behaviour. I wonder if he subconsciously realizes the issue in himself. I also think that being quiet by nature may have added to the snowball effect. Often we overlook emotions of people who are quiet and this is probably much more in case of kids. Kids who are well behaved, quiet and reserved may be well liked but frequently we don't tend to inquire deeply about their feelings. We see that Jung's father says the same thing to Baek grandpa..... that Jung never causes any trouble, is obedient and is liked by all. He never really thinks about how Jung might be feeling throughout the day.... at school, at home, at say office parties or how he fares with friends..... so long as Jung is a good, obedient kid there can be no trouble with him....... that he might have wants, likes and dislikes that he doesn't readily express.

On the other hand, had it been In ha or In ho in Jung's place, the parents would probably realize exactly what tantrums mean and the child's need for parental affection, attention, security and so on.

I also agree with all your point wise 'wants' for the 6 eps :D and on top of that I want Sul to have conversations (yes plural) with Jung where she appreciates him- his efforts, his hard work; tells him that she gets him (some of his thoughts and action atleast); that she doesnt see him as strange and doesnt feel uncomfortable with him (well she obviously has to first sincerely feel that). In short be a support to him just as he has been to her.

@Iclarakl  chingu your analysis on the episodes is really getting me more emotional for Jung than I thought I would be. Jung remains the loveliest character to me with all of his traits (conventionally nice or otherwise ) and his growth and well being is actually making me emotionally invested. I feel anxious when I see him hurt and just really be unable to do anything to release it. I think its because seeing the emotions played out on an actor's face (that too PHJ!) hits that much more than on paper/ webtoon.

It may sound like I hate In ho but I dont really feel that antagonistic towards him, however, I have never really liked him, I always feel like he is the plot device that will lead to Jung's growth and Jung-Seol couple growth. There is a substantial difference between drama and webtoon Inho so I'll just restrict my words to the drama version. I couldnt really excuse his comment to Sul in the beginning of the drama where he warns her of Jung's intentions- being less than honest and harmless. What guy just says something like that to a girl he has just known. It was spiteful of him......I doubt he was actually worried about Sul's well being. That comment had also a hand in forming Sul's bias against Jung, apart from her own misgivings, when Jung was trying to get close to her. Jung on the other hand never bad mouths anybody unless he is specifically asked for his opinion. I am someone who respects that attitude.

Besides I seriously think In ho needs counseling for his temper. The fact that he feels free enough to get himself into trouble at anytime without worrying about the consequences, at his age, just makes me feel less sympathetic towards his present condition in life (cute puppy eyes notwithstanding). In ho had a life altering incident and he now knows the pain of potentially giving up on one's dream and yet he doesnt strive by himself to get back on track (of playing piano). I dont know it just doesnt make my heart bleed for him. I believe Jung actually might think and try to modify his behaviour if you were to point out his flaws (for the lack of a better word) but I dont believe so for In ho. He may require a lot of coaxing and that could get frustrating at some point.


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many are discussing the texts of YJ to YG . So i m gonna join you, guys.

Well my personal interpretation is , at the time when YG attacked YJ after the basket-ball play and accused him to be fake etc. YJ and Seol didn't have a good relationship , because  Seol had the same thoughts  as YG about YJ fake personality . I guess , that when YJ saw Seol consoling YG after his embarassement , YJ wanted to take revenge on Seol . I think that YJ saw that as if it was like  Seol was ganging up with YG against YJ . She sympathized with YG , who insulted him and not with him . Well wether it was out of revenge or jealousy , Seol consoling YG was just a mistake that Seol made in YJ'eyes and she should pay for that.  YJ saw clearly how YG reacted after Seol left that day. He turned his head and touched his shoulder, where Seol touched him to console him. I really doubt a sharp and intelligent YJ not to know about YG freakiness . He knew he would stuck to Seol and he thought she deserves what will happen to her . It was his punishment to Seol for taking care and sympathizing with a freak like YG.  :vicx:

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1 hour ago, Nahoku04 said:


@Nahoku04  «Or she only cares about him because of security $$$.. do you recall the conversation in the car on their way to HS's home.  After she found out about his family, he leaned over and she closed her mouth.. then she paused.. she said to herself, if I let him go like this.. I am a rock, a rock.  Since her mom just told her to choose a right man with means and not ended up like the mom.»

I honestly never saw things this way... she doens't date him because of the money, and she does not persist on the relationship because of that. In fact i think it's just the opposite, she feels somewhat bothered by that. Throughout all of the episodes she felt unconfortable when he paid, she wanted to pay also when he gave her things she wanted  to retribute.When he tould abaout his family background she felt unconfortably, she even felt unconfortably when her parents are bombarding him with questions when he told them about his background, she doesn't like their attitude. The «I am a rock thing» it's just a way of her acknowledging that she as been somewhat frigid with her behaviour. God but she is so shy :(


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7 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:

I cut your post for the forum's sake but I very much agree with everything you wrote! The portion above though was my favorite. I read it and my P&P brainwashed brain went haywire. 

You wrote: Seol's judgy attitude is infact her way of trying to figure him out.

There was this conversation between Elizabeth and Darcy in P&P:

D: "May I ask to what these questions tend?'' (after Lizzie bombards him with questions lol)

E: "Merely to the illustration of your character,'' said she, endeavouring to shake off her gravity. "I am trying to make it out.''

D: "And what is your success?''

E: [...] "I do not get on at all. I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.''

D: I can readily believe,'' answered he gravely, "that reports may vary greatly with respect to me; and I could wish, Miss Bennet, that you were not to sketch my character at the present moment, as there is reason to fear that the performance would reflect no credit on either.''

MAN! Am I the only one freaking out over this! Just replace Elizabeth and Darcy with Seol and Jung and you'd think its a script from CITT. I know we had made the P&P connection already but gosh I'm overwhelmed rn LOL. 



@bjvipb2uty no you certainly not alone! I get strong parallels with P&P too :grin: may be that is another reason I love CIIT so much.... P&P happens to be one of my most cherished books and the passage you pointed is just so bang on I wish I could plant those dialogues (or something to that effect) on Jung Sul :D I am only glad that In ho is no Wickham. We do however have completely madcap Caroline Bingley :w00t:

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@chrianna, thanks to @phikyl (THANK YOU!!!), I see the clip you are referring to of Jung in the computer lab.  I don't know why poor Jung is upset. I wonder if it's because of something one of the little schemers told him about Seol and In Ho.   He's probably feeling a little disconnected since he can't be at college and know what's going on and then he has Seol who doesn't share anything that is happening wth him.   If this clip is going to be in the next two episodes, then hopefully we'll get a climax of frustration that hopefully will lead to meaningful conversation between the leads that will help cement their relationship.  

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18 minutes ago, littleloony said:

«Jung remains the loveliest character to me with all of his traits (conventionally nice or otherwise ) and his growth and well being is actually making me emotionally invested. I feel anxious when I see him hurt and just really be unable to do anything to release it. I think its because seeing the emotions played out on an actor's face (that too PHJ!) hits that much more than on paper/ webtoon.»

we're on the same journey :) I trully love is character and feel anxious when he's suffering and my heart flutters when he smiles. And yes PJH portrays the character flawless, at least the one i imagine jung is (i'm not making comparisons with the webtoon because i haven't read it). I can see all of his feelings on his face, all of the sadness all of his interior strugles all of his happiness. That's why i love Jung character the most, Gosh i need a jung in my life :D





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I don't think i mentioned about lying in my post (unless you are stating that in general). I don't think Jung has ever lied. Not telling things and lying are two different things for me....i sometimes don't tell stuff to avoid lying...

Anyways coming to these two, i do not think either have lied to each other, they have not things to each other they ought to have. BOTH of them. of course, the consequences of lying and keeping things hidden can have similar bad consequences.

Yes, i used to be like that too. Not explain myself, thinking those who care and know me would not need any explanation. i do not owe it to anyone to explain myself. this like that. But eventually i realized it it detrimental in a relationship. Jeopardizing it. Jung will not explain himself. Seol will not understand. At this rate they will stand where they are. Such stubbornness ruins relationship.

However here, Jung did explain himself, which was refreshing to see, as i had definitely not expected him to do that. I honestly did not want him to give up like he did previously, deleting msgs and stuff. So i was happy on that front.

Why did she repeatedly ask him whether he did not know about YG's intention, why she doesn't trust him...this is open to interpretation. I have written before, she has been accommodating to Jung as well, whether it's initiating to break the ice after TA Seo incident, or being understanding about his fight with the pervert. But time and again, things kept on coming up and it seemed unending. If i think from her perspective, at that point of time, seeing how much she had suffered because of YG...it wasn't easy to be accommodating this...that's why she asked for a break, to clear her thoughts, so that she could understand him, which is what is happening right now

I'll give a disclaimer right now, i am only interpreting her thought process at that particular moment. It definitely doesn't mean i don't think she is without a flaw or mistake here. But i do feel she is working on it. Yes, she expected him to talk to her about YG's episode, which why she says you have not changed since TA Heo's incident. She thought after what happened then, there would be no secrets. But saying that, i would definitely not cut her slack when it comes to her share mistakes. Why didn't she tell YJ about YG stalking her outside the English academy, why did he have hear it from In Ho. if he is wrong, she is wrong too, there is not 2nd thought about it

I am not questioning why he did not tell her about YG's incident. I perfectly understand where he comes from and understand his thought process in doing so. If only Seol could do the same. She will ultimately i believe. This relationship is a work in progress. Both have a thing or two to learn. It's this process which will take things forward.

About Seol not listening to Jung and continue to talk on with In Ho. A lot has been said on that. it seems to be an unending debate lol. i think i'll just re-quote myself. But then it's just my opinion. You have all the right to disagree with me.

On 5/2/2016 at 5:56 PM, debolina said:

In fact it did bother me first when she was interacting with In Ho despite Jung being against.

(It once happened to my friend, where her BF and a good acquaintance of her had a spat in a party. While one wanted her to stay, the boyfriend wanted her to leave with him....which she did cause there are certain things that are wise to do in a relationship.)

So it would have been ideal for her to do so, but i would give her the benefit of doubt to her cause everything was new to her, YJ, the relationship. 

However, they have moved on from that. There are so many small instances where it was shown YJ had some what let it go. What i mean to say, he let it go, though definitely it bothered him time and again. he told her that vocally as well, hugging her. But what my point is that the interactions have been casual and coincidental most of the times She just happened to run into IH at school, the prof happened to give her the card....and so on (ofcourse its not always like that, just most of the time) its not that they planned to meet and spend time together. Most of the time they run into each other going back home, or he volunteers to go with her to school, or maybe she hears him play piano and feels like hearing more.  It's none of ur planned date thing until she decided to tutor him.

And since he works at her place, it's impractical to think she won't run into him. Ofcourse it's debatable that why did she offer to coach him? for me it was a polite thing to do as a friend (cause let's face it, they have become so)


she definitely is not around Jung for the money, i can vouch for that. She'd just not initiate a break if that was the case.


i didn't know he sent the text. i thought he just typed it, and In Ha snatched it and sent it adding more stuff. even if he did, my point is that he thought it to be harmless cause he didn't know what sort of a guy YG would turn out to be.

1 hour ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

He doesn't like making fuss and explain himself. And to some extent, he doesn't know how to.



Yes. i know that. I understand that. Again, it's me. Seol is still working to reach my level of understanding of Jung rofl.

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23 minutes ago, littleloony said:

@MrsSoJiSub thanks so much for the post on "victim mentality". Gives you some to think about. Ever since they showed in the webtoon about Baek grandpa's analysis of little Jung as having victim mentality I was wondering about it. It is also interesting that Jung himself uses the term to define Min Soo's behaviour. I wonder if he subconsciously realizes the issue in himself. I also think that being quiet by nature may have added to the snowball effect. Often we overlook emotions of people who are quiet and this is probably much more in case of kids. Kids who are well behaved, quiet and reserved may be well liked but frequently we don't tend to inquire deeply about their feelings. We see that Jung's father says the same thing to Baek grandpa..... that Jung never causes any trouble, is obedient and is liked by all. He never really thinks about how Jung might be feeling throughout the day.... at school, at home, at say office parties or how he fares with friends..... so long as Jung is a good, obedient kid there can be no trouble with him....... that he might have wants, likes and dislikes that he doesn't readily express.

On the other hand, had it been In ha or In ho in Jung's place, the parents would probably realize exactly what tantrums mean and the child's need for parental affection, attention, security and so on.

I actually think Baek grandpa is very unprofessional and irresponsible. He should have done more tests and analysis on Jung before giving out such a guessing statement. He should have been more responsible with his words. Especially when a "patient" is a child (I'm against using "patient" to describe people with mental issues). It's very dangerous to label someone as something they don't even have when they only exhibit a few symptoms of a syndrome. I'm not going further to decide which problem Jung has, but I really think he is a victim of labelization. When parents think their child has a problem, the first thing they want to do is to "fix" him. That's what Jung's father did. He treats him differently. He changes his behavior toward Jung. And Jung, as a kid, can feel it too. Relationships go in double way. Jung would then behave according to his father's behavior and expectation of him. This is called "self-fulfilling prophecy". So even if Jung hadn't had any issues, he might develop one because of this labelization. It's really sad. And this happens in real life too. Many kids are diagnosed as having ADHD or other "psychological disorders" so easily and irresponsibly. I have a friend and she was mistakenly diagnosed as having ADHD when she was 8, she's totally fine now, but she told me she had to go through abuse, changing schools, being sent to a special school because of this. 

I think once Jung knows how to let it all out, and doesn't try to suppress his negative emotions, and be more open to his dad, he'll eventually "fine". 

I really like the way Jung deals with things sometimes. He isn't emotionally attached to problems, so he deals with things logically. That's also said, he's less blinded by emotions in decision making, which everyone is. In the webtoon, regarding the report incident, TA Heo once asked Jung something like this (sorry if it's not accurate, It's from my memory xD) "Why do you want to do this? You're a good student, you don't do anything bad. It doesn't make sense.". Then Jung said, "Sense, what is it? It depends on which perspective you take...". 

This show makes me think a lot xD. I don't really show empathy to people when it comes to certain situations. I'm more of a logic-driven kind of person. My friends told me sometimes they feel I'm too cold and so "direct", but they find I'm helpful sometimes because I rarely give them advice or say nice or confirmatory words only to make them feel better temporarily. I tend not to give people "personal" advice, which I think doesn't add much value to solving a problem someone has. They have to go through their problem on their own, everyone thinks differently and makes their own choice.

For Jung, although he does certain moves "behind the scenes", actually what he does is just presenting a choice which the person in question can either ignore, or take. Like MinSoo, if she has some sense, she would know she shouldn't copy that PPT.


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@rhaps Thanks for answering to my question. I see it like you. He wants to get rid of them, but deep down there are some lingering feelings. But as a rational person, if he could, he would do it!

@TeBe You're right too. Sending that message to YG was a way to pay her back, but nonetheless, she took YG's side and approached him because she felt pity for him, although he had hurt YJ twice (physically and then the accusations!!). She thought, YG was right with his accusations. YJ was upset, but like I have mentioned it before, YJ is someone who doesn't know people very well as he keeps them at a certain distance. He had no idea with the rapist, although they were visiting the same class and working together for a long time. He doesn't pay attention to others' reputation as long as he is not concerned. So he had no idea that YG would stalk her because he had never done it before like that. He might have chased the female students but he was never consistent! So in his eyes, YG would chase her and st some point it. In YG's case, YJ isn't just the only one involved: In Ha, Seol herself and YG all played a part in it. YG is the main culprit! But In Ha played a big part in it as she encouraged him more and more. Finally Seol needs to reflect about her own actions as well. She was prejudiced and she never thought from YJ's point of view! Feeling pity for someone who chases girls like a hot dog and who hurts people is definitely wrong! 

Honestly, I really felt sorry for YJ at the baseball game because he was mistreated by all the students. They wanted him to play so that they could win the game. Then SC wanted him to pay for the meal (YG could ask anything he wanted, SC has no money, it would have been YJ again). Then he was injured! Finally when YG accused of being faked, people asked him to stop, but noone really defended him!! They were all using him, faking sympathy for him and in the end, he is called the fake one!  

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13 minutes ago, Gloom said:

I actually think Baek grandpa is very unprofessional and irresponsible. He should have done more tests and analysis on Jung before giving out such a guessing statement. He should have been more responsible with his words. Especially when a "patient" is a child (I'm against using "patient" to describe people with mental issues). It's very dangerous to label someone as something they don't even have when they only exhibit a few symptoms of a syndrome. I'm not going further to decide which problem Jung has, but I really think he is a victim of labelization. When parents think their child has a problem, the first thing they want to do is to "fix" him. That's what Jung's father did. He treats him differently. He changes his behavior toward Jung. And Jung, as a kid, can feel it too. Relationships go in double way. Jung would then behave according to his father's behavior and expectation of him. This is called "self-fulfilling prophecy". So even if Jung hadn't had any issues, he might develop one because of this labelization. It's really sad. And this happens in real life too. Many kids are diagnosed as having ADHD or other "psychological disorders" so easily and irresponsibly. I have a friend and she was mistakenly diagnosed as having ADHD when she was 8, she's totally fine now, but she told me she had to go through abuse, changing schools, being sent to a special school because of this. 

I think once Jung knows how to let it all out, and doesn't try to suppress his negative emotions, and be more open to his dad, he'll eventually "fine". 

I really like the way Jung deals with things sometimes. He isn't emotionally attached to problems, so he deals with things logically. That's also said, he's less blinded by emotions in decision making, which everyone is. In the webtoon, regarding the report incident, TA Heo once asked Jung something like this (sorry if it's not accurate, It's from my memory xD) "Why do you want to do this? You're a good student, you don't do anything bad. It doesn't make sense.". Then Jung said, "Sense, what is it? It depends on which perspective you take...". 

This show makes me think a lot xD. I don't really show empathy to people when it comes to certain situations. I'm more of a logic-driven kind of person. My friends told me sometimes they feel I'm too cold and so "direct", but they find I'm helpful sometimes because I rarely give them advice or say nice or confirmatory words only to make them feel better temporarily. I tend not to give people "personal" advice, which I think doesn't add much value to solving a problem someone has. They have to go through their problem on their own, everyone thinks differently and makes their own choice.

For Jung, although he does certain moves "behind the scenes", actually what he does is just presenting a choice which the person in question can either ignore, or take. Like MinSoo, if she has some sense, she would know she shouldn't copy that PPT.


Great comment about Jung! crazy monkey YJ was given a certain labelisation and the father acted on it. The grandfather Baek only looked at YJ and his behaviour. But in order to understand the personality of a person, you need to check on the environment as well: the parents and their relationship to the kid. The dynamic must be analysed at well. So this granddfather saw and judged YJ only based on his behaviour and the story told by the father. He had no information about his thoughts as well and didn't not ask YJ himself what had happened. I am quite sure, a psychologist will look at a lof of parameters before making diagnosis!

The father wanted his advice as it was a way for him not to question himself!! Interesting is that noone except Seol and Jung are questioning themselves!  

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2 hours ago, TeBe said:

many are discussing the texts of YJ to YG . So i m gonna join you, guys.

Well my personal interpretation is , at the time when YG attacked YJ after the basket-ball play and accused him to be fake etc. YJ and Seol didn't have a good relationship , because  Seol had the same thoughts  as YG about YJ fake personality . I guess , that when YJ saw Seol consoling YG after his embarassement , YJ wanted to take revenge on Seol . I think that YJ saw that as if it was like  Seol was ganging up with YG against YJ . She sympathized with YG , who insulted him and not with him . Well wether it was out of revenge or jealousy , Seol consoling YG was just a mistake that Seol made in YJ'eyes and she should pay for that.  YJ saw clearly how YG reacted after Seol left that day. He turned his head and touched his shoulder, where Seol touched him to console him. I really doubt a sharp and intelligent YJ not to know about YG freakiness . He knew he would stuck to Seol and he thought she deserves what will happen to her . It was his punishment to Seol for taking care and sympathizing with a freak like YG.  :vicx:

@TeBe, I see it differently than how you do. After YG's crazy behavior on the court towards Seol, her friend and Jung, most people would have steered clear of him.  However, goodhearted Seol who saw a YG looking sad and dejected, walked up to him and tried to console him. IMO, I think she did it because she thought Jung had done something to him and she was sympathizing with YG because back then she also felt Jung was picking on her with small things.  When she spoke to YG, gave him the drink and touched him on the shoulder, to someone who already has issues for lashing on to people, this all came across as "she likes me". (Ladies I will say this again. If a guy is acting bizarre one moment and he's extremely docile the next --going between to extremes, steer clear of him. He has issues).

Jung who witnessed this and I think as someone who liked Seol himself, but just like the boy on the school bus who pulls the girl's hair because he likes her, also may have felt jealousy and thought she liked YG enough to console him  During this conversation Seol was telling YG how he needed to approach girls.  For me, it wasn't like Seol was blind to the type of person YG was either. The one problem I have with this whole scenario is, while Seol says she should have never consoled YG that day, she was also looking to put the blame on Jung--this was before she read the full context of what In Ha sent in the text.

For me, I think SC shed some light on this whole situation when he told Seol when she confronted him and Jung in episode 7 while they were sitting on the bench together. She was upset with Jung for telling YG that she liked him.  SC told Seol that YG was going around telling everyone that she was the only one that cares for him.  

SC: "We were just agreeing to be polite".  It was more than Jung that agreed Seol must care for him, apparently there were several people saying it.  

Jung said, "Whatever the case, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it that way."  

Seol said: "So you're saying you were just being agreeable and it's all Oh Young Gon's fault and he caused everything, right?"  

This is where Seol needs to wake up because YG is not a child and knows right from wrong. He is responsible for his own actions. She being nice to him and Jung telling him she likes you does give YG the right to stalk or harass her.  Her trying to put the blame on Jung isn't right either.  She is the one that approached YG, gave him something to drink, gave him advice about approaching women and touched him. For someone on the outside looking in, they may have thought that she cares for him.  I think her opinion of Jung was so tainted by her own perceived  treatment that everything was Jung's fault. The same as YG was blaming everything on Jung at the basketball game, although someone else hit him in the face with a basketball.  Everything that happens becomes Jung's fault.

Jung to me has done a lot of good things for his schoolmates as well and comes across as humble --- in this drama, I can't talk about what's in the webtoon.  They call him fake because behind the scene he holds them accountable for their actions if those actions impact him or those he care about.  AND the people who he normally pay back are the ones that have done something wrong, quite a few of them are even breaking laws. I don't recall Jung breaking any laws. The people who are doing the most talking are the ones doing the wrong.

Also, Jung was just as surprised to read what In Ha had wrote to YG.  His problem is he takes full blame and is not throwing In Ha under the bus. He should have stopped her, but at that time he didn't care.  However, when Seol confronted him and SC on the bench, YG disappeared from before Seol which I think was because of Jung.

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5 hours ago, plappi said:

Text preview 11 ep

노골적으로 준과 자신을 차별하는 아버지에게 그간의 서러움이 폭발한 설. 설이 보고 싶은 마음에 무작정 찾아왔던 유정은 집을 뛰쳐나온 설과 마주치고, 애틋한 재회를 나눈 두 사람은 함께 하룻밤을 보내게 된다. 한편 인터넷 사이트에서 누군가 익명으로 올린 자신의 사진을 발견한 영곤. 설을 스토킹하는 모습이 담긴 사진까지 게시판에 올라오자 영곤은 불안함을 느끼고 급기야 인하가 학교까지 찾아오면서 영곤은 인생 최대 위기를 맞는데..

Thanks @plappi. @parisonheaven translated it for us on p. 269 of the thread.....

Episode 11 Text Preview

노골적으로 준과 자신을 차별하는 아버지에게 그간의 서러움이 폭발한 설. 설이 보고 싶은 마음에 무작정 찾아왔던 유정은 집을 뛰쳐나온 설과 마주치고, 애틋한 재회를 나눈 두 사람은 함께 하룻밤을 보내게 된다. 한편 인터넷 사이트에서 누군가 익명으로 올린 자신의 사진을 발견한 영곤. 설을 스토킹하는 모습이 담긴 사진까지 게시판에 올라오자 영곤은 불안함을 느끼고 급기야 인하가 학교까지 찾아오면서 영곤은 인생 최대 위기를 맞는데..

Because of her father's blatant discrimination, Seol who has been feeling sad all this while finally explodes. As Yoo Jung misses Seol a lot, he recklessly goes to find her and they cross paths just as Seol runs away from home, the two of them spend the night together after an emotional reunion. Meanwhile, Young Gon discovers that someone has anonymously posted pictures of himself on the internet. Even photos of him stalking Seol have been posted on the message board, making him feel uneasy. Finally, In Ha also comes to school to find him, causing Young Gon to face the greatest crisis of his life..

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2 hours ago, TeBe said:

many are discussing the texts of YJ to YG . So i m gonna join you, guys.

Well my personal interpretation is , at the time when YG attacked YJ after the basket-ball play and accused him to be fake etc. YJ and Seol didn't have a good relationship , because  Seol had the same thoughts  as YG about YJ fake personality . I guess , that when YJ saw Seol consoling YG after his embarassement , YJ wanted to take revenge on Seol . I think that YJ saw that as if it was like  Seol was ganging up with YG against YJ . She sympathized with YG , who insulted him and not with him . Well wether it was out of revenge or jealousy , Seol consoling YG was just a mistake that Seol made in YJ'eyes and she should pay for that.  YJ saw clearly how YG reacted after Seol left that day. He turned his head and touched his shoulder, where Seol touched him to console him. I really doubt a sharp and intelligent YJ not to know about YG freakiness . He knew he would stuck to Seol and he thought she deserves what will happen to her . It was his punishment to Seol for taking care and sympathizing with a freak like YG.  :vicx:


i agree with your interpretation. i wonder how come YJ can smirk about the situation now while dating seol...(thats if i got the time lapse/ flashback thing right)

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Tried translating ep 11 written preview. Hope it's comprehensible. :)


노골적으로 준과 자신을 차별하는 아버지에게 그간의 서러움이 폭발한 설.

Seol explodes of sadness seeing her father openly discriminate between her and jun.

설이 보고 싶은 마음에 무작정 찾아왔던 유정은 집을 뛰쳐나온 설과 마주치고, 애틋한 재회를 나눈 두 사람은 함께 하룻밤을 보내게 된다.

Yoojung who had blindly followed his heart to see Seol, meet seol who had run away from home. Share a loving/warm reunion, the two spend a lovely night. (<3)

한편 인터넷 사이트에서 누군가 익명으로 올린 자신의 사진을 발견한 영곤.

Meanwhile Young goon discovers that someone has been anonymously uploading his pictures

설을 스토킹하는 모습이 담긴 사진까지 게시판에 올라오자 영곤은 불안함을 느끼고 급기야 인하가 학교까지 찾아오면서 영곤은 인생 최대 위기를 맞는데..

Finding images of him stalking Seol on message-board, Yong Gun feels uneasy. On top of that, if Inha come find him at the university his life be in a major crisis right ?

ETA:Oops i was late :P 

@demarchelier  Thanks for the translation


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i think YJ is mostly innocent in the entire show. just that the plot line and his demeanour makes him look questionable. i just feel for in ho... he is such a great catch. he would be the normal bf material. i guess seol doesn't do normal anw.

through out the show seol is just facing calamity after calamity... can there be normalcy for at least 2 ep straight?

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