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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@lclarakl since the webtoon and drama are going exactly the same way, once upon a time I was where you are reading scenes between Inho and Seol playing the piano, working in the resturant and things like that while Jung was there but Seol didn't really trust him yet or he was at his internship or they were on the outs or Jung was making me question him a lot LOL and I didn't know what was going to come next. There were Inho/Seol webtoon shippers (yes they really do exist LOL)  who were taking about the comfort and ease that Inho and Seol have (which is/was true here and there) and how it is only a matter of time before Seol fell for Inho. However what I was reading was not telling me that I didn't know what was going to come, but what I was reading was two friends together that some in fandom wanted together and not going to lie would be kinda cute together; however the story wasn't going there.

What I felt then about the webtoon is what I feel now about the drama, when I watch the drama I try to forget the webtoon (even though it doesn't always work) because the writer could go any way with it and they have because some of the developments are not in the webtoon and Inho's character is so dang different and they upped the "mystery" of Jung so I've kind throw the webtoon out cause it's different now. Still watching the drama I just don't see what you see (which is completely fine) I don't think the writer is doing anything different from what any other drama do and I think the writer has made it clear as day what  Seol feels for Inho, what she feels for Jung. The different things she gets from both, and who Seol wants to be with and continues to try and be with.

I mean, Inho is standing right next to her being his puppy dog self and Seol is "there"as in a shell of herself but not there because her mind, heart if you will is on Jung. She almost walks into a pole thinking on Jung. She can't study with Inho and asks to cancel because she is thinking about Jung. I am confused about how much else clearer the writer could make it that Seol I would dare say is starting to fall in love with Jung or really really really like since I can already see people shaking their head nah. To me Seol's life cannot revolve around Jung and what he want and what would make him happy. So I have no problem with her hanging out with Inho even though it doesn't make Jung happy and  I have no problem with her not having much time with Jung now since she s a busy college girl and he is a busy university boy who also has to intern. When the two can they make the time and effort to be with one another. Right now in the story they can't because they are on a break but once that arc is over they will spend time together yet again.

I don't think Seol should cut back on seeing Inho just because Jung doesn't have the time to see her equally as much. I don't think you should allow a relationship to dictate that much of other aspects of your life. I am dating you but I also have a life, friends, family, studies, work, etc, that require my time and attention as well. You are not the sun which I orbit. Seol is a nice girl and she treats Inho who she has known close to a year now as the nice friend that he is. I am really curious as to how you would like to see Inho and Seol interact with one another? Do you want her to tell Inho "today I am riding the train home at 7 and since Jung is uncomfortable with us hanging out with one another, please take the 6' train so we do not go home together" At work she shouldn't talk to Inho unless it is "table number 4 needs water" she shouldn't tutor Inho and should ask another friend to do it instead? She and Inho should have nothing more than a "hi" "hi" employer and employee relationship? I am really curious if you could state the type of relationship you would like for Seol to have with Inho and the kind you want to see her share with Jung. What specifically is Seol not doing with Inho and with Jung that you would like to see her do or not do anymore? What other than completely taking out the "love triangle" could the writer do? I think I could understand your point of view better. I hope I have not caused offense in anything I've said.

*please excuse spelling and grammar mistakes. 



@MrsSoJiSub, I truly enjoyed reading your post.  In regards to your bullet at the bottom "*please excuse spelling and grammar mistakes".  I have to say the same--part of it is my fault and the other is my MAC that Apple really need to do something about their spell check, auto spell and grammar---it is HORRIBLE. It will auto correct a "misspelled" word that is spelled correctly.

Okay back to this drama.  I like watching dramas that at then end I can tell the writer took a lot of time developing the characters and relationships. I don't like watching a drama and at the end, although you know the OTP is the end game, you wonder how in the heck did they ever get together? The writer just put them together and that was it. Those type of dramas leave me feeling empty. Yes, I'm happy that the OTP got together in the end, but something was still lacking.  I felt that way when watching "She Was Pretty".  The writer made the lead so off-putting at first that I couldn't help but fall for the second lead who oozed sex appeal, sweetness, and always cared for the lead female.  Was I happy with the ending of "She Was Pretty"? Yes! Did it leave me wanting something for the second lead int his drama? Yes!

In the case of Seol and Jung, I believe with all my heart they are the end game.  However, what I don't see is the writer developing their relationship. I can't help but make a comparison between In Ho and Jung because these are the two men who are in Seol's life.  I can't help but think based on the relationship chart that the writer is going to draw this out to the end---I hope not. I want to know that the OTP are a working couple.  I also can't help but feel that Seol seems to think that Jung is the one with the probably when I see a lot of the problem with their relationship is her; her listening to too many people and quick to believe the worst.

I disagree with your comment about Seol shouldn't cut back on her association with In Ho. If she wasn't dating, I would say she should hang out with whoever she wants.  When you are in a relationship, whether it's marriage or dating, it is my opinion and from what I've observed (at school, college, work, in the neighborhood) you should not have another heterosexual man under the title of "friend" that you hang around more than you do your boyfriend, especially if he's romantically attracted to you.....those friendships 90% of the time don't work.  Many marriages and relationships have crashed and burned because people were overly confident that they wouldn't fall for another person and yet, it gradually happens. Another thing you don't do, is defend another man in front of your significant other--especially when both are in the wrong.  There is a reason why people who are in a relationship avoid putting themselves in situations that may test their resolve especially if you're looking for fault and lacking trust in the person you're with and see your 'friend' as someone you need to protect.  It is extremely common for friends to become lovers. It's also very obvious that this friendship is not helping Seol nor Jung's relationship.  I don't think Seol would like it if Jung spent as much time with In Ha by comparison. She doesn't like seeing the two of them in an old picture together. There is a noticeable difference in the way Seol's other male friend act around her and the way In Ho acts around her and the way she treats them both. She gives In Ho a lot more attention than she does other other male friend. It reminds me of this saying I saw once about Overconfidence:  

"Don't be too confident when someone tells you they like you, the real question is........until when? Because frankly, just like seasons, people change and so do feelings."

Also, building a meaningful relationship is not about having your way and living independent of your partner's wants and desires, it's finding compromises and respecting their feelings. I personally can't wait to see Jung tell Seol for the umpteenth time how he feels about her being with In Ho. Why is she clinging to In Ho and willing to push Jung's feeling aside?  

The writer, IMO, really needs to clear this up and deal with it realistically especially when it comes to adult relationships. I personally do not want my boyfriend hanging around a "female" friend who is someone I don't get alone with and I know likes him. The fact that I told him I don't like him being with her and he still decides to have an even more meaningful friendship with this woman? I wouldn't like it at all--that would feel like betrayal.


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3 hours ago, mgicc said:

Sorry to break up all the great discussion everyone, but I have an important announcement that I need to make:

Everyone! A very meaningful video has been found:

 A compilation video of #Jungbaenim's smiles

: D I regret nothing.


Thanks for the link but guess what? I found something more dangerous than YJ's smile! 

WARNING: might cause heart attack! 

CitT kisses/all sorts of skinships/sweet moments! BAM!

Mwahaha! (In Ha's exaggerated laugh)

ENJOY and control your pervy thoughts! hahaha

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32 minutes ago, madlena said:


Whats going  on here!!??does.anyone know?



Park Hae Jin Fulfills Fan’s Wish With Surprise Visit to Her High School

I believe this is related to his visit to a fan. Looking at his clothes, it looks the same to me! LUCKY FAN! Huhuhu

Sorry cant delete the instagram post i'm using my phone right now so will delete it when i'm on my laptop. 


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19 minutes ago, pinkpopink said:


Thanks for the link but guess what? I found something more dangerous than YJ's smile! 

WARNING: might cause heart attack! 

CitT kisses/all sorts of skinships/sweet moments! BAM!

Mwahaha! (In Ha's exaggerated laugh)

ENJOY and control your pervy thoughts! hahaha

thanks for sharing the link!! a smile was plastered on my face throughout the video... 

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Re: the progression of Jung×Seol's relationship

I like how the drama was fast-paced about their relationship. Honestly, the webtoon is long and the drama had/has to find the way to fit the story into 16 episodes. Sixteen episodes may seem like sufficient but man is the webtoon detailed. So I get it; some things had to be taken out. Fine by me.

But I would like to add on to what many of my fellow webtoon readers have been saying. There are several occasions where Seol is indeed staring at Jung (most of the time his back). She stares at him while her mind is pondering on what type of person he is. She thinks about him a lot lol. And then most (if not all, memory is fuzzy) of the times she's staring at him, Jung catches her in the act. He'd suddenly turn and find Seol staring right into him.

For example, there was one time where they ended up in the same study group. The boys (she was the only girl there) were discussing how they were going to organize the group but what was Seol doing? You'd expect our diligent, studious, focused girl to be paying attention, right? LOL no. She was staring at Jung and paying zero attention to the guys. :lol: Jung caught her look then and she frantically took her eyes off him. Poor girl. There were also a few times in class where she'd sit somewhere behind him and she'd just stare. And bam! Jung turns around (seriously this guy is quite something).

There was definitely a level of attraction and/or curiosity on both sides. She kept wondering who Yoo Jung was. He 1. misinterpreted some of those stares as her judging him (um..well which she was tbh so I suppose he didn't really misinterpret) and 2. I think it also made him intrigued by this girl who had the audacity to see through him and judge him.

I think both of them had one ultimate question: Who are you? Who is this person that keeps finding their way in my thoughts? Matter of fact, they're still asking themselves this.

Of course, we couldn't have all these little events in the drama but they are what made their progression into a relationship less surprising (is that the word I want to use?) in the webtoon. I guess for some viewers the first two episodes and the events that occurred in them could seem a bit jarring. In any case, my point here is that from the start both of them had a sort of interest in each other. It wasn't just Jung; it was also Seol. *sigh* I love this otp.

Also one last thought. I'm having a huge déjà vu here with the conversation on the progression of the otp. There's no correct way to fall in love. Kdramas, and television in general, have marketed romance in a particular mold where the steps are all relatively the same. So its understandable that some people get taken aback when something doesn't quite follow the mold. However, there's nothing wrong with it. Jung and Seol didn't forcibly have to know everything about each other when they started dating. Their relationship now is what is giving them the chance to really know each other and connect with each other. They didn't go about their relationship 'backwards,' simply because there is no correct formula to go about it. They just acted on those feelings of attraction they already had for each other.

1 hour ago, manji said:

The only thing I can think of is Jung could tell Seol first(they really have to learn communicating).Later when they talked I wished HS would act more like Bora.She yells at ET,kicks his richard simmons and after that they go for lunch together.

*nod nod* yes now you made me think of another question. If they hadn't argued and been on their 'break,' would Jung have told Seol about it? Hmm...

Bora and ET sometimes act like a married couple lol. Actually Seol kinda did that when they reconciled after their first argument. She had already told him off (bench argument) and then when they were at the cafe she again told him never to do things behind her back and thennnn they smiled and went on a date. These two, I swear. So cute.

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@qwenli Can we stay with the show please? Because believe me, my upbringing also tells me that if you find sthg that belongs to someone, you should give it back!

And yes I am saying exactly that concerning the stages because I do believe she intended to give it back (thus doing the 'right' thing), and yes she should have done it right away, but the intention was still there. Also, I don't think you can quite compare that and shooting a gun. Just the fact of having a gun is a totally different matter than not giving back something you pick up on the ground!

Like I already said a million times, I am not excusing or justifying anyone's actions. SC is a jerk and should get his life back on tracks; nevertheless, I feel sympathy for him, for his situation. Sue me! :P I would also move my richard simmons and do sthg, but what I would do is not necessarily what he would do. There is a huge spectrum of possible behaviors and choices in life.



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1 hour ago, pinkpopink said:


Thanks for the link but guess what? I found something more dangerous than YJ's smile! 

WARNING: might cause heart attack! 

CitT kisses/all sorts of skinships/sweet moments! BAM!

Mwahaha! (In Ha's exaggerated laugh)

ENJOY and control your pervy thoughts! hahaha

Thanks for sharing ! I've enjoyed a lot... and yes i couldn't control my pervy thoughts

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2 hours ago, carolinedl said:


Like I already said a million times, I am not excusing or justifying anyone's actions. SC is a jerk and should get his life back on tracks; nevertheless, I feel sympathy for him, for his situation. Sue me! :P I would also move my richard simmons and do sthg, but what I would do is not necessarily what he would do. There is a huge spectrum of possible behaviors and choices in life.



Interesting is that you feel sympathy for SC where I don't! But why do you feel pity/sympathy for him? Is it because he is a student who is suffering a lot from the pressure? 

To me, I can't feel sorry for him for any reason because Seol and the others are also experiencing the same pressure from home! SC is not different from the other students!

But if he had succeeded with his traps (stealing money, the two presentations, the other homework - he wanted to take the presentation from JW's laptop, using JW's laptop again for another homework aso) and he would have got good grades through these actions, would you feel still sympathy for him? I dare say, you wouldn't. Actually, I would be rather mad at him because he would have gained a lot from the others. I would consider him as an exploiter and even a plagiazer! He would have taken the credit from the other hardworking students! This would have been pure injustice! Fortunately he failed with his schemes that's why I am happy as I would have been so upset if he had succeeded!   

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9 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Interesting is that you feel sympathy for SC where I don't! But why do you feel pity/sympathy for him? Is it because he is a student who is suffering a lot from the pressure? 

To me, I can't feel sorry for him for any reason because Seol and the others are also experiencing the same pressure from home! SC is not different from the other students!

But if he had succeeded with his traps (stealing money, the two presentations, the other homework - he wanted to take the presentation from JW's laptop, using JW's laptop again for another homework aso) and he would have got good grades through these actions, would you feel still sympathy for him? I dare say, you wouldn't. Actually, I would be rather mad at him because he would have gained a lot from the others. I would consider him as an exploiter and even a plagiazer! He would have taken the credit from the other hardworking students! This would have been pure injustice! Fortunately he failed with his schemes that's why I am happy as I would have been so upset if he had succeeded!   

Amen to that! I really can't relay to his persona, i really can't. I've encountered many guys/girls in my student life that weren't able to do better and when i was asked to help them i did it, while studying with them or even leating them cheat. And i did it and still do in many ways throughout my life because i'm asked, they came to me for help. If they were just lazy as SC i would never behave that way... because he really doesn't give a dam. And she tried she really tried and gave him lotos of oportunities

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I think most of you know Pied Piper (drama following Cheese in the Trap) is confirmed airing on March 7 so that the rumour is true. We have no new episodes next week.

It also means i will have a break on this thread until the 13th episode aired (still mad) (no) (i am celebrating lunar new year) (but i am not even chinese) (ok) (PLEASE END THIS SELF-TALK CONVERSATION).

You still can find me on hahahaha walkie talkie hahahaha drama thread which is highly recommended by me. Tbh I have so many things to watch during lunar new year holidaaaaay including japanese and chinese dramas, thai lakorns and even indian movies lol.

Happy chinese new year all!!! Happy Monkey (?) in the Trap (?) Year!!

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18 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Interesting is that you feel sympathy for SC where I don't! But why do you feel pity/sympathy for him? Is it because he is a student who is suffering a lot from the pressure? 

To me, I can't feel sorry for him for any reason because Seol and the others are also experiencing the same pressure from home! SC is not different from the other students!

But if he had succeeded with his traps (stealing money, the two presentations, the other homework - he wanted to take the presentation from JW's laptop, using JW's laptop again for another homework aso) and he would have got good grades through these actions, would you feel still sympathy for him? I dare say, you wouldn't. Actually, I would be rather mad at him because he would have gained a lot from the others. I would consider him as an exploiter and even a plagiazer! He would have taken the credit from the other hardworking students! This would have been pure injustice! Fortunately he failed with his schemes that's why I am happy as I would have been so upset if he had succeeded!   

Again, I said that he is a jerk. All the examples you list clearly show that and I agree with you 100%.

He is no different from the other students? Well, he is a different person, right? And we all respond differently to things. But that's a different story.

Yes, I feel sympathy for him because he is crumbling down from the pressure, because he is so afraid of failing that he tries to steal people's presentations (I am not excusing him, this is wrong! Plagiarism is not cool!), because he is so scared of disappointing his mother that he only makes it worse by trying really hard using the wrong means. First, I really disliked him. But that phone call, I could actually see where he was coming from and why he was doing what he was doing. I don't agree, I am not excusing it, but I could understand him a bit more. I can sympathize with the underlying fear, not his consequent behavior. I still think I would have felt sympathy for him if his actions had suceeded, only if we have seen that scene with his mother. Because for me, it showed the underlying fear. Whether he suceeds or not, I cannot sympathize because I hate the process and his actions.

Again, I do not equate sympathy and excusing! And I sympathize with the starting sentiment, not the process!

Ok, I think I am done talking about this. I am starting to feel like a freak.... and judged too. Call me naive or idealist if you want, but I still try to see the good in people.


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@bjvipb2uty your post of webtoon stuff not included of Seol forever being caught by Jung reminds me of the one time she accidentally gave him the middle finger. Hahahahshahahahahahahahahahahaha the reaction from both was priceless!!! NJY has done something to make Seol mad and she gives her the middle finger as she walks away but I think Jung somehow pops up and sees or recieves the finger and has the best WTF is wrong with this girl look and Seol had the greatest "Ahhh oh shits'" facial reaction and runs off. Oh that one time she was hiding in the bushes from Jung I think and by then I believe Jung has started to like her too. The adorkable idiot had seen her go in the bushes so he slyly does the same and ends up behind Seol. Seol says something like "*whips brow* he's gone" only for Jung to ask "who?" And poor Seol nearly had a heart attack hahahahaha. That scene cracked me up because I could believe that adorably dorky Jung actually got into the bushes. The aracade where he didn't know how to high five (the drama did good but the webtoon was so dead pan funny. The way he shots the game so perfect and precise and serious it was hilarious to me.) will forever be one of my favorites from their pre dating time. 

ETA: oh and the one time where Jung happily walks down the school hallway looking at the his tux and cross eyed Seol picture he had saved on his phone. Oh and his adorkable happy laughter after Seol took so much courage to kiss him on the cheek (the drama really should have left happy laughing at my Seol, Jung instead of hurt Jung looking on in the rain Jung). There are some post break up Jung Seol cute and happy together scenes I hope the drama does and please don't let them change it. 

@carolinedl you're not a freak. In real life I'm a lot (my mother says too much LOL) like you thinking and feeling for the other side. We're freaks together :) (who knowingly get used a lot or have a lot asked of them. Or it's just me?) 

In the drama I feel for all the characters (yes even being used and such a richard simmons idiot, Da Young). A part of me feels for and understands SC and the Minsoo's too. In real life I am more Seol (I think that's why I judge the characters so harshly here because I would never do that with real life people and it's why I like Jung because he does some of the things I wish I had the heart only sometimes to do to people who really...)

I even get why SC is his he is. I think some of it is a fear to actually graduate, go out into the world, and actually be an adult and find work and support his family. There is a sort of pressure from his mom and what if he disappoints her or can't find work. SC doesn't know how to be an adult and at the university he can mooch off others to have gotten as far as 4th year but in the dramas out there world he can't do that. And Minsoo was a case of so much go wrong all at once. Ultimately though, I can't agree that Seol being friends with her would have really helped Minsoo. Minsoo to me really should in the fictional world meet a fictional some kind of professional and seek help for the inferiority, low self-esteem, low-self identity, and the hate she has towards herself. I want to know if she had any support at home or was being verbally abused at home about her physical looks, intelligence, and not being enough or "why don't you have friends? Why don't people ever call for you?"

It looked like she was looking towards the university students to make her feel something about herself they could never make her feel. To want to be someone else so bad that you are willing to physically change yourself to look like them, then you begin to hurdle and admire their things (that mirror lion key chain petting scene honestly scared me and my psychology student self couldn't help but have a warning bell go off and think, something is not right. It ringed again when she bodly without fear or apology placed it on display on her bag -girl was going further into her delusions, and was ringing when she took the picture of Joon really started to see Seol as the bane of her existence. Her negative thoughts on Seol really had me scared she would one day attack Seol and could further fall into her delusion and have to get rid of Seol because in her mind Seol still takes and has everything) you have got to have some low sense of self and just she needs to get professional help.

So in that regard I hope during this time off she gets professional help and positive reinforcement at home. I would love to see her comeback as herself much healthier and happy and accepting and content with being herself. I also want to see her form those friendship (not with Seol though) she had desired. 

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Hi, I'm new here and I'm really bad in english. So please be understanding.

CITT is amazing drama. I was so dissapointed after Jekyll, Hyde and me, so I was unsure abaut watching this, but I'm so happy that I watch it. HSxJY. Wow this couple just makes me speecheles. Love them both. Now we will have to wai 2 WEEEEEEKS for their reunion T.T But I hope that bed scene will be looooong :D

BTW, I llove ETxBora couple, it is obvious that they like each other. I hope they'll become couple.

Well friends, all we can do is to wat. I hope tvn won't troll us with some surprise.

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@40somethingahjumma I really like the second because it "pops". I really like the coloring on that one. I adore all the hand holding moments you choose. My favorite moments are the silent ones like holding hands or Jung smiling or laughing at something Seol has said or done. 

Hi @Dainora Petrauskaite (I love the user name) welcome :) Please post happily and worry not about your English (I butcher it all the time). 

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