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Ok this thing is super random. I don't know whether this was discussed before or not. But still mentioning. I was checking out the cat fight scene again. I found it pretty amusing and funny...(the fight that is not the convo after that). I ended up observing the surroundings when they were punching and scratching each other. Haha friends n classmates reaction in the BG is a treat i must say.

So here's young gon sitting like a boss and instructing min soo to attack. So after she pounces on Seol, Bo Ra, Eun Tak, Ah Young, Jun and Da Young rush and are trying to release Seol from Min Soo's grip. Meanwhile Sang chul, Yoo jung and others come closer to the battleground.

Then Young gon rushes to record the fight and Bo Ra chases after him rofl. Then suddenly Seol pushes Min Soo to the ground, and is about to pounce on her. So Jun is abt to rush to stop her, however Bo Ra holds him back to let Seol beat MS up.then she starts cheering Seol (PFFFT HAHAHA)

Simultaneously, Yoo jung coolly snatches the phone away from Young Gon, deletes the recordings and returns him the phone. You can ses Young Gon fuming too rofl.

Finally Jun and Ah Young seperates Seol away from Min Soo.

Have to give it to the director for such detailing. And what coordination by cast n superb editing.

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@debolina yes! Loved the background stuff. I actually had to rewatch that scene a few times cause I wanted to catch what everyone was doing. I'm glad you actually put it in writing, makes it so much funnier lol. >.<

17 minutes ago, alaa48 said:

anyone please give me the link for s3 from webtoon 

I cant find it on naver ... all chapters I opened  showing the first chapter only 

Is this problem with all of you guys or just with me? 


via @coffeeboy  :) Do you have the oddsquad overtooning bookmark? This only works if you have it.

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22 minutes ago, alaa48 said:

anyone please give me the link for s3 from webtoon 

I cant find it on naver ... all chapters I opened  showing the first chapter only 

Is this problem with all of you guys or just with me? 


Hmmm dont know if we can share link but it can be found at the 1st page of this thread ..the oddsquad link

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5 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Okay, I have just finished watching the episode 10 and to me, the person in the center of that episode isn't In Ho, but Seol and her feelings for Jung and the balance in their relationship. Let me explain:

I had noticed that in the episode 9 (at the end) Seol was kind of upset that YJ would pass and not talk to her. She was disturbed and frustrated by his behaviour. Striking is that it was Seol who had acted as such first. When she entered the room for the test, she ignored Jung and sat far away from him. However, we saw that Jung couldn't act like her since he hugged her in the end. She is the one who asked for a time apart and she is the one who kind of decided how the relationship was going to work:

- Don't do things like that before asking me

- Why do I have to avoid In Ho? I don't want to aso.

If we look back at their relationship, Yoo Jung tried to control her first (episode 5) but she got mad at him for that. Yoo Jung accepted her request and stepped back. Afraid of losing her, he allowed her to be the one controlling the relationship. But when she is ignored first in the episode 9, she is upset, but Yoo Jung was actually only following her "order".

Now, in the episode 10, she discovered why Yoo Jung acted like that with his scheme. She understood him a little better. She wasn't really mad at him for his scheme. She was much more upset that he would ask her to change:So you just stand still and I go closer? Does that fix everything?”.

So in my point of view, Seol is still struggling. She doesn't want to allow Yoo Jung to change her. The episodes show us that YJ-Seol are trying to find the right balance in their couple. To me, Seol has still control over Yoo Jung and he is aware of it. But he can't force her either afraid of losing her. That's why he told her, he would change and he was thinking a lot! HE wanted to appease Seol and to show her that he was trying to please her!

So when she saw the picture of Yoo Jung and In Ha, she is quite taken aback because she has realised that Yoo Jung might move on. She isn't doubting his feelings for her, but she gets aware that waiting for her doesn't mean, it is forever. In my opinion, that's how she realises how much she loves him. Before I had the impression, she was avoiding it. Sure, we saw her shining, each time she saw Yoo Jung, but the questions were:

- Why do you like me ? (addressed to YJ)

- You like me for real, right? You're sincere, right? (addressed to Seol)

But Seol never answered to the second question, she only nodded which is different, while Seol heard indirectly the answer that he would like her. Now, I get the feeling, she really gets aware of her feelings for him and she is afraid of losing him as well. Since Yoo Jung was the one who pursed her, he was the one who would lose more first... but they're even now! She realises her feelings for him and him waiting for her doesn't mean forever! That's why she is so troubled!

What do you think?  

 *CLAPPING CLAPPING * Well said chingu @bebebisous33 Your so right Chingu , HS has never admitted to liking YJ. He was always asking her if she sincerely like him. I think even before the misunderstanding she had a crush on him bit didn't know it herself. YJ has spent a lot of effort to get her to trust him but she was always cautious. In the end she still fell for him real hard.  Both are insecure and pushovers because they don't like confrontation. 


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12 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

 *CLAPPING CLAPPING * Well said chingu @bebebisous33 Your so right Chingu , HS has never admitted to liking YJ. He was always asking her if she sincerely like him. I think even before the misunderstanding she had a crush on him bit didn't know it herself. YJ has spent a lot of effort to get her to trust him but she was always cautious. In the end she still fell for him real hard.  Both are insecure and pushovers because they don't like confrontation. 


Thanks a lot for the compliment!!  crazy monkeycute-rabbit-emoticon-21.gif?1301940532

Yes, she never really realised how hard she fell for him

- because he is her first love!

- because he was always there and she was the one in control of their relationship. Yet, it is really different now, since In Ha's medlding! In Ha whom Seol has always considered as a thread, but In Ho and Yoo Jung kept reassuring her. Seeing them together is totally different. For Seol, In Ha is beautiful and she was very close to YJ in that picture! 

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bjvipb2uty  actually I have   oddsquad overtooning bookmark  but the problem with links in oddsquad in s3 ... all links had the same chapter even in s2 the chapter finish in chapter 36 and from 37 it showing chapter 1 also 

do you have the same?? 



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12 minutes ago, alaa48 said:


bjvipb2uty  actually I have   oddsquad overtooning bookmark  but the problem with links in oddsquad in s3 ... all links had the same chapter even in s2 the chapter finish in chapter 36 and from 37 it showing chapter 1 also 

do you have the same?? 




You mean the links direct you to the s1 ch1 ?

Even when you overtoon ? This shouldn't happen. Maybe yiu should try to refresh the page ans overtoon once again ?

Normally when you go on the last scannned chapter by oddsquad and you change the URL (the last these digits of the URL from N number to N+1 number) and then overtoon, you should ne able to see the next chapter but raw (in korean).

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17 minutes ago, alaa48 said:


bjvipb2uty  actually I have   oddsquad overtooning bookmark  but the problem with links in oddsquad in s3 ... all links had the same chapter even in s2 the chapter finish in chapter 36 and from 37 it showing chapter 1 also 

do you have the same?? 



Chapter 1 keeps appearing? You have to click the bookmark again.

So 1.This is the universal link to the webtoon. CLICK THIS You should see S1 Prologue + 15 chapters in Korean.

2. Click your overtooning bookmark. Now you should see all S1 (1-46) S2 (1-67) and S3 (1-60) with titles in English.

3. Click on the desired chapter. You'll see chapter 1 every single time you click a new chapter. So click your overtooning bookmark again. Now you'll see the chapter you wanted in English.

4. To go to the next chapter just click your 'back' button, click the overtooning bookmark to see the list of chapters (like step 2), and proceed with step 3, etc etc.

5. And to read chapters 61+ in S3 (RAW) you follow the instructions I linked you to.

Just remember you have to use the overtooning bookmark a lot. ;)  Hope it made sense.

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8 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

Image result for cheese in the trap episode 10th?id=OIP.M6e30e13847a671082d3ed7d05a909Image result for cheese in the trap episode 10hearts.gif

CiTT is the perfect name for this drama when you think about it there are so many traps being set by more than one person.  I realize I write a lot from Jung's point of view maybe because I want to understand his thoughts & actions or maybe it's because of all the characters I feel most sorry for him.  Just thinking about his life and what we know about it reminded me of what it would be like to lose Seol for him.  He is like a little boy wondering in a dessert always looking for water to quench his thirst.  Finally he sees it, runs to it and the taste is so wonderful like nothing he has ever had.  But then he wakes up in the dessert only to realize it was a dream and the water is gone... Being loved by Soel and being able to love Seol is like never thirsting again.....

Even while watching Jung and his Dad at dinner I was like some people shouldn't have kids:angry: Not to mention it brought back to mind Jung at his new job once again doing someone else's work because it's easier.   His Dad never realizes that he himself is the scary one!  Dang I could write a book it makes me so upset!!! But at least Jung made an attempt to let his Dad see just a glimpse of what he was feeling.  It's true the way Jung handles people is different but for him it was survival learning to push back but with little notice.  As in Seol's case just a way to protect her the only way he knows how.

Fight scene seemed perfect that is until the writers gave me a good punch by reminding me how Minsoo was someone who was invisible to everyone and we have all known people like that.  How cruel we can be even when we don't realize it.  How people are suffering around us, that even a small act of kindness can give someone else hope....

Meeting on the bridge, Seol knows what Jung did but moves past that frustration to see that Jung has faced this kind of pain & hurt all his life.  While Jung tells her I know we are different but I am working on myself too and shows his love not forceful but gently brushing her hair with his hand.  Without words it's like this is who I am the one who loves you.....

Maybe because as I said before I haven't read the Webtoon but In Ho is such a sweet soul his hand was crushed but his heart remains to be more loving & caring not only for Seol but for all those around him.  He is honest and giving, protective and sensitive and so much more.  Who couldn't or wouldn't fall in love with someone like this?  That is unless your Seol and your heart is already taken by someone who makes you believe you're his whole world......

Trust, my last thought was it always comes back to this.  Is Soel willing to trust Jung even with everything Gon is throwing her way and is she willing to understand and trust the Jung she can see with her heart instead of the Jung she sees with her eyes..... And in turn he will have to reveal even more of who he truly is.  That moment, that the production team was kind enough to share a little early in the preview only as a tease sure did work.  They gave new meaning to leaving an audience wanting more!!!!!:P But next time it might work better if you  leave out the view of Seol running towards Jung!  Not to mention that stare they gave each other that said  I have missed you & want you!!!  That only fuels us Chessy Fans giving us something to imagine & dream about till next week!  So be sure and give us a kiss and words worth waiting for:w00t:  Have a great day Cheesy family:wub:

credit & thanks to original owners pictures & quote.....


Oh my God! Thank you! Loved everything you've written!

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@plappi  Hi there, about the instagram pic you've posted earlier (https://www.instagram.com/p/BBTF-hqjHTU/?taken-by=annamorosan). I am curious as to what event and when was this? I already saw this before on instagram but didn't bother about this. All I know is its CITT related and this is not the official press con they've held for the drama. Sorry I don't know how to post a picture here ooops!

Thanks in advance!

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I still haven't watch ep 8 - 10 yet, because for me better to wait than have to deal with the fact that uri YJ and Seul in their misery. But maaan, preview ep 11 when Seul is running toward YJ and they both have teary eyes, I literally can't contain my feels. That scene is so much... oh my shipper heart

A lot of you have been discussed about the matter of YJ and Seul development in last episodes, and I agree with some of you that this show actuallynot about who is the male lead and second lead and love -triangle ( yeah I know TVn pushing it, but I really hope amd I'm kind of sure that with only 6 episodes, they won't make love triangle is the issue, because for the time schedule it is late). But CITT is about the story of two people, who learn to love. Love is acceptance, love is understanding, love is commitment, love is hurt, love is sad, love is happiness, love is sacrifice. And no matter how hard the situations are and no matter how different they are, they learn about it and I hope in the end they can overcome it. YJ learns from Seul, and Seul learns from YJ. That's what love is, they complete e/o. That's my point for what story CITT will deliver.

Btw thank you for all the recappers and friends who share their insights, I really love it 

Is it me being sentimental and delulu lol that I find PHJ and KGE chemistry like daebak? I've been a fan of KDrama since I'm 14 years old and now I'm turning 25. But I never find this sizzling and cute and heart-wrenching chemistry in another Kdrama, just look at them when they are hugging or when they are show their emotions through their eyes? I gradually ship them because their interactions on set is like nuclear bomb and the off set kind of the same but way cuter ( in my opinion, KGE is really shy and cute toward PHJ but PHJ is so straight-forward and that makes KGE easily blushing)

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Eun Taek already has a new drama coming up! So I guess not everyone will show up on that Hainan trip. Hayzzz, still can't get over that this is a pre-produced drama and they're done with filming and they've move on their separate ways while me I'm stuck here waiting for the next CitT episode to show up!  calm down crazy rabbit

I've found out about ET's new drama through this article http://www.soompi.com/2016/02/03/lee-joon-gi-poses-with-moon-lovers-brothers-on-instagram/

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