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1 hour ago, alindahaw said:

Guys..I just wanna ask if the third cloth Seol is wearing is actually made of denim or not? ive seen her classmate (the gf of the annoying guy)wear something like that in episode 9 and In Ho wore something like that but in black color. Sorry coz im not supposed to attached the image.but I just love to buy one


PLAC DENIM JACKET 44D wshd (198,000 ₩)


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you know what! even though there wasnt alot of scenes of seol and jung but each scene was IMPORTANT and made my heart felt what both Jung and Seol were feeling, CAN I JUST SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE SUNBAE AND HOW HE DEALS WITH THINGS and I love how quick Seol is to figure out Jung was behing the scene helping her :wub: I seriously Love these two so much, I don't know how i'm going to survive the next 2 weeks. I hope new JUNGxSEOL BTS is released. 

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In episode 9, when YJ saw HS's dongseng picture on Min Soo's mobile screen, why he just ignore?

Does he actually plan for Min Soo to get humiliated by asking her to get the reference from HS's last year project?



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Can someone tell me the title and artist of the song that played at the end of episode 3 when he asked her to date? They also played it in the beginning of episode 4. Thank you!!!! I'm loving this drama and the songs!!!

Can someone tell me the title and artist of the song that played at the end of episode 3 when he asked her to date? They also played it in the beginning of episode 4. Thank you!!!! I'm loving this drama and the songs!!!

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I don't even get what everyone is so scared that Jung will do. Boy is manipulative, he is cunning. But he has never gotten violent (expect that once with the pervert dude which was a normal reaction to seeing someone you care about get the life chocked out of them) and is actually very aware and in control of himself and his emotions. He's a good boyfriend to Seol (he talks, he listens, he's supportive, he's there, he tries to respect her decision and her way of being while still remaining true to his self). Like really so many times people keep expecting, maybe even hoping for Jung to crush an ant or a snail as to feel some kind of vindication of is "creepy, scary, evil guy" image they have built up in their heads, and Jung never does. The guy is problematic as hell, but none of his actions have ever scared me nor do I feel he is a threat or danger to anyone. The people that surround Seol are more a threat/danger to Seol and themselves than Jung. Most if not all of them have brought it upon themselves. They had what they do to others done onto them and they get mad over it. Yeah it's not comfortable when the shoe is on the other foot right...

Why do we demand Jung to be something we are not demanding of all the other characters. Why must he be honest, when those that surround him are not? Why must he not be cunning and manipulative, when those that surround him are? Why must he not use others when those that surround him do? Is it becuase he's rich, he gets good grades, he's good looking? If so, that is grossly unfair. Like Seol said, just because some people make it look easy or like they don't work for it doesn't mean that is actually the case. Many viewers are hoping for Jung to change in some dramatic way (and while I agree there are some small changes he must make aka communicate with Seol before, after, and during the things he does, letting her in, in his world) I do not feel he needs or should make drastic huge changes in his character becuase his character to me really isn't the problem. Jung does have it in him to treat others well. He does that with almost everyone. It isn't until you cross him that he seeks some type of retribution and honestly aren't we all like that? Yeah sometimes he goes too far (hence needing small changes) but for the Minsoo's, Younggon, rapist, thieves, liars, manipulator, etc of the world, his way of doing things is kind of wise and gets results. I guess for me the ends many times justify his mean *Kayne shrug*

At this point just like Seol is thinking on it and having to decide on it. We viewers too have to accept that some aspects of Jung is simply who he is. For the small efforts and strides he makes we should recognize that (and he's made much of that these last two episodes) and applaud it. The little things will eventually lead to the big things and it makes me sad faced that not too many are recognizing that. Also why do so little people seem to see that Jung too drives Seol to change and be vocal and stand up for herself as much as Inho, He's been as good an influence on her life as much as Inho. The two's methods are different but the end message and outcomes have been the same. I don't know. It feels like people do not give credit to Jung where credit is due (I know I don't do that her for Inho, but that's simply because boy gets all the credit he needs and more everywhere. Like every tumblr post, dramabeans comment, netzienbuzz, etc, are about his awesomeness) and it makes me sad faced. Aishi, some people do receive love easily. I guess it's easier to love the cute blushing puppies (Joon, Inho) instead of the porcupines or the sharks (Seol, Jung, Inha -who I have found a new appreciation for-). 

If I sound bitter as richard simmons it's becuase I am. Lack of Jung love means little gifs, pictures, and ish to reblog *pouts like a 2 year old toddler* I want to reblog the reunion hug and no one has made gifs of it, and there is little of the back hug too :( I am bitter for selfish reason LOL.

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4 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Can someone confirm that the music that the other pianist was practising in the other rehearsal room was Danse Macabre by Saint Saens? I haven't heard the whole thing for a while so I could be mistaken. (Always makes me think of Jonathan Creek)

It isn't just an issue for Seol but for the audience too because they've seen him largely through her eyes.

That is a hugely important point concerning framing perspective for the show and it's true, is it not? People see what they want to about Jung. They don't understand the inconsistencies in his behaviour so he's got to be labelled with a mental disorder. "Sociopath", "psychopath", "narcissist". Or it's "Oh no, he's going to hurt Seol."

He's not perfect and yeah, he's rather too good at manipulating at times but it doesn't make him one bullet away from killing someone.

I've never read the webtoon, just the bits and pieces people post here under spoiler tags but I've always believed that Jung liked her from the moment he started asking her out of meals. Maybe it's just PHJ's talent as an actor but I used to chuckle every time Seol was befuddled about Seonbae showering her with so much attention. Why is he doing this? I used to think all the time, "Don't you know, girl? Can't you tell?" Maybe it helps being an ajumma. :D

Yeah, I know it's her first time having a boyfriend... and yes, we all live and learn. But let's not forget that although she's a relatable character, she's got her own baggage too.


Highlighted in bold is the reason I really like this drama, the male lead has always liked her in a cool kind of way. He's always been trying to help her behind the scene.  I don't know why, but I've always loved male leads that does things for the woman that love without her knowing it's coming from him. It tells me that they want the person to like them as a person and know that they are not trying to manipulate them into liking them (if you follow what I mean :lol:).  

Jung didn't want it known that he had given up the scholarship so that she could receive it. Yes he blackmailed the guy to give his scholarship to her, but heck--since it was his and the person he wanted to give it to is a top student, why not.   I have to admit that Seol got on my nerve when she first found that out.  It's like really? You desperately want to go to school, here is a wealthy young man who doesn't need the scholarship, your parents are going through financial trouble, can your first thought just be, "Thank you"?

There is just something very cool about Jung that makes me like the fact that he liked her from the first time he met her but at times not know how to deal with his emotions or get her to like him. I'm loving the fact that they are trying to understand each other.

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45 minutes ago, Nisda said:

In episode 9, when YJ saw HS's dongseng picture on Min Soo's mobile screen, why he just ignore?

Does he actually plan for Min Soo to get humiliated by asking her to get the reference from HS's last year project?



Its not like jung to do straight up confrontations.  Also he have to give minsoo the benefit of doubt, incase she really knows Seol's brother. that lion keychain, she could hv bought it too.

Thats why i think jung will be a great people manager n ceo. In real life, many a times we have to bide our time to solve problems. Straight up confrontations are always risky n may not resolve the situation. 

Its not easy to solve this minsoo issue, because there is no proof of her doing anything illegal.

The only way is to cast the limelight on her and let everyone know she is wierd. I sympathetise with her in many ways, but the things she are doing is not achieving her aim to fit in and be popular. The old adage stays true: always be yourself.

The original webtoon writer is brilliant.

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3 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I don't even get what everyone is so scared that Jung will do. Boy is manipulative, he is cunning. But he has never gotten violent (expect that once with the pervert dude which was a normal reaction to seeing someone you care about get the life chocked out of them) and is actually very aware and in control of himself and his emotions. He's a good boyfriend to Seol (he talks, he listens, he's supportive, he's there, he tries to respect her decision and her way of being while still remaining true to his self). Like really so many times people keep expecting maybe even hoping for Jung to crush and ant or a snail as to feel some kind of vindication of is "creepy, scary, evil guy" image they have built up themselves in their head, and Jung never does. The guy is problematic as hell, but none of his actions have every scared me nor do I feel he is a threat or danger to anyone. The people that surround Seol are more a threat/danger to Seol and themselves than Jung. Most if not all of them have brought it upon themselves. They had what they do to others done onto them and they get mad over it. Yeah it's not comfortable when the shoe is on the other foot right...

Why do we demand Jung to be something we are not demanding of all the other characters. Why must he be honest, when those that surround him are not? Why must he not be cunning and manipulative, when those that surround him are? Why must he not use others when those that surround him do? Is it becuase he's rich, he gets good grades, he's good looking? If so, that is grossly unfair. Like Seol said, just because some people make it look easy or like they don't work for it doesn't mean that is actually the case. Many viewers are hoping for Jung to change in some dramatic way (and while I agree there are some small changes he must make aka communicate with Seol before, after, and during the things he does, letting her in, in his world) I do not feel he needs or should make drastic huge changes in his character becuase his character to me really isn't the problem. Jung does have it in him to treat others well. He does that with almost everyone. It isn't until you cross him that he seeks some type of retribution and honestly aren't we all like that? Yeah sometimes he goes too far (hence needing small changes) but for the Minsoo's, Younggon, rapist, thieves, liars, manipulator, etc of the world, his way of doing things is kind of wise and gets results. I guess for me the ends many times justify his mean *Kane shrug*

At this point just like Seol is thinking on it and having to decide on it. We viewers too have to accept that some aspects of Jung is simply who he is. For the small efforts and strides he makes we should recognize that (and he's made much of that these last two episodes) and applaud it. The little things will eventually lead to the big things and it makes me sad faced that not too many are recognizing that. Also why do so little people seem to see that Jung too drives Seol to change and be vocal and stand up for herself as much as Inho, He's been as good an influence on her life as much as Inho. The two's methods are different but the end message and outcomes have been the same. I don't know. It feels like people do not give credit to Jung where credit is due (I know I don't do that her for Inho, but that's simply because boy gets all the credit he needs and more everywhere. Like every tumblr post, dramabeans comment, netzienbuzz, etc, are about his awesomeness) and it makes me sad faced. Aishi, some people do receive love easily. I guess it's easier to love the cute blushing puppies (Joon, Inho) instead of the porcupines or the sharks (Seol, Jung, Inha -who I have found a new appreciation for-). 

If I sound bitter as richard simmons it's becuase I am. Lack of Jung love means little gifs, pictures, and ish to reblog *pouts like 2 year old toddler* I want to reblog the hug and one one has made gifs of it, and there is little of the back hug too :( 


I totally agree with you. Sometimes seeing dramafever comments or tumblr posts about how scary/creepy Jung is.. I got really pissed off.. He just doesn't behave in a 'conventional' way like everyone else in the story. But at the same time, Seol isn't like others either. I guess that's how they feel the attraction towards the other.. find the common empathy..

the bold part, to add it, the scene where Baek In Ha waited for YJ in front of his house and it was after HS wanted to take some times off with each other.. Boy how angry/frustrated/furious he must have felt with In Ha... yet he held all that in without using violence to push her away at all. Major props to him. I mean if it was me, and i knew that someone had added oil to my fire of problems, I would have at least yelled/cursed at them. YJ is really good at controlling his emotion. too good sometimes. and in life, you need that kind of control to avoid bringing yourself in deeper troubles, especially with the law and stuff.. :/ 

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13 hours ago, coffeeboy said:

On the other hand, who's with me when i say that Inha will probably end up with Jaewoo (the nerd who is often bullied by Sangchul). I was pleasantly surprised when she came to Jaewoo's rescue.


I was pleasantly surprised with this as well. This is the first episode that I've actually liked the In Ha scenes. A couple from the last episode made me laugh but today it was like I was seeing a whole new side of her. I also feel like she wasn't seeing Jae Woo as anything but a guy with money to use, until she saw the art book. It seems like he could be the one to open her up again after In Ho crushed her dreams and sort of made her the way she is now. In Ha clearly already has a soft spot for her "peanut" and the fact that she took the initiative to defend Jae Woo when she really didn't have to makes me think that there's still good in her. He could be the one to help bring out that "good" in her, kind of like what Seol does for Jung.


Also, I think it was @MrsSoJiSub who said they wanted to see some OT4 action. Well, I'm right there with you. Bring on the OT4!

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6 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I don't even get what everyone is so scared that Jung will do. Boy is manipulative, he is cunning. But he has never gotten violent (expect that once with the pervert dude which was a normal reaction to seeing someone you care about get the life chocked out of them) and is actually very aware and in control of himself and his emotions. He's a good boyfriend to Seol (he talks, he listens, he's supportive, he's there, he tries to respect her decision and her way of being while still remaining true to his self). Like really so many times people keep expecting maybe even hoping for Jung to crush and ant or a snail as to feel some kind of vindication of is "creepy, scary, evil guy" image they have built up themselves in their head, and Jung never does. The guy is problematic as hell, but none of his actions have every scared me nor do I feel he is a threat or danger to anyone. The people that surround Seol are more a threat/danger to Seol and themselves than Jung. Most if not all of them have brought it upon themselves. They had what they do to others done onto them and they get mad over it. Yeah it's not comfortable when the shoe is on the other foot right...

Why do we demand Jung to be something we are not demanding of all the other characters. Why must he be honest, when those that surround him are not? Why must he not be cunning and manipulative, when those that surround him are? Why must he not use others when those that surround him do? Is it becuase he's rich, he gets good grades, he's good looking? If so, that is grossly unfair. Like Seol said, just because some people make it look easy or like they don't work for it doesn't mean that is actually the case. Many viewers are hoping for Jung to change in some dramatic way (and while I agree there are some small changes he must make aka communicate with Seol before, after, and during the things he does, letting her in, in his world) I do not feel he needs or should make drastic huge changes in his character becuase his character to me really isn't the problem. Jung does have it in him to treat others well. He does that with almost everyone. It isn't until you cross him that he seeks some type of retribution and honestly aren't we all like that? Yeah sometimes he goes too far (hence needing small changes) but for the Minsoo's, Younggon, rapist, thieves, liars, manipulator, etc of the world, his way of doing things is kind of wise and gets results. I guess for me the ends many times justify his mean *Kane shrug*

At this point just like Seol is thinking on it and having to decide on it. We viewers too have to accept that some aspects of Jung is simply who he is. For the small efforts and strides he makes we should recognize that (and he's made much of that these last two episodes) and applaud it. The little things will eventually lead to the big things and it makes me sad faced that not too many are recognizing that. Also why do so little people seem to see that Jung too drives Seol to change and be vocal and stand up for herself as much as Inho, He's been as good an influence on her life as much as Inho. The two's methods are different but the end message and outcomes have been the same. I don't know. It feels like people do not give credit to Jung where credit is due (I know I don't do that her for Inho, but that's simply because boy gets all the credit he needs and more everywhere. Like every tumblr post, dramabeans comment, netzienbuzz, etc, are about his awesomeness) and it makes me sad faced. Aishi, some people do receive love easily. I guess it's easier to love the cute blushing puppies (Joon, Inho) instead of the porcupines or the sharks (Seol, Jung, Inha -who I have found a new appreciation for-). 

i totes agree.  stop picking on uri jung-ie, netizens/knetizens! i'm looking forward to how he tries to meet her halfway.  what will that look like for him?  will Seol be satisfied?  will i cry just as much as they do when they run to each other and hug?

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On second thought, it also looks like soft denim. Chambray would not survive such distress (and it would be ugly). Da Young (ep. 9) wears denim. 


hahaha I'm no expert. I just happen to own denim jeans and chambray shirts. @thunderman1explanation here.

Seol and I dress alike, though I can't afford tvN's budget for her wardrobe and I might likely risk being mistaken for 1. cosplaying Seol, or 2. cosplaying Minsoo cosplaying Seol.


#jungbaenim #saranghaejin #baekinhot #seolion #meansoo #younggone  #namboraone #euntakemehomeLOL



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17 minutes ago, irilight said:

Cheese in the Trap: Episode 10




Read more on Dramabeans




i just wanted to point out that at the end of the DB post, girlfriday says that it's not a sure thing that CITT will be pre-empted for LNY.  please, is there hope we'll get episodes next week?  can we send that energy out into the universe or at least over to TVn?

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7 minutes ago, phikyl said:


I was pleasantly surprised with this as well. This is the first episode that I've actually liked the In Ha scenes. A couple from the last episode made me laugh but today it was like I was seeing a whole new side of her. I also feel like she wasn't seeing Jae Woo as anything but a guy with money to use, until she saw the art book. It seems like he could be the one to open her up again after In Ho crushed her dreams and sort of made her the way she is now. In Ha clearly already has a soft spot for her "peanut" and the fact that she took the initiative to defend Jae Woo when she really didn't have to makes me think that there's still good in her. He could be the one to help bring out that "good" in her, kind of like what Seol does for Jung.


meee tooo!!!!!! In Ha's scenes in ep 9-10 are so awesome/funny. Somehow I could actually see more depth in her character. The actress seems very comfortable with the camera to be able to go all out in her acting style like that :lol: which is good!!! I wouldn't mind Jae Woo and In Ha together! ;) 


1 minute ago, jeijei said:


#jungbaenim #saranghaejin #baekinhot #seolion #meansoo #younggone  #namboraone #euntakemehomeLOL




LOLLLLL :lol::lol::lol: these hashtags are daebak... seriously!! my fav. is #euntakemehome :w00t: HAHAHAHAH

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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Cheese in the Trap" Episode 10


Even though "Cheese in the Trap" was filmed completely in advance of airing, I get the impression that the editing part of the production team still messes around with the presentation. A scene from the episode nine preview only shows up now in episode ten, and the timing is much better given how the drama will be on break next week. Min-soo finally breaks down. And even after having apparently "won", Seol is not in any kind of victorious mood. There's just no cause for it, when Jeong isn't around.

Which is not to say that Seol mopes around missing Jeong. Quite the opposite actually. Seol is a very proactive protagonist this episode, running around trying to deal with every interpersonal problem she can, and goodness knows there are enough messes in Seol's life that she needed to take a step back and actually focus on them. Even so, the reason Seol has been stalling on these issues is because she always knew they would be very unpleasant to deal with, and reality matches that perception.

The time Seol messes around with In-ho stands out because that's where the trend breaks. Ever since his big epiphany regarding music In-ho has struggled with the fact that he's out of practice, and coursework in music hurts his pride. In-ho doesn't want to give up because he won't have that epiphany a second time. His teacher, while good at teaching, is obviously unaware of In-ho's greater situation. Seol is thus able to offer some essential encouragement.

Positive reenforcement is a big running theme for "Cheese in the Trap" and it's easy to see why. People who are just starting out at something new in life (such as college) can only really guess as to whether or not they're doing their tasks correctly and in that context any kind of feedback is like a life preserver. But bad advice can only go so far. At one point even Yeong-gon has to give up because there's no way out.

Take that as another possible interpretation of the title "Cheese in the Trap"- the cheese is, metaphorically speaking, short-term happiness that only lasts until you realize you're stuck. It's weird watching this drama shift gears from the trap being a somewhat ambiguous and awkward romantic relationship to actual serious life decisions, and bad unchanging behavior. Weird, but not wrong- habits are hard to break, after all.

Review by William Schwartz



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44 minutes ago, jeijei said:

#jungbaenim #saranghaejin #baekinhot #seolion #meansoo #younggone  #namboraone #euntakemehomeLOL

Yoo just outdid yourself. #hashtaggameonpoint Your hashtags are Seol good i tell you. SEOL GOOD. Love it. 10/10 :heart: I have two more lame ones to add to the list: #ahyounghaseyo and #whatdayoungiswrongwithyou hurhur

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Regarding hancinemas review  i dont think that those previews are editing mistakes..ohhh they know what they are doing very well.. They put them there to lure people..its not the first time a drama is using scenes from later episodes juat to excite people for what's coming..but it's not fair for the viewer either..feel like we've been trolled once again...

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