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Let's start a 'Love Seol' club. Hahahaha.

I swear that I have never loved a character like Seol so deeply before. She grows from strength to strength and we see more vulnerability from YJ in the last two episodes. (YES, I am an affirmed fan of YJ even if I defend In Ho at times)

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41 minutes ago, justinew said:

BTW, what the hell does this DaYoung (or whatever her name, the one with the bun) sees in YG that she dates him? I'd run away as far and as fast as I could if he said he liked me... He's a total psycho and it's not like she didn't see him in action, with the basketball game etc., and maybe some time passed, but I don't think he changed, he only got more insane..

Although I hate YG, the actor is doing a really great job, reminds me of another bad character, Choi Chi Soo in "Cain and Abel", the guy from North Korea who was the bad one, the traitor. I hated the guy, but the actor played him perfectly:) Well casted here, tvn!:D:D

  I agree , I hate YG but the actor is hilarious, funny quite entertaining. @justinew

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19 minutes ago, Ayu Rashid said:

Jung n Inho may never see Inha as more than anything to Jung but Inha has her own mind with what she'll do with Jung. She plans to be real fmly w Jung n his fmly by marrying him, oh my gosh!! That's a scary thought if two twisted minds combined what evil spawn will they produce?..hahaha.... Anyway Inho told her to forget the whole rubbish n get her life back on. Wise Inho, I like him in times like that.:rolleyes:

  LOL LOL  @Ayu Rashid... Chingu so very true, I can see the little evil spawns terrorizing everyone in their path that annoys them.  SPLAT SPLAT LOL LOL LOL

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Jung's father is/was the worst. I know his sentiments came from a goodish place but the way he went about everything. The way he viewed his son and continues to view him...the little boy needed professional help (still does to an extent) and the dad just.....dsjlhgjlshfrd;ojs;lhfdo;jsdhl. When I think of his dad this quote comes to mind

"You rant and rave about the monster I've become, but you [mother], you are the author of everything I am" Klaus, The Vampire Diaries

Jung was *Children of the Corn theme LOL not really* But the way adults in the situation handled it. Children are ever growing and learning and so damn fragile. There is a reason why in psychology we do a ton of social developmental history and background checking. It's cliche but, every moment of your life, every decision and action does shape who you are and who you grow to come. Then the mixed messages and treatment that was being given to someone so young. It's no excuse, but it's something that can't be ignored neither. On the one hand, the day was only trying to do what he felt was best for his son and I don't think his intent was ever malicious or a want to hurt Jung. At the same time, it's not an excuse. He could have done and should have done better. Especially when their were adults around him that wanted this. He's the definition of why were are taught the importance of really breaking an identification/diagnosis to parents very very carefully and educating them and providing them with guidance and resources of what it all means and what to do next. 

I feel bad for both Jung and his dad because all of it really shaped the state of their relationship and I always felt bad that Jung forever had to say "it wasn't me. I didn't do it" and dad for many reasons just wasn't/couldn't be on his side or give him the benefit of doubt.



the butterfly incident and picture frame is why i ugh at Jung's father. Jung was not saint in that situation. However, if I am remembering correctly Jung and some classmates were doing a group project. One of the classmates kept bad mouthing Jung to the other classmates and calling him a rich boy, and bossy, and that he thinks he's better than everyone. He wouldn't listen to Jung about the correct way of doing something for the project. Then the boy did something Jung and Jung got upset and did something to the boy. Then the boy was demanding Jung give him an expensive picture frame. Jung did not want to give it to the boy (and I wouldn't neither not after the way you had been badmouthing me) and some kind of argument breaks out. Jung's father steps in and the first thing he does is blame Jung. He basically only listen to/hears the boys side of the story and declares Jung in the wrong and makes him apologize and he ends up giving the wanted picture frame to the boy. Then Jung was Jung and he somehow broke the frame or took it back from the boy and had all the other boys turn on the one boy, like the one boy had, had them turn on Jung. Jung was twisted in his eye for an eye justifications even then but his father was no better in giving other little brat what he wanted without hearing Jung's reasoning of no, making Jung seem/feel the strange one, and not giving his son the benefit of doubt.

I maybe remembering it wrong but I think that's how it goes. It was a group butterfly project that Jung knew a lot about since he collected them or something and the other boy was a jealous brat!

@Ayu Rashid could you put webtoon deep information in spoilers please. Some readers/poster/viewers haven't read the webtoon and don't want to know. It makes it easy to avoid spoilers and those who are curious can simply click in. Thank you :D 

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7 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

  I agree , I hate YG but the actor is hilarious, funny quite entertaining. @justinew


And he is also handsome, admit it. His skin is smooth and glossy, so purty. :rolleyes: His character must be not dumb, for scheming here and there, up to mind manipulating MinSeol.

Her voice and hilarity kind of entertain me, if we did not take into account the pain and suffer experienced by Seol.


In Ha, oh... love her costumes to bit. Every dress she wears so beautiful. Guess that what a model body could rock for. Her lipstick pattern kind of lessening the pretty though, hahahha :D

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29 minutes ago, padhari said:

In India gender biased is a big social problem.  even though many social awareness and advertisements are relayed on various media, it still persists in most rural areas and in some urban areas of India.  The problem starts when the couple is diagnosed that they are conceived with a girl baby  They try to abort at the 3 months stage even after knowing that there is a danger to mothers life.  Even when some parents accept that it is girl and give birth, the difference starts when she is given her education.  She will given very basic education while if there happens to be a boy with her, he will be given a very costly education in an international school and will be allowed to pursue higher studies. Then comes the girls wedding with a lot of dowry and money involved.  The girl harrassed by the in-laws and lot of deaths due to that.  And last but not the least, the parents may not give a single penny from whatever the property/savings they have.  Only the boys are considered for the share of parents property.  But u-know-what, every time the boy is given the preference at each stage, most of the parents end up at the old age homes and not taken personal care by the boys.  Such is the importance given to a girl child from her inception. 

In fact i was surprised to see such a big issue in this drama and Korea being an advanced country in all ways, i find the parents treat a girl child like she is a bug.  

I like Seol character very much.  She is one of the best written K-drama heroines and is first in my like list.  Seola fighting!!!!!!!!!


So true. Gender discrimination still happens in every country, even the US and Europe, and it's especially prevalent in Asian countries due to Confucianism. However, many parents in Korea are beginning to actually prefer daughters. lol It's because daughters tend to be more quiet/behaved, have more "aegyo," and are more likely to take care of their parents in old age (of course, these are just generalizations). Everyone I talk to prefers having a daughter over a son and you can totally see the daughter-preference all the time in dramas and varieties now.

I really liked these past two episodes. Because HS and YJ have been apart, their scenes are more emotional and desperate. It's going to make their reunion that much sweeter. I also really like HS and IH's friendship, and IH's feelings for HS will probably help him put more emotion in piano playing.

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i hate u about last night ep pd-nim..I really hate u for teasing us..for making us to wait another 2 weeks for that delicious scene..u better give us an awesome dessert next 2 week..chaebal..

I love-hate the preview..hate: to many scene for seol-inho..but also love it because I can see inho change..he smile a lot..he also show us his aegyo..and I do understand why in this few ep more of seol-inho scene..its because jung now is an intern..being an intern even to your own company means you almost doesn't have life..almost 24/7 you are working and working and working..more scene between seol-inho means they will not end together and it will make seol-jung love more stronger and understand each other better..i love the last scene in the preview..seems jung have instinct of what is happening to seol and he is waiting for her..they run to each other and hug..priceless..speechless..i love it..very much..thanks to your excellent work pd-nim..writer-nim..the crew..the actor..etc..FIGHTING!!!

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15 minutes ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

Guys at the cheese in the trap koreawn facebook page they are saying that the next episode will air the 11th February... At least that's what the google translator is saying... Can anyone confirm that to me please?


My Korean is rudimentary, but where do you see that on their FB page? I only saw 11시 which means 11 o'clock. Then there is this statement, "월,화 밤 11시 방송!", which is pretty basic like "Airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 11 o'clock".

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Can someone confirm that the music that the other pianist was practising in the other rehearsal room was Danse Macabre by Saint Saens? I haven't heard the whole thing for a while so I could be mistaken. (Always makes me think of Jonathan Creek)

8 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

Finally!!!!! Seol is stating what I thought about her character for the past 8 episodes, when it comes to Jung she "only listen to what she wanted to with him, saw only what she wanted to see." I love that fact that at least now, she's beginning to understand him some. In Jung's conversation with Seol, it shows that he's a deep thinker and willing to work hard in an effort to understand her frustrations with him and why she can't get closer to him.  Who wouldn't want a man willing to put forth an effort to examine himself so he can understand how his actions impact the woman he loves?  I really like Jung.

It isn't just an issue for Seol but for the audience too because they've seen him largely through her eyes.

That is a hugely important point concerning framing perspective for the show and it's true, is it not? People see what they want to about Jung. They don't understand the inconsistencies in his behaviour so he's got to be labelled with a mental disorder. "Sociopath", "psychopath", "narcissist". Or it's "Oh no, he's going to hurt Seol."

He's not perfect and yeah, he's rather too good at manipulating at times but it doesn't make him one bullet away from killing someone.

I've never read the webtoon, just the bits and pieces people post here under spoiler tags but I've always believed that Jung liked her from the moment he started asking her out of meals. Maybe it's just PHJ's talent as an actor but I used to chuckle every time Seol was befuddled about Seonbae showering her with so much attention. Why is he doing this? I used to think all the time, "Don't you know, girl? Can't you tell?" Maybe it helps being an ajumma. :D

Yeah, I know it's her first time having a boyfriend... and yes, we all live and learn. But let's not forget that although she's a relatable character, she's got her own baggage too.

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15 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

Finally!!!!! Seol is stating what I thought about her character for the past 8 episodes, when it comes to Jung she "only listen to what she wanted to with him, saw only what she wanted to see." I love W fact that at least now, she's beginning to understand him some. In Jung's conversation with Seol, it shows that he's a deep thinker and willing to work hard in an effort to understand her frustrations with him and why she can't get closer to him.  Who wouldn't want a man willing to put forth an effort to examine himself so he can understand how his actions impact the woman he loves?  I really like Jung.



INWONDER WHAT MADE YJ leave home in the first place????

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Practically everyone in that school is a hot mess.  YG has gone the deep end.  Sucks there was very little Jung today.  But the opening of the episode was beautiful.  PHJ was so close.  He was practically kissing KGE's neck.  That brief moment showed so much longing between the two.  The bridge scene was nicely shot too.   Sol standing her ground and Jung admitting that they're very different but yet he wants to be with her.  He's trying to be better.  How manly was Jung when he grabbed that phone away from YG.  

In Ho has fallen for Sol but it's obvious where Sol's heart is.  She loves Jung and I just hope IH's heart doesn't get broken too badly.  Next week Jung is jealous of IH.  A new side that of Jung that we don't really see too much.  Reunion is also near.  End of 11 or will it be in episode 12?

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What are they doing with Baek In Ho here i didnt like him  this much in webtoon. He was just funny good looking wacko, why are they making things harder by making him this sweet ? Now i feel sorry for him... I can`t believe this was the 1st episode that i actually liked In Ha and she cracked me up when she talked on phone with Seol in ep9.


She should`ve said this to Young Gon lol his delusions are out of this world but somehow i cant hate him poor guy is so crazy i am dying out of laughter.

Now question where is my bed kiss? I Are they kidding me, i already have trust issues and tvN is misleading me with those preview`s once again will they make up in next ep or is it one more troll preview ahhh i dont know what are they doing with my mind. Jung and Seol dont have to do aanything special and i am melting like marshmallow from overload cuteness. That back hug became my fave kdrama back hug waaaah:wub:H6cUgi.gif

I like the way Jung solves all problems tactically, prudent and indirectly. It`s not his  fault that they all are so richard simmons up. So now we`ll have to wait 2 weeks for new episodes, oh what will i do with myself next mon and tue....

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1 minute ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Yeah, that's what I thought. Was hoping to see it confirmed on Dramabeans.

It's Seollal where families get together. Usually programming is affected on all networks. I thought Cheese would be unaffected because it airs at 11pm but I was wrong :(

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7 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:

What are they doing with Baek In Ho here i didnt like him  this much in webtoon. He was just funny good looking wacko, why are they making things harder by making him this sweet ? Now i feel sorry for him... I can`t believe this was the 1st episode that i actually liked In Ha and she cracked me up when she talked on phone with Seol in ep9.

She should`ve said this to Young Gon lol his delusions are out of this world but somehow i cant hate him poor guy is so crazy i am dying out of laughter.

Now question where is my bed kiss? I Are they kidding me, i already have trust issues and tvN is misleading me with those preview`s once again will they make up in next ep or is it one more troll preview ahhh i dont know what are they doing with my mind. Jung and Seol dont have to do aanything special and i am melting like marshmallow from overload cuteness. That back hug became my fave kdrama back hug waaaah:wub:

I like the way Jung solves all problems tactically, prudent and indirectly. It`s not his  fault that they all are so richard simmons up. So now we`ll have to wait 2 weeks for new episodes, oh what will i do with myself next mon and tue....

When I watch the back hug - I think to myself 'hahahaha.. PHJ - now you have to lower your head as close to her neck as possible and hold that position - PAIN!'

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15 minutes ago, thunderman1 said:

Why are eps delayed next week? Koreans don't celebrate Chinese New Year...

Koreans have their own Lunar New Year which basically falls the same time as Chinese New Year. It's called "SEOLLAL" just like our girl. That's why the netizens kept making comments like..

[+4,829, -73] Can't believe we can't see Seol during Seol (Lunar New Year) ㅠㅠ

Latest photo of Park Hae Jin sending New Year greetings:) See your handsome face in 2 weeks and I better see some major skinship between you and Lunar New Year's namesake;)



cr: Korea Herald



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i am satisfied and slightly disappointed in this drama. what i am satisfied is that they really follow the outline of the webtoon and its what i expect from what i am reading from the webtoon which is like the live version of it unlike orange marmalade which confuses me. i am slightly disappointed that they cut off there, i expect to see the part where seol saw that they gave jun pocket money and she ran away from home and saw jung.

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10 minutes ago, thunderman1 said:

Why are eps delayed next week? Koreans don't celebrate Chinese New Year...

it's not CHINESE new year, it's lunar new year and many Asians celebrate it...not just Chinese people. they just celebrate it a bit differently .-. 

other dramas on monday and tuesday next week are cancelled too.

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11 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Jung's father is/was the worst. I know his sentiments came from a goodish place but the way he went about everything. The way he viewed his son and continues to view him...the little boy needed professional help (still does to an extent) and the dad just.....dsjlhgjlshfrd;ojs;lhfdo;jsdhl. When I think of his dad this quote comes to mind

"You rant and rave about the monster I've become, but you [mother], you are the author of everything I am" Klaus, The Vampire Diaries

Jung was *Children of the Corn theme LOL not really* But the way adults in the situation handled it. Children are ever growing and learning and so damn fragile. There is a reason why in psychology we do a ton of social developmental history and background checking. It's cliche but, every moment of your life, every decision and action does shape who you are and who you grow to come. Then the mixed messages and treatment that was being given to someone so young. It's no excuse, but it's something that can't be ignored neither. On the one hand, the day was only trying to do what he felt was best for his son and I don't think his intent was ever malicious or a want to hurt Jung. At the same time, it's not an excuse. He could have done and should have done better. Especially when their were adults around him that wanted this. He's the definition of why were are taught the importance of really breaking an identification/diagnosis to parents very very carefully and educating them and providing them with guidance and resources of what it all means and what to do next. 

I feel bad for both Jung and his dad because all of it really shaped the state of their relationship and I always felt bad that Jung forever had to say "it wasn't me. I didn't do it" and dad for many reasons just wasn't/couldn't be on his side or give him the benefit of doubt.

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the butterfly incident and picture frame is why i ugh at Jung's father. Jung was not saint in that situation. However, if I am remembering correctly Jung and some classmates were doing a group project. One of the classmates kept bad mouthing Jung to the other classmates and calling him a rich boy, and bossy, and that he thinks he's better than everyone. He wouldn't listen to Jung about the correct way of doing something for the project. Then the boy did something Jung and Jung got upset and did something to the boy. Then the boy was demanding Jung give him an expensive picture frame. Jung did not want to give it to the boy (and I wouldn't neither not after the way you had been badmouthing me) and some kind of argument breaks out. Jung's father steps in and the first thing he does is blame Jung. He basically only listen to/hears the boys side of the story and declares Jung in the wrong and makes him apologize and he ends up giving the wanted picture frame to the boy. Then Jung was Jung and he somehow broke the frame or took it back from the boy and had all the other boys turn on the one boy, like the one boy had, had them turn on Jung. Jung was twisted in his eye for an eye justifications even then but his father was no better in giving other little brat what he wanted without hearing Jung's reasoning of no, making Jung seem/feel the strange one, and not giving his son the benefit of doubt.

I maybe remembering it wrong but I think that's how it goes. It was a group butterfly project that Jung knew a lot about since he collected them or something and the other boy was a jealous brat!


Sooo many pages to catch up on!! But I wanted to respond to this first, because I agree so much.

The trust between Jung and his father is broken, so it's no wonder Jung can't bring himself to reconcile with InHo, can't bring himself to really open up to Seol, or seem to stop giving people rope to hang themselves with.  That dinner conversation between him and his father was so stilted and sad.

In the webtoon there was flashback scene explaining why his father treats him the way he does, and I couldn't help but wonder why his father would choose to trust someone else's judgment rather than his own about how to raise his own son, no matter how 'unusual' he seemed.

47 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

Stay positive everyone! Sun Bae will be back ! At least the separation is not like a tearing out my hair and beating my chest extreme.

I don't actually see a love triangle until In Ho decides to throw his hat in the game. He could have badmouthed YJ but he reassured Seol that YJ was not dating In Ha (someone please confirm! ). I believe that In Ho will remain a protector (pretty much like Choi Si Won in You are Pretty) . It's good that Seol has someone else to watch her back. She has a solid group of friends with Bora, ET, Ah Young and In Ho. Even her brother is very protective of her.

We can see that Seol in Ep 10 is very very different from  Seol in Ep 1. Kudos to KGE for showing how Seol has gotten stronger and able to stand up for herself. I love Seol even more now.



InHo still has a lot of growth to do; he even said it himself that she can't lean on him yet, after giving Seol her new weaponry lol.  I don't think he would necessarily choose to pursue her unless he really thought he had something to offer.  That's why I think he was so firm with her about denying InHa and Jung having any sort of romantic relationship.   That said!  Unless Sunbae ups his introspection efforts, Seol and InHo are going to be firmly on top of their 'becoming mature adults' game and Jung is going left wondering why he and Seol can't be together.  

Also, does anyone actually believe that InHa and Jung are actually working together/have a deal of some sort or is InHa just taking it upon herself to get back into Jung's good graces?


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