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Guest ororomunroe

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I don't get why everyone says that there's not a lot of Jung in this. He's the dominant shadowy figure of the first 20 minutes. Even when he's not physically present, he's maneouvering... maneouvering, working behind the scenes making things happen.

The boy has a gift and I'd hate to see him lose it completely. And profound too.

As for Min Seo, envy is a terrible thing. It takes hold of you as you covet what others have and in the end you lose what you did have. 

This show cracks me up. Every time they're trying to catch OYG in the act of harrassment, In-ho butts in. Once a hot head... you know the rest. ET and BR acting like a couple of spooks... it's crazy.


Yesssss... our boy is standing up for himself.

"What have you heard?"

"Why are you so sensitive today?"

"It's strange. I do everything that Father says. Why does Father keep treating me like a problem child? Am I that strange in Father's eyes? Is that why you're uneasy? What exactly is it? Before there's anything to be dealt with tomorrow, I will take my leave first."

Our boy has been on the edge... trying so hard to be the perfect son, to live up to his dad's expectations. No wonder  he's tighter than a Victorian corset.

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8 hours ago, indah_bi said:

Sorry for editing your post :sweatingbullets:


Please edit away hahaha! super thanks for the translations too.. :wub: love it. crazy-monkey-emoticon-007.gif?1292792379

@bebebisous33 and @Ahpheng yes Im here.. on the bright side this 2 week wait will give me time to catch up with Cheese. I knew I would be trapped with it just a matter of time till I join in the craze - never say never right crazy-monkey-emoticon-095.gif?1292792404

And this 2 weeks on angst I  think Sunbae and Seol says it all...

fd191d44cd445de32cf76996d29e6471.png cr DC gallery

They deserve that hug plus the "I miss you" and "I miss you too" line. 




2 weeks of waiting tsk tsk! no wonder bed scene la! crazy-monkey-emoticon-039.gif?1292792389

But my heart breaks for Baek In Ho awweee he sees them hug it out... Yah! SLS is never good crazy-monkey-emoticon-002.gif?1292792378



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6 minutes ago, justinew said:

@NRGchick I have no idea, but I hope that thenext episode will skyrocket in ratings, with the bed-kiss scene and YJ & HS getting back together..:D


me too, i hope the rating increased by next two weeks. as Seol and Jung reconciled..:)

i am afraid that viewers will go cold to this drama after keep compares it to its webtoon. added with 2 weeks empty slot... and delay of that beddie scene. and naughty tvn with their trolling. for my self, 2 weeks is too long, really...:confounded:

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No wonder the ratings dropped a bit..its because there was no sign of phj in the episode...like one of the Netizens commented, its like they changed the male lead yesterday...but then again it's the same in the webtoon, there.were several chapters where there was very little of jung and a bunch o inho..but still, can't get over it!! 

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53 minutes ago, badsmuler said:

Rating Ep. 10 ( nationwide ) : 6.545 % ( - 0.557 % )

Credit : AGB Nielsen

Went down a bit, haha could be becoz they give up after no bed scene, lol. Hopefully it will rise again with the iminent reconciliation nx nx wk... I plan to make YJ sunbae's face collage to pass my time though I'll b celebrating Lunar NY too w my in-laws n relatives nx wk. 

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In-ha may be mental issues but she has her uses. She bullied the bully. LOL. :lol: Ah... her art background came in useful... She recognized the Kadinsky painting. Not a hopeless cause after all. "My Jae Woo"... :D Another odd coupling -- I thoroughly approve.

Good to see everyone standing up Sang Chul and avoiding him like the plague. Seol definitely started something. :lol: "Why is everyone avoiding me, do I have a contagious disease?" And then two psychos hug... LOL. Birds of a feather. 

Eun Taek is so adorable in the refectory. Why isn't Bora dating him already? She's a dill.


In-ho knows where Seol's heart lies... "Looks like there's no way she can rely on me. Also I can't rely on a punk like me either (Less sure)."

Why, why the heck do they have to do the love triangle thing? Arrrgghhh... This is why I hate it. It reduces the second male lead to some kind of love puppet. Eck!


Poor Seol she's really having a hard time. Between having to sort out her love life, tutoring In-ho and dealing with the loony OYG and his spiteful GF, it all feels like a bad melodrama. No wonder she falls apart in the next episode. 

Delightful episode... this show never lets me down. Boo hiss about the lack of kissing but glad to see some thinking and communicating going on between the two. The ship still sails.

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BTW, what the hell does this DaYoung (or whatever her name, the one with the bun) sees in YG that she dates him? I'd run away as far and as fast as I could if he said he liked me... He's a total psycho and it's not like she didn't see him in action, with the basketball game etc., and maybe some time passed, but I don't think he changed, he only got more insane..

Although I hate YG, the actor is doing a really great job, reminds me of another bad character, Choi Chi Soo in "Cain and Abel", the guy from North Korea who was the bad one, the traitor. I hated the guy, but the actor played him perfectly:) Well casted here, tvn!:D:D

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1 hour ago, Wendy Wang said:

i think jung is totally himself when he's with seol. in the flashback, he was quite innocent talking with in ho, but in ho told him to fight and that the others are strange. it's like everything in ho said to him actually got to him a lot and he kind of blew the words up .-. ...i'm not sure but the way it was shown seemed this way...= =

I saw it that way too. It seemed like a parallel to Jung's, "I'm not strange," vs Inho's "They're the strange ones." And it makes sense that he'd take to heart what a brother-like friend told him. Whether it was intentional or not, I really liked the connection that was made. 

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Stay positive everyone! Sun Bae will be back ! At least the separation is not like a tearing out my hair and beating my chest extreme.

I don't actually see a love triangle until In Ho decides to throw his hat in the game. He could have badmouthed YJ but he reassured Seol that YJ was not dating In Ha (someone please confirm! ). I believe that In Ho will remain a protector (pretty much like Choi Si Won in You are Pretty) . It's good that Seol has someone else to watch her back. She has a solid group of friends with Bora, ET, Ah Young and In Ho. Even her brother is very protective of her.

We can see that Seol in Ep 10 is very very different from  Seol in Ep 1. Kudos to KGE for showing how Seol has gotten stronger and able to stand up for herself. I love Seol even more now.


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Annyeong Chingu's 

OMG ! Today's episode was so sad. Sunbae was so sad but has no one to talk to. He is always by himself. Even though HS was sad , she had lots of people cheering her up but it still didn't last because she and Sunbae took a break. After everything he did for her today, getting everyone to see that Min Soo is a liar, she still refused to go to him. smh smh smh 
Sunbae also saw HS spending a lot of time with In Ho. I was soooo pissed off at that. In Ho is not a terrible guy but he had to get injured for him to become humble. If he never had that injury he would have been the same cocky arrogant guy from the past. 
YG is still dry much obsessed with HS and I am afraid of HS doesn't let YJ handle it , it will only get worse for her. He is insanely crazy and his girlfriend is also very dumb. She is older than him and yet she doesn't know she is being played. She has the audacity to think that HS is trying to take her man. Where is the evidence that HS had the HOT's for YG. She can clearly see YG is doing the chasing and not the other way around. YG has frightened, annoyed and pissed her off.  
Now IH might become a problem. HS has no interest in him at all because she is "Crazy in love "with Yoo Jung.  It was cute to see IH blush but I was sooo conflicted by it. It was like awwww and then I said helllllll Noooooooo. HS and YJ together FOREVER!!!!!!
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5 hours ago, justinew said:

After watching the preview about 1000 times, I really hope that Seol will have a big argument with her parents, I don't know why I didn't see it before, but they treat hear not fairly, they sent Jun to school to the US (which definitely isn't cheap) although they don't have that much money themselves, but they ask Seol to move with them to help them and for money, and why are they treatin her differently, because she's a girl, although she's the older one there? I know that in Korea they might have different social rules towards men and women, but I know what it's like to be treated worse than my brother and I absolutely hated it, I still do even now when I'm not a teenager anymore. I'd like for Seol's parent to realize that they treat her worse and star treating her better, and it'd be great for Jun to treat her better as well.


In India gender biased is a big social problem.  even though many social awareness and advertisements are relayed on various media, it still persists in most rural areas and in some urban areas of India.  The problem starts when the couple is diagnosed that they are conceived with a girl baby  They try to abort at the 3 months stage even after knowing that there is a danger to mothers life.  Even when some parents accept that it is girl and give birth, the difference starts when she is given her education.  She will given very basic education while if there happens to be a boy with her, he will be given a very costly education in an international school and will be allowed to pursue higher studies. Then comes the girls wedding with a lot of dowry and money involved.  The girl harrassed by the in-laws and lot of deaths due to that.  And last but not the least, the parents may not give a single penny from whatever the property/savings they have.  Only the boys are considered for the share of parents property.  But u-know-what, every time the boy is given the preference at each stage, most of the parents end up at the old age homes and not taken personal care by the boys.  Such is the importance given to a girl child from her inception. 

In fact i was surprised to see such a big issue in this drama and Korea being an advanced country in all ways, i find the parents treat a girl child like she is a bug.  

I like Seol character very much.  She is one of the best written K-drama heroines and is first in my like list.  Seola fighting!!!!!!!!!

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Jung n Inho may never see Inha as more than anything to Jung but Inha has her own mind with what she'll do with Jung. She plans to be real fmly w Jung n his fmly by marrying him, oh my gosh!! That's a scary thought if two twisted minds combined what evil spawn will they produce?..hahaha.... Anyway Inho told her to forget the whole rubbish n get her life back on. Wise Inho, I like him in times like that.:rolleyes:

Abt Inha in spoiler. too excited to type on hp n forgot abt spoiler tag, lol mianhae again @MrsSoJiSub


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5 minutes ago, padhari said:

In India gender biased is a big social problem.  even though many social awareness and advertisements are relayed on various media, it still persists in most rural areas and in some urban areas of India.  The problem starts when the couple is diagnosed that they are conceived with a girl baby  They try to abort at the 3 months stage even after knowing that there is a danger to mothers life.  Even when some parents accept that it is girl and give birth, the difference starts when she is given her education.  She will given very basic education while if there happens to be a boy with her, he will be given a very costly education in an international school and will be allowed to pursue higher studies. Then comes the girls wedding with a lot of dowry and money involved.  The girl harrassed by the in-laws and lot of deaths due to that.  And last but not the least, the parents may not give a single penny from whatever the property/savings they have.  Only the boys are considered for the share of parents property.  But u-know-what, every time the boy is given the preference at each stage, most of the parents end up at the old age homes and not taken personal care by the boys.  Such is the importance given to a girl child from her inception. 

In fact i was surprised to see such a big issue in this drama and Korea being an advanced country in all ways, i find the parents treat a girl child like she is a bug.  

I like Seol character very much.  She is one of the best written K-drama heroines and is first in my like list.  Seola fighting!!!!!!!!!

I never knew that the problem is that big and very frightening.. :( I'm a feminist and I'm just horrified... :(:(:(

Seol is also one of my favourite k-drama characters:)

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Finally!!!!! Seol is stating what I thought about her character for the past 8 episodes, when it comes to Jung she "only listen to what she wanted to with him, saw only what she wanted to see." I love that fact that at least now, she's beginning to understand him some. In Jung's conversation with Seol, it shows that he's a deep thinker and willing to work hard in an effort to understand her frustrations with him and why she can't get closer to him.  Who wouldn't want a man willing to put forth an effort to examine himself so he can understand how his actions impact the woman he loves?  I really like Jung.

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